Chapter eleven

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With every passing hour, her wound healed itself, quickly knitting the flesh together under the white bandage. The pain faded with time as well. By sunrise of the next day there was no trace of the wound apart from the somewhat bloody bandages. Which was why she was sitting in the garden again, under the same tree as before, with a couple of pale purple flowers. After she had sealed her promise to Ghirahim, he said that she should rest and took her back to her room. The entire way she could sense the warm feeling from him. It was similar to a sweet, gentle song. It left her curious about what it was since she has never heard this kind of warmth before.

As she thought, she remembered something she felt from Ghirahim's dagger when she found it. Deep, hidden sorrow. Old pain that had seeped into his muscle, into his heart. Built the foundation of the walls around him with the heart of determination and rage. Under the iron layers, buried deep below, hidden was the mutters and whispers of sorrow.

Standing up, she teleported herself in the library and found Ghirahim at the fireplace, staring at the dancing flames in deep thought. Sighs of sorrow were stronger, louder than before now, she could hear them easier. (Y/N)'s steps were silent on the carpet as she approached. 

"The coldness is not warmed by the fire's flames, the sorrow hidden from all freezes the flames. Memories buried are showing like blurred pictures." Ghirahim did not flinch when she spoke. His eyes remained on the flames. "Why is there sorrow in your heart?" A few seconds of silence filled the room, then he sighed.

"It happened so long ago but I remember it so easily. So vividly." he started, his tone was low and almost emotionless. " I had a master once. A powerful king and even stronger warrior. He was. . . possibly a little harsh, but back then I didn't think so. One day, I was training when I heard something. I found a mortal, he was badly wounded so I tried to heal him. I didn't know he was a servant of the Goddess and my master found me, he was absolutely outraged." he paused for a second, trying to keep himself collected. "He slaughtered the mortal then. . . he, h-he." (Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder to help him calm down, he still refused to make eye contact with her though. "He sliced my ear off as punishment as well as burning this-" he moved his hair aside and to reveal the black diamond on his left cheek, "-into my skin. To remind you who you serve. he said. After that, I never helped anyone nor disobeyed his orders." Ghirahim finished, dropping his hand and letting his snow-white hair fall back into place. 

At the quiet response, he turned his gaze to the girl to see her head tilted down, her wide-brimmed hat shadowing her face. 

"That is horrible. You did nothing wrong and he hurt you for it." she said, her voice slightly shaking. He had to be honest, it did feel better, like a weight was removed from his chest since she was the only person he has ever told. He led her over to the chairs and they sat down.

"Do you remember anything?" he questioned. (Y/N) glanced down and nodded.

"There was a woman, muscles ached and burned, the flames liked the taste of her flesh and her house. I sensed her pain and came through to help. Thick, black smoke consumed the air, she couldn't breathe. She told me to save her child. Begged me. The small child was barely nine months old, fear ate away at her like the flames did to her house. I saved the baby and went back to save the woman. She said, Thank you. And then. . . gone." (Y/N) looked down as she faintly remembered what happened. Sometimes, she got small flashes of events but after a bit, they would fade again. Ghirahim's expression was engulfed in shock and concern.

"What happened to the child?" he asked. She looked up at him, her expression was blank, as it normally was. Her (E/C) eyes were tinted with sadness.

"I took her to a close by village and gave her to a woman who cared for her." Ghirahim took her hand into his own as a way to comfort her. Her skin was cold to the touch.

(Y/N) looked at their interlocked hands in slight confusion. They appeared to fit like two puzzle pieces. A gentle, calming warmth sparked in her chest. It swirled around her chest, against her rib cage and in her blood. Her chest felt tight as if she couldn't breathe, her skin was warm. She pulled her hand away from Ghirahim's and vanished in a puff of smoke, reappearing in her room, leaving Ghirahim in a state of confusion. Did he do something wrong? The hatted female paced back and forth in her room, trying to calm her rushing blood and crashing nerves. Why did that happen when he took her hand? The warmth she felt was a similar song to the one she sometimes heard from Ghirahim. Soft, soothing, sweet heat. The girl sat on her bed and sighed quietly Her mind was aching with questions. She needed to relax.   

I am very sorry for this late update and poor chapter. I have had writer's block and this was all I could come up with. But thank you for reading this and please leave feedback. 

Fallen Angel   *Ghirahim x Reader*   (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now