Chapter three

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The sun slowly crept towards the horizon, leaving a mixture of warm, golden colours in its wake. The gentle breeze had faded, and the stone castle lit up with torches. At each entrance stood two guards, prepared to alert if they detected any intruder. 

The hatted (H/C) girl sat on the railing of the second platform in the library, a book in hands. Her attention was completely engulfed by the book, the words formed into images the moment she reads them. The tone of their voices, the cheers and clanking of cups, even the feeling of interest as she turned the page all played in sync in her mind. The door opened, catching (Y/N)'s attention. Ghirahim walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. She tilted her head as he picked up the book that sat on the armrest and begun to read. A snap of his fingers was heard and the fireplace erupted to life, consuming the room in a soft glow with warmth rapidly following. The heat kissed her pale skin. Calm, caring flames with no intention to destroy anything it could reach, tamed and relaxed. Without a sound, (Y/N) dropped from the railing and approached the unsuspecting Ghirahim.

"Strong, powerful walls built around me by my own hands. Buried deep below, I hide what I don't want to have. Sharp soul that makes me a weapon." her voice almost made him jump at her sudden appearance. He let her words register and gave her a confused look. 

"Your soul is like a sword." she explained and he seemed to understand what she was talking about. 

"A Sword Spirit? Yes, I was practically forged perfectly. No trace of a flaw, even to this day." he said with a flick of his white hair as if to prove a point. He thought for a moment, his dark eyes glancing over at the empty chair next to him. 

"Why don't we get to know each other better?" he motioned for her to sit down which she did. "Your name, (Y/N), what kind of a name is that?" Ghirahim asked her. (Y/N)' gaze fell to the floor for a second.

"I don't know. It's one of the few things I can remember." she replied with a small shrug of her shoulders. The only things she could remember was her name and that she could, somehow, make living creatures forget all about her, or sometimes make them fail to acknowledge her completely. She could also sense emotions, along with thoughts but she only did it when given permission. After she spoke, she felt a faint breeze of sorrow from the flamboyant male. Her eyes landed on where his left ear should be showing, he flicked his hair aside slightly yet it was just enough for her to see his ear. It was smaller than his right ear and a little rounded.

"Why is your ear different from your right?" she asked. Ghirahim's gaze hardened at the floor, his left hand hovering over it slightly. Discomfort sprouted from him almost instantly. (Y/N) quickly caught the message that he did not want to talk about it.

"I'm sorry for asking." she said, her head bowed down as she spoke, allowing only her lower jaw to be seen.

"It's fine. Just don't ask me again." his tone was a little sharp, coated thinly with annoyance but he seemed to try and remain calm and collected.

(Y/N) walked down the hall to her room after bidding Ghirahim goodnight. Sleep did not come often to the female but when it did, she would have horrendous nightmares about demons roaring and screeching relentlessly like trapped animals, she would stand and watch them but never really escape them. In some dreams, one of the demons would turn and charge at her like a rage engulfed bull. Others would be screaming at her. The strange thing about that was that she could somehow sense them. Overwhelming rage devoured in despair and depression, continuously wandering and never getting there. The only way she wakes up is when she is dragged into a form of large rip that would appear in the air. 

Sitting at the foot of her bed, (Y/N) looked around the room again. The drawers stood next to a wardrobe, she walked over to the drawers and peered inside. Her eyes fell upon a small wind instrument. An ocarina. Picking it up, she examined the wind instrument. She placed it to her lips and gently blew, moving her fingers correctly and created a soft, soothing tune.

With a snap of his fingers, Ghirahim's clothing changed into silk nightwear. His room was quite spacious and well designed, to his liking, of coarse. He stretched his arms and prepared to lay down when something caught his attention. A whistling tune quietly echoed down the hall. The tune was calming but also somewhat sad. He listened and followed the tune down the hall, stopping outside (Y/N)'s room. The tune felt as if it filled his head, blocking out any other sound and thought, trapping him in an almost trance-like state. His mind blank, only the tune. A faint image of the female's half hidden face peered from the smoke in his mind. His hand placed itself on the door, without intention, the door opened and Ghirahim broke free from his little trance. (Y/N) was looking at him, the tune had silenced.

"Did I disturb you?" she asked. The Demon Lord shook his head,

"No, not at all. I was just curious as to where the tune was coming from." he replied, leaning against the door frame. (Y/N) was about to put the ocarina away when his voice stopped her.

"Where did you learn to play so well?" she did not make eye contact with him.

"I don't know. I just . . .know." was all she could respond with. Ghirahim nodded at that and shut the door to walk away. He stood outside the door for a second, his mind was a little fuzzy as he rubbed his temple. The song seemed to leave a small, tingling feeling in his chest, and why did she appear in his head when he heard it? Shaking his head, Ghirahim pushed those thoughts away and went back to his room to rest. He will think about it in the morning.    

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