Chapter nine

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The forest blurred as she sprinted down the path. The colours of the forest mixed together, all sounds were muted to the girl. Her heart beat thudded in her ears and slammed against her rib cage, not from the sprinting but from the fear of the encounter she just had. The spirit seeked her out, its tormented face burned into her (E/C) eyes. The agonising aura was fresh and pricked at her skin and muscle, digging into her and making a home in her muscles. Its dying words played in her mind like a broken record. Spirit, a journey of death is yours. The demon-mage is a threat. Your death will come! Demon-mage? A journey of death was hers? It split her mind with questions.

The castle began to emerge from the trees and plants. Relief pushed out some of the panic from her. She pushed herself off and ran up the path, almost stumbling at one point. Two bobokins rushed over to her and helped her into the castle, another dashed off to find the Demon Lord. They led her to a chair not too far from the hall, setting her down to rest whilst the other brought her a bottle of water. (Y/N) gratefully took it and drunk a majority of the cool liquid. She looked at the two bobokins and bowed her head.The sound of rapid footsteps down the hall was heard and the two bobokins backed away as Ghirahim appeared. Concern emitted from him as he examined her exhausted state.

"What happened?" he asked, his dark eyes scanned her for any injuries and found none. (Y/N) looked at her right arm and pulled her sleeve up to reveal a pale blue hand bruise where the spirit ha grabbed her.

"Lone, lost in the woods. Aching, agony in its soul. It was dying. The spirit spoke to me." she told him. Ghirahim kneeled down and carefully inspected the bruise. His gloved fingers gently traced the bruise.

"What did it tell you?" he asked, his eyes glancing up at hers.

"Different words tainted by old, distant language." she replied, her eyes remaining on her bruise, she could still faintly feel its cold grasp.  

"And you understood it?" Ghirahim asked with an eyebrow raised. She nodded. He released her arm and she rolled her sleeve back down, crossing her arms over her chest as she thought about the spirit. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked her, his hand fell upon her shoulder. (Y/N) nodded. The concern look slipped away from Ghirahim's face and a small smile replaced it for a moment.

After spending a bit more time in the castle to calm down, the spirit's words no longer bounced madly around her skull but they still played. The hatted girl found sanctuary in the beauty and soothing atmosphere of the garden. Panic and worry melted away like snow in the sunlight when she wandered around aimlessly. The girl took a seat under a somewhat large tree (It was easily planted since the garden was quite large), the sweet smell of pine danced around the area. (Y/N) bowed her head slightly, her eyes closed, and listened. Soft singing from the small colourful birds in the trees, a calming breeze swayed the vibrant grass and leaves. The sun rays kissed the garden, allowing the plants to grow gracefully. Quiet scurrying caught her attention, she looked to her right to see a small white rabbit poking its head out of a nearby bush. (Y/N) tutted a little and the rabbit hesitantly hopped towards her. She held her pale, half-gloved hand out for the mammal to sniff. It hopped over to her hand and sniffed then brushed its face against her hand. Its soft fur tickled her pale fingers, lifting her lips into a small smile.

"Hello little one." she spoke to the rabbit as she stroked its fur. The small creature jumped onto the spirit's lap, curling up into a ball to let her continue stroking it. Her (E/C) eyes drifted to the window of Ghirahim's room. His blue eyes were wide with shock at the sight of the corpse that laid on the ground. The knife still embedded into his back. His thoughts repeated the words of the murder mystery book her was reading. He was calm and relaxed but was enjoying the book. She wouldn't delve deeper into his thoughts without his permission so she just continued to listen to the story.

The Demon Lord sat in his chair with a book in his hands. Dark eyes glued onto the pages, Kneeling next to the victim, disgust and sorrow chewed at his stomach. Another life claimed by the killer and another soul he failed. He turned to see (Y/N) hidden among the bushes. Ghirahim shook his head and looked back at the sentence. He turned to see a dear hidden among the bushes. He brought his hand to his eyes and rubbed them. Why does she keep becoming the centre of his thoughts? It was truly starting to become annoying. A low sigh escaped his lips, how could she bury herself in his head? Spirits of Compassion couldn't do that. Thee were things about the girl that infuriated him. The way she would pop out of nowhere and nearly give him a heart attack. The way her (E/C) coloured eyes would stop him from reading her. Even the way that when she smiled gently, his chest would warm up. This girl was trying to trick him somehow, he knew it. Yet he had to admit, the warmth in his chest was a little nice.

His thoughts shifted to the moment in the hall, she encountered another spirit from The Fade. When he bobokin told him something was wrong with (Y/N), honestly, he felt his world stop. Setting the book aside, Ghirahim picked up another one. This one was also about Spirits. He opened the index page and looked for Compassion Spirits but found nothing. Suddenly, he remembered reading about temples that studied The Fade, maybe there was information about Spirits there too. But most of those temples were possibly destroyed by now. Regardless of this, he could at least look. His eyes moved to the window, he walked over to it and looked out. In the garden below, he spotted (Y/N) under a pine tree with a small rabbit on her lap. She looked peaceful. A smile tried to lift his lips but he forced it down. He couldn't let her get in his head.  

The hatted spirit slowly stood up, the rabbit jumped off her lap as she did. Her thoughts were still muddled, she teleported outside the castle's stone wall and began to walk in the direction of the lake. The wood's soothing song of nature was continuous but somehow always different. Some bird tweets would be higher and faster and others would be lower and slower. The wind would whistle happily or lower, or sometimes not at all. Even the chirruping of insects would change.

The lake, however, produced the same, calming song. The soft ripples the water sung was aligned perfectly with the breeze. Small waves created by the occasional leaf that fell and the sweet humming was a song (Y/N) had learned to hear clearly. People would just hear the water but she could hear the song. It was something she could hear that others couldn't. She actually felt sympathy for them not being able to acknowledge the true beauty that surrounded them. Blind but able to see, deaf yet they could hear. Like her. They could see her but at the same time, not even notice her. Was that why Ghirahim was allowing her to stay? He could sense she was different but not like how she could.

Suddenly, the forest's song changed. The birds silenced and scattered, the wind hushed. Sunlight dimmed greatly as if someone had placed a blanket over it, cutting off its warmth. The lake's song quietened then muted, a dark presence was close. A soul moulded by a dark master's hand, skin cold from the heart they didn't have. Eyes sharper and colder than ice on a dagger. Burning hot venom hidden in her mouth, destroys victim's blood. (Y/N) stood up and looked around, among the shadows of the trees was the source of such a poison. A low hiss was heard as two fire coloured reptile eyes sent a frozen glare at the innocent spirit. The snake woman that Ghirahim warned her about chuckled. 

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