Alex X Lucy: Prototype X Elfe...

By vegito1308

97.6K 1.7K 683

Two monsters who were scarred by the world and left to suffer in isolation, but what happens when you put one... More

Dead Inside
Finding a Key
The Queen
Social Struggle
The Silence
Land Ho
Settling for Something
Lead that leads
The suburban fight
More Problems
Super Soldiers
Sight Seeing
Relieving and Relishing
The New Leaf
Battle of Limbs: Lucy
War of the past: Alex
Power Contrast
Tag Cross Blast
Duo Finisher
Not alone, ever again
Nyu is cute
I Remember
Fighting Blackwatch Hordes
End of Mission
Dana Mercer
Missing him
The Unforseeable future
Alex awakens! Our Sweet Home
The End is Just the Beginning

Notice of Contingency

1.7K 33 2
By vegito1308

A couple miles into civilization:

It was a silent morning for the residents here as the sun barely stroked the dark blue night.

A dawn was barely inching its way quitely until a siren began to resound. The incessant ringing came over that awoke everyone in that vicinity.

However instead of hearing murmurs of displeasure or angered comments, the people began to realize that alarma was the same one that announces danger. Danger of war.

The citizens got out of their homes and were met with the eyes of blackwatch. The soldiers were pointing down the roads so that they could evacuate them to a safer area.

Of course, some civilians were not complying at all. Some were already rallying outside against the blackwatch operatives.

A group of them were already talking to the blackwatch operatives and demanding what was the problem. Some even were ready to threaten until a gunshot was heard. It ringed in their ears and pointed them to a man in an assembled stage.

That man was the same one looking for the rogue projects.

In his right hand he held a rusty clock, he slowly dragged it down as the crowd grew silent and the secret soldiers stood in attention. His shades the same dark as the soul he had.

"Calm down people. This is a sudden action alright but with good reason" he offered, holsting back his gun. He rustled his coat and looked at the people now aligned to hear his speech

"Why are you all doing this?" A woman asked in anger as she was almost torn from her home a bit too harsh for it to be allowed. Many people had the same question but soon it would be answered

The leader stood in attention and gazed at the crowd "I am Alexander Craven. An MP in charge to fight all things deemed biologically dangerous to the general public by the government. We are here as there was a spike in our radars that a viral presence is near or in the area." He explained, clearing his throat to continue

"As you can see we are now taking measures to secure this suburban area and-"

"So there's a viral outbreak in our city!?" One person asked in dismay in the back, making some gasp at the idea of an epidemic. A couple civilians began to shove troopers standing in their way as they saw how they were all now encircled to the center of the stage

One soldier cocked his Mp5 and out of 'Gentek standard procedures' wanted to 'shorten the crowd' but before he even motioned to aim he received a glare from Craven, getting the message to drop his action immediately. The soldier nodded and resumed shoving back the civies, letting his weapon drop and hang from the arm sling.

Craven raised a hand before anyone else began to speak and nodded a no clamly "No no no. Please, I'll explain if you let me continue. All of you are not in any real danger as the virus we are talking about is dormant in the present time. It is classified for me to talk about it but do not worry, as long as it remains dormant then you are all safe" he told them, getting reliefs from the crowd

The previous shoving stopped as the danger of any suspicious activities was quickly diminished by the speech. Most backed off and began to hear Craven

"However" he interrupted the peace and various murmuring "I have been informed that a terrorists duo is heading here to awaken said virus. We have deployed our entire force and await orders to form a battle strategy but as you might have guessed we have to protect the people first. So we have to in thirty minutes to allocate you into a safe point far from the battle that's about to happen shortly." He informed and nodded to her secretary coming into view. In the view of her clipboard, Craven could tell she had a couple news to share as she walked to him

A lot of males in the crowd whistled, not capable to ignore the sexy creamy legs of the stunning woman. This earned them a smack from their girlfriends and to older men a kick to the shins or a good sounding slap.

The secretary chuckled upon hearing the whistle but brushed it off "Sir, I have news about the two rogues and about the situation of our operation in this half-city" she whispered to him

Craven nodded and kissed her on the cheek to dissimulate their short talk "Understood. For the rest of you people please heed my warning. Do not go out of the route we are going to tell you to go, as you could encounter one of the two terrorists and end up dead." He pointed at them and earned a couple gulps

He pointed to a rattler-two soldier who raised his gun above like a checkpoint "So if you have no more questions may you proceed to shelter with the soldier raising-"

"What happens if the virus awakens?" A teen asked, out of the blue, raising his hand and was given a quick fading glare from Craven. That was the second time he was interrupted. He hid his anger and smiled falsely "Well..." He scatched his head trying to nicely tell them the secondary effects

"Let's say... A bad rash would be the least of your worries" he said sincerely, holding in a laugh for the lack of specification.

If they knew...

Some got the message and hurried away to their safe area now willingly leaving the stage area to follow the checkpoints while others remained skeptical. This event was more mysterious than they are truly telling. Some could wisely guess. The truth however, was much worse


Alex brushed a leaf off his forehead and scratched his forehead, barely able to open one eye. The sunlight quickly flashed his pupil and burned away some of the sleep in him

"AWH! Dammit." He face-palmed himself and rolled his head on the surface he was layed in. The numbness of sleep felt very surreal.

Scrubbing one eye, he slowly realized this feeling was very familiar 'When was the last time I slept that deeply? How in the hell did I do it!?' Alex asked himself with closed eyes as he felt the state he was in. He felt... Weak? That was new. He then remembered how when he was a little kid, his sister Dana would jump over him and crush him to wake him from his deep sleep self. So this was how sleepy feels like...?

He rustled his head on the surface and noticed how silky it felt. It was not grass because it felt... Too soft.

He opened one eye and was greeted with the presence of Lucy. Her peaceful sleeping face shinning thanks to her vibrant pink hair. The sunlight made it a thousand times more brilliant and even though it hurt a bit to keep looking from the sharp lightkpv, Alex kept staring.

He managed to drag off his own sleep and raised an arm to remove a couple strands from blocking the view he just wanted to see highlighted by the rising morning sun.

He grinned and silently watched the small breaths that she made. Right now, this was the perfect state Lucy should always be in

'I hope someday I can... Make her mind as calm as this...' Alex noted to his self, wanting to make this his ultimate goal and objective to achieve at all costs. She twitched slightly and hugged the jacked from under her due to a chilly breeze. Grabbing one arm of the jacket, she unconsciously tried to cover herself but failed as the jacket was mostly under her as it was put there from getting her dirty of the forest's ground.

Alex giggled as she almost woke up from the struggle she was having yet amazingly remained sleeping even if she was tugging quite hard.

The prototype watched no more, sat up and quickly jumped over her in a gliding manner across the short gap, then turned to be behind her sleeping form.

In time the diclonius relaxed and instead of struggling to cover herself from the cold, decided to turn around and mesh into whatever was covering her now. Cowering behind the object, she hid her head to Alex's chest unknowingly while her legs intertwined with his. Like that, her problem was solved

Shortly after, she hugged Alex tenderly which he accepted kindly. He got comfy himself and rested his chin over her head in a bored manner, careful to not accidentally hit her. His left hand worked as a pillow for her while his right rested lazily on to his side.

Even as Alex have found a perfect position to sleep, he was too interested in her that he just felt that this time could be used more wisely

With his left, he emerged his fingers through her long flowing pink hair that seem to melt at touch. The smooth silk hair was truly marvelous and eye-catching that he was tempted to sniff the aroma off of it but kept his cool to not disturb her peace.

Playing with her hair with the tip of his fingers, he was sinking to the idea to go back to sleep and rest a bit from being active all day. So he wanted to close his eyes just in time as the light of the sun came over the top of the trees bringing in the orange clouds to his minimizing view-


A short whistling sound alarmed him and with a twist of his neck he heard it again.

From his right, he heard something rush pasts the trees. He kept an eye out to that direction until he heard it again. This time it came from behind him.

"Something new I guess" Alex said to himself now getting Lucy off his arm and getting to his feet to make a perimeter.

He scouted around and analyzed through sound what it was. It couldn't be any blackwatch or hunters nearby the area as this thing seem to fly and based on the rustling of the leaves it was the size of a dog or boar...

A device or weapon was heading for them... Or was it?

From the little encirclement of the trees, he listened close around him. Now more whooshing sounds came, meaning whatever the thing was doing, it was now going faster around them.

The prototype summoned his blade and slashed the air to pose at anything that was threatning to attack. He slowed his breaths and sharpened his ears as one thing was becoming quite odd. His left hand claw twisted its palm so the claws could act as a pre-defense attack if the object decided to attack, while he straddled his blade behind his back

Even though the rough slash of leaves and twigs was still hearable, it was strange that the objects he clearly heard being cut off did not make any other sound. Instead, it was like the things the foreign object cut just... Vanished.

Knowing that, he began to imagine how that was possible. Then as he focused his hearing it became earily clear that whatever was cutting the forest around them was not alone.

The leaves, branches, rocks, and etc. that did not make any sound after being slashed made a quick blade like cutting echo. Alex's eyes widened as he understood the enemy that suddenly made a left turn behind him and came forward at full speed

Almost too late, Alex backflipped while hugging his legs together. In a safe rotating ball position, Alex saw what he guessed was right.

He saw just under him, a pair of four blades spinning like a fan made a very sharp fast turning cycle as it passed his view. After it, another 20 blades followed in a type of V-flock formation and zipped passed him just to barely allow Alex to find his footing

On the ready, the six drones were now facing him as if challenging him to move. Alex smug grinned and pointed with his blade. The things flinched, twirtling between themselves in various random turns and twirls before arranging into an hexagon formation.

"So someone wanted me to try a new battle toy huh?" Alex presumed, looking at the motion visors on the front of the drones, as if those were the beaty eyes of black beetles "Well I'm always up for destroying things-"

Just before Alex finished, the six drones charged forward and came charging at him like meteors.

The prototype did nothing more but smile and ran towards the spinning lawnmowers with a glee of a child about to wreck shit up.

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