Last Chance

By char_theauthor

10.5K 429 305

One Fight...12 Rounds...Who Wins More

Ch 1
Ch 2 Part1
Ch 2 Part 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6 Part 1
Ch 6 Part 2
Ch 6 Pt 2.5
Ch 7 Pt 1
Ch 8
Ch 9 Pt 1
Ch 9 Pt 2
Ch 10
Ch 11 Pt1
Ch 11 Pt 2
Ch 12 Pt1
Ch12 Pt2
Ch13 Pt1
Ch 13 Pt2
Ch14 Pt1
Ch14 Pt2
Ch 15
Ch 16 Pt1
Ch 16 Pt2
Ch 18 PT1
Ch 18 Pt2
Ch 20 Pt 1
Ch 20 Pt 2
Ch 21
Author's Note

Ch7 Pt2

318 10 13
By char_theauthor

Small add

'The Conversation'

Tripp walked out the terminal, looking for the Uber that was described on his phone app. Thankfully the white SUV pulled up within a minute, so that he wouldn't have to endure Florida's blistering summer heat. August was always the hottest month of the year, but with record breaking temperatures this year, it was almost unbearable to be outside during peak hours.

Tripp wiped at his brow as he placed his luggage in the trunk of the car before hopping in. The driver spoke and confirmed his destination. "We're headed to 59th and Peoria correct?"

"Yeah. Common Point Plaza." Tripp replied, texting away on his phone. He wanted the people who were waiting on him to know he was on his way.

While he texted, he thought about possibly buying a car in this area, so he wouldn't have to Uber so much or rent cars when he came. Tripp was frugal with his money and these $20-$50 rides back and forth was staring to become redundant. With the money he'd spent in the last two months on transportation, including flights, another story altogether, he could have bought two cars. It was definitely on the table now, among other things.

The ride to the strip mall took about 30 minutes. Tripp had to fight his smile most of the way there, so that the driver didn't think he was some kind of crazy person. He played scenario after scenario of what might transpire once he arrived. Tripp knew that everyone in attendance of this gathering wouldn't be thrilled to see him, outwardly anyway.

Tripp couldn't wait to see her face...and not just her reaction.

He told the driver he appreciated it and hopped out. With his spare key, he placed his luggage in the back of the Red Range Rover he helped to pick out for his mamma's birthday gift last year. Tripp hadn't made it but a few feet before he was stopped by a fan.

"OMG! It's you! I was at the party you and Speedy T hosted in Tallahassee last week! OMG y'all was lit! I love you sooo much! Will you take a picture with me!!" the girl squealed, completely ignoring her husband or boyfriend or whatever standing next to her.

"Of course. 'Preciate the support." Tripp said humbly. One thing about being who he was, he never took it for granted. Tripp could honestly say he wasn't always like that. Some might still feel like he was bigheaded. He enjoyed the attention and recognition, no doubt, but he knew that it could all fade away in the blink of an eye. So, he showed love to get love.

The girl shoved her phone is ol' boy's hands to take the pic of them. Dude mugged Tripp before finally obliging his woman's request. She thanked Tripp graciously before walking away, still screaming and reeling. He shook his head and moseyed inside the restaurant. He spotted his mother who inconspicuously winked her eye at him. He saw her shuffle to get up from the booth and he heard her say to the person across from her about going to restroom. When Adele made her exit, Tripp casually swooped in on her side of the booth.

Ivi jumped, startled by the sudden arrival. When she saw who it was, her face registered looks of shock and being peeved. "What are you doing here? Again!" Four times of seeing Tripp in under two weeks was double that too many. 'Did he ever go home and stay there', Ivi thought.

Ever present and always near, its like Tripp was smothering Ivi at this point. Before, his frequent visits were to pick on her, harass her. Now?! Now Tripp was being...nice and concerned and overbearing. If Ivi didn't think she'd have another attack, she'd prefer to have Tripp treat her the way he use to. At least then she would know how to act around him. Standoffish and as far away from him as possible. He wouldn't allow that at this point and it made Ivi discombobulated.

Like the day of the incident. It was bad enough to wake up in Tripp's arms and him try to probe and peg her after her meltdown. How unnerving! It only got worse when she went to bed that night, or tried to, and he insisted on staying in her room until she went back to sleep, 'just to make sure she was alright', he said. How does one suppose to sleep when someone else's eyes are on you? It's weird.

Somehow after 3 hours of tossing and turning, Ivi did drift off to sleep...only to wake up in Tripp's arms for a second time. He claimed she was restless like before and that the only thing that calmed her was him holding her. Ivi didn't know what to think or how to take his...endearments when she woke up.

Was he just being his arrogant self, thinking that he was the only person that could tame her in her sleep or any other sort of way? Or was there more to it? How was Ivi suppose to perceive his other visits that followed? Tripp never let Ivi out of his sight when he showed up at Mama A's house. Always asking questions, making sure she was okay. She could hardly go to the bathroom alone when he was around. It was starting to become too much.

"You're not happy to see me?" Tripp quizzed placing his elbows on the table to look at Ivi square in the face. If Adele was there, she'd slap him for his bad table manners. Speaking of which, where was she? It didn't take anyone that long to go to the bathroom! Ivi was starting to believe this was a setup. Ivi loved Mexican food while Mama A wasn't much of a fan, so when she suggested that she and Ivi go to this particular restaurant, Ivi should have known then something was up.

"Am I ever?" she quipped back, rolling her eyes, not looking at him.

Tripp chuckled. "I guess not." he paused before continuing. "But that'll change soon enough." he said with a shrug.

Ivi arched her eyebrow. "Cocky much?" He was a conceited bastard to think that Ivi should or would just like him; like being around him.

Tripp sat back and licked his plump pink lips. "You're already scared of me, baby. Don't say shit like that unless you're ready to take the slick shit I say in return. You and I both know you can't handle what I dish out to you."

Ivi shallowly swallowed and looked at one of TV's playing in the restaurant. "I wish you would stop talking to me like that." she mumbled anxiously, not wanting to me his eyes.

"I wish you would look at me when you talk."

He was challenging her. Yet again. She decided to man up and look at him, and try to muster up the same intensity he always looked at her with. Maybe he'd stop then. At the moment though, it wasn't working. Tripp smiled his brilliant, dimpled smile at her. "So I've been thinking.."

"You have a brain to think with?"

"...I and.." Tripp stopped talking once his brain registered her words. Ivi was smirking mischievously at him. He scoffed with laughter. "You're cute."

"But not that cute, right?" Ivi said after a long pause, trying to finish his statement. She took a few loose strands of hair behind her ear nervously.

"No. Just cute."

Ivi didn't respond. What could she say to that?

"Say thank you, baby. Learn how to accept my compliments." Tripp said propping his elbow along the back of the booth, his other arm extended on the table.

Ivi grew antsy in her seat. That was the second time he called her baby. And learn how to accept his compliments? What was that about? "You're saying that like we're in a 'ship or something."

"In a sense, we are." Tripp replied with no hesitation.

Ivi was floored. "E.excuse me?" she said sitting all the way back in the booth. Were the walls closing in around her? Ivi was inhaling wrong, because her brain wasn't getting enough oxygen. Had to be to hear that hallucinating statement come from Tripp's lips.

Tripp noticed her sudden mood change and reached across the table to grab her hand. His grip was firm, so that she wouldn't try and retract it. "Breathe, baby." Tripp wouldn't continue until he knew she was good.

Ivi's eyes stayed on him as she settled herself. When Tripp felt her breathing was regulated he asked just to be sure. "Better?" Ivi nodded.

"Good. Now back to what I was saying before you interrupted me earlier, I've decided that we're going to be best friends." Tripp stated, or rather deemed with finality.

What? How do you just tell someone that you're going to be friends? Best friends at that! Why would you hold your best friend's hand, running your thumb up and down the back of their wrist with such gentleness? 'Los mejores amigos no besan la forma en que me besaste ...' (Best friends don't kiss the way you kissed me..)

"I explained why I kissed you. The real question is why'd you kiss me back?" Tripp countered to the statement Ivi didn't know she'd said out loud. Ivi's mouth opened and closed with the same quickness. She couldn't answer that! She didn't have the answer, did she?

Ivi was saved by Mama A coming back to the table. She spoke with laced glee upon seeing Tripp. "Well hello there! Isn't this a nice surprise. I didn't know you were coming to visit us again."

Ivi wanted to roll her eyes at the show Mama A was putting on, but she was too busy looking at Tripp greet and hug his mother before sliding in the booth next to her. Tripp wrapped his arm around Ivi, damn near sitting on top of her. Mama A's eyebrow arched upon seeing their closeness. Tripp filled her in.

"Ivi and I came to the agreement of being best friends. Isn't that sweet?" he said grabbing Ivi's cheeks in his hands, squeezing them and then shaking her face from side to side. Ivi's eyes bucked out her head. Tripp was crazy.

"Yes. Very sweet." Mama A said looking between the two of them before the waiter came up to the table. While she spoke to the young man, Tripp whispered in Ivi's ear.

"First order of business when we leave here is for me and you to have a real one on one conversation, so we can get to know each other. I want to know where you learned how to speak Spanish? Why do you only speak it when it's hard for you to talk to me..."

Ivi's heart rate picked up as she looked into his eyes and he continued. "I wanna know why you have panic attacks..and I wanna know why you kissed me back.."

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