jack johnsons sister//jack gi...

By ughgodly

3.8M 65.8K 21.7K

Caroline Johnson is Jack Johnson's twin sister. She has know Jack Gilinsky for as long as Jack has. But what... More

(A/N): please read
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Thinking about having a contest
How does she look?
I just cant
not a update
please read thanks
authors note
Hey guys!!
Im back!!


91.1K 1.3K 1K
By ughgodly

Quick a/n I know when their birthdays really are. I know Jack J. is older than Gilinsky by a couple of months but were gonna flip it around and Jack g. is already 17 and today Caroline and Johnson turn 17. Okay? Okay. Thier birthday is June 19 okay. Lol random date.

Caroline P.O.V.

Today is our birthday and I'm so excited. I've been telling my mom about me getting a belly button piercing and she finally said yes. But since I'm not old enough to get it alone she has to come and bring prof I'm her daughter. It's really dumb because I'm not 18(btw I looked that up and it's dumb you have to be 18 ). Jack and I are gonna have dinner with a few friends on Saturday since our birthday was on a thursday we just waited. I'm so excited! I finished straigh ring my hair and I pulled it in a high ponytail and pulled some hair out on the sides. I have pretty long hair. When it's in a high ponytail it stops a little after my shoulders. I slipped on my blue Hollister shorts and a tank top. I put some light make up on and slid my vans on. I grab my phone and purse and ran downstairs.

"Mom come on I'm ready we have a appointment we have to make to." I yell almost tripping over the last step.

"Eat something sweetie." she said pointing at Jack and Jack. Jacks always over it's funny.

"Can we get food after?" I ask leaning over the island.

"I guess so." she smiled.

"Yay your driving." I yell running out the door.

I think Jack and Jack had to go to the studio later on because they had to record. My mom came out a little behind me. She started the car and drive the the piercing place. We pull into the parking space and I got out and walked in. They had to make sure it was my mom and then I laid down on a table. I only wanted a small stud. They counted to 3 and they stuck a needle inside of my belly button and I squeezed my moms hand and then they put the piercing in. I had to keep my shirt up just a little so it won't irritate my piecing.

We got food then drove home. We must've been gone long because Jack and Jack were already back home.

"OMG it hurt so bad." I yelled opening the door.

"Your decision." Jack J. laughed.

"Shut up." I say narrowing my eyes.

"Oh mom on Saturday can we pick up Danielle and take her." I ask.

"Yeah I don't see why. " she smiles.


I run up to my room and sit on my bed. I text Danielle.

Me:my mom said it's fine to take you :)

Dani: okay thank you 😘

Me: no problem can't wait to see you.

I lay my head against the head rest and turn my Mac on. I look at the time and it's already 5:00. Goodness. I go on netflix and start watching mean girls. Oh I forgot I need to put something on my piercing and turn in.

When I come back Jack and Jack were on my bed.

"No I don't think so." I say swatting them away.

They don't ove so I just sit in between them. I got lots of birthday messages from Nash, Matt, Mahogany, Taylor, Cameron, Victoria, Sam, and Paige. Her and Cameron are finally dating and were supposed to be going to a party will all of them on 4th of July in Jacksonville.


"Gilinsky." I yell hitting his back.

"Put me down!" I yell again.

He threw me on the couch.

"Stop I need to go get ready." I say pushing him out of the way and running back into my room. I decide on a light blue tube crop top and a black skirt with white pineapples. I check my self and only the part where my belly button piercing is is showing. I walk back into my bathroom and curl the ends of my straight hair. I run my hands through my hair and flip it to the other side. I walk into my closet and pull out my brown wedge heels. Were going to a fancy Italian resturaunt. None of the other magcon boys or Mahagany could fly out but I'll see them soon. I grab my envelope purse and my phone and run down the stairs.

We I got to the last stair I looked up and Jack G. Was looking me up and down. I just laughed and walked to the kitchen. I'm so hungry.

"Can you hurry up mom reservations." I groan.

"I'm coming." she says walking down the stairs.

We all get in the car but mom wouldn't let anyone sit in the front because she had the cake up there. She wouldn't let me see it though. We pulled up to Dani's house and se climbed in. Daniel and I were in the middle and Jack and Jack were on the outsides. When she got in I was pushed against Jack so now I was basically sitting on his lap. He looked at me and smirked I couldn't help but laugh.

"So when did you get you belly button pierced?" Dani asked.

"I got it pierced on thursday." I Smile as we pull into a parking space.

Jack opened the door and i got off his lap and waited for everyone else to get out. Sammy was already here. We could only invite two friends each, so Jack invited Sammy and Jack and I invited Dani and my other friend Sophia.

They got out and we waited for Sophia who showed up a couple of minutes later. We sat at the table. Jack and I sat on the ends and everyone else sat across from each other and Jack sat on my side and Sammy sat on my brothers side.

We ordered our food and ate and then we had cake. We all finished and my mom wanted to take pictures. We all walked outside and she pulled out her canon. I took a picture with Sophia and Dani. Then Jack took a picture with Sammy and Jack. Then we all took pictures together. Then I took a picture with everyone individually because pictures. Then I took a picture with Sammy and then the broski. The the last person I took a picture with was Jack. He put his arm around my waist and we took the picture. When my mom was finished he squeezed my butt. I jumped and the gave him a glare and narrowed my eyes.

"My mom should be picking me up in a minute." Dani said.

"Bye Cara, Happy birthday again." Sophia smiled.

"Same to you Jack."she added.

We smiled and waved and we all got back in the car. It wasn't squished this time so I didn't have to end up sitting on Jack's lap. We drove home and Jack stayed of course. We pulled up to the house and I ran up to my room. I brushed my hair and slid on a sports bra and some sweatpants. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I yelled looking through my drawer for a shirt.

I heard the door open and it was Jack.

Quick update sorry I have family over and I haven't really had time to get on and write sorry. I'll try to put a update up tomorrow.

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