Player Next Door

Da ShatterAngel

2.3M 63.2K 17.1K

The student council decides to throw the yearly Couple Fest for Seniors because of their high grades. But the... Altro

Player Next Door
1: The Couple Fest
2: This. Is. Message. War.
3: Two Can Play This Game
4: You Get Me A Punch And I'll Throw It At Your Face
5: A Hard Lunch
6: I Couldn't Care Less
8: I Scream For Ice Cream
9: Twenty Questions
10: Chocolate Kisses
11: A Sky Full Of Stars
12: The Sour Lemon vs. The Smirking Watermelon
13: But What You Said I Didn't
14: Feels Like It
15: I Need You Here Or You'll Be Gone Forever
16: Morning
17: I Owned Every Second That This World Could Give
18: Mason Who?
19: The Heavenly Goodness of Chocolate Ice Cream
20: Beauty and the Beast
21: Monday
22: Cheers to Living Life
23: You Don't Poke Pancakes
24: The Phone Rings
25: Lover (End)

7: Please Don't Act Like The Hallway Is An Underwear Runway

86.8K 2.6K 1.2K
Da ShatterAngel

I went to school with a gloomy expression on my face. I still couldn't face the fact that my once bright and perfect parents are now getting a divorce.

I would be moving in with Aunt Claire today and I felt anxious thinking about it. I mean we would be living together for a while and I just hope she really is kind just like what my mom told me.

Caitlin spotted me first when I went down the hall and her usual happy smile faltered when she saw my expression.

"Why so serious?" Caitlin seemed to want to enlighten the mood a little bit.

"My parents are getting a divorce." I said with a low voice while walking towards my locker.

Caitlin stopped walking with her chin hung low. "No way. Your cutie of a parents?" Caitlin exclaimed but became calm when she saw the blank expression on my face.

"What happened?' We continued walking down the hall and I stopped at my locker.

Without facing her, I opened my locker. "They fed me bullshit actually." I muttered.

"Wait." Caitlin put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. "What kind of particular bullshit did they feed you?"

I slammed my locker shut and turned around to face her with my back leaning against my locker. "My father told me that it wasn't working out anymore."

"Well that is bullshit." Caitlin made a face which made me laugh and help lighten the mood.

"I know right and oh yeah, not to mention that they still don't know who would keep me so they made me stay with a close friend of my mom."

"Whoa. Let's just hope that she doesn't end up like a hideous step mother like in Cinderella."

I laughed at her stupid analogy. "Where's Emma by the way?"

Caitlin shrugged. "Probably making out in one of the empty classrooms."

"Ewwww. I don't need details." I replied while biting my lip trying hard not to laugh.

Emma was a sucker for self-control. She would constantly make-out with Logan anywhere and in anyway possible. I just hope I won't abducted by her hormonal genes. Last thing I would want is publicly hooking up with my boyfriend half naked.

We went to class afterwards which was boring, mind you. We didn't do much except that I talked with Caitlin or Emma whenever we had the same class together.

I haven't seen Sean yet today and I'm kinda secretly hoping that he would sit with us on lunch.

I went inside the cafeteria and spotted Caitlin in our usual table.

"Where's Emma?" I asked while sitting down across her.

"That's actually the second time you asked that today." Caitlin tells me.

I shook my head and scrunched my nose in disgust. "Never mind that question though." I knew for myself I was just using Emma as an excuse not to constantly think about Sean and ask where he is. 

Caitlin laughs and drinks from her bottle of lemonade.

I almost yelped when I felt warm hands cover my eyes and the manly scent that wafted through the air.

"Guess who?" I hear someone's familiar voice say behind me.

"Hmmmmm. Tom Holland?" I teased.

Sean groans and takes a seat beside me. He turns to face me with a scowl on his face.

I shrugged and looked at him innocently. "What? He's hot." I stated in a matter of fact.

"Not as I am." Sean smirks and there, right there, the old Sean is back.

I shook my head. "No one can amount to that face you know."

Sean looks at me with a pained face and raises the palm of his hand on top of his heart. "That hurts you know." I smirked and shrugged one shoulder. 

I face front and look at Caitlin whose eyes are now flickering in amusement.

"How's your day going on by the way?" Sean asks after a few minutes of silence.

I groaned. "Don't remind me. I'll be moving out today and staying at one of my mom's close friend."

Sean looked surprised. "Really? Why?"

"Apparently my parents haven't decided yet on who would keep me so my mom wanted me to stay over at her friend's house."

"Oh, well that's a pain in the ass." Sean says.

I laughed. "I know but I have a strange feeling that I would love it there, my mom mentioned so."

I haven't imagined how Aunt Claire's house would look like but since my mom said that she was quite rich, I could imagine that her house would be big.

"How are you coping?" Sean asks almost hesitant on how I would answer but I showed him a reassuring smile.

"I've been better. It just sometimes feels surreal though. Both of them looked perfect for each other and then one day they tell me it's not working anymore." I shook my head in disbelief. "I want to know the real reason why, I know there's something they're not telling me."

"Don't worry they might tell you soon if they're ready." Caitlin flashes me a sympathetic smile.

I nod my head and continue to eat my lunch.

Lunch ended soon and I went outside to wait for my mom to come and pick me up. Nothing much had happened during class, I just zoned out thought about how my new life would be like living in a different house with my aunt that I never knew. I didn't even know anything about her yet, how old she is or is she married, or if she even have kids.

I see my mom's blue mini cooper park and I make my way towards it. Once I settled on the passenger seat I glanced at the back seat and saw that my mom already placed my suitcase and duffle bag.

My mom glances sideways and grins. "How was school?" 

"It was fine." I smiled meekly. "Are you ready to meet your aunt?" My mom asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Yup, I think she's nice like you said." I glanced at her looking straight at the road.

"She is." My mom agrees. "You'll love her actually; you act a lot like her."

I furrowed my eyebrows. What am I like?

I never thought about that. I'm not pretty but I am a bit annoying I think and playful, but I all got the genes from my mom.

The car stops in front of a black modern house, or should I say mansion! I mean I knew she was rich but not this rich!

My jaw drops at how gorgeous the house looks like. There was a beautiful fountain with an angel pouring the water in the middle which was the highlight of the outside of the house. There was a round circular drive way where my mom stops the car.

I could see the color green at the back of the house which looked like a garden, and finally the front of the house. The house looked so modern with two gray colored pillars that held the house in place which was three stories high but still wide. There were two large brown doors which were the front doors.

My mom pressed a high-tech looking doorbell and a beautiful lady stands in front of the doorway with a giddy smile on her face. Aunt Claire had perfectly curled blonde lock framing her face with her hair just below her shoulders; she's wearing a floral dress which made her look a lot younger. She looked like she was just 24.

She looked at me and her smile brightened. "Come in." She holds the door open a little wider.

"Oh I still have to do a lot back in the office so I won't be staying for long." My mother turns to me and smiles. "Take care sweetheart and don't forget to call me if ever something happens." My mom leans forward and pecks me on the forehead.

I managed to flash a weak smile before she grabbed my bags and handed them over to me before she drove away over the automatic gates.

I will miss her.

I turned my back and faced my Aunt.

"Hi Aunt Claire" I waved my hand as she chuckled and shook her head.

"Please, call me Claire. You make me sound as if I'm old."

"How old are you?" I blurted out before I could stop myself, but I couldn't help it. I was too curious.

"I'm already 38." She answers with a chuckle.

I gasped. "You look so young!"

Claire laughed. "I know, people always say that."

Now that I looked closer, there are a couple of wrinkles on her face that shows that she is aging.

I abruptly nodded my head.

"Now let's get you settled in." She walks inside and I follow.

I stared in awe as I take in the inside of her home. I'm engulfed in the sweet scent of vanilla and cream colored everything with only a bit of black.

The carpeted carpet was cream colored and it looked so fluffy that it looked like a cozy blanket. The couches were colored in sleek black while some of the other drawers by the wall were also colored black. There's this black chandelier over the top of the living room that made it more elegant and classy looking. All in all, the theme of her house is classy and elegant. Black and cream really go together and I loved the style of the house.

"I love your house." I gushed.

Claire chuckles. "Wait till you see your room. I've always wanted a daughter." She gushed the last part out.

I followed her as we ascended a wide black staircase in the middle of the room. I continued to look at the design of the hallways with a few paintings here and there. I bumped into Claire's back without noticing that she already stopped in front of a black door.

"Sorry." I muttered with my head low.

Claire just smiled and opened the door.

I gasped as I entered a red and black colored room. It looked so classy and sexy at the same time. I couldn't help but smile and hug her.

"Thank you so much! It looks so beautiful." I let out a sigh or relief before stepping back.

"I'm glad you like it. Now I'll leave you to fix your room." Claire walks away towards the way we went through before she stops and glances at me with a smirk.

"Oh and by the way, my son will be coming home after lunch."

I accidentally dropped my duffel bag to the floor with shock.

Claire walks away leaving me standing there, stunned. Oh God she has a son! A fucking son! And my mother never bothered to tell me.

I shut the doors and looked around the room. The carpet was the same as the one downstairs but the difference with this one it's the color black. The king sized bed framed in color black, was neatly made and was color black with red pillows. The off-white walls looked so smooth along with the black ceiling.

There were three doors inside, one for the bathroom, another for the walk in closet and glass doors for the balcony.

The sun was still setting outside and I made my way over to the walk in closet first to settle my clothes in. What I didn't expect was the closet to be so full!

Lines by line of clothes were hanged neatly by type and color. A side was full of dresses and the other with tops and shelves of jeans and shorts neatly folded. Everything looked like a designers clothes and looked very expensive. There was a round pink cushioned chair in the middle and as I walked inside I couldn't help but gasp.

In the inner part of it were racks and racks of different types of shoes. From high heels to flats, all arranged by color. Some were sparkly and some were plain colored. I looked at each of them wide-eyed. They were all branded shoes, Jimmy Choos and Louboutins.

I am so going to die right now.

There were also shelves piled with bags of different brands like Louis Vuitton and Chanel. Then there's a glass table which had drawers inside full of different kinds of accessories inside. The walls were colored black as well and the carpet was red like my room there was a mini red chandelier on top which made it look more perfect.

I'm not really a fan of all this girly fashion stuff but when you enter a walk in closet like this one, I couldn't help but like them all. I'm still a girl after all.

I still took out my other clothes and placed them on an empty shelf. It made me uncomfortable if I would use all these brand new stuff Claire had to buy for me.

Once I finished unloading my bags, I went downstairs to eat dinner. Claire informed me as I entered the kitchen (which took me five minutes to find by the way from all the other hallways) that she loved cooking so she didn't need a chef to cook for her. I smelled pasta before I even saw it and it looked so mouth-watering once she settled it on the table.

Claire grins as we both settle down the table and starts to eat. "Have you seen your closet yet?"

I nodded my head and smile. "You didn't have to pay for all those stuff by the way, I don't need them."

"Oh, those, they were completely free of charge so don't bother." Claire looks down and eats her pasta.

My jaw drops. "Excuse me, did you say free of charge?" I looked at her wide-eyed and confused.

She nods her head. "Yes dear, free of charge."

"H-how?" I stuttered. That much things would've caused a fortune and she's telling me that it's all free of charge!

"I'm a fashion designer and every brand sends me boxes of those stuff. You don't need to worry about them."

"Oh my gosh! That's so cool. My friends would kill for Louboutins." I exclaimed, excited of how Caitlin would react once she sees my closet.

Claire chuckles. "Maybe you can bring her over sometime and I could give her some from my storage closet."

Wow. I am speechless.

So now she has storage full of those! I really am betting that Caitlin will faint.

I shook my head and continued to eat. We made small talk once in a while and once I was finished, I excused myself and went upstairs to my room.

I played some games on my phone and when I felt sleepy I changed into a grey tank top and shorts.

I felt my throat go dry and decided to have a night walk and grab a glass of water. I didn't memorize everything in this house yet and I will be looking forward to the tour Claire's going to show me tomorrow since it was a weekend.

I opened my door and once I did, I regretted it.

There standing right in front of me was a shirtless Sean Gilbert. I thought I was dreaming until I heard the door across me snap shut and Sean in nothing but his boxers came out.

I never noticed there was a door across from my room.

I wanted to face palm myself if I weren't absent mindlessly checking him out. I mean, I can't help it.

Once my eyes go back up to meet his blue ones, he smirks and leans against his door frame. "Fancy seeing you here angel, turns out your mom's  close friend happens to be my mother."

My jaw hangs open and I stare at him in shock.

I'll be living with him! Bloody hell.

"You knew?" My voice came out as a whisper as I was still stunned.

"Nope, just when I got home." Sean crosses his arms over his chest which makes me look at his flexing muscles before I snap out of my trance and quickly ran inside my room and shutting the door closed.

I leaned my back against the door and I could hear him laughing outside before he walks away.

Then my dry throat is forgotten as I'm breathing hard and I close my eyes to calm my shock. I feel like I'm gonna faint.

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