𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 |...

By SierraDuckland

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❝𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.❞ ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Part 1
Chapter 29 - Part 2
Chapter 30 - Part 1
Chapter 30 - Part 2
Chapter 30 - Part 3
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - Part 1
Chapter 33 - Part 2
Chapter 33 - Part 3
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 - Part 1
Chapter 45 - Part 2
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's Note #1
Author's Note #2

Chapter 46

574 18 1
By SierraDuckland

(Background Music ~ Not Alone - Red)

Laura's POV

Twenty-five hours later, we finally arrived at Washington DC; the heart of the whole country itself. Once Leon and I said our goodbyes to Hunnigan, disembarked the jet, grabbed all of our luggage from the baggage claim area, and exited the airport, the two of us began making our way through the parking lot.

We gradually headed towards Leon's blue 2013 Chevrolet Camaro, parked very close to the airport's main entrance. I wheeled myself across the parking lot, continuously turning the wheels fixed onto the wheelchair while my stepfather was pushing the luggage trolley across the parking lot.

All while my stepfather was busy unloading all of our luggage from the trolley and into the trunk, I was sitting quietly in the passenger's seat of the vehicle, texting Tyler on my smartphone and informing him that I just arrived in DC.

From: Laura
To: Tyler (Tylerific)

Hey Bae, I just arrived in DC with Leon. I'm so glad that the plane ride is over though... even though I slept appallingly through most of it. 😩

It wasn't very long until Tyler texted me back.

From: Tyler (Tylerific)
To: Laura

Did you have that horrendous nightmare again?

I couldn't help but sigh, texting him back and answering his question.

From: Laura
To: Tyler (Tylerific)

Yes, for the THIRD fucking time in the row now. Tyler, this isn't like any ordinary nightmare I had before. I know for a fact that it isn't real, but it still scares the absolute hell out of me.

Every single time...

I always end up waking up, with tear-filled eyes. 😢

Eventually it'll get to the point where I'll scream and thrash around violently in my sleep. Leon already to wake me up twice during the plane ride; consoling me and preventing me from hurting myself even further. I thought that this problem would resolve itself on its own, however, it's only gotten worse I'm afraid.

After a minute or so had passed, I received another message from my boyfriend.

From: Tyler (Tylerific)
To: Laura

Do you wanna tell me what the nightmare was about?

I directed my gaze away from the phone screening, looking away from it. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, taking a deep breath. Even though Tyler's the only one aware about the dreams that've been plaguing me lately in my sleep, I haven't had the guts to share the explicit details depicting the grisly nightmares. I do plan on telling him at some point; I just don't know exactly when.

I opened my eyes and glanced back down at my smartphone; my supple thumbs moving consistently along the screen, typing against the keyboard. The instant I was finished, I sent Tyler the text message, replying to his other question.

From: Laura
To: Tyler (Tylerific)

No... Not yet at least. When the time comes, then I will. But right now, I don't think I have the courage to do so.

Seconds later, Tyler sent me another text message.

From: Tyler (Tylerific)
To: Laura

That's fine, Laura. I don't want to push you, so I can wait. 😘

I couldn't help but smile a bit. Another thing I adore about Tyler is how much of a patient young man he is. Despite the fact that patience is a virtue, most people lack that merit nowadays. Unlike my ever so caring beau. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Leon open the car door, closing it behind him and hopping into the driver's seat.

"You alright, Laura?" Leon inquired, grasping ahold of his seat belt and buckling himself up.

I snapped out of my daze, turning around to face him momentarily. "Yeah, I-I was just zoning out," I set my phone down on top of my lap and hastily gripped ahold of my seat belt, buckling myself up. "That's all."

"Okay," Leon inserted his car key into the ignition, turning it and starting up the vehicle right away. "You buckled up?"

"Yup, let's go." Leon shifted the gear to reverse, attentively backing entirely out of his parking spot. Once he backed the car all the way out, the dirty-blonde then shifted the gear to drive, making his way out of the airport parking lot and onto the highway. We were now traveling along the freeway; heading for Uncle Chris's house, located in Richmond, Virginia.

Chris's POV

"Daddy! Daddy! When are Uncle Leon and cousin Laura gonna be here?" Nathan asked me again, jumping continuously in an enthusiastic manner behind me in our living room.

I pulled the curtain back, peering out the window again whilst cradling Levi against my hip. The little boy begin to mewl persistently, clutching onto the fabric of my dark green t-shirt with his tiny, intricate hands. Meanwhile, Jill was in our kitchen, taking a tiny break from preparing dinner to pour an opened jug of specialized apple juice (meant for children ages 3 and younger) into his tiny, blue sippy cup.

"They should be here soon, Nathan," I told him, beginning to gently rock my nephew back and forth in my arms. I looked down my watch, checking the time. It was 4:58pm.

The moment I returned home from work over a week ago, Nathan instantly rushed downstairs from his bedroom, charging at me at the speed light and jumping right into my arms. My five-year-old son wouldn't stop asking about my well-being and what not, telling me how much he and his mother missed me during my work trip, and demanding answers about why I came home later than usual. As if he was the state attorney general himself.

Being the sincere father I am, I sat him down in one of the living room chairs; Jill and I briefly filling him on Claire's disappearance and Laura's existence. We kept it short, sweet, and mainly to the point—making sure to leave out all the explicit, brutal, and gory details as well. Of course, being the five-year-old little boy he is, Nathan asked his mother and I a numbers of questions we couldn't answer for him. Like for example, "Why didn't Aunt Claire tell us about cousin Laura? How did she get hurt? Who's her Daddy?"

Considering that he's only five, too young to understand any of the events that've taken place on that day, we decided it would be best to not share any of the specifics with our son. Telling him that he didn't need to concern himself with any adult stuff, not yet at least.

Even so, the moment I informed him that Laura would be coming to live with us once she's been discharged from the Overlake Medical Center in Bellevue, Washington, Nathan couldn't help but jump for joy in our living room. Thrilled at the fact that his newfound cousin was gonna be staying with us for the next month or so, thus giving him and Jill the opportunity to finally meet Laura and get to know her better. When I explained Laura's current condition to our son, Nathan immediately made it well aware that he wanted to help out as well. In anyway he can with arranging his cousin's accommodations.

So far the past week, as soon as I arrived home from the North American B.S.A.A. headquarters, I got straight to work on Laura's bedroom right away. After I cleaned out all of the boxes and junk that was laying around in the spare bedroom located upstairs in between Nathan's and the baby's bedrooms, I had Jill help me pick out every necessity that would help accommodate Laura due to my apparent poor tastes in anything considered stylish nowadays.

In the end, we bought a turquoise colette colored classic bed set (with a matching bed and dresser), a queen sized mattress, a sky blue colored comforter set, pillows, two grey, wooden end tables, a turquoise bench, and a grey, wooden desk with a matching chair. As well as her own toiletries to maintain her hygiene.

Once Nathan and I had put together Laura's bed, the two of us lifted queen sized mattress, warily placing it in her new bed before placing and neatly arranging all of the blankets and pillows on top of it. After that, the two of us laid out the rest of the furniture in Laura's new bedroom in an orderly manner. It wasn't easily one bit, or cheap for that matter, but at least that got done though.

"Daddy! Daddy! They're here! They're finally here!" Nathan abruptly notified me using a buoyant tone of voice all while peeking out the window, breaking my train of thought as Levi persistently whimpered in my grip.

As I drew back the curtain even further, I spotted Leon's blue chevrolet camaro drove up to our crimson colored two-story bungalow, pulling up his vehicle in our drive. Once he parked his car and turned it off, Leon opened his car door and hopped out of the vehicle, closing it behind him just as Laura unlocked her door and came out of the camaro as well. Appearing rather pallid, tears-eyed, and emaciated in her current.

Laura's POV

Right after waking up from another nightmare upon finally arriving at Uncle Chris's house, I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door, closing it behind me once I made my way out of the vehicle. The instant I was back onto my two feet, I immediately grimaced, whimpering in pain as the effects of the pain medication were beginning to wear off. I used one arm to lean against the side of the vehicle whilst clutching my stomach with the other.

"Hey, are you alright Laura?" Leon inquired, peering from behind his camaro whilst opening the trunk.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I brushed off, quickly regaining both my composure and my posture. I briefly glanced at the dirty-blonde, hiding my all of my agony behind a convincing smile.

"Okay then," Leon acknowledged me, grasping ahold of one of my massive, red suitcases and lifting it out of the trunk. "I'll grab your luggage and bring it in for you, you go on ahead."

I nodded my head at him, before turning around and steadily treading across the driveway, towards the front door, taking in my new surroundings. The two-story bungalow was built in the outskirts of Richmond in the urban retail district of Carytown.

The property itself covered about 14 acres of land overall, with a well-kept front yard and a spacious, fenced backyard. Aside from the baby red maple tree growing in the front yard, there's a massive family sign sitting near the driveway. Engraved in the carved piece of stone was a forestry background along with this:

The Redfields

'Compared to the populous, industrious city of Seattle, Richmond is less populated and more tranquil than I thought it would be. For me, this is gonna take some time getting used.' I thought to myself. Shortly after stepping up the staircase and onto the front porch, I reached the front door, halting about a foot away from it.

Right when I was about to ring the doorbell, the door swiftly swung open in front of me. A child immediately bolted towards me from within the house, rapidly wrapping his little arms around my waist. The young lad appeared to around five or six years old; only 3' 6" tall. Nearly two feet shorter than me.

He has warm ivory colored skin, short, brown hair, vibrant blue eyes, and an angular physique. The boy's attire consisted of an army camo baseball t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, and a pair of white socks on his little feet.

The young boy practically compressing my bandaged torso, hugging me in such a clenched manner to the point where that I had to bite my bottom lip, in order to silence the need to scream out in pain. 'So this must be Nathan. For a child this small, he surely knows how to bear hug someone more than two times his size...' I thought to myself. My vibrant blue eyes began to brim with tears; my teeth starting to partially pierce through my bottom lip and bleed a bit. It didn't help much either that the painkillers I took earlier had waned for the most part.

"Easy there tiger, she hasn't fully recovered yet. Remember?" Uncle Chris spoke up, appearing by the doorway whilst holding Levi (practically a miniature version of Leon) in his arms. The dirty-blonde toddler mewled softly in a cranky manner, bashfully resting his head against Uncle Chris's shoulder; clasping ahold the fabric of his t-shirt with his small, delicate fingers.

Shortly after my uncle broke the silence, Nathan instantly let go of my wounded waist, pulling away from me as he glanced up at me. Giving me an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry Laura, I didn't mean to bear hug you like that. I just get excited so easily." His vibrant eye eyes flickered with remorse, maintaining eye contact with me. "Did I hurt you on accident? I didn't mean to if I did."

I shook my head, esteemed by his words of sympathy. A small smile decorating my lips; I steadily kneeled down in front of the young boy to match his height. "You must be Nathan, correct?"

He nodded his head at me. "Well Nathan, I completely understand where you're coming from. So there's no need to apologize."

"Are you okay?" He inquired.

"I'm fine, there's no need to worry about me kiddo." I raised my right hand, ruffling Nathan's hair for a brief moment. "We better head inside, before one of us catches a cold," I suggested, feeling the fall wind instantly pick up speed. Blowing the fallen, red and yellow colored leaves across the front yard.

"Okay, let's go inside," Nathan acknowledged me, turning around and walking inside the townhouse just as I stood back up. Following right behind the young boy at a decent pace.

Along the way, I momentarily halted by the doorway, right next to Uncle Chris. Upon stopping next to him, he wrapped his left arm around me, pulling me close to him and warily hugging me for some time whilst using the other to heedfully cradle Levi.

"Hey Laura," Uncle Chris greeted me, finally breaking the silence between us. "How are you holding up, kiddo?"

"Just fine," I lied using a weary tone of voice, before pulling away from him.

"Come on, there's someone I want you to meet," Uncle Chris notified me, as the two of us made our way inside his house.

The instant I entered the house, I heedfully kneeled down and began unlacing my combat boots, untying the shoes laces before taking them off and placing them next to the doorway. After doing so, I steadily treaded towards the living room, taking in my new, extensive surroundings.

Upon entering the living room, I noticed Nathan off to the side, sitting on the wooden floor and playing with a range of  small, green, plastic army figurines. Pretending to act out beginning of a raging battle between the two groups he has placed on the floor.

Along all of the living room walls, a vast assortment of family pictures were hanging neatly on them, most of depicting Uncle Chris, Mom, Nathan, and a woman I've never seen before.

"Hi there," Someone suddenly spoke up from behind me, not taking me by surprise at all.

I rapidly turned around; my eyes landing on the unfamiliar yet stunning woman from the family pictures. She appeared to be around her mid thirties; only 5'8" tall. Barely taller than me by just a couple centimeters. The woman has porcelain colored skin, long, brown hair that was slightly blonde at the roots and up in a low ponytail, greyish-blue eyes, and a sylphlike physique.

She's sporting a large light blue v-neck t-shirt, overlapping a black tank top, and a pair of black leggings. The most transparent feature about the woman was her protruding belly; extending outwards in the shape of an oval. A clear indication that she's pregnant, approximately four or five months along in her pregnancy.

"You must be Laura," She stated, scanning me from top to bottom with her icy blue eyes. Taking in my delicate appearance.

"The one and only," I replied, using a sarcastic tone of voice. "And you must be Jill I presume?"

She chuckled for a moment, a smile decorating her lips. "Indeed I am. It's nice to finally meet you, Laura. Chris had told so much about you, he wasn't actually kidding when he said that you're practically a mini version of Claire." Aunt Jill grasped ahold of my hands with one hand, using the other to hold a blue sippy cup filled with juice, leading me towards the living room couch. "Come, have a seat. You must be exhausted from the plane ride." I complied and sat down on the couch, next to Aunt Jill right. She set the sippy cup in her hand on the coffee table, resting her hands on top of her lap.

"I see that you've finally met Laura," Uncle Chris said to Jill, carrying in both of my massive red suitcases into the house, as Leon was following close behind him.

"Uncle Leon!" Nathan set down his toy soldiers onto the ground and sat up, racing towards his uncle and enveloping his arms around one of his legs.

"Hey there Nathan, how've you been little man?" Leon asked his nephew, resting one hand on the top of his head and ruffling his hair.

"I am doing good! What about you, Uncle Leon?" The little boy cheerfully answered, letting go of Leon's head and glancing up at his uncle.

"I've been better, but there's no need to worry about me. I'm fine."

Leon held little Levi in his arms; his son was becoming more fussy by the second, mewling and whimpering to the point where we couldn't understand what Levi was try to say. The young boy glanced briskly all around him, as if looking for someone. The moment my little brother's baby blue eyes landed on me, his whining diminishing slightly right. He instantly raised his tiny arms, reaching out to me.

Leon followed Levi's line of sight, then shifted his gaze back down at his son. "Judging by his slight sudden change of mood, I think he wants you to hold him, Laura." The dirty-blonde pointed out, leisurely walking over and sitting down on the couch next to me. Cradling Levi in his muscular arms.

"Can I really hold him?" I inquired, using a curious and sanguine tone of voice.

"Of course you can Laura. Just be careful alright?" Leon responded, before leaning other and carefully handing me my baby brother.

The moment Levi was in my arms, his whimpering ceased almost completely; staring up at me with his vibrant blue eyes while I vigilantly adjusted the little boy in my arms. I held him just like a baby—resting his little head against my chest whilst using my arms to support him. Ensuring that he was resting comfortably in my arms.

Once Levi was cozy enough, I grabbed his sippy cup from the coffee table, holding close to hiss mouth just he clasped ahold of the handles and brought it toward his lips. He eagerly sucked the spout, drinking the juice in a thirsty manner. I began to softly carol, singing one of my favorite songs to little Levi.

-(Start song here)-

"Slowly fading away.
You're lost and so afraid.
Where is the hope in a world so cold.
Looking for a distant light.
Someone who could save a life.
You're living in fear that no one will hear
your cries.

Can you save me now...

I am with you.
I will carry you through it all.
I won't leave you I will catch you.
When you feel like letting go.
Cause you're not, you're not alone.

Your heart is full of broken dreams.
Just a fading memory.
And everything's gone but the pain carries
Lost in the rain again.
When will it ever end.
The arms of relief seem so out of reach.
But I, I am here.

I am with you.
I will carry you through it all.
I won't leave you I will catch you.
When you feel like letting go.
Cause you're not, you're not alone.

And I will be your hope when it feels like
it's over.
And I will pick you up when you're whole
world shatters.
And when you're finally in my arms.
Look up and see love has a face.

I am with you.
I will carry you through it all.
I won't leave you I will catch you.
When you feel like letting go.
Cause you're not, you're not alone.

And I will be your hope.
And I will pick you up.
And I will be your hope.
And I will be your hope.

Slowly fading away.
You're lost and so afraid.
Where is the hope in a world so cold."


By the time I finished singing the song, Levi was already fast asleep in my arms, resting his dirty-blonde head of hair homely against my chest. The little boy's lips were still attached to the spout of his half empty sippy cup; his miniature fingers wrapped tightly around the handle of his cup. Clutching it close to him as he slept peacefully.

I lifted my right hand, cautiously unhooking each and every one of Levi's little fingers from around the handgrip of the sippy cup, silently placing it back on the coffee table. As I glanced up at Uncle Chris, Aunt Jill, Leon, and even Nathan, their eyes went entirely round; nothing but revelation clouded their features. I couldn't tell whether they were astonished by my ability to sing or the fact that I was able to put Levi to sleep in under five minutes.

"How...?" Uncle Chris questioned me, using an amazed tone of voice.

"How what?"

"How were you able to do that?" Leon asked me.

"Do what? Sing or help Levi calm down and fall asleep?" I asked them.

"Both," Aunt Jill replied with a surprised tone of voice. "It usually takes me at least ten minutes tops to help Levi calm down whenever he gets fussy like that. The fact that you managed to both pacify him and prompt him to fall asleep in half the time astounds me."

"Well," I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind my ear, maintaining eye contact with all three of them. "when you have six years worth of experience of babysitting, you tend to pick up a few new, handy tricks from time to time."

Right when Uncle Chris was about to inquire further about my babysitting job, the smell of smoke immediately filled out nostrils, coming from the kitchen.

"Shit!" Aunt Jill cursed using a hushed tone of voice, her eyes widening instantly. "I forgot about the pasta!"

The brunette and her husband simultaneously sat up from the couch, rushing towards the kitchen in a muted manner. I let out a silent chuckle, amused by how quickly the situation has changed in the Redfield household. I looked down at my baby brother, watching him sleep placidly in my arms.


After we finished eating the mouthwatering fettuccine alfredo that Aunt Jill had prepared for dinner, it was time for Leon and Levi to go. It was almost six o'clock in the afternoon, and the two of them had a long drive ahead of them to get home.

"Bye Laura. See you in about a month," Leon told me, gently hugging me for moment after he's buckled up Levi into his car seat in his camaro.

"Bye Leon, stay safe alright," I replied back, pulling away from him.

"Will do." Leon smiled at me one last time then turned around and opened the car door, hopping in the driver's seat of his camaro and closing it behind him. I gradually began to back away from the drive way, steadily stepping backwards onto the front porch right. My stepfather shifted the gear from park to reverse, backing out of the drive way entirely.

The instant the blue camaro was back on the road, Leon shifted the gear from reverse to drive, driving along the right lane within the asphalt road and towards the highway. Disappearing from my sight in a matter of mere seconds. I know that it's only been a minute since Leon left with Levi, I couldn't help but miss them already. Especially Levi.

It wasn't long until I felt a firm hand on my left shoulder, snapping me out of my trance as I glanced behind me. I peered up at Uncle Chris; he met my gaze with his vibrant blue eyes. My uncle stood a few inches behind me on the front porch, not to close enough to invade my personal space yet not too far either.

"Come on kiddo, it's getting late. We better head inside before—"

Suddenly, the sound of thunder echoed clamorously throughout the darkened and cloudy sky, followed by the pitter-patter of the numerous raindrops. Within minutes it began to downpour altogether, raining heavily throughout the whole neighborhood and soaking the two of us in the process.

I lifted my saturated head of hair, peering up at the gloomy, showery, night sky. I felt each and every one of the tiny raindrops that land onto the palm of my hand and the rest of my body, recalling the last time it rained excessively like this; on the day of Piers's funeral. I remember it all very well, as clear as day. 'Now that I think about it, I remember—' My thoughs were cut short when Uncle Chris called out from the doorway.

"Hurry up, Laura! You'll catch a cold if keep standing out there like that!"

After standing in the rain for so long in the rain, I lowered my soaked hand and turned around, making my way inside the house as Uncle Chris shut the door behind me. Locking it as well.


Once I've brushed my teeth, showered, redressed my wounds and finished changing into a simple, black tank top and a pair of grey sweatpants, I said goodnight to Uncle Chris, Aunt Jill, and Nathan right before turning in for the night in my new bedroom. Closing the door behind me.

The moment I was inside my bedroom, I removed the towel that was wrapped around my head. Letting my long, blonde, soaked hair free loose my shoulders. I sighed out in relief, relishing in my new, cleaned state of being. No longer smelling like a rotten corpse.

Soon after throwing the wet towel into the hamper, I treaded over towards my red suitcases, kneeling down and unzipping one of them. I grabbed my hair brush out of my suitcase, using it to detangle my hair. The instant I was done brushing my hair, I placed my hair brush back in my suitcase, zipping it up. I jumped into my bed, covering myself with the sky blue colored blanket. Right when I was comfortable enough underneath the bed covers, I closed my eyes. Slowly but surely falling into a deep slumber.

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