Chapter 31

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Laura's POV

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Laura's POV

'They're gone... They're both gone... And it's all my fault... If I hadn't been so stupid and reckless while fighting my father, then my mother would still be...' I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to. My eyes welled up with tears—pouring down my cheeks like rivers, as I screamed and cried out. I collapsed onto the ground—sitting down close to the window. Hugging my legs tightly against my chest. 'She's dead. He's dead. They're both dead. All because of me...' All of a sudden, I hear the metal door burst open and the sounds of heavy foot steps.

"Laura! Are you here?!"

"Uncle Chris..." I muttered quietly to myself—recognizing his voice. My voice sounding very hoarse after crying my very heart out.

He came barging into the room, with his rifle in hand. Once Chris saw me on the ground next to the broken window—with my eyes all puffy and red from crying so much, along with numerous dried tears stained on both of my cheeks. He lowered his gun and hurried over to me, kneeling down. Chris engulfed me in a warm longing hug, as I cried even harder than before.

"Shh, shhh.... Its okay kiddo. You're alright," He said. Using a soothing tone of voice to help calm me down,
while he rubbed my back.

"Mom... she's–" I couldn't finish my sentence as I cried out again, with guilt tearing at my heart from the inside out.

"I know Laura, I know," Chris said as he helped me up off the ground. "We need to hurry, the helicopter is waiting for us at the top."

I nod my head. Knowing there was nothing we could do about Mom. I wiped away the tears brimming in my eyes, as we left the ninth floor. Setting out for the very top.

Chris's POV

After radioing in with everyone that I've located Laura and that we were now heading for the chopper, I learn that they're all already at the top. Waiting for the two of us so we can finally go. When Laura and I make it to the very top of the skyscraper—we see Leon, Piers, and Tyler standing on the helipad next to the helicopter with everyone else inside waiting patiently for us. As they all glanced over towards Laura, their gaze softening as soon as all of them notice how blood shot and swollen her eyes were, and that Claire isn't with us.

"Laura, are you okay? Where's your mother?" Tyler asked her with a concerned tone, as he approached us.

Laura slowly shook her head, as she was biting her bottom lip while trying her hardest to prevent more tears from pouring out of her eyes again. Tyler stood in front of us with utmost remorse. It didn't take very long for everybody else to figure out what Laura meant. Everyone fell silent with shock, as the girls silently gasped at the revelation.

𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒚 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 | 𝘼 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙀𝙫𝙞𝙡 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘Where stories live. Discover now