Chapter 47

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Laura's POV

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Laura's POV

Last night, I didn't sleep very well at all. I woke up around midnight in tears again, hyperventilating from that blood-curdling nightmare for the fifth day in a row now; only getting a few hours of sleep this time. I was lucky enough to not wake anybody up in the middle of the night with my petrified screams, saving me from all the embarrassment that situation would've brought out. Because of my vile nightmare, I was so terrified to the point where I didn't want to fall back asleep. Knowing I would have that dreadful dream again.

In order to keep myself occupied for the time being, I sat up in my bed and rolled over, grabbed my smartphone off the end table next to me. I turned on my cellular device and sent Tyler a quick text, hoping that he wasn't already asleep so I would have someone to talk to.

From: Laura
To: Tyler (Tylerific)

Hey T bone, you awake or no?

Not even a minute later, Tyler texted me back, responding to my question. Prompting a small smile to decorate my lips.

From: Tyler (Tylerific)
To: Laura

Yeah, I was just about to hit the hay. Aren't you supposed to be in bed?

I yawned momentarily; swiftly moved my thumbs along the keyboard, texting him back.

From: Laura
To: Tyler (Tylerific)

I am, Tyler, but I can't sleep. 😩

After a minute or so passed, Tyler sent me a text message. Asking me a question this time.

From: Tyler (Tylerific)
To: Laura

Did you have that nightmare again?

I let out a tensed sigh, relaxing my shoulders before texting him back. Answering his second question.

From: Laura
To: Tyler (Tylerific)

Yeah. . . 😞 For the fifth day in a row now. 😖😢

Shortly after replying to him, Tyler sent me another text message again, asking me another question.

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