Chapter 25

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***Author's Note***

OMG!!! I never anticipated for this to happen so quickly!!! In such a short amount of time! This book officially has over 2k views!!! 💓😱😋😱💓 2k views!!! I can't stop freaking out about this! Wow... I can't thank all of you enough for this, really. This is awesome.

Also, I have an important question for y'all.

How would you guys like it if I do a cast Q&A? Sorta like a panel. Where you can ask ANY character in the story any question(s) you want (within reason). How does that sound?

Any feedback about this would be appreciated, and as soon as possible. Don't forget to comment & like!

Peace out peeps! ✌🏻



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| 11:04 pm |

Laura's POV

After swiping the key card through the key card panel situated on the side of the door, it unlocked straight away, sliding open automatically. With our assorted guns in hand, the two of us cautiously headed inside the laboratory. The metallic door closed behind us right after the both of us entered he room—taking us both by surprise for a second. As we glanced around the large-scale lab, it appeared to be abandoned and partially trashed.

Research papers and broken glass were scattered on the floor all across the room. Some of the fluorescent lights on the ceiling were broken. A few of them emitting sparks of electricity, like rain drops from stormy clouds on a rainy night. Various rows of tables and desks stretched  all across the lab, including diverse stations and lab setups. Work counters, cabinets, filing cabinets, a couple wood shelving units, and a few bulletin boards were hung up and aligned all across the walls. Amplifying empirical appearance as a distinct kind of laboratory.

On the left of us, it looked like part of a control room. There was a large rectangular refinded-glass window centered in the very middle of the wall—connected to a pitch-black prodigious observation room. All around the refined window, there were various monitors fixed onto the wall, practically surrounding it. Right below them, there were also numerous desks—topped with mini mainframe computers, high tech monitor, and other pieces of technological equipment. The desks themselves were aligned all across the wall, positioned in the shape of a half circle. On the left of the large window is a metal door, connected to the observation room.

On the other side of us, there were seven life-sized cryogenic chambers, like the ones seen in most sci-fi movies nowadays. All aligned up in a single row; installed up against the back wall. Three of them were broken and empty; the refined glass containers were completely shattered. Countless pieced of fragmented glass scatter all over the floor surrounding the cryogenic chambers, covered in a thin layer of formalin. Giving off a repulsive, nose-pinching sense of smell, all while the other four remained fully intact and operational.

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