Author's Note #1

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Hey guys! 👋

    I apologize for not updating this book for quite sometime, and I know that y'all have been waiting more ever so patiently with little to no complaints, which I'm grateful for

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I apologize for not updating this book for quite sometime, and I know that y'all have been waiting more ever so patiently with little to no complaints, which I'm grateful for. If I didn't have some many things on my plate right now I'd be spitting out chapters faster than a speeding bullet.

There are a variety of particular reasons that I want to share you all on why I've been a slowpoke with chapter updates:

    1). I'm a senior.

    With only three months away until my graduation, I'm trying everything that I possibly can so I can finish my senior year in high school to the best of my ability

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    With only three months away until my graduation, I'm trying everything that I possibly can so I can finish my senior year in high school to the best of my ability. Going to school, doing my homework, maintaining my grades, and so on and so forth. It hasn't been easy one bit, that's for sure. And because of that, school had became my number one priority over this book.

    It's not that I enjoy going to school more than my life as an amateur writer here on Wattpad, it's just sometimes I have to prioritize my education as well as my well-being over this book. And when I have any free time to spare for recreation, I usually spend it either working on the next chapter for this book, playing Resident Evil Remake 2, drawing, or either listening to motivational music.

2). I'm rewriting this book.

    As much as I love this book with all my heart, it needs to be revised

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    As much as I love this book with all my heart, it needs to be revised. And badly. I'm more than aware that there are a number of spelling errors, grammatical errors, plot holes, and other problems with the book. So there will be some significant changes made to this story. I want to improve quality and entirety of this book, I know that I can do a better job with writing each and every one of the chapters and that's what I plan on doing.

As of right now, I'm done with rewriting chapter 1 and I'm currently working on chapter 2. But what I'm not so sure about is whether to publish the rewritten chapters when I've edited all of them or update each chapter as I go. What's your opinion on the matter? Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Chapters Rewritten & Published:

Chapter 1 - ✔️👌🖋
Chapter 2 - ✔️👌🖋
Chapter 3 - ✔️ 👌🖋
Chapter 4 - ✔️👌🖋
Chapter 5 - ✔️👌🖋
Chapter 6 - ✔️
Chapter 7 - ✔️
Chapter 8 - ✔️
Chapter 9 - ✔️
Chapter 10 - In the works.

Rewritten - ✔️
Revised again - 👌
Published - 🖋

    3.) Writer's Block.

) Writer's Block

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    Ah yes... The most wretched, literal barricade in the world of writing. For the past couple of months, I've been clashing nonstop against this impeding blockade, being loved by no one and despised by all. Even though I know what specific events I want to happen in the book, the hard part for me is trying to get there, without going too much into detail about it. If anyone knows of any tips or tricks that would help overcome writer's block, any suggestions would be welcomed with open arms.

4.) I have a life outside of Wattpad.

  If it weren't for me having a job, a high school education, or college classes to attend, I would have a lot more free time on my hands to work on this book

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If it weren't for me having a job, a high school education, or college classes to attend, I would have a lot more free time on my hands to work on this book. Once I've graduated from high school, I plan on spending more time working on this story all while furthering my education by going to college and majoring in nursing.

    Before I end this, I just wanted to thank every single one of you readers out there who've taken the time to read, vote, and comment on this book that's a work in progress. Whether it was either pointing out a simple grammatical error or expressing their support for the story, thank you. Thank y'all so much.

~Sierra Duckland

P.S. Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 🍀

 Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 🍀

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