Becoming Scarlett | ✓

By Ashley_Mariex

1.1M 42.3K 14K

❝She's one of those girls you just can't walk away from. One of those girls you will never forget, no matter... More

Chapter One: Found
Chapter Two: Missing
Chapter Three: Adjusting
Chapter Four: Family
Chapter Five: Home
Chapter Six : Normal
Chapter Seven: Pretty
Chapter Eight: Anxious
Chapter Nine: Routine
Chapter Ten: Breathe
Chapter Eleven: Storytime
Chapter Twelve: Proud
Chapter Thirteen: Twisted
Chapter Fourteen: Hopeless
Chapter Sixteen: Goodnights
Chapter Seventeen: Threats
Chapter Eighteen: Half-Truths
Chapter Nineteen: Conclusions
Chapter Twenty: Flying
Chapter Twenty-One: Paralyzed
Chapter Twenty-Two: Control
Chapter Twenty-Three: Reunited
Chapter Twenty-Four: Reconciled
Chapter Twenty-Five: Chaos
Chapter Twenty-Six: Amends
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Surprises
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dating
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Betrayed
Chapter Thirty: Outed
Chapter Thirty-One: Friends
Chapter Thirty-Two: Practice
Chapter Thirty-Three: Getaway
Chapter Thirty-Four: Support
Chapter Thirty-Five: Praying
Chapter Thirty-Six: Forgiveness
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Bonding
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Recompense
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Heart
Chapter Forty: Secrets
Chapter Forty-One: Fairytales
Chapter Forty-Two: Memories
Chapter Forty-Three: Shattered
Chapter Forty-Four: Lost
Housekeeping & Thank Yous
Bonus Chapter: Noah's POV
The Fiction Awards
Editing & Revisions

Chapter Fifteen: Decisions

17.7K 626 283
By Ashley_Mariex

This version of the chapter follows the same basic storyline as the previous version. Before and after haven't changed much, but the events that occur between the time Scarlett finds out she was adopted and the time she leaves the penthouse have been altered to some degree to benefit the plot in the long run.

I PULLED MY car into the parking lot at school, not caring much for my haphazard parking job. My mind was still reeling from the events of the past hour. I was there, at the school, for a reason; a reason I was sure to regret in no time. But, regardless, I wasn't about to turn my back on the only semi-rational idea my scattered thoughts could come up with.

So, before I could give myself another moment to renounce this as a horrible idea, I pulled my keys from the ignition. Climbing out into the cool autumn breeze, I slammed the door of my Mercedes, wincing at the loud thud of the glass shuddering in the door frame before walking quickly in the direction of the courtyard. I passed by students and professors, who eyed my skin tight leggings, combat boots and oversized t-shirt with varying levels of disgust or approval. But I ignored each of them, my eyes only searching for one person in particular.

Once I reached the courtyard, I whipped my head around- searching. Before long, I spotted a familiar mess of dark blonde hair in a leather jacket, leaning against a tree and towering over the majority of the students milling about. He had a cigarette balanced precariously between his lips while his dark eyes focused on the cellphone he held in one hand.

I jogged towards him. When he didn't happen to look up, I called out to him. "Noah!"

His head shot up, probably unaccustomed to hearing my voice actually call him by his first name. His eyes mine before shamelessly trailing down my body and coming back up to meet mine.

I resisted the urge to squirm under his heavy gaze.

An expression played on his lips, something between surprise and amusement. With his free hand, he took the cigarette out of his mouth, flicking it to the ground and stomping it out under the toe of his expensive shoe. "Well, love, I've got to say, I much prefer this look on you."

Unfortunately, I wasn't in the mood to chew him out for his sarcastic comment. Instead, it took every ounce of restraint I could muster to hide the desperation in my voice. "I have to ask you something."

His expression faltered for a moment, having not expected me to be so serious. "Ask away," he said, motioning for me to continue as he leaned back against the old willow tree behind him.

I took in a deep breath, shaking ever so slightly. "I want to know if you were serious about what you said the other day."

Noah's brow furrowed. "I'm going to need you to be a wee more specific there, Scar."

Licking my lips and shifting my weight, I continued, my eyes scanning the students around us for any familiar faces. There were none. "When you said that you... cared. When you told me that you were here if I needed to talk."

He nodded his head, acknowledging that I was making some sense, and I watched his face draw up in confusion. "Absolutely. Although, I'll admit, I didn't think you really minded it."

"I didn't— I mean, I don't— I mean," I stammered, biting into my lip hard enough to draw blood. And I did just that as I recognized the bitter metallic taste on my tongue. Taking another shaky breath, I closed my eyes.

Words, Scarlett; they're just a bunch of letters. They're not that difficult.

"I... I just need someone to talk to, okay?" I said quietly, rubbing at my eyes. I was too afraid to open them and see that expression on his face- the one filled with pity and judgement that so many always wore. "I can't go to my friends, they won't help. They would try, but it wouldn't do any good. I just... I don't want them to look at me differently."

The whisper of his leather jacket moving filled the air, and I could feel that Noah was no longer standing four feet away from me. He was closer, close enough that he could reach out and wrap his fingers gently around my wrists, pulling my hands away from my eyes. The cool breeze that met them blew away any doubt that a few traitorous tears had slid down my cheeks.

"But you don't care if I look at you differently?" he asked softly, the bravado and charm that was usually present in his voice gone.

I opened my eyes then, the voice in my head daring me to take just one look at him. One look would be enough, enough to convince me to turn and run the other way.

But it wasn't, because the expression on his face was soft, gentle. Noah didn't look at me with pity, there was no feigned sympathy on his face. No, there was only a look of concern in his eyes.

Concern for me, and whatever on Earth could be tearing me up like this.

I opened my mouth, and the words I'd been stumbling over earlier just seemed to tumble out in a small voice of their own. "You already do," I said without explanation, leaving whatever meaning was behind them hanging in the air for him to interpret as he pleased.

Noah watched me for a moment, watching a fresh tear slip free from the corner of my eye and down my cheek. And then, without hesitation, he reached up to cup my face softly in his hands. I looked down at the ground as he swiped away the tear with his thumb.

I didn't even flinch.

I could sense eyes watching us. It was common knowledge at Summer Grove that I didn't get along with Noah Kennedy. Yet there I was, not a foot of space between us and I wasn't punching him in the face or screaming at him for breathing on me.

He tipped my head up, forcing me to meet his dark blue eyes again. "I'd be happy to help," Noah said softly, and he pressed his lips to my forehead for a brief moment before swinging his arm over my shoulders and pulling me against his side.

He started towards the parking lot, walking with me tucked under his arm. I shivered and crossed my arms over my chest, the cool October air biting at my bare skin. Noah felt my shivers and pulled me closer to his warm chest, rubbing my arm gently.

I kept my gaze low, avoiding the looks I knew we were getting. I would never, in my right mind, be this close to Noah Kennedy.

But you're not in your right mind.

You're desperate.

You're broken.

Noah reached into his pocket, pulled out a set of keys and pressed a button on them. On the other side of the lot, a black Escalade chirped loudly and he steered us towards it. Wordlessly, he opened the passenger door and I climbed in, thankful for the tinted windows keeping the prying eyes at bay. The door closed behind me and Noah continued around the car, getting into the driver's seat and starting it up. He reversed out of his spot quickly, earning a couple of shouts and a honked horn.

The drive to wherever he was taking me was comfortably silent. I spent my time gazing out the window, tears staining my cheeks as my so-called parents' words echoed in my mind.

"We're not your biological parents, Scarlett."

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

"She died just before you were born, Scarlett."

"We were going to tell you, darling, when the time was right."

"We are still your parents, Scarlett."

I didn't know who I was anymore. I had become this girl. Scarlett Grey. William and Charlotte Grey's miracle daughter. But that was gone. Who was I anymore without that foundation to stand on? Was I just supposed to start over from scratch again; reinvent myself again?

I was so lot in my own mind, I didn't even realize that Noah had pulled his SUV into an underground parking lot until I felt his warm hand on my shoulder. I jumped.

"Hey now, love, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear. "Come on upstairs and we can talk, if you'd like."

I nodded and slid out of the SUV. I followed Noah as he led me to an elevator at the end of the lot. Instinctively, I closed my eyes as we stepped inside. I didn't see what button he pushed, but the confining metal box soared upwards. After a moment, we stopped and I heard the whoosh of the doors opening. Noah's hand fell against the small of my back and directed me into a penthouse suite.

He sat me down on the large leather sofa and went to grab us drinks. He asked what I wanted, but I just shrugged and mumbled something about whatever he was having.

A moment later, a cool glass was pressed into my palm, and I wrapped my fingers tightly around it. Noah sat close to me on the sofa, one arm stretching across the back of it. I took a long drink from my glass, somewhat surprised to taste bitter iced tea. I raised a curious eyebrow in his direction, eyeing the amber liquid in his glass that I was quite certain was not iced tea.

"Sober thoughts first, love," he chuckled, taking a swig of his own drink. "Now, do you want to talk about it or do you want to do something a little more fun first?"

I sputtered a humorless laugh. "The fuck is this 'fun' thing you speak of?"

"Option two it is then," he said with a chuckle. "You like movies?"

I was about to tell him that everyone likes movies, but I stopped as the elevator door swung open behind us and a familiar raven-haired girl walked in.

Noah didn't bother to stand. "Hey, Rach. What are you doing here so early?" he called over the back of the couch.

"I'm here for a booty call," she rolled her eyes. "I live here, dumbass. I can walk in whenever I please."

"Dec said you'd be running errands," he replied, a sour look on his face.

"I did. Speaking of which, here's your cut. Hope you and your flavor of the day enjoy it," she chided and tossed a Ziploc bag at Noah, who caught it in one hand.

Rachel finally bothered to look at me then and she groaned. "What the hell were you thinking bringing that little princess here? And why is she not screaming bloody murder and beating your fat ass for kidnapping her?" She arched one perfect, dark brow in my direction and crossed her arms.

"Hey!" Noah complained, his head whipping around to glare at her.

"I'm here of my own volition, thank you very much," I muttered, not caring if she heard me or not. I sunk into the couch and downed the rest of my drink.

Rachel walked around the couch and stood in front of us. She narrowed her eyes. "Did he drug you?" she asked, and I was almost certain she was being serious.

"I do have morals, you know," Noah grumbled, tossing the bag onto the table in front of us.

In the bag were dozens of tiny pills, varying in shapes, colors, and sizes. Each of them were wrapped in their own individual little baggy, a small colored sticker pasted on to, I could only assume, label what was inside. I looked at the bag, seeing all of the brightly colored tablets, before I forced myself to look away.

This shouldn't surprise you, Scarlett. You knew about this.

Rachel's snort of laughter pulls me back to the room. "What morals? You have a compass that's always pointed south."

"Bugger off, Rachel," Noah snapped.

Rachel simply scoffed at it, as if she wasn't the least bit surprised by his reaction. Instead of listening, she fell into a nearby chair with purpose, and pulled out her phone. "Well, I was going to tell you that some of the others are coming by for some fun, but seeing as you brought the princess home with you, I'll go ahead and tell them not to bother."

I stood up quickly, losing my balance in the process. Noah placed a hand on the small of my back to steady me. The stress of the events of the day were already wearing on my nerves, and Rachel's snarkiness wasn't helping matters.

"Will you just shut up, already!?" I screamed at her, the nerve she was dancing happily on snapping. "I'm so tired of your bullshit! I am not a princess by any means, so stop fucking calling me that! What gives you the right to judge me when you don't know ninety-seven percent of the shit I've been through?! I'm barely breathing here and you are not helping one god-damned bit!"

Rachel blinked, taking in all five foot four inches of me before she shrugged her shoulders. "Well. That's the best thing I've seen you wear since you got back."

I sighed exhaustedly and sank back down on the couch, unconsciously leaning in towards Noah's body heat.

Noah chuckled. "How long have you been holding that one in?"

"Too long."

The voices in my head were growing loud again, and I could feel him pounding on the walls in my mind, trying to break free and flood my conscious with unwanted memories I had worked too hard to burry. I raked my hands through my messy hair, dragging my short nails roughly against my scalp. I'd had enough. Enough of the bullshit, enough of the lies and enough of the judgement. I was tired of people looking at me and deciding they understood me.

Hell, I barely understood me.

When I let out a loud and exasperated sigh, Noah offered to refill my drink. I accepted, if only just to give myself a moment to compose myself again.

"You look stressed," Rachel commented, for once sounding not particularly snarky.

I couldn't help the venom in my voice. "Thanks. I had no idea."

"Down girl," she snickers, pulling her feet up under her. She must have abandoned her uniform as soon as the bell rang, swapping it out for a more flattering pair of dark-washed jeans and a black crop top. "I just meant you look like you need to relax."

"You're not exactly helping with that," I snapped.

She pulled on a knowing smile, tossing her cellphone aside. "Well, you're in luck. Typically my help comes at a price, but what do you say I give you some advice on the house."

"I'd say I have no reason to think you would actually help me. You hate me."

"I don't hate you, princess," she corrected me, tying her long dark hair up into a ponytail, exposing the dozens of tiny studs in her ears. "I just think you act like an entitled brat. But that's my opinion, based on how you act. Opinions can change, though."

"Oh yeah?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in her direction. "How so?"

"Show me you're not as stuck up as you seem," she smiled, riffling through her pocket and producing a small plastic baggy. "Try having a little fun for once."

She tossed the baggy at me, and somehow I actually managed to catch it between my fingers. Holding it out in the palm of my hand, I can see the two tiny white pills inside. My breath catches in my throat.

"What are they?" I asked in a quiet voice, looking up at Rachel across the table.

Rachel shrugged. "It's not like its poison, if that's what you're worried about. Let's just call it 'Rich Kid Candy'."

"It's oxycodone," a voice said from behind me. Noah came around from behind the couch and settled onto the couch beside me again. He set my drink on the table and shot Rachel an irritated glare. "Throw a stone at school and you'll hit somebody Rach has sold that shit to."

Rachel rolled her golden eyes. "Don't pretend you're so innocent, Kennedy."

Noah's face screwed up in a grimace. "I'm not. Which is why I can call it shit in the first place."

"Whatever," she scoffed, looking away from him and pointedly in my direction. "You want to relax? That'll do the trick."

I was still holding the bag stupidly in my hand, completely unsure what to do. My anxiety had skyrocketed, one voice telling me to just take the pills, another telling me to throw them back in her face.

Noah spoke up before I could make up my mind. "She came here to talk, Rach, not get bloody strung out on your shitty oxy."

"It's not shitty. It's hospital grade. Besides, it's her choice. If she wants to take the pills, she can take the damn pills."

"She can also tell you to sod off."

They were right. I had two choices, both with their own pros and cons. If I had been in my right mind, I probably would have considered them. But I wasn't in my right mind. I was stressed out and, frankly, I just wanted to scream and cry until my lungs were raw.

The pills were hot in my hand. I looked between Rachel, who was watching me expectantly, and Noah, who shook his head softly, telling me I didn't have to if I didn't want to.

And I made a choice.

You're going to regret this.

Without giving myself a chance to change my mind, I popped the pills into my mouth and chased them down with what was left of Noah's drink.

It was like someone had locked the door that lead from my subconscious mind to the rest of my body. The voices had gone quiet, and a sheet had been thrown over all of the stresses I had felt an hour ago.

At some point, Rachel had turned on the stereo and a loud, deep bass was pulsing through the penthouse. I could feel it in my chest as I danced around with Rachel. She was holding my hand in one of hers and a drink in the other as we twirled around like little girls, smiling and laughing as we sang along. At one point, she lost her balance and she fell to the floor in a fit of laughter, pulling me down with her and splashing her drink all over us.

I'd never felt so carefree before in my life. It was what I had thought it would be like to be a little girl. I was carefree, and for once I did not feel the weight of my memories weighing down my mood or my body.

It was euphoric.

After a moment of laughter, a strong arm reached down and wrapped around my waist, hauling me back onto my feet. I stumbled into Noah's chest, the effects of the pills and the drink I had downed so quickly slowing my movements. Noah's arms wrapped around me, holding me up, and I laughed, spreading my palms over his hard chest as we swayed.

"You know, it's nice to see you smile, Scar," Noah grinned down at me. The smell of booze and cigarettes wafted over me, but I was too happy to be revolted. I also couldn't judge, considering I must have smelled like I'd taken a swim in a bottle of tequila.

"You're a lot more fun," Rachel snickered, who had made herself comfortable on the floor. "If you were always like this, I swear we could be friends again."

I giggled softly and snuggled closer to Noah's chest, sighing in content.

He's so warm.

"So, are you feeling any better, love? We can still talk if you want to," he asked quietly, rocking us from side to side in a little circle. With one hand he traced patterns over the small of my back, sending shivers up my spine.

I shook my head against his chest. "I'm happy. I don't even remember what I wanted to talk about."

He pressed his lips to my forehead again. "I'm glad you're happy, love."

He's so nice to me.

I'm so mean to him... But he's so nice to me.

After another moment of swaying, I bit into my lip. "Hey, Noah?" I mock-whispered.

"Yes, love?" he whispered back.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

A soft smile twisted at his lips. He really was happy that I was happy. "Of course you can, love."

"I don't think I hate you anymore," I giggled and nuzzled closer to him. "I think yoou're actually kind of nice when you're not being a dick."

I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled. He leaned down so that his lips brushed over my ear, his breath tickling my neck. "Do you now?"

I leaned back in his arms, drowning myself in his dark blue eyes. "You're also kind of pretty."

"Ahh," he smirked. "Well, I happen to think you are breathtaking, Scar."

I smiled up at him, inhibitions gone with the wind. I could feel a fluttering sensation in my stomach, like butterflies fluttering around, and I bit into my lip. I wasn't sure if it was the pills, or the alcohol, or my twisted brain that was making me feel this way about him- about Noah, my best friend's ex-boyfriend. Someone I openly and relentlessly detested.

But no matter how shitty I treated Noah, he always came back for more. He didn't get angry with me, or insult me, or hurt me. Sure, he hit on me every chance he got, but he never forced himself on me. And most importantly, he didn't treat me like I was made of glass.

He was different than the others.

Deep down, I heard a small voice telling me to stop what I was doing and run; to get out of that penthouse before I did something I would regret. But, of course, I told it to shut up.

"Can I help you, love?" he asked, noticing the intent with which I was staring into his eyes.

My tongue darted out between my lips and I felt my breathing become shallow. "Yes," I breathed.

Noah leaned down, touching his forehead to mine. "What is it?" he inquired.

"Kiss me."

He blinked, and I assumed he hadn't heard me. I opened my mouth to repeat myself, but was silenced as his lips crashed into mine.

And something in me broke, silencing what was left of the voices in my head.

I clenched my fists, gathering up his shirtfront in my hands, drawing him impossibly closer to me. I moved my lips against his and gasped as his hands slid from the small of my back to my thighs and he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist.

My arms went around his neck and he trailed kisses along my jaw and down my neck. A moan escaped my lips and he stumbled backwards until he was sitting on the sofa and I was straddling his lap. His hands found their way under my oversized shirt, his touch soft and gentle against my back.

I entwined my fingers in his soft blonde hair and brought his mouth back to mine. He bit into my bottom lip, pulling on it.

"Thank you," I whispered.

And the world around me faded away.

I heard a bang, and shouted voices, but I couldn't pull myself out of the black abyss I was floating in.

"What the hell, Noah?" a deep voice boomed.

Distantly, I felt the floor under me shift and I slid onto something soft.


I heard the voice boom again, only this time, it was muffled. "Dude, are you high? How many times do I have to tell you not to use your own fucking supply?"

A giggle floated by. Something about it was familiar.

You used to laugh like that.

Suddenly, the black abyss faded away, like fog rolling past, and I was standing in the middle of Mum's back garden. Four girls sat around a short table having a tea party. I squinted to see their faces, but could only make out their hair colors. Two blonde girls, a red-head and one with raven hair.

"Aura, do you want some tea?" a small voice whispered.

I know that voice...

"Of course! And a cookie too, Lettie!" a musical voice answered.

"What about you Mimi?"

"Yes please!" a third voice chimed.




"Mr. Bear would like a cookie to please!" a four little girl sang.

"Rae, bears don't eat cookies! They eat honey! Don't you watch Winnie the Pooh?" the second girl, Aura, said.

"Of course I do!" the fourth girl, Rae, giggled.

That's her! Rae. Remember Rae?

Another figure walked into the garden, a grown woman with pale blonde hair. "Scarlett, your father and I will be back later. Enjoy your tea party, Angel-"


He used to call me that...

Suddenly the image evaporated and I was staring at a small, skeleton of a girl huddled on an army cot.

The basement.

"Angel!" He called. "Angel, I'm sorry about your arm, my girl, how about we watch a movie, huh?"

I felt someone shaking my shoulder, but I couldn't take my eyes off the girl on the bed. Her arm hung at an awkward angle and she cradled it close as she cried quietly.

I was so small.

So fragile.

The silence in the basement was interrupted by the shouting voice from before. "Who the fuck is that anyways? And why is she crying?"

The girl on the tiny cot let out a sob. I mirrored her, tears staining my cheeks.

I didn't have to see his face to know that he wore a mask of rage. He raised his right arm and the girl on the bed screamed.

I screamed, and my world was black again for a moment.

I couldn't see him hitting me, but I felt it. One after another, I felt a stab of pain on a new area of my body.

I was reliving everything he'd ever done to me.

A blow to the back of my head made it throb. My skin spit open under the blade of a kitchen knife. I felt two of my ribs breaking as a foot connected with my chest. A cigarette melted my skin as it was held against my arm. My wrist snapped in two against the edge of my bed. A shoulder popped out of its socket as my arm was wrenched backwards. My leg broke as I fell down the stairs. Something crushed my left hand.

All I felt was pain.

"Make it stop!" I cried, lashing out. I felt my fists hit flesh.

"Jesus! Really? Scarlett?! What the fuck, Noah?!" the voice boomed.

I screamed wordlessly, my throat burning.

I heard a voice calling my name, urging me to calm down, but I couldn't quite focus on it. The pain was too intense. "It hurts," I sobbed. "Please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! Please! Stop! Stop!"

I felt strong hands wrap around my wrists and I was unable to move. The voice shushed me, and arms wrapped around me. Sobs wracked my body as the pain subsided, eventually fading away. As I got control of myself, my sobbing stopped, and the world lapsed into silence.

"Did you give her something?" a voice growled over my head.

"She— she only took a couple pills. And she only had a few drinks," another voice answered, thick with worry.

"She has P.T.S.D., you dumbass! And even if she didn't, she's a hundred pounds soaking wet! She could have fucking OD'ed!"

"She was just fine before we fell asleep. She was having fun," a girl sniffled.

"Why the hell is she here? I told you to stay the hell away from her, Noah! She told you to herself!"

"Dude, I didn't give her anything! It was—"

Wait... Noah?



Whatever was keeping me under dissipated and I gasped for breath, my eyes flying open as I lurched forward, cutting off Noah's rambled explanations.

"Hey, Scarlett, you're okay. Just breathe."

I looked up and realised I was in Declan's arms. I immediately felt my chest tighten and I struggled against him. He let me go without a fight, raising his hands in front of him.

"I let go, it's okay. Just relax," he murmured, his eyes soft and almost... concerned?

I drew my knees up and wrapped my arms around them. I pressed my forehead into them and squeezed my eyes shut, focusing on my breathing.





After what seemed like forever, I opened my eyes again. Declan was still sitting beside me, but had moved back to give me space. Noah was seated in the chair, hunched over with his head in his hands. Rachel was curled up on the floor, her eyes red and puffy, teary mascara stains on her cheeks.

Declan broke the silence. "You good?" he asked calmly.

I nodded and Noah's head shot up. Our eyes met and I forced myself to look away.

"Scar— Scarlett," he corrected himself. "Scarlett, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. I didn't think about- I should've told you— God, I'm so sorry." He got up and walked over to me, bending down in front of me and reaching out to put his hand on my knee.

I didn't mean to but, instinctively, I flinched away.

He took his hand away quickly, looking dejected. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Declan glaring at Noah.

I looked away from Noah and down at my hands and subconsciously spun Dad's ring around my finger.

My high was gone and I felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over my head. I was my old, broken self again.

This is his fault. He's the one who brought you here.

"Don't be sorry," I murmured.

Have you completely lost your mind?

"What?" Declan snapped from beside me.

"I told Noah not to be sorry. It's not his fault."

"How the hell is this not his fault?"

"He didn't drag me here and shove them down my throat. I found him, I came here willingly. I took those pills from your sister and I swallowed them all by myself. The only thing Noah is guilty of is treating me like a real person and not a fucking porcelain doll!" Gradually my voice had risen until I was almost shouting.

Noah looked at me, obviously confused that I was yelling at Declan and not him.

Declan's head whipped around to glare at his sister, but he said nothing. He didn't chew her out like he had Noah.

Rachel only scoffed under her brother's heavy gaze. "At least I didn't shove my tongue down her throat. That one was him."

Noah whipped his head around to stare at her. "Rachel," he growled lowly.

"You did what?!" Declan shouted, standing so that he towered over us all.

Hastily, Noah got to his feet and raised his hands cautiously. "Dec, bro, just hear me out—"

He was cut off when Declan's fist connected with his jaw. Noah's hand flew up to block the next hit, but it never came.

I gasped and jumped to my feet before I knew what I was doing. At the last second, Declan acknowledged that I was standing between him and his target. He tried to check his punch, but it was too late. His fist grazed my temple and knocked me back. Noah's arms wrapped around me, pulling me into against his strong frame before I could hit the floor

Declan cursed loudly. "Scarlett, I'm so—"

"Don't," Noah cut him off, his voice full of aggression.

I stayed silent, replaying the last moments over in my head.

He didn't mean to hit you. This is Noah's fault.

I silenced the voice in my head and pulled back from Noah. His arms dropped and he stepped away, giving me space. At the same moment, Declan took a step towards me.

In that moment, I made a decision.


I took a step towards Noah, grabbing his hand tightly in mine. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at him, meeting his surprised gaze levelly.

"Take me home, please."


All I really want to know is how would your outlook on certain characters have changed if you'd read this version of events over the previous? Namely: Rachel gave Scarlett the pills, not Noah.

PS: I promise, a "Loving Scarlett" update is on the way soon— ish. This has just been eating away at me as I watch new readers comment, and look back and wonder "what the hell was I thinking?!"
Also— don't forget to keep an eye out in August for my Wattpad Block Party post!
Spoiler: it takes place along this storyline, featuring a few much-loved characters... but it's not focused on Scarlett.

(if you know what that gif is from, you're my new best friend.)


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#6 in medical! * I nodded and returned my gaze back to Liv. She placed a hand on my chest, opening and closing her fist. I heard her sniffle and rubb...
231K 7.9K 100
Scarlett was living in bliss when her little girl entered the world. She shut her eyes content that her life's just started. Only to open them and l...