Choni- I get what I want

By Tearsoftrouble

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A Choni story in which Cheryl wants Toni eventhough she hates "Southside scum" and Toni wouldn't mind Cheryl... More

Chapter 1- Woah...
Chapter 2- B&V try comforting
Chapter 3-Did we just flirt?
Chapter 4-No advice Only vice
Chapter 5- distractions,distractions
Chapter 6- We're not friends
Chapter 7- What you can't have
Chapter 9- The red room
Chapter 10- Hold tight.
chapter 11- Take me home.
Chapter 12-Getting somewhere
Chapter 13- The hut
Chapter 14-Mother says no
Chapter 15- Yoooo Toniiiii
Chapter 16- Serpents to the rescue
Chapter 17- "I'm fine"
Chapter 18- Leaving her.
Chapter 19- Stop falling for me
Chapter 20 -Say Something
Chapter 21 -Mother dearest, Monster dearest
Chapter 22- Overthinking, under pressure.
Chapter 23- Looking for her.
Chapter 24- Death Glare
Chapter 25- Closet Encounters
Chapter 26- I am sorry
Chapter 27- Exposed
Chapter 28- Woah x2
Chapter 29- Practise makes not so perfect

Chapter 8- Too school for cool

4.7K 110 12
By Tearsoftrouble

Okay so im horiible at updating, like terrible, absolutely appauling... I'm sorry.

. . . . . .

The walk to class wasn't uncomfortable as suspected but instead the flirting and insults just continued a little bit. Until they reached the classroom door.
"Umm so how late are we?" Toni asked and watched as Cheryl checked her phone.
"12 minutes"
"How the hell are we 12 minutes late" at this point Cheryl was not going to mention to Toni that they took a substantially longer route so she could stay in the girl's company for longer. Instead she just shrugged and
Toni sighed.
"If this was Southside high and I was this late I would usually just skip class" and with those words a lightbulb lit up inside Toni's head.
She gave Cheryl a look that said 'how bout it, buuuuuut...
Cheryl just scolded her
"See now this is what I was talking about! How is our GPA not going to be effected if-" Cheryl was about to begin a rant about southsiders ruining the school again forgetting that it would offend Toni.
"Woah Woah!"Toni cut her off "Chill out princess my grades were and are perfectly fine that's why I could skip class and it wouldn't effect me" she spoke a matter of factly.
"Your grades are-" Cheryl was rather shocked by the comment even the thought that the girl was lying creeper into her head

"Fine. yes. I've never gotten anything lower than a B in all my classes" Toni reluctantly spoke. It wasn't really in her reputations description to be what some may stereotype as a "nerd" so admitting this to Cheryl could only open up a whole world of taunts and teases. But Toni didn't care she wanted to prove Cheryl wrong.

"Oh." Cheryl cursed herself a little in her head. She had let her hate for the Southside cause her to make a judgement of Toni that wasn't too pleasant.
It didnt really matter though I mean Cheryl was suppose to be mean and judgemental especially to those she saw as her inferiors... that was in her reputations description.
"Yeah oh." Toni crossed her arms.
"Right well... we're now about 15 minutes late so" Cheryl reached for the door.
"Wait" Toni grabbed at Cheryl's hand instinctively but instantly froze. It wouldn't have been awkward. It wouldn't have been awkward if even just one of them moved their hand away. But Cheryl froze aswell.
They just stood, both staring at thier hands but not eachother.
It was as if they both simultaneously were screaming at themselves in thier heads but nothing happened, thier bodies were mute to the idea of listening to thier brains.
A good 20 seconds went by before they both went to speak at the same time
"You a-"
They flinched away from eachother. Not because they didn't want to touch eachother infact the awkward hand hold was actually something they both wanted just in a different situation. Neither of them knew that though so instead they just stuttered over words that consisted of "let's go" "umm" and "better walk in"

And they did.
They walked in together.
The class was in the middle of group work talking chatting with PowerPoint on laptops and paper with colourful writing on them consisting of information relating to the topic.
They both looked at eachother and realised the teacher was distracted so they quickly started walking to thier seats but the whole class went quiet as
"Cheryl blossom!" It was their teacher.
They both froze in place Toni behind Cheryl. " annnd... you must beeeee Toni. Toni topaz I assume." She said looking at the list of students on her desk.
They both turned to her, waiting to get told off for being late.
The class began to mutter again but this time it was all focused on the south side serpent with the cherry princess.
"Yes miss Galston?" Cheryl politely answered.
"You're late" she made a sour face and rolled her eyes.
"I'm aware"
"Would you like to tell me why" the teacher became aggravated with the clear misconduct being produced and the lack of caring from them both.

"Well" Cheryl didn't know what came over her with all the chattering and the teachers glare resting on her, all of her excuses flew out of her mind.

"I got lost!" Toni stepped infront of Cheryl. "Cheryl found me on the other side of the school when I text her telling her I couldn't find my class I'm sorry miss" Toni pushed back a slight smile as Miss Galston decided whether the excuse was admirable or not.
"Hmm" she looked at Cheryl who smiled "I wasn't aware Cheryl here"she looked at the redhead "was a big fan of our new students"
It was clear she wasn't.
Everybody knew she wasn't.
I mean she rallied half the school against them on thier first day!
Even that's hard to hide from teachers.

"Change of heart?" Cheryl tried.
She couldn't be bothered anymore so she just settled for the excuse.
"Fine I'll give you the benefit of the doubt" both girls side smiled at eachother then looked back at the teacher who fiddled with some papers then handed them to eachother.
"Well were currently doing this task. Its a group project should take 2 weeks figure it out. You two will be together and with betty if she ever shows up" Toni fumbled the papers a little as Cheryl just turned away and walked to her seat. The whole class was silent now watching as the 2 girls walked towards thier seats.
Staring at Cheryl who panicked

"Change of heart Cheryl?" Reggie piped up frowning at the girl "are you turning on us?" He pointed at her.

"Cool it Reggie" Cheryl rolled her eyes then she protested. She HAD to protest
"But miss galston you cant put me with..."
"Oh I'm sorry Miss Blossom did I say if it please your highness work with Toni... no I didn't and what happened to your change of heart" she halted any objection before it could even be made
Toni was kind of hurt she thought Cheryl wouldn't hate working with her. But with her eye rolling, pouting face and pissed off stance it was clear Cheryl was going to give Toni hell this week ...and next week.
"Fine." Cheryl pretended to be annoyed then CARRIED on walking to her seat with Toni.
As they sat down Reggie scolded, staring at the 2 and Cheryl just shrugged at him and rolled her eyes.

Since there was nothing she could do about working with Toni ...pity. She smirked on the inside at that thought.

Hey guys I need to know whether you are still interested in this story?? It's been a long time soooo. I'll probably still write it for myself cause I wanna know the ending but I won't post it on here.

So maybe I should scrap the whole thing  and write a new one ...
Or would you like me to continue with this one and carry on with my other ideas for new stories.
Let me know :p

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