The Vow. (A 1D fanfic)

By RemmyCherryRed

67.9K 875 110

Kendra and Harry Styles were bestfriends. But when Harry leaves for x-factor and becomes part of One Directio... More

The Vow. (A 1D fanfic)
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 5

3.6K 61 6
By RemmyCherryRed

Chapter 5! I'm so proud of my 14 reads! And a vote! AH! Thanks to everyone! Pic of Mackenzie on the side, and a great song. Please vote and comment! Soo yeah. Here is Chapter 5.


It was June 10th. We ended our semester at uni yesterday, and we couldn’t be happier. It was around noon and we were packing for summer at Paul’s beach house. The house was in Florida, so it’d be warm and there’d be great beaches. We packed almost everything we had, which wasn’t a crazy amount of clothes and such, but we brought it all. We took a cab to the airport, and then checked our luggage. Mackenzie’s seat was 2b and mine was 11a. It was a fairly small plane with about 12 rows total. I settled into my chair and laid my carry on bag under the seat in front of me. I was sitting next to an older man, whom pulled out a book and began reading.

After takeoff I pulled out my Ipod and listened to “Reprobate Romance” by Blacklisted Me. I laid back and closed my eyes, just listening to music on shuffle.The ride was smooth. It was a direct flight from New York to Florida, so it was kind of long.

Upon landing, however, the unthinkable happened. We were about to land in the airport of Miami, Florida when everything went terribly wrong. Everything got bumpy. Windows cracked open and oxygen masks deployed from overhead. bits and pieces of the plane went flying. The front broke off from the back and the front seemed to land ok. The back however was in the air and falling to the ground. People were falling and screaming. Injured people were bleeding or dead. People were crying and it was just overall chaos. Mackenzie was probably ok. Alive at the least. I thought for sure that i was going to die. An armrest from one of the chairs flew towards me and whacked me in the end. Sending me hurtling towards the ground. I held my bleeding head as i slid out the back of the plane. I held on for dear life, but I was weak and dizzy. I fell out and began falling to the ground. We weren’t that high up, but I was sure the impact would be the death of me. Right before I splattered onto the ground, everything went black.


My eyes opened slowly. My head was throbbing. Everything hurt. I glanced around the room I was in. Where was I? I was laying in a white bed with needles and tubes hooking me up to tons of machines. I looked down at my arms and legs. I had tons of cuts covered in bandages, but I didn’t see any casts so I assumed there’d be no broken bones.

I laid there for a few minutes thinking about what had happened. It was a bit fuzzy, but I remembered everything. I remembered Mackenzie and our summer plans and everything. I was thankful I had no memory loss. I was lost in thought when a nurse came it.

“Oh you’re awake! How great, you have a few friends who were really scared you wouldn’t wake up. You were in a coma for a few days.”

“I was?” I said, groggily. My throat felt hoarse, and my voice sounded weird.

“Yes. You were actually fairly lucky, you’ve got countless cuts and bruises, but no broken bones or anything serious. You’re going to be just fine. Everything looks normal.”

“That’s...great..” I said, I was really tired.

“It is. I can tell that you’re exhausted, so you can sleep if you want.. You’re blonde friend though, has been here for days. Never leaving. Plus these 5 boys come in and out. The blonde is a wreck though, would you like to talk to her?”

“Yeah, bring them all in. Whoever is there.”

“Ok.” The nurse scurried out of the room to get them. I hoped Mackenzie was okay, because I remember she was in the plane as well. I can only hope she is fine.

I’d never been so happy to see a mop of blonde hair and puffy red eyes before in my entire life. She walked in hesitantly and slowly. When she caught my eye she rushed over and gently hugged me, being careful not to hurt me. Mackenzie seemed fine. She had a few scrapes and bruises, but she was definitely in better condition than me. She looked a mess though. I could tell she needed sleep. She also needed a shower. I felt bad for making her worry.

The door opened slowly and in walked Harry. He looked older since I’d last seen him. He still had amazing green eyes and curly brown hair. He wasn’t smiling though. He was as gorgeous as ever. Then I remembered what we used to be. I wonder what’d he’d think of me now, what he’d say to me. I wondered if we’d ever be friends again. I was still angry about him abandoning me for fame.

He walked up next to me. I looked up at him. What would he say to me?

    “Hi.” He said in a low husky voice, extended his hand towards me, “I’m Harry Styles.”

What?? Did he not know me? Did he really not recognize me? I didn't think the plane crash had messed up my face THAT bad. Then I remembered how much I had changed since I’d last seen him. I was a bit hurt that he didn't recognize my face, but I couldn’t blame him that much. So what am I supposed to do? Do I just tell him who I am and risk an awkward situation? Or should I be someone new, should I see if he actually missed/cared about me. Should I wait for him to recognize me? He never did like liars...

“Hi..I’ my name is Kendra.” I stuttered out, hesitantly shaking his hand. I looked into his eyes, waiting for it to click. Waiting for something, anything. Hurt, memory, anger, Nothing. I saw nothing. Well then...Let’s have some fun with this shall we?

Mackenzie began asking the nurse questions, like when I would leave the hospital. The nurse said I could leave as early as tomorrow, as long as I checked 3 times in the next 2 weeks. After a little chatting with Mackenzie the nurse told her and Harry to leave me to rest. I fell asleep immediately.

When I woke up 5 gorgeous boys loomed over me. I peeked out of my closed eyes. 'Was i in heaven? 'I thought to myself. Nope, not in heaven, I recognized Mackenzie and Harry. I also recognized Harry’s band from the x factor, I didn’t remember their names, but remembered their faces. They all were bent over me. I opened my eyes a bit more.

“SHE’S AWAKE!” Someone yelled. I opened my eyes even more to see a fit lad with brown hair dancing around the room. I cringed at the noise, but sat up. The guys leaned away from me, giving me room so move.

An adorable blond boy with beautiful blue eyes was staring at me. So was Harry.

“You can go home now.” Mackenzie said. By home I’m assuming she meant the home we would be staying in over the summer.

“What about my stuff?” I doubt my suitcase survived the crash. I’m not sure though, it’s possible they found it.

“We had it delivered to Paul’s house. They recovered it from the crash.”

“Ok.” I just then realized I wasn't hooked up to the machines anymore. Mackenzie handed me a pair of closed and ushered all the boys out of the room to change. As I was getting changed into shorts and a ‘The Nearly Deads’ t-shirt she started going on and on about how she was so worried for me and how everything was so terribly wrong. I was about to cut in and tell her that it’s not her fault, but something she said caught my attention.

“Plus the boys were worried like mad too.”

“They were?” I said, cutting her off.

“Yeah. They don’t know you but they were still worried. When they saw you for the first time Harry and Niall made a big deal about how beautiful you were. Louis tried being optimistic for everyone but he was concerned too. “

Harry and Niall eh? Niall and Harry were both really cute. I didn’t know Niall at all, and Harry and I USED to be best friends. He doesn’t remember me though. Well, maybe he remembers the old Kendra. I’m a lot different now. 

    I finished getting dressed and Mackenzie and I drove to her uncle’s home. When we walked inside I was shocked. It was a really nice house. Mackenzie showed me my room. It was purple and black themed. It was really nice. I unpacked my things into the dresser. I even had my own bathroom. When I finished unpacking I took a really long shower. I was sore and the soap hurt my cuts, but it felt good to be clean. I finished up and threw my wet hair into a bun. I decided not to put on makeup. I slipped on a pair of basketball shorts and a black tank top. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I saw Mackenzie and all the boys chilling on the couch watching finding nemo. I immediately regretted the way I looked, but who cares? I strolled into the living room. 

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