Emblem Gamer

By Dracula117

39.3K 769 391

what if a Gamer was playing a game when suddenly something pulled him into his game? I do not own Fire Emblem... More

info and Harem
Fire Emblem Gamer
Prologue: The Verge of History
Chapter 2: Shepherd's
Chapter 3: Warrior Realm

Chapter 1: Unwelcome Change

4.7K 101 36
By Dracula117

Current Stats

Name: Y/N

LVL: 5

EXP: 20/100

Class: Ranger

Gender: Male

Race: Branded

HP: 26

Strength: 10

Magic: 6

Skill: 10

Speed: 10

Defense: 9

Resistance: 8

Luck: 5

(A/N: just a reminder of the current stats. This is to also help me when I do the stats after level ups.)


It's been a few hours since we left south town and it was finally night time. The group had conversations to pass the time and Robin, Lyn, and I are usually the subject. I myself learned that Micaiah was a orphan and her village was destroyed during a bandit raid. She joined the Shepherd's about a year later after running into Chrom and Lissa. Titania herself actually grew up with Frederick like siblings and enlisted together in the army. They both quickly ascended the ranks and became the vassals of the prince and princess. Lyn's story was actually a bit complicated, well for the rest of the group.

She claimed to have been chosen by a Goddess to be brought here to help. While the group thought of her claim as skeptics, I reminded them that magic exist and if a Goddess wanted to, she could make anyone her champion. That made them think on my words and agreed with blunt logic. Lyn shot me a thankful look and we pretty much paired up in most of our conversations.

We then finally came to a stop when Lissa shouted "I told you--it's getting dark already! ...Ech! And now the bugs are out! Noisy, disgusting bugs that buzz around and crawl all over and bite you when--Agh! Won goph in mah mouph! Blech! Ptooey!" She gagged at the end as a bug did indeed flew into her mouth.

Chrom openly chuckled "Aw,come on now, Lissa. Hardship builds character. Want to help me gather firewood?" His amusement clearly showed as he watch Lissa tried to rinse her mouth with water. Lissa continued her failed endeavor "Tpht! Tpht! Yeeeeeuck! ...I'll pass on finding firewood, thanks. I think I've built QUITE enough character for one day!" She huffed in annoyance.

Everybody, aside from Frederick, chuckled at her misfortune. Titania spoke "Milady, maybe you she be more cautious when screaming at night. Wouldn't want something nasty critters to jump in your mouth anymore, would we?" Her answer was a annoyed glare pointed at her and more chuckles came from the rest of us.

Robin spoke after relaxing "We should probably think about food. I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Frederick agreed "Yes, I should think a little hunting and gathering is in order. Now who wants to clear a campsite?" For some reason that task fell onto me...

Small time skip...

We all sat around a decent size fire as we dinner. Chrom spoke with delight "Mmm... it's been too long since I last had bear meat. Delicious! ...Whats wrong, Lissa? Dig in." Lissa spoke blankly "Pass! ...Gods, couldn't you spear us an normal animal people eat for once? I mean, come on! Who eats bear?! You're meddling with the food chain. Right Robin? ...Uh, Robin?" She questioned Robin at the end but only saw her eating the bear meat in enthusiasm "*Munch, munch, slurp*" Lissa sigh "*Sigh* I suppose a person would enjoy just about anything after not eating for days..." She muttered.

I then tore a large chunk from my own serving, which wasn't quiet. Lissa looked at me and spoke exasperatedly "OK I can understand Robin eating so much, but what about you Y/N!?" The group looked towards me, including Robin even though she was scarfing down her food.

I answered "What can I say? I'm literally on the top of the food chain compared to normal humans." That got raised eyebrows from the group. I wasn't going to reveal that I'm a Descendent of a white dragon, not yet at least. I plan on revealing that peace of information when I feel like it. Besides I want to know if more unexpected people will show up in this new life of mine.

Chrom spoke up amused "Just eat it, Lissa. Meat is meat." Lissa yelled back "Since when does meat smell like old boots?! Wait, I take that back--boots smell better!" Frederick spoke up "Every experience makes us stronger, milady. Even those we don't enjoy." Lissa shot him a accusing look "Really? Then why don't I see YOU eating, Frederick?" Frederick looked slightly nervous "Me? Oh, well... I'm not hungry. I...I had a large lunch! Yes, quite." He replied with a obvious lie.

I saw Titania looking amused at her fellow Paladin. I leaned close to Micaiah, who was sitting next to me and whispered "For someone so stern, he suprisingly has a weak fortitude for what he eats." Micaiah placed her hand on her mouth to snuff out her giggles. It was actually pretty cute to see Micaiah acting like a woman and not a rebel you usually see in Radiant Dawn.

We finished eating our dinner and everyone got comfortable and went to sleep. I myself was sleeping against a tree, knowing full well what was going to happen next.

Timeskip brought to you by...

3rd pov

Chrom abruptly woke up in the middle of the night "...Huh?" His confused word and him standing up woke up Lissa "*Yawn* What's wrong, Big Brother?" She asked rubbing her eyes. Chrom answered "Sorry, I didn't meanto wake you, but... Something is amiss..." He trailed off, looking at the forest surrounding the group.

Lissa asked "Define "Something."" Chrom answered unsure "I'm not sure... I think I'll have a look around." Lissa glared at Chrom "Not alone, you won't! I'm coming too." Chrom smile "Heh. Thanks, Lissa." She nodded with a smile.

Before they could move someone else spoke "Be careful." The siblings jumped in suprise and turned to see a interesting sight.

Y/N was sitting against a tree, with Lyn sleeping next to him while resting her head on his shoulder. Then they saw Micaiah sleeping on the ground, using his cape as a bed and using his lap as a pillow. The final piece to the picture was the bird Yune, was using his head as a makeshift nest as she slept.

Lissa looked torn between pouting for some reason or giggling at Y/N situation. Chrom on the other hand looked very amused, but Y/N spoke up quietly "Don't you dare say anything. I know I won't be getting any sleep because of my situation." He glared at the siblings, who were holding in there laughter as they left the guy to his 'unique' situation.

The siblings reached a small clearing in the forest and Lissa spoke nervously "It sure is dark...and quiet. Where did the birds go?" Chrom spoke up "Something is wrong here..." After he spoke a minor earthquake erupted.

Lissa screams "Aaah! Chrom!" Chrom spoke "Gods, what-- Agh! What is this madness?! Lissa, stay close!" She nodded.

Before the mystery swordsman could answer, the rest of the group had found the trio.


You wanna know something funny? No matter what, when a woman wakes up next to you and doesn't know how she got there, they usually get very aggressive and very violent. Thankfully before Lyn and Micaiah could unleash there feminine rage on my innocent soul, the earthquake hit and woke up the rest of the group.

Now here we are, staring at the siblings and the 'Mysterious Stranger'. Observe.

LVL: 3
Class: Lord
Gender: Female
Race: Human
HP: 22
Weapon: Parallel Falchion
Faction: None

I then looked around the large clearing in the forest and sure enough, the walking dead is here. I drew my Iron sword from my side and scanned the area.

14 enemies

2 Archers
4 Mercenaries
8 Fighters

New Quest!

Unwelcome Change

Objective: Rout the enemy!

Rewards: 500 gold, 50 Exp, 1 random item.

Bonus Objective: Don't let Micaiah or Robin get injured!

Bonus Reward: ?

Failure: Death

I raised my eyebrow at the bonus reward but dismissed the message. Frederick shouts "Milord! Milady! Are you hurt?" Lissa looks at us "Guys!" She shouted back in relief and suprise. I saw Robin looking at the creatures "Are such horrific creatures commonplace in these lands?" Chrom shook his head "They're not from Ylisse, I promise you that." He answered Robin with Falchion ready in his hand.

I then heard Frederick speaking "No one is injured then? Thank the gods..." Lissa suddenly spoke up "Thanks to the masked man who saved me! If it wasn't for him, I'd be... Hey, where did he go?" I noticed that indeed, Lucina wasn't with us and has vanished. I probably could find with my scale mail to spot her from the sky, but I know that she'll reappear after the battle.

Frederick spoke "We can worry about him later, AFTER we put these... things... to the blade. Eyes open, now. We know nothing about this enemy." He finished with his silver Lance in his hands. Chrom spoke right after Frederick finished "Right." I then spoke up "I suggest that Robin, Micaiah, and Lissa stay behind us. These creatures look like walking corpses and that means that they don't have a something to limit there strength." I saw them look confused about my words and said "I'll explain later on that." They nodded and did as I suggested.

I ignored the talk about the forts that in all honesty, looked like small buildings that have been reinforced to withstand punishment. I double check where Robin and Micaiah were station at, and to my suprise they were both behind me, with Lyn standing next to me. She spoke up without turning to me "You said that they were walking corpses, does that mean that they are incredibly stupid as well?" I answered her "Yes. Unless we encounter some undead mage, these guys should be easy to outsmart, but I still advise caution." She nodded and I looked towards the two women behind me "Stick to magic, especially light magic. These things couldn't have been resurrected by natural means, so maybe light magic could be a major weakness." They nodded and Micaiah looked determined to try out that theory

I looked forward and saw a fighter Risen charging at me. I charged forward and it swung at me, but I slid underneath it's swing and sliced it's midsection. I turn to see it slowly look at me and stumbled towards me, but suddenly arrows of light rained down on it and it disintegrated into ash.

[+20 Exp]

I looked at Micaiah who was grinning at me and I spoke up, suprised at the results of my theory "Damn." She giggled at that and I turned around to see 5 more Risen coming towards our group. Observe.

LVL: 1
Class: Fighter
Race: Undead
Gender: Male
HP: 16
Weapon: Bronze Axe
Atk: 11
Def: 1
Faction: Grima

LVL: 1
Class: Mercenary
Race: Undead
Gender: Male
HP: 15
Weapon: Bronze Sword
Atk: 9
Def: 2
Faction: Grima

LVL: 1
Class: Archer
Race: Undead
Gender: Male
HP: 15
Weapon: Bronze Bow
Atk: 8
Def: 1
Faction: Grima

I shouted "Ladies! Lyn and me with damage them, you two finish them afterwards." After saying that the Risen were upon us with the mercenaries reaching us first. They both attacked me at the same time, but I blocked both there blades with my own. I struggled to hold them back and swept the right ones legs and broke the lock with the left. I then sliced it's weapon arm off and quickly stabbed the downed Risen in the head. I looked towards the second Risen only to see more ash floating to the ground, thanks to Micaiah.

[+20 Exp]
[+40 Exp]

[Leveled up!]

[+1 MAG]
[+1 RES]
[+1 LUK]

I then looked towards Lyn and saw that she already defeated the fighters of our group. I looked and saw that Chrom, Frederick and Titania, with Lissa standing safely behind them, had easily taken care of there group of Risen. I did a quick count on the remaining Risen and saw only 4 left, 2 archers and 2 fighters, including the Risen Chief. Observe.

Risen Chief
LVL: 3
Class: Fighter
Race: Undead
Gender: Male
HP: 24
Weapon: Hand Axe
Atk: 12
Def: 4
Faction: Grima

I spoke up "Robin, I counted at least 4 creatures left, with one of them looking different from the other fighters, a leader perhaps? Suggestions?" I finished, playing ignorant. Robin looked thoughtful and spoke "Lets regroup with Chrom. It's better to be safe than sorry." Before anyone else could speak, we heard a female voice speaking loudly "Captain Chrom! Wait! I'm coming!" We turned and there was a woman, Sully, with red armor and a lance on a horse.

She continued to speak "...Agh, I knew I shouldn'ta left 'em. All right, you ash-faced freaks! Which one of ya wants to try my lance on for size first? I know just the spot for it: shoved right up your--" And before she could finish, in my opinion a funny sentence, the annoying archer shows up and shouted "Hold Milady!"

Sully looks behind "Muh?" Then the annoying archer, Virion, opened his mouth "Life may be long, but attraction is fleeting! Would you leave me in your sweet dust? Leave the war to the warriors, dear bird! A beauty such as you need wage only love." After the words left his mouth, everything was silent. It sounded stupid in the game, but in actual life, it's sounds as if this guy got dropped on the head too many times.

I turned to the Risen and I swore to whatever God was listening, they themselves had sweatdrops and looking at Virion weirdly.

Sully actually replied "...The Hell are you?!" Virion spoke obnoxiously "Ha! Is the lady intrigued? Of course you are--it's only natural. I am myth and legend! I am he who strides large across history's greatest stage! The man who puts the "arch" in "archer"! My name, dear lady, is Vi--"

Then, out of nowhere, a foot crashed into the guys nuts and he turned white with his jaw dropped. He slowly fell to the ground, twitching in pain. It took everything I had to not laugh at the poor guy.

I looked up and saw another face that wasn't supposed to be in Awakening, and this one kinda scared me. Observe.

LVL: 15
Class: Mage
Race: Branded
Gender: Female
HP: 28
Weapon: Arkthunder
Faction: None

.....What the hell is Sonia from Blazing swords doing here? I looked towards Lyn and saw that she was totally relaxed.

Sonia spoke with annoyance laced in her voice "So annoying." She stepped on the downed archer and walked over him and towards my group. Sully smirked at the seen before us "Sorry, Ruffles--no time for this. Onward!" She charged towards Chrom's group.

I could hear Virion speak in a high pitch voice "Virion! ...Er, my name. It's Virion. W-wait! Where are you going?Pray, at least tell me your name!" His voice didn't loose it's pitch the entire time. Sully looks amused at him "I'm Sully. ...And I'm a Shepherd." Virion stood up shaking from his pain and tried to speak with a Suave tone ""Sully"! How divine! A stark beautiful name, as befits it's owner, truly. Will you marry me, my dearest Sull?" OK, now isn't the time for this, but the idiot archer doesn't seem to care.

Sully lost her amusement and looked slightly disturbed "Will I what now? Oh wait, I get it... this is a joke. And when I put my boot through your face--that's the punch line." Virion didn't get the hint and spoke "I realized my manly figure and Noble bearing can be overwhelming. 'Tis common! So please don't feel pressured to answer right a--" Sully looked extremely pissed by his words and said hotly "How's THIS for an answer?!" Right there, Sully's horse charged at the fool and Sully kicked the guy in the face, hard.


Virion grunts in pain "OOF! G-goodness, but those shapely legs certainly can kick, can't they... P-please, milady! Allow me to accompany you, at least! Mine is a cold, empty world without you." He then started to beg "I shall be your most willing servant, and you, in turn, will give my life purpose..." Sully gave him a hard look before speaking "*Sigh* Fine... Anything to shut you up." Virion then happily stared at her "...What? Stop staring at me like that!" She yelled at him.

When Sonia reached our group, I spoke first "First of all, nice shot." She smirked at that "Secondly, Thank you for trying to shut that guy up. So annoying..." Her smirk widen at that and I actually looked at the Risen. Strange thing was that they were just standing there, scratching there heads.

I shook my head and spoke "Lets just finished this and leave." My group nodded and I charged at the last group. Lyn shot past me and quickly dispatch one archer, a large bolt of lightning struck the fighter, killing it easily. Then a small ball of electricity slammed into a archer, knocking it down and light rained down on it, killing it.

The Chief roared at me "*Ryaaargh*!" It tossed it's axe at me and grabbed it midair, tossed it back to the chief. It slammed into its shoulder and it stumbled back. Before it could pull the axe out of its shoulder, I was already upon it. Power suddenly rushed through my body, different from what I used against Garrick.

I shouted "Time to die!" Then I struck.

[Eclipse Activated!]

(A/N: start at 3:00)

[+100 Exp]

[Leveled up!]

[+1 HP]
[+1 STR]
[+1 MAG]
[+1 SKL]

Battle Results: Victory!

MVP: Y/N & Micaiah

Reward: kingsglaive Daggers

Kingsglaive Daggers have been placed into your inventory!

Quest complete!

Unwelcome Change

Rewards: 500 gold, 50 Exp, 1 random item.

Bonus Rewards: ?

Random item and ? Have been placed into your inventory.

I stared at the screen for a few seconds before a grin spread across my face and I dismissed the message and wiped the grin off my face before anyone could see it. I'm very curious to see what those items are, but at the moment, it's best to pay attention to the group incase I need to hear something important. I turned to see that the entire group has has regrouped, along with the, Sonia, Sully, Virion, and 'Marth'.

Frederick spoke "It seems all the creatures are vanquished. This young man took care of the others." And like that, all eyes except mine were on 'Marth'. Mine was searching the area, incase there's any surprises. Even with my awesome abilities, better safe than sorry.

'Marth' remains silent as Lissa walks up to 'him' "Um, I never got to thank you...for before. So...thank you. You were very brave." She spoke with appreciation. Chrom spoke with appreciation as well "You saved my sister's life. My name is Chrom. Might I ask yours?" 'Marth' spoke bluntly "You may call me Marth." This corner suprise from a few.

Chrom spoke again "Marth? After the heroic king of old? You certainly fight like a hero. Where did you learn your way with a sword?" I actually raised an eyebrow at that. I mentally spoke to myself 'From you dumbass. How in hell don't you notice how she has Falchion, blue hair, and fights similar to you?' I shook my head at Chrom.

'Marth' spoke "I'm not here to talk about me. This world teeters at the brink of a horrible calamity. What you saw tonight was but a prelude. You have been warned." After 'he' finished, 'he' walked away. Lissa spoke up in confusion "Huh? What's teetering where now? Hey, wait!" And with that, 'Marth' has officially left the scene.

Robin spoke next "Not much for conversation, is he?" Frederick nodded "It appears that his skills lie elsewhere. I wager we'll hear his name again... But for now I'm more concerned about the capital. We should make haste." Everyone nodded and we all continued our journey.

I was walking next to Lyn, Micaiah, and Sonia. I mentally spoke 'Menu.'






'Inventory.' I picked.


900 Gold

1 Vulnernary

1 Bronze Sword

1 Bronze Axe

1 Hand Axe

2 Wind Tomes

Kingsglaive Daggers

1 Silver Card

Ring of Lucis

I would be smiling at those things if I didn't know what they did. The silver card will definitely help with shopping, but I don't know if it's a one time deal or if it only works for certain shops. And the Ring of Lucis... I can only hope it'll accept me.

I pulled the ring from my inventory secretly within my cape. I raised my hand, showing the ring in it.

I hear Sonia speaking next to me "Nice ring. What the occasion?" I looked towards her with a quick lie "A gift from a old love. I lost her though. I finally realized that I need to let go of the past and live today." I picked up the Ring and raised my other hand. I looked towards my companions "Don't freak out." They all looked confused at me.

I then placed the ring on my ring finger and suddenly *BANG!* "AAAARRRRRHHHHHH" I screamed in extreme pain. I kneeled down on one knee, hearing my name being shouted by a few of the Shepherd's, as my world goes dark.

Realm of kings...

I kneeled on the road, the world dark around me. But instead of a bunch of kings appearing before me, Nyx Ulric stood before me. He spoke with a smile "I'm glad that the universe hasn't lost its brave fools. People like us, those who are willing to take risks to protect what we can. I know about your journey, and I know that initially, you didn't join this world to protect it. But I also know that your heart wants to help this world. Always remember this young hero; Remember the past, live in the present, and protect the future." He smiled and I nodded. He spoke up once more "Rule well, young king..."

The world lit up and engulfed everything.

Real world...

I was back in the real world and saw most of the group crowded around me, with Lissa using her heal stave on my arm, that was on fire.

The flames extinguished, revealing my arm to be uninjured. I stood up with power rushing through me. Titania spoke first "Are you alright? You wouldn't answer us and stayed silent, even with your arm on fire. What happened?" Her voice filled with concern. I looked towards the Ring of Lucis "Just accepting a burden I'll bear. My lost love was a powerful mage who placed her magic inside of this ring before she died." I lied.

They nodded and accepted my words. Then we continue our journey and a pop up opened.

The Ring of Lucis is now soul bound to you and your bloodline now.

As long as you wear the ring, you have a bonus of +5 points to magic.

You now have a MP gauge. Your MP is tripled the amount of Magic you have.

You can now use magic Tomes and Staves.

New Gamer skills!

Tossing your weapon towards your destination and teleporte at your weapons location.

Cost per warp: 10 MP

Harness the primal power of flames.

Cost per use: 5 MP
DMG: Total of MAG Stat

Harness the ferocious power of thunder.

Cost per use: 7 MP
DMG: Total of MAG Stat

Heal yourself and allies with healing magic.

Cost per use: 3 MP
Heal per use: Total of MAG Stat

I dismissed the message and continued to walk with the Shepherd's. 'Stats'

Name: Y/N

LVL: 7

Exp: 0/100

Class: Ranger

Race: Branded

Gender: Male

HP: 27

MP: 39

Strength: 11

Magic: 8 [+5]

Skill: 11


Defense: 10

Resistance: 9

Luck: 6

To think my journey is only beginning.

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