Spacechase 1: Rise of The Cho...

By Richurian

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In the aftermath of the Battle of Washington DC, the governments of the earth had collapsed, making the earth... More

Chapter One: New Earth
Chapter Two: The Quest Request
Chapter Three: Welcome To Spacechase
Chapter Four: Preparing For The Mission
Chapter Five: Battle Against The Cult
Chapter Six: Back To School
Chapter Seven: Mrs. Zar
Chapter Eight: Dinner Of Sacrifice
Chapter Nine: Mr. Shriek
Chapter Ten: The Library
Chapter Eleven: Grandma Zar
Chapter Twelve: The Richurian Theorem
Chapter Thirteen: Preparing For Gladiatorial Combat
Chapter Fourteen: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Fifteen: Jack Vs Shawn Vs Waldo
Chapter Sixteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Seventeen: Shawn Vs Moloch
Chapter Eighteen: Waldo Vs Waldo?!
Chapter Nineteen: The Space-chase For The Book
Chapter Twenty: Allied Forces Assemble!
Chapter Twenty One: The Realm Of The Abyss
Chapter Twenty Two: The Dark Prophecy
Chapter Twenty Three: Shawn's History
Chapter Twenty Four: Waldo's History
Chapter Twenty Five: The Chase Begins
Chapter Twenty Six: No Name
Chapter Twenty Seven: Death And Rebirth
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hybrid Theory
Chapt Twenty Nine: Preparing For Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
Chapter Thirty One: Battle Of Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty Two: Chosen One Vs Surtr
Chapter Thirty Three: A Tad Too Late!
Chapter Thirty Four: There And Back Again

Prologue: The Beginning Of The Multiverse

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By Richurian

Long ago, before time had a name, there was the Timeless Void, all was lonely, all was nothing. Then, the Multiverse was created by the Two Elder Gods: Exzar (Light) and Nousaurong (Darkness). Exzar created Light, Life, Love, Peace, Mortality, and All Things Good. Nousaurong created Darkness, Death, Hatred, War, Immortality,  and All Things Evil. The Two Gods created the Multiverse using the Four Cosmic Gems: the Astrogem (Space), the Chronosaphire (Time), the Omega Crystal (Reality), and the Ultrastone (Power). They gave birth to Multiverse.

The Two Gods didn't know who would rule the Multiverse as the Supreme Deity, so the Two Gods played a game, and Exzar lost. It was then that Nousaurong would claim the Multiverse as his own. He was the dispenser of Life and Death, while Exzar was Second in Command. If Nousaurong decided that someone must die, then they must die. He abused his power and oppressed all of Exzar's creations, and anyone who descended from Light. So the Multiverse was sent into turmoil. Our Multiverse was one massive barbaric battlefield.

Exzar, not being able to watch as his creations were savagely slaughtered, took action into his own hands. He gave up his position of power in Nousaurong's Empire. He rebelled against his brother's reign of terror.

During their First Duel, Exzar and Nousaurong fought savagely. Exzar was in possession of the Ultrastone and the Astrogem at the time. Nousaurong was in possession of the Omega Crystal and the Chronosaphire. Their powers connected resulting in the Ultrastone being separated into Eight Elemental Powers: Fire, Water, Ice, Nature, Wind, Magic, Death, and Earth. The amount of power that caused the Ultrastone to separate was tremendous. When the Ultrastone separated, a lot of energy was left over. This excess energy took the form of Eight immensely powerful beings, beings near the strength of the Two Elder Gods: the Eight Elememtal Gods. The Eight Elemental Gods were:

Lucifer, God of Fire
Aquaking, God of Water
White Azento, God of Ice
Magic, Goddess of Magic
Sadowsa, Goddess of Death
Bob, God of Earth
Mother Nature, Goddess of Nature
Falcon, God of Air

Three of these Gods sided with Nousaurong to support his rule and his empire, five of these Gods sided with Exzar to end Nousaurong's rule and empire.

So the Two Elder Gods and the Eight Elemental declared war on each other, marking the beginning of the God Wars, the longest and most bloodiest series of wars in history. The God Wars lasted 900 trillion eons, resulting the beginnings and endings of civilizations. Exzar and his group of Gods forged an alliance with the Oppressed Peoples of Nousaurong to fight back, resulting in the foundation of the Oridian Empire, which still reigns today.

The Gods fought for eons upon eons, until Exzar, aided by Lucifer, forged the Sword of Exzar, the Sword of Light, from the Sacred Light obtained from the Battle of the Sacred Light during the War of Retrieval.

Using this new weapon, Exzar now had the power to fight Nousaurong in a one on one fight. During the Last Battle of the Last War, Exzar destroyed Nousaurong with the Sword of Exzar.

It was then that Nousaurong's Empire crumbled apart, ushering an era of peace for the once-Oppressed Peoples. The Oppressed Peoples became the Freed Peoples. Unlike his brother, Exzar rarely ever ruled over our Multiverse himself. Instead, he allowed the Freed Peoples to rule themselves.

Though Nousaurong perished, evil still lingered in the Multiverse. A century after the Last Battle of the Last War, the disciples of Nousaurong forged an alliance that terrorizes our Multiverse today, the Cult of Nousaurong. This organization is dedicated to one thing, to restore the life of their God, Nousaurong.

One day, Nousaurong will return to his full might with the help of the Cultists, and he will kill us all in the Final Battle Between Light and Dark, Armageddon, the Apocalypse, the Dark Future. Only a descendant of Exzar can kill him, this descendant shall be a Light Elementor, the Chosen One. Should he fail, He shall prevail!

                                                                         The Mark of Nousaurong

                                                                                     Mark of Exzar

Exzar defeats Nousaurong in a harrowing duel

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