Toss Up (Danny Rand)

By MissHattress

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". . . A situation in which all outcomes or options are equally possible or equally attractive." For Ari, lif... More

Cirque Aigile
Field Trip
The Spider
The Search
The Dream
The Truth
The Change
Not an update (yet!)
The Fox In The City
Celebrate (Good Times)
Thinking with Portals
Double Shift (Part 1)
Double Shift (Part 2)
Double Shift (Part 3)
The Neo Gala Fundraiser

Bottle Rockets and Plastic Stars

693 26 15
By MissHattress

I wake up confused, squinting up at the window that shouldn't be covered by a dark red curtain as a sliver of sunlight just so hits me right in my eye. I hold back a groan, the memories of last night coming back to me, and I register the arms wrapped snugly around my waist and a blond head snoozing peacefully on my chest. I let out a short laugh through my nose, taking in his sleeping face the best I can from my position.

He looks so cute when he sleeps. I smile, trying not to move too much. I take a second to look around the room, seeing it a little clearer in the morning sunlight.

"I'm thankful for moments like these." His voice rings in my head, and I can't agree more. With all the chaos that comes with being a hero, brief breaks here and there aren't so bad.

I run my fingers through his hair absentmindedly and I spy a floating bookshelf and his books are on full display on their sides. I squint as I spot a familiar title.

'How Not To Suck At Modern Dating'?

I wrack my mind when it finally hits me—I've heard about this book from MJ! It was a big seller for a while and I remember it catching like wildfire in school; everyone was reading it—even Harry!

I bite my lip to keep myself from giggling, That's actually really cute! I didn't expect him to be reading something like that. Then again, he lived in K'un-Lun...

I should ask Luke how Danny adjusted after he came back to New York.

Danny mumbles something I can't hear, and I stop playing with his hair. He snuggles his cheek against my chest and I feel heat creep up into my face. "D-Danny? Sorry, did I wake you?" I ask as he sucks in a breath.

"... tired." He mutters, his voice muffled by my shirt. Tired? He's usually the first one up and the most energized out of all of us...

A sinking sensation forms in the pit of my stomach and I shimmy away a little to get a better look at his face. He opens his eyes lazily, wincing a bit at the sunlight streaming in.

"Danny, what's wrong?" I notice his skin is paler, and he's shivering slightly. "Are you sick?"

"No, no..." He shakes his head, green eyes hazy. Oh god, did he get poisoned again?! "I just used too much energy."

A pang of guilt shoots through me—when he helped me with my headache and that vision.


"You have nothing to apologize for." He cuts in as his hand grips my arm lightly and sending me a sharp look through his hazy eyes. "I told you I would protect you..." He puts a hand on his forehead, loosening his hold on me.

"Not at your own expense!" I throw the sheets off us, one foot already on the soft carpet. "We're getting you to the Medical Bay!"

"Ari please, I'm fine! I just need to re-center myself." He pleads, grabbing my hand and I nearly give in to those eyes of his, but I dig deep and get what will power I have and shake my head.

"No way. I'll feel better once the doctors check you over. Please? For me?" He stares me down for a few seconds before he sighs.

"Okay..." if I didn't know any better, I'd say he's pouting, but I'm satisfied when he shuffles to the edge of the bed. I help him stand and we wobble over to the doors, and when they slide open we're greeted with the knowing looks of Luke and Sam. Ava's behind them, a book in her hand, and she raises a brow.

"Ooh, looks like the lovebirds had some fun last night!" Sam teases and I give him a hard glare.

"Nothing happened, Sam! We need to get Danny to the Med Bay!"

"Pushed yourself to hard, huh?" Luke winks and I slap a hand to my forehead as the two high-five. Can't these two read the room?!

"Uh, I was just passing by but, Ari's right. Danny doesn't look too good..." Ava says as Danny tries to walk on his own.

"I'm fine, really." He says firmly, but I have to lean him against me to keep him from falling over and nearly taking me with him.


Luke and Sam finally get the hint as the former helps me carry his weight from the other side. "What the heck happened?!"

"I'll explain when we get there, okay?" I say as Ava and Sam follow behind us. "Ava, can you call Director Fury? This is something he needs to hear, too."

"You really think he wants to?" Sam mutters and it takes a bit more of my self-control not to turn around and give him a smack upside the head. I hear him let out an 'oof!' as Ava clicks her tongue.

"Director Fury? Danny's down and we're on our way to the Medical Bay. There's something important Ari needs to tell you." I hear her say as I draw my attention back to Danny as he lets out a groan.

"Hang in there buddy, we're gonna get you help..." I hear Luke say lowly, adjusting Danny so he's taking on a little more of his weight. My heart clenches at the worry in his voice, glancing over to Danny's pale face before focusing on the way forward.


When we get to the Medical Bay, Luke and I lay him down on one of the open beds while the doctors rush over to him. The smell of antiseptic and the sight of the hospital beds still make my stomach drop.

"What's happened?" Dr. Denisse asks, checking Danny's eyes with a small flashlight as Dr. Rachelle checks his pulse. "His reaction time seems fine. How's his blood pressure?"

"70/40." Her sister replies. "It's low, but he isn't in any immediate danger."

I wring my hands together, not able to tear my eyes away from him and jump when I feel Luke's large hand on my shoulder.

"Ari, what happened?" He asks and I can't help but follow Dr. Rachelle's motions as she hooks Danny up to an IV. Memories of being in the hospital with my mom flashing in my mind for a second before I take in a breath. I can hear the doors slide open and the familiar thumping of Director Fury's boots greets us, Kele right behind him.

"Anyone mind telling me what the hell is going on?!" He asks as the doctors continue to work. I feel all eyes on me and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Yesterday after the briefing, I got a really bad headache. I-It was after Ava pointed out that spiral pattern. Danny offered to help me like he's done before with his chi. It helps with the pain." I explain as best as I can, leaving out the more... private moments. "The spirals were familiar and while he was helping me, the pain got worse. I saw this boy—he was talking to me, but it hurt so much and I think Danny used too much of his energy helping me through it."

Dr. Denisse smiles when she catches my eye. "He'll be just fine after some rest and a bit to eat." She says and I let out a relieved breath. "Though now that you mention headaches, we'll need to schedule a check-up soon."

"Before that," Fury cuts in, "who was this boy who spoke to you?"

I look away, my jaw clenching slightly. "I-I know who he is. His name is Michael Hoy." I can see Kele stiffen from my peripheral and my eyes lock with his before he looks away.

"Who is he?" Ava asks and I have to take a moment before I can answer her.

"He's the boy my mom pushed out of the way of that car." My voice is tiny as a silence falls over everyone.

"Michael Hoy." Fury says, and I'm not surprised at his knowing tone. "We've had him on our radar for a while now. Ever since the incident, he's been living with his parents on a remote plot of land in DC. We have nothing on him having any abilities."

"Well, obviously he does since he broadcasted right into Ari's head!" Sam says, serious for once. "I say we go and make him tell us what he did to her!"

"No need to worry about that." I mutter, folding my arms across my chest. "He wants to meet. Tonight, actually, but he needs SHIELD's help. He says they're coming for him, that he wants CAST and me to go there."

"It sounds shady. I don't like it." Luke says with a frown. "It could be a trap for all we know."

"He said he knows information on people that backed IVY." I say. "I don't like it either, but if he's right and they take him again..."

"We could lose one of the few leads we got." Ava finishes, not looking too pleased about this.

"That's even more reason to be suspicious. It's one thing that we don't know how he spoke to you, but if he knows the existence of CAST, we need to be careful." Fury says. "Before we do anything, we need to make sure Rand will be alright. We can't afford to be an agent down with Norman Osborn flying around."

My brows knit together as I look up over to him. "'Flying around'?"

"You can ask Spider-Man about that. For now, we'll do some digging and see if it's safe for you to go. After the last few months, I'm not taking any chances. Report back on my say." He leaves then, despite the questions I want to ask him.

"Ari, is there anything else you can tell us about this kid?" Luke asks.

"No, the only thing I know is what he told me. It's still a lot to take in, honestly. He isn't someone I ever expected to meet." After losing my mom, he was the last person I wanted to see. Dealing with her death on my own was hard enough, but seeing the kid that caused it?

"Ugh! Just when things were looking up!" Sam gripes, kicking his foot with a scowl.

"Ari." Kele's voice cuts through the room, even making the doctors stop slightly to glance his way. "Are you sure you're ready to meet this boy?" He asks, staring me down, and a sense of uncertainty creeps up on me.

My feelings on Micael Hoy have always been mixed. I know it wasn't his fault, but some part of me can't help but blame him for my mom's death. I know she died a hero, but that didn't stop the bitterness I feel from forming.

"Of course she can!" everyone snaps over to Ava, who looks over to Kele, shoulders squared and standing tall. "You've seen her out there, she's been doing her best! We know Ari, and we know she can do it." she turns to me. "I know this'll be hard, but you've proven yourself more than enough times. You can handle this."


She smiles, punching my shoulder lightly. "You've been up against Loki, giant metal spiders, and held your own against countless baddies without your powers. You got this, Ari."

"She's right, you've been able to tolerate Sam for hours on Call of War. If that doesn't say you're tough, I don't know what will." Luke laughs as Sam opens his mouth, then snaps it shut.

"You know what, fair enough. I can get nasty when I play; but I know you can do this, Ari. After everything you've been through, I'm sure you can get through the end of the world or something." he says with a lazy grin.

I smile at their encouragements, and I feel the bitterness fades away a little. "You guys are the best you know?"

"We know!" Sam scoffs, and I can't bring myself to be annoyed by his cocky remark.

Shaking my head with a chuckle, I look over to Kele. "I'll handle it. I can't ignore a cry for help and I can't let my personal feelings get in the way of a mission." Knowing Fury, the chances of us going are high, and I can't just not go. If Michael really knows something, we can take down whoever sponsored IVY and finally end all of this.

Kele, satisfied with my answer, tilts the corner of his lip up and pushes himself off the wall. "Good." He walks over to me, his expression unreadable, but there's a certain softness in his eyes. "You have good people on your side, Ari. Hold on to them." He says, placing his hand on my head and ruffling my hair. He leaves after that, shoving his hands in his pockets as the doors close behind him.

"Ari, your dad is super cryptic." Sam says and I can't help to agree. I mull his words over from yesterday too, and how he helped me calm down when I had that panic attack. He's aloof and I can't seem to read him, but...

A groan makes us all look over to Danny, who's coming to, and we all rush over to him, the others giving me some space right beside him. His eyes flutter open as the doctors help him sit up, checking him again as his eyes settle on us.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Denisse asks as her sister jots down some things on a chart.

"Tired and a bit dizzy," Danny rubs his eyes, letting out a sigh. He peeks over to me, offering a tiny smile, "but better."

"That's good. Your vitals are fine, and your blood pressure is getting back to normal. Just rest up and get your energy back. Is there anything we can get you?"

"Some tea, please."

"Good start! I'll add in some fruits and ask the kitchen for some soup, alright?"

"Can you ask them for something without meat?" I ask, earning a knowing smile from her as she nods.

"Will do. We'll leave you guys be while we run some tests, just to be sure. Don't forget to come see us about your headaches, Ari!" she says as Dr. Rachelle reaches into her pocket and oddly enough hands us each a lollipop before following Denisse out. She gave me Danny's share as Sam happily digs into his treat.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" I ask him, taking a seat beside him. It's weird being on the opposite end of this; the only time I've ever seen him sick was that time Pete got the team with his cold. Even then Danny was the first one to recover. "I can get you some water or something?"

"Ari, the Doc's already bringing him tea." Luke says with a tiny grin.

"I-I know but—"

"Ari, I'm feeling better, honest." Danny's calm tone would have normally worked if my nerves weren't so wound up.

"I just want to do something. It's my fault you're here..." I just feel so helpless, and it's reminding me too much of the day's my mom was bedridden in the hospital. I hate hospitals.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" I hear Sam say in a high-pitched voice and I smile when I hear him yelp as I use my tails to make him slip. "My lollipop!"

"Hey, you're getting better at that, Ari!" Ava laughs, watching as Sam mourns his fallen candy. "We're glad you're okay, Danny."

"Thank you, my friends. Though, I was a little in and out of it, but what was this about a mission?"

It doesn't take long to catch him up, Ava being the one to explain everything and I have to remember to thank her later. After everything's that's happened and now knowing Danny is safe, I'm totally drained. I feel his fingers intertwine with mine, looking over to him as I press my palm against his.

"'The man who makes a mountain, begins by carrying away small stones.'" he says sagely, and he lets out a good-natured laugh at the confusion I know is on my face. "That's one of my favorite ones, it's by Confucius. I like to think it means if you take small steps to your goal, with enough faith in yourself, you'll be able to do anything."

"Why couldn't you just say that?" Sam sighs with a tiny smirk, shaking his head.

"I appreciate it." I grin, leaning over to give Danny a kiss on the cheek and I can hear Sam gagging behind us. "Do you need anything from your room?"

"Maybe my phone? It has some music that'll help me relax."

"You got it! I'll be back in a sec, okay?" I say, hopping off the bed. "No straining yourself, Rand!"

He chuckles, giving me a lazy salute as I thank the others for helping me out as I make my way out the doors. I realize when I enter his room, that I've been barefoot the entire time. Luckily, my slippers are still by the doors as I slip them on. I spy his phone (along with mine) on his desk by his bed and fix it up a little before pocketing them. I glance over to the bookshelf above it, eying the book from earlier.

Just a peek wouldn't hurt, right? I mean, I'm pretty awkward, so maybe it'll help me out, right? Right!

I take it off the shelf, flipping through the pages and noting a few sections here and there with dog-eared corners and little bits of paper sticking out from the top. I laugh a little when I see 'cool stuff to do' on a few of them in his handwriting.

I smile, remembering that café he took me to where they had this cool live karaoke shtick. The singers and artists there only sang show tunes and old jazz songs—which I loved. I never knew a place like that existed in the city, let alone one with a famous piano player that shows up once in a while. It was such an amazing night, and I even got him to sing along with a few oldies!

But what really made it special, was how he remembered how much I loved listening to my mom sing along to these songs when I was younger. He even asked Pete for a few recommendations and got the place from MJ.

Just remembering it still makes me blush, but... I can't help but wonder... Am I doing enough?

He's always the one coming up with all these cool date nights and doing all kinds of sweet things for me like last night. Ever since this Shadow Tamer business and hunting down IVY locations, I haven't really done anything for him...

I keep flipping through the pages, lost in thought. I can't really think of much I can do, I could ask some girls from Aigile or MJ for some advice, but they would never let me live it down if I did. My shoulders slump with a sigh and my eyes drop to the book. Maybe this'll help me—

"Huh?" a blush creeps up my face and the words on the chapter blur as my hands shake. I read the title again, my heart thumping harder and harder every time I re-read it.

'First Times: Myths, Tips and Everything In Between.'

I slam the book shut, putting it beside me as I put my face in my hands.


Scenes from that night back in K'un-Lun repeat in my mind, how he looked in the candlelight and the feel of his hands roaming up and down my body—

I quickly stand up, shoving the book back into place and fanning my face to cool it down. I nearly trip getting out the door, earning a few odd looks from some agents walking by, but I focus on moving my feet and not the cute way his brow furrows when he's—

I've got way too many things going on and letting my hormones get the better of me will not help me!

When I reach the Medical Bay, I take in a deep breath to calm myself down before going in. The first thing I notice is a lack of the others as Danny opens one eye to greet me with a smile. He's sitting with his legs crossed, a tray set beside him.

"You're looking better already." I say trying to sound normal and making my way to his side and taking a seat that was pulled up beside his bed. "I wish you'd lay down though."

"I can't help it, I'm restless when I don't do my morning Tai-chi," he says, stretching his arms above his head and my eyes drop to where his shirt rises and I feel my face go red.

Don't look at his abs, don't look at his abs, don't look at his abs.

"Ari? Are you okay?"

I jump a little, looking at anything but him. "Y-Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" His eyes are on me and I fidget with the hem of my shirt. He tries to duck his head to look me in the eye, but I turn away every time that is, until he takes my chin in his hand and guides me to look at him.

"Your face is red, are you sick?" He moves a little closer and I have to fight the urge to lean away, already feeling my pulse quicken by his touch. I swallow the lump in my throat, the air suddenly feeling warm.

"No, no, I'm fine!" My voice cracks a little, and I wince as he raises a brow. "I just ran a bit to get here! Guess I didn't notice!" I dig into my pocket, taking out his phone and trying to calm down. He lets out a small hum and I can't tell if he believes me or not, but he takes his phone just as it rings.

I let out a silent relived breath, thankful for the timely interruption as he takes the call. I distract myself with my phone, catching up on a group chat with MJ and Harry. I try sending Pete a message about what Fury meant today, hoping he can clear some things up for me.

Then I get a notification on Snapgram and open it to see plans of big parties some of my classmates are throwing, people on movie dates, and I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I took for granted how normal my life was; how I never had to lie to my friends about where I go whenever there's a villain wrecking New York.

It hits me especially hard when I see an Aigile ad; the video showing off the new performance they'll be doing in a few weeks. I've heard about it here and there from the others, but Madam Paola is hell-bent on keeping it hush-hush until they're ready. I hadn't visited since Kele and I went to talk to her. I just didn't really have the time.

"You miss it, don't you?" I snap my head up, just now realizing he's done with his phone call. "Performing?"

"Am I really that obvious?"

"Only if you really look." I smile, but I know it's strained. "It's okay to miss it, you know."

"I know, but what we're doing—being heroes—do you think it's all worth it?" I ask, and I can't hide the lack of confidence in my voice. I know the answer; we're helping people, making a difference, but I can't shake this doubt. He leans back, looking down at the sheets, and I'm surprised by the lack of certainty in his eyes.

"Sometimes, we have to tell ourselves that we are." He sighs. "I won't lie—with every hero there's a new villain that'll pop up our fight gets even harder. It feels like it'll never stop; that it'll keep going on and on, and the evil out there gets stronger, but that's why we keep fighting. Hatred and fear are contagious, but so is hope. We have to keep hope alive."

"We can't always save everyone, Danny. IVY's proven that..."

"And you're right, but if we can inspire others to face the challenge like how you did with CAST, maybe we can change that."

I can't help but grin a little, "You always sound so much older than you are." I say, mulling over his words. I want to believe him, but I can't push this doubt from my mind.

"I've been told I have an old soul," he chuckles, motioning me over with his arms slightly open. I stand and sit beside him, gladly returning his embrace. I wasn't much of a hugger before this guy came along, but I'm appreciating them a lot more. "I know how important Aigile is to you. You had this look on your face when you were staring at your phone that said it all. I'm sorry you had to leave. I loved watching you perform." He says softly, rubbing small circles on the small of my back.

I lean my head back, looking up at him, "Thanks Danny... for everything." I say, flashing him a smile and I don't miss the slight tint of pink that dusts his cheeks.

"Any time, Ari." He says placing his lips to my forehead.

"So, who called? I don't see you use your phone too often."

"Oh, you've never really met, have you? He's a close family friend. He's the one I'm giving my fifty-one percent of the Rand Enterprise shares to when we go back to K'un-Lun." There's a soft smile on his lips at 'we,', "His name is Wade Meachum."

"Oh, that Top 30 in their 30s guy? I always wondered how you run a company with our crazy schedule." I laugh. "Does he know about that and how you're the Iron Fist?"

"He's the only one at the company that knows. It was tricky to explain to him, but he came around." There was a faraway look in his eyes for a second before they focus back on me. "He was telling me of the Neo Gala that's coming up. It's not really my thing though."

I quirk a brow. "Okay, now I know that's a lie. You love parties!"

"Yeah, but not ones where the music and the people are so..." He struggles to find the right word before he sighs, "boring."

"Whoa, is the Daniel Rand complaining?" I tease and he lifts his shoulder in a half shrug.

"I am only human. Although, if I had a date, maybe I'd consider going?"

I look up in thought, a finger to my chin. "Hmm... maybe Luke's free?"

His shoulders drop. "Ari."

"Danny." I fight the laugh that's threatening to bubble up at the face he's making me. "Oh c'mon, you wouldn't want me there. I'd probably embarrass you in front of all those fancy-schmancy rich people." His reputation is important, and the last thing I wanna do is ruin that for him.

"Hey, you'd never embarrass me Ari." He says, cupping my face between his hands.

"But I'm so awkward..." I whine as he lets out a chuckle and quickly pecks my lips.

"It's what I love about you and I feel you'd be a welcomed breath of fresh air. So? Will you think about it?"

I glance up at him—god damn it, he's using the eyes! I try to fight it, but I'm caving. "Okay fine, but don't get your hopes up." He grins widely at my answer.

"It wasn't a 'no', so I'll take it!"

"Why are you so excited, anyway?"

"Well, I've been telling him about you and... I want you to meet him. You're important to me and it would mean a lot if you could go," Oh damn it, that's not fair! "So, how's your head?" He asks, brushing my bangs aside.

"Better," I say, "but in case I need to remind you, you're the one in the Med Bay."

"My case is different, I just have low energy and you've been having frequent headaches? Is it the nightmares again?"

I pout, looking away. "No, they've gotten... better?" He gives me a look that screams he doesn't believe me. "I mean it!"

"Maybe the doctors are right. Get a checkup, then I'll feel better about all this, okay?" He says, turning the tables on me and I can't help to comply.


"Would it help if you talked about it?" I freeze at his question. "You don't have to if you don't want to." I shake my head, looking off to the side and let out a sigh.

"M-Maybe you're right. It's just... hard. I just feel like if I don't talk about it, it'll go away. Guess that's just wishful thinking, huh?"

"It's normal. Our reaction is to run away from the pain." He takes my hand, lacing his fingers with mine, and I can see a flash of understanding in his eyes. "Just take your time, I'm here."

I nod, thankful to have someone so patient with me and take in a deep breath to keep myself together.

"They always start the same, I'm trapped in that glass pod again... there's this piercing pain on the back of my neck, and it's so intense, I can feel it in my bones. All I see is darkness around me, and there's just this overwhelming fear that I'll always be alone." I grip his hand tight, feeling myself shake against my will. "I can hear myself screaming for someone—anyone to help me, to get me out and—"

My breath come out in shallow pants, the room beginning to spin around me and the walls are closing in on me and for a moment, that disgusting viscous liquid is on my skin again.

My heart beats heavily against my ribcage, threatening to burst out of my chest as my eyes burn and I bite back a whimper.

This was just like with those Spiders. Their beady eyes, the sound of their legs scraping against the floor.

They can't hurt me anymore, they can't hurt me anymore, they—

Danny places his hand on my cheek, the other squeezing my hand tightly against his chest. "Deep breaths, Ari, just focus on me, okay?" His voice feels far away, like there's cotton in my ears and my eyes are frantically darting around the room until eventually they focus on him. I try to match my breathing to his and I focus on it until the room bleeds back in around us.

"I-I'm sorry," I choke out, releasing my hand from his to cover the sob that escapes my lips, "I'm sorry..." Hot tears stream down my cheeks, and he gently brings me to him again.

"You have nothing to apologize for... none of this was your fault, Ari. None of it." He murmurs, holding me close, and I burry my head in the fabric of his shirt. I don't feel suffocated. I don't feel trapped. I feel safe. Just like I did when I slept beside him in K'un-Lun and last night.

"Thank you, Danny." I whisper, my voice muffled by his shirt.

"I do what I can, love." He says right by my ear and a warmth blooms in my chest, a smile making its way up to my lips. "Though I'm worried, what do you plan to do about Michael?"

"If Fury says the word, I have to go. Not just because this could be a lead, but I have to help him. He looked so scared, and he says he might be targeted again." I sigh, sitting back up. "I can't just sit back and let them do what they did to me and all the other children again." I sniffle, wiping my eyes.

"I trust you, Ari. I just wish I could go with you."

"Not a chance. You need to rest and he asked for CAST. If we show up with anyone else, who knows what could happen?" He looks dejected and I have to fight the urge to ruffle his hair.

"It was worth a shot..."

It's my phone's turn to ding as I get a message from Pete asking me to meet at his house. "Guess he's ready to spill about Mr. Osborn."

"Is he all right? He hasn't turned again, has he?"

"No, thank god. I just want to leave that Green Goblin fiasco behind us." it was awful seeing Harry so distraught. He was so lifeless and so un-Harry like. "Rest up, okay? I'll go have a word with Web-Head and get some answers." I say, standing and giving him a quick kiss.

He pulls me back down for one more, slowly moving his lips against mine, lingering before letting me catch my breath. "Be careful, okay?"

"When am I ever not?" I smile, waving away the look he gives me and I leave the Med Bay.


"Ari! It's so nice to see you around. It feels like I haven't seen you in months!" Aunt May smiles widely, wrapping me in a hug, and I return it gladly. The smell of her perfume is nostalgic, reminding me of simpler times; of games of hide and seek and cool summer nights.

"I'm sorry I haven't stopped by more often," I say as she leads me inside. The familiar yellow walls greeting and the smell of something sweet welcoming me back. "I've just been so—"

"Busy? Peter says the same thing. I wish that boy would just tell me what's going on in that head of his. I'm sorry he isn't here yet."

"It's okay, Aunt May, we can catch up until he comes back." she brings me to the island kitchen table with a delighted laugh.

"I would love that! I've been trying these new smoothies—all natural and packed with vitamins! Peter's told me how tired you've been lately, and I wanted to give you some when I had the chance."

"Aw, thanks Aunt May. You don't have to... not with how busy your schedule is." I have to admit, it's nice talking to her like this again.

"Nonsense! I've been watching over you since you were little; just because you're grown now doesn't mean that'll stop." She says with a motherly tone, placing a cool hand on my cheek. I smile as she saunters over to the fridge, taking out a pitcher of some green liquid and two glasses from the cupboard.

Aunt May had been close friends with my mom when we still lived in the neighborhood, so it sometimes feels like she's my actual Aunt. When Kele finally made his way back around here, she gave him the harshest speech I've ever heard her give. I've never seen him look so terrified.

When my mom and I had to move out to a smaller place, she always came over to help with anything she might've needed—especially when she got sick. Aunt May was a big reason I had anything to eat when my mom died and I started living on my own.

"Thanks Aunt May, it really does mean a lot." I say. She didn't take my mom's death easy either, and after losing Ben, she knew all too well what it was like.

"Think nothing of it Sweetheart, you're family!" She says setting down the glasses and pouring us both a glass. It smells like oranges, but it reminds me of mossy water.

I look up at her expectant face when she hands me a glass, and I can't bring myself to say no. I clink my glass with hers as she guzzles it down like a champ. I do the same, nearly gagging at the thickness of it going down my throat, but it doesn't taste too bad.

I have to force it down, banging on my chest a little as she laughs. This also brings back the memories of all those health-crazes she had us try with her.

"I-It's really good." I manage to say, much to her delight as I hear the door open before hearing a familiar but tired, "I'm home!"

"In here, Peter! Ari's here too!" She says as he shuffles in, and I don't miss the slight bruise on his cheek.

"Hey Aunt May, hey Ari. Thanks for coming." He says with a slight yawn, and just then Aunt May's cell beeps.

"Oops! I've got my yoga class to go to! I'm glad you could stop by Ari, don't be a stranger now, okay?" She gives me another hug and a kiss on the cheek before she dashes off. "I'll be home by noon!" She shouts before the door closes behind her.

"Just as busy as ever." I chuckle. Pete hasn't said a word and I catch him staring off past the widow straight ahead for a moment, "Hey, you all right?"

"Yeah." He nods, running a hand through his hair. "Let's head up to my room, Fury has the entire house bugged, but I snagged a bit of privacy there."

"Sure." I hop off the stool, following behind him and I can't help but ask. "Like, everywhere?"

"Everywhere." He mutters as he leads the way up the stairs. I take a seat on the chair near his desk while he throws his bag near the foot of his bed. He slumps down on it with a sigh, rubbing his forehead, and it's easy to notice how tired he looks.

"So, what's happening with Mr. Osborn?" I ask after a moment.

"Fury told me to monitor him. I don't like it, but after the whole Goblin thing, he's a bit paranoid. There's also the fact that he went and built himself a suit of armor—he's calling himself 'The Iron Patriot'!" He slumps back onto his sheets with a grunt, glaring up at the ceiling.

"So that's what Fury meant..."

He tilts his head over to look at me. "I heard about what happened this morning, is Danny okay?"

"Last time I checked, yeah. That boy won't sit still, I swear." I feel myself smiling and I hear Pete snicker.

"Must have been one wild night, huh?"

My smile drops and I kick his leg lightly. "Nothing. Happened." God, why was everyone assuming today?! I have a feeling I know who spilled the beans, and I have a certain Bucket Head to visit later.

"Whatever you say, Ari." he grins, moving over a bit and patting the space beside him. "C'mon, just like old times."

I roll my eyes, obliging him and then we're both staring up at the ceiling, the plastic stars we stuck up there looking back down at us.

"I also heard about Michael... how are you holding up?"

Damn it, Sam. "Fine, I guess. I've handled worse, right?" There's a bitterness to my tone I can't hide, and I'm sure he catches it.

"Ari, I'm gonna say this as a friend, not as the leader of the team, so don't get mad, okay?"

"Thanks for the warning, I guess."

He takes in a slow breath. "You haven't been giving it your all out there." I frown as he continues. "Don't get me wrong, you've been great on defense and helping people get out of harm's way, but you've been avoiding head-on fights."

I bite my lip, the mission in the warehouse creeping back into my mind. I sit up quickly, my head spinning for a bit. Of course he would notice. He may be a smart-ass, but there's an emphasis on smart.

"Has Fury noticed?"

"If I did, he definitely does." he sits up too, resting his arms on his knees as he looks to me. "Talk to me Ari, I'm on your side here."

I refuse to look at him, glaring down at a spot on the carpet. I don't want to talk about it, and I fight down that angry voice in the back of my mind that just wants to lash out. Just like I did when my mom died. I don't want to talk about me almost losing control...

But I can't shut my friends out. Not again.

"Ever since that fight with Smoker, I've been afraid. This power is dangerous, Pete. If I'm not careful, I can do more harm than good. On that mission with Kele, the one at the warehouse... I lost control again. It wasn't empty like what we thought." I grip my fingers tightly, shoulders tensing.

"What do you mean?"

"Those Spiders where there and I just shut down. I nearly got myself killed and when I could finally fight back, I couldn't stop. If it wasn't for Kele, I would've been killed. Sometimes I feel this darkness in the back of my mind that just wants to destroy... and that terrifies me."

"Our abilities are tied with negative emotions. Especially anger." Kele's voice echoes in my mind.

I know it's naïve, but I don't want to hurt anyone. Just thinking about hurting someone like that again makes me sick. Even though she forgave me, I can't get the image of how badly I hurt Simone out of my head, pale and bleeding.

"'With great power, comes great responsibility.'" Pete utters, and I finally glance over to him to see his eyes trained on the picture on his desk. It's a photo of him and his Uncle Ben, and there's a sad, yet fond glint in his eyes. "That's what he used to say, remember?"

"Yeah, but he also said that before we set off bottle rockets in the backyard." I say and we both can't help but laugh.

"Aunt May was so mad at us that night for singeing her curtains." He sighs and I feel my nose tingle slightly. It was hard when he died, and even though she didn't show it, we both know Aunt May took it the hardest. It was around that time she poured herself into her work and her hobbies. It was her way of coping.

"Now look at us, full-fledged heroes, going around and saving the city."

"I wouldn't say 'full-fledged' just yet. I'm still learning, at least." I say.

"Hey give it a few years and you might just get to my level—but not before I join the Avengers, of course!" He jokes, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "But seriously, Ari, I can understand being afraid of your powers, at least a little. Getting bitten by a radioactive spider and gaining all these abilities wasn't really in the handbook. I won't lie and say it's easy, but I know you can do this."

"I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who doesn't believe that." I mutter.

"You don't give yourself enough credit."

"Because I've let myself down more times than I can count. Not to mention the others."

"MJ and Harry understand you've been going through a lot, even if they don't know the complete story. They trust you, Ari."

I run a hand through my hair, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I hate keeping secrets from them, lying to them about where we're going, making up excuses when we bail on them..." Pete squeezes the hand on my shoulder slightly.

"I know it sucks that we keep having to do it, but we can't bring them into this world. If they found out who we are and they became targets..." He doesn't finish the sentence, shaking his head almost as if to rid the thought from his mind. "before you joined the team, I was terrified every time Midtown High or any of the other places we hung out at got attacked. I was so scared I would lose my aunt or MJ or Harry... then there was the night I almost lost you." There's a tremor in his voice, and I can practically feel the sting of the rain that night on my skin.

"But you saved me, it was a wake-up call I needed. It also explains why you smelled like a dumpster when you came over to MJ's house that night." After that scare, I had run all the way to her house, soaked to the bone and crying. She took me in without so much as a word, but I can remember she was crying too.

"I was worried! Me and Harry needed to make sure you were okay!" He says, pulling me in for a noogie.

"Quit it, Parker! It's annoying styling my hair as is!"

"Meh, it's growing out." He lets me go and I elbow him on the side. "Oof! There's the enhanced strength..."

"Perks, Parker. If Amadeus knew, I bet we could win a pretty decent grade in the science fair." His face drops at the mention of the thirteen-year-old genius.

"I don't know how you're friends with that... twerp."

"He's not that bad! He's a good kid once you get to know him—he kinda reminds me of you when you were younger."

"I take offense to that!"

Both of our watches beep in unison and we exchange a look. We raise up our communicators, Fury's face appearing as his one eye goes from me to Pete.

"Good, you're together. We've located Michael Hoy, and the mission is a go. Shadow Fox, you're to get up here and prepare along with CAST. Spider-Man, were doubling up patrol until they return. The briefing will start as soon as you two get here. Fury out." He says, and the screen goes blank.

"Well, I guess this is happening," I say, and I can't shake the sinking feeling in my gut as I stand.

"You've got this, Ari. You'll get the kid, make it back and we're all go out for Pizza at Pam's!" He grins, swinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Hawaiian?" I smile as he pauses.

"Just for you, Ari."


Author's Note

Hello all! I hope you're having a great day (it's the fourth of July here in the states!) I'm happy to announce that I'm joining in on the #WATTYS2018! It's a spur-of-the-moment thing I've decided in doing and though the first part of the story feels like it can have some work done on it, I'd figure why not, right? :D

As always, thank you all for adding this book to your libraries, reading list and all your wonderful comments! I know hearing this every chapter might get tiring (especially to those who are reading it all in one go, hello!) but you all seriously rock for it!

I might have to give a bit of a warning for the next few chapters. I won't say what, but please don't hate me. >_>;;;

Oh! I've also had a reason why I hadn't updated since May (yikes) but I was actually at a couple of conventions! I went to AnimeNext in New Jersey and TheBookCon in New York! Both were so much fun and I got so many books from the latter~ ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

I've rambled on long enough, enjoy the rest of your night/day/afternoon guys!


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