The Boy That Shouldn't Be

By OnlyAWalrusLife

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Elizabeth Halsey is tossed out of her boarding school, so she heards home, to Liverpool. But something she se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

353 4 0
By OnlyAWalrusLife

“Mimi! Get off!” John brushed her hand off and hurried to my side. His hand slipped into mine.

“Who are you?” she asked me.

“Elizabeth Halsey.” She didn’t look too pleased with me and she looked absolutely furious with John. I am more sure it was because we were doing this on her lawn.

“She’s me girlfriend.” I looked back at him and smiled, supportive. He smiled back then turned to Mimi.

“I don’t care who she is, you won’t be doing that on my lawn.” Called it. He pulled on my arm and threw me back against him, wrapping his arms around my waist. It felt a bit awkward, him doing this in front of his family, but I didn’t know how his family worked.

“Do you want us going inside?” he challenged.

“So long as the neighbors don’t see you. And not vulgarity. I won’t be kept up by those noises, thank you.” John’s grip tightened in happiness.

“Come along,” he slipped his hand into mine and pulled me towards the house. I didn’t resist; I was in the past, I had nowhere else to go. I tripped over my feet a bit at the start, but then managed and followed him inside.

It was very nice; very middle class posh. I absolutely loved it! John didn’t seem to give a rats ass as he pulled me with him up the stairs.

“John, no funny business!” Mimi yelled after us. I giggled in spite of myself and raced Lennon to his room. He smiled when I knew which one it was. I had seen the inside of the Lennon/Smith house. He flopped down on the bed, his hands behind his head, ego inflated of course. I looked around the room, going towards the desk, looking things over.

“You act like you’ve never been in my room before.” He chuckled.

“Well, maybe I like it here. Familiarizing myself with the place and all that good stuff.” I moved towards the window and looked onto the front lawn. The grass was lightly pressed where we had laid but other that, It was untouched. I turned back to John and saw that cocky smile and pompous air about him—what’s not to love. I slowly walked towards him, then pounced on him. I sat on his hips, looking down at him. My hair was all in my face, so I ran my fingers through my hair, momentarily disabling the bad hair moment. John reached up and brushed some of my hair behind my ear. He stroked my cheek while he was at it and I closed my eyes, leaning my head into his hand. I opened my eyes again and quickly leaned down to kiss him. His hand hurried to my hair, tangling there. The other was on the small of my back. My hands were….actually, I don’t remember that bit. Just the kissing. We did that for awhile; I don’t know exactly how long. But, Mimi came in at some point and broke that up.

“To bed, you two. You have school in the morning.” John laughed into my ear, but I slid off him and lay down so he was behind me. His hands rested on my hips and I closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

The next morning, I was, surprisingly, still there. John was laying behind me, snoring quietly while  I just kind of looked around, trying not to wake him up. I looked at the window then the alarm clock. 06:30. Okay, I’m getting him up. I turned around his arms and saw how annoying to him that was. Then, just for something to do, I kissed him. He responded, though I didn’t know if he was awake until I pulled away. So sue me, I have never kissed a guy awake. Screw you all for judging.

“’Ello, love.” He smiled lazily.

“Hi,” I shifted and looked around again. Everything was the same as the night before, except I was colder for some reason. I frowned and moved closer to him, burying my head in his chest. He chuckled and pulled me in.

“Girl, your freezing.” I would have nodded but I was too comfortable. He ran his hands up and down my arms to heat me. He did some fiddling, then I felt a warmed blanket fall over us. I moved closer to John, but looked up this time. “What? Warmed up?”

“No, just tired of looking down at your prick.” He laughed outright and kissed me. Me being still half asleep, wanted more, against my better nature. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I tasted his lips, sweet and something… Anyways, I felt their thin line pressed against mine and I knew he knew from experience what he was doing. I pressed him down onto the bed again, sitting astride him yet again. “You must like it up there.”

“Well, the view isn’t half bad.” I giggled. And leaned down close to him, but didn’t kiss him. I rest my head on his chest and thought. “How exactly did we meet?”

“Well, a picture of yours found its way to me, your name written on the back. It was strange. It had a colour backdrop and a year far from now. 2012, ring any bells?” I shook my head, looking up at him. My head sat on my folded hands, under my chin, on his chest.

“Then? I mean, tell me again. I love hearing it.”

“We will have to save that for another day. I hear Mimi. Here,” he scooted me back in front of him, his front  to my back. “Close your eyes and slow your breathing.” I did as he said and , not two seconds later did Mimi walk in.

“Get up out of this bed, John. Stop staring at the girl. She is sleeping.” The covers were pulled away and I frowned slightly. The covers returned and the frown disappeared. I snuggled closer to John, the blankets brought up to my chin. “Come along,” her voice was softer as the door closed and John breathed a sigh of relief.

“You can open your eyes now.” I smiled and pulled the blankets tighter. “You’re gonna stay here all day, aren’t you?” I nodded.

“Of course. And the bed will be warm when you get back.” He smiled back then got up and I watched him go through the motions of getting dressed. “You look really good without a shirt.” I smiled coyly as he turned around, sweater halfway over his head. He hurriedly pulled it the rest the way then rushed over to me. He was on his knees in front of me.

“Well, maybe you’ll get to see that again tonight.” I gasped.

“I get to watch you undress too? This is awesome!” he laughed and kissed me.

“Goodbye, love. I’ll see you after school. Apparently, I do have to actually attend some days.” He shrugged. “Who knew?” I shrugged using my hands for emphasis and waved goodbye before falling back on the bed.

Then it changed. The bed was covered in dust. And the area around it, that was fenced off by ropes. I sat up and headed towards the desk. The wood was old and fractured. Turning to the cabinet, opening that, an array of papers fell out. Poems and such, I guessed. They must have had strict orders not to touch anything in there. I picked up a few and , noting their nonsensicality, knew it was John’s. I grabbed a handful, folded them, and stuffed them into my pocket then turned to look around the room. Actually, except for a small section near the door, the entire area was sectioned off. I made my way past the ropes and slowly stepped through the already open door. The floor boards were worn clean through and squeaked a little, but I managed. At last, I managed to get to the stairs. I thought I saw something beside me, so I bolted down the stairs on instinct. I was safe on the landing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Hey!” I heard a grown man shout. My head swiveled in that direction then I fled the house. “Hey you!” the man chased me down the drive, but I was too fast and I got away. I took a breather after I passed the corner then looked up to see the bus coming ahead. I sighed in relief and climbed aboard. I paid the man driver and ascended the stairs to the top.

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