Element High | Jenzie

By lowlagranger

20.8K 990 466

Mackenzie is a new girl in the Element school What if she's the one everyone's been looking for? What if she... More

⚡️chapter 1⚡️
⚡️Chapter 2⚡️
⚡️Chapter 3⚡️
⚡️chapter 4⚡️
⚡️chapter 5⚡️
⚡️chapter 6⚡️
⚡️chapter 7⚡️
⚡️chaptet 8⚡️
⚡️chapter 9⚡️
⚡️chapter 10⚡️
⚡️chapter 11⚡️
⚡️chapter 12⚡️
⚡️chapter 13⚡️
⚡️chapter 14⚡️
⚡️chapter 15⚡️
⚡️chapter 16⚡️
⚡️chapter 17⚡️
⚡️chapter 19⚡️
⚡️chapter 20⚡️
⚡️chapter 21⚡️
⚡️chapter 22⚡️
⚡️chapter 23⚡️
⚡️chapter 24⚡️
⚡️chapter 25⚡️
⚡️chapter 26⚡️

⚡️chapter 18⚡️

526 28 27
By lowlagranger

Johnny's POV•
We were shocked to see a giant electric bubble around us
It killed literally every monster that tried to go near us
And Kenzie made that
?? : Kenzie?!
K : Laura! Maddie! Look!
La : we can see it, it looks..... cool?
She said while the both of them walked a little closer to us
J : stop!
M : what?
K : what's wrong?
J : kenzie, just think. All that creatures that tried to go near us died
I said pointing to the dead creatures on the floor
Her eyes go wide understanding what i just said
K : o my gosh you're right
La : soo... can't you make it disappear?
K : i don't know how to
She said changing her position from earlier and her hands are not out pointing in front of her anymore

The three of them was to busy on thinking, what they didn't realize is that the bubble is gone as soon as Mackenzie changed her position and didn't focus anymore
J : uh.. guys?
La : shut up Johnny were trying to think
J : yea, but look
I said pointing to our surrounding
K : wait... ITS GONE?!
M : what? How?
J : well, i think as soon as Kenzie didn't focus on it, it disappeared
La : well, that makes sense
K : soo... did you guys find anything?
La : no, theres nothing here accept for the strange scream
M : yeah, nothing happened to us
J : nothing?!
K : yea, we literally got chased by one thousand monsters and we also discovered new powers
J : shhhh... do you hear that?
M : hear what?
J : over here
Then i started sneaking to where the sound was

La : what is it? I didn't hear anything
K : What is that?!
She said whispering though panicking at the same time
J : yea, it's really loud. It's coming from here
M : what? I don't hear anything
La : me neither
Me and Kenzie look at them as if they're crazy
I mean it's very loud and they didnmt hear it?
Are they deaf or something?
K : are you guys deaf?!
La : there's nothing!
J : let's just go see what it is!

We continued sneaking, the sound keeps on getting louder and louder as we get closer
We stopped, we arrived in front of an old door, though the door is very big and...... thick?
We didn't know what to do
Then i see Kenzie going to a corner by herself and sat down hugging her leg
I came by her and sat next to her, i put my hand over her shoulder giving her a side hug
J : hey... what's wrong?
K : i-i- i saw i-it, through t-the door
J : what did you see Kenz?
I said calmly
K : b-b-blood
She then starts crying

She's seeing blood from inside of the room?
What is even inside of that room?
We need to find out, but how?
J : calm down kenzie, it's ok
K : i c-can't, what if the b-blood is theirs?
I stayed silent for a while
I know that she's referring to our family that got trapped here
J : we don't know that yet kenz
J : what you see is.... not yet confirmed to be correct or not, it may be just the monsters messing up with your head

She stayed, didn't say a word but haven't stop her tears
I gave her a hand and we both stands up
I removed my hand from hers just to wrap them protectively around her waist
J : don't cry, it makes my heart ache to see you like this
K : we need to save them Johnny
J : i know, i know, but first we need to help them to try get the door opened
I said as i wipe her tears away with my thumb
She has stopped crying by then
J : cmon, it's gonna be okay

We walked towards Laura and Maddie to see them sitting down next to the door
When suddenly a blood curdling scream was heard
Right when that scream was heard Laura fell to the ground out of pain
She was screaming and curling up in a ball holding her stomach
She said while screaming in between her words
We came rushing by, me and Kenzie was trying to hold her and Maddie was giving us a source of light so we can see without flashlight

Suddenly she stopped
La : t-t-the pain, it's g-gone
She manage to croak
Maddie came rushing by to join our hug, we held her tight
K : what was that? You were- how did?
She said with a tear stained face
Laura managed to stand up
La : i think it was Lauren, and i think she's in this room. And she's alive
We were all staring at her confused on how she gets the information

La : i can't feel it, the pain is getting worst since we got here, i think it's because were getting close to her
La : and i do have a terrible feeling about this door
M : but how are we going to open it?!

La : i have an idea!
J : what is it?
La : i'll freeze the door, that way it's easier to break through the door
M : genious!
K : let's do it
She walks closer to the door and held her hands in front of her, her palm touching the door
It took her about 30 seconds to completely freeze it
La : okay, let's break this!

We walk backwards to get some running start
We ran
We ran as fast as we could, we strike out powers to break the door
And at the same time we all strike
Lightning bolts
A light ball
A lighting shaped ice
And the door break revealing...

Yay i updated


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