Outlaw Angel

By MissyDoe2017

214K 5.7K 3.5K

Korey Foster is handed the opportunity of a lifetime. Singing on for tour manager to what is touted to be the... More

Howdy Boys
Most Frustrating Man Ever
I Dare You: Part I
I Dare You: Part II
Irritating Woman
What You Blushing For Princess?
Mind Blown
I Deserved That
Where I Go When I Drink
In the Morning Light
Damn Cavemen!
Nashville: Part I
Nashville: Part II
Explain Woman....Explain
Take A Walk on the Red Carpet
Anybody Gonna Break It Up
Adventures in Shopping
Talk You Out of It
Who Is It Gonna Be?
Meeting the Princess
What Contentment Looks Like
You'd Have to be Out of Your Mind
Creepin: Part I
Creepin: Part II
A Grave Mistake: Part I
A Grave Mistake: Part II
A New Normal
Is It Over?
My Way of Thinkin: Part I
My Way of Thinkin: Part II
Facing Things
Brantley Keith! You Did What?
Well Princess?: Part I
Well Princess?: Part II
Get to Planning Woman.....
Princess on a Rampage
Almost I Do
I Do
Behaving...Is That An Option?
Stubborn Ass Woman: Part I
Stubborn Ass Woman: Part II

You Can't Tell Me No Big Brother

9.6K 148 98
By MissyDoe2017

Korey's POV

I crossed my arms glaring up at my big brother with fire in my eyes. I don't know who the hell he thought he was. The Lone Chief or not. He could kiss my ass. I snarled back at him stomping my foot making his eyes narrow further. I was so mad I hope they stuck that way. This is why I hated being the damn baby. I swear the Heavenly Father cursed me with two big brothers. Then throw in the band and their buddies half the time a guy wouldn't even glance my way due to them. I used to plan my dates around my brothers work schedules until I moved up to Tennessee.

"I'm going," I snapped poking a slim finger into his broad chest making my sister in law snicker as she watched us from the doorway. Swear she got a big kick out of us arguing. I pushed my chocolate brown hair out of my face feeling my blood pressure rise. It was a wavy mess after spending the spring afternoon chasing my nephew around outside. "This is touted to be the hottest tour in country music this year! I am not passing the chance up. I love you big bro but I don't wanna spend the rest of my life chasing you around." I heard a deep growl rumble from my brother's chest as my nephew cackled. I saw my sister in law scoop him up to head back inside.

"Let's go little man," Ashli said with a shake of her head. I blew Fox a kiss making him grin. "Daddy is about to get a beating and you don't need to see that sweetie. May scar you to see Aunt Kor making him cry."

"I forbid you to go Korey!" Frank yelled leaning down to get in my face. I stood on me tip toes squaring off with him. Times like this I cursed him and Wade always being taller than me. "No mam. No way in hell. You're being able to move up here was contingent on me keeping a look out for you. Mama is gonna skin me alive."

"First of all," I yelled pushing Frank making him take a step back. "Mama knows and is excited for me. Second, I am not a damn kid! I am twenty-five years old asshole! I grew up! Something you seem to forget. Taking this job as tour manager is no different than what I have been doing for you, Lainey, and Jared the last few years! Just on a little bigger scale and I will have help. I can do this. I was approached to do this. Why can't you have a little bit of faith?"

"It is way different than what you have been doing for me!" he snapped pulling his baseball cap off and throwing it on the ground. "This is a world tour with three of the most eligible men in country music sis! Yes, Ash keeps me up with the gossip. Two of them that are notorious ladies' men and one that it's a well kept secret that he's fallen off the wagon since his divorce! So no, I don't think you can handle it!"

"Fuck you," I growled turning on my heel. I looked back over my shoulder shaking my head willing the tears brewing in my eyes to go away. The one person who I wanted to have faith in me wasn't.

"Don't you walk away from me Korey!" Frank growled grabbing my arm in his big hand swinging me around. I yanked my arm out of his firm grip with a hiss as we faced off. I knew deep down he meant well. He was just being the over protective big brother. I was the baby of the family with it being twelve years between me and Wade and ten between me and Frank. "I think I will just call Daddy to see if he can talk some sense into you."

"Then I will just call Mama," I countered with a smirk noticing Frank's tan skin pale a little. Gotcha. "She's on my side. Do you really want to get her blood pumping? You and I both know you will feel an ear tug through the phone. Might as well wrap your mind around it big bro, I am going. There is no stopping me. I signed the contract this morning. I am still going to handle some of your stuff along with Jason through email. Face it, you've spoiled me the last few years with me being here. I got used to having at least one big brother around. I was used to you, Daddy, and Wade being gone for work. I can take care of myself." I saw his resolve start to falter. "Please Frank, just give me the benefit of the doubt okay. I can do this."

"Fine," he grumbled with a deep sigh giving me a soft smile as I squealed clapping my hands. He held his long arms out beckoning me to walk into them. I sighed as he hugged me tight. "I just worry okay. Regardless what you say, it will be different than being on the road with us."

"I know," I murmured into his t-shirt before lifting my head to look at him. "But I can take care of myself. Besides, if I can keep Topher in line with a glare, I think I can make the rest of these boys fall in line."

"Pretty sure they are gonna make Topher look tame," Frank sighed giving me a quick grin. "You better have me a pass lined up because I can promise I will be checking in."

"Deal," I said giving him a toothy grin and got a dimpled smirk in return. We both turned as the back door opened. I looked over to see Ashli leaning against the door frame studying us.

"Well," she drawled. "If y'all are done arguing. Supper is ready. Think there is a beer in the fridge with both your names on it."

I gave her a grin as I walked by her into the kitchen. Frank stopped to lean down to give Ashli a hug as I bent down placing a smacking kiss on Fox's cheek. I adored my youngest nephew and spoiled him rotten. I tamped down a sigh watching my brother and his wife with a bit of envy. I wanted what they had one day. But I just figured it wasn't in the cards for me at all. I made my way to the stove fixing a big bowl of chili and jumped when I felt a chin on my shoulder. I turned to see a pouting Topher looking at me.

"What?" I sighed before hip checking him out of the way to pull a beer out from the refrigerator before sitting at the table. I was cooling a bite of chili as he flopped down beside me with his own bowl. I swear he looked like a little lost puppy dog. He could be a handful, but he was harmless.

"I can't believe you are leaving us," Topher grumbled twisting off the top of his beer. He glared at me while he took a long pull. "You always go with us. I ain't gonna make it Kor! You keep me from making more stupid mistakes than I already do."

"Oh Jesus you drama queen," I muttered kicking his shin under the table. "Grow up Topher. I swear you need a wife so you have to get your shit together. I can't raise you forever."

"He's like a stray puppy dog," Ashli said with a laugh sitting down beside me. "You feed him and he just keeps coming back."

"Told you to quit feeding him so damn well," Frank said with a grin earning him a middle finger from Topher. This banter was part of what I was going to miss not being around all the time. He looked over at me giving me a sad smile. "He is right though. Being on the road won't be the same without you sis."

"I'll fit in some shows," I said feeling my stomach drop a little. They were right. I was so used to how things worked with Frank and the boys this could be different. The boys all looked at me as a little sister. "I promise."

Later that night I curled up in my chair on the back deck of the house I shared with two roommates. Both were singers and songwriters that stayed busier than I did. I heard the back door open as I snuggled further beneath the blanket I was buried under against the chill in the spring night air. Lainey handed me a glass of wine before settling down on the chaise beside me with a sigh. Kasey flopped down on the outdoor couch across from us with a grin. She pushed her hair back then held her glass up in a toast.

"Congrats to you Kor!" she said with a laugh. "I hate that you are leaving tomorrow afternoon but damn, that is a hell of an opportunity that you have landed girlfriend."

"Hey if she can shuffle us, Frank, and Jared on any given week," Lainey said with a grin. "Then those boys will be a piece of cake."

"I don't know y'all," I confessed dragging a finger along the rim of my wineglass. "Maybe I bit off more than I can chew. I mean, I will have help but still. I know all of y'all. What makes each of you tick and what will be okay and not okay. These guys, I don't know at all other than media. Yea, we've seen them all in concert but that's different and we know it."

"I expect you to sneak at least one shirtless picture of Chase Rice for me," Kasey giggled. "His Instagram just cannot do him justice. That man is fine as hell. Cole, he seems like a sweetheart that makes you want to snuggle him. Now BG on the other hand...mmmmmm. That man is a walking sex on a stick. He could inspire someone to write a whole breakup album that could give Taylor a run for her money when things were said and done."

"You've got this sister," Lainey said cheering me on as she piled her dark blonde hair up in a messy bun. Something she had always done since I first met her. Being from small towns in Louisiana made us alike in a lot of ways. I saw the smirk spread across her lips as she drank a sip of the rich, red wine. Shit. I could see the wheels turning. "Plus that's gonna be a whole lot of hotness surrounding you. Cole, Chase, and BG all have their certain attributes that make them hot. Mmmhmmmm girl."

"Shut up!" I laughed rolling my eyes. "I am going to do my job. Not catch a man. None of them and I repeat none of them are my type!"

"Bullshit," Kasey burst out with a snicker. "Please..... sister, please. Got to have at least one hookup. I know you are more worried about your career than a man. Ethan burned you pretty bad."

"Bad doesn't even begin to cover it," I grumbled. "He called off our engagement after getting his sister's best friend pregnant! Claimed if I hadn't moved away this would have never been a problem. That I should have been around to see to his needs! Pretty sure he leaves the state if he even hears that Frank is around home. He beat his ass that bad. No thank you. I am too busy for a man."

"Doesn't mean you can't knock the cobwebs off the ol hooha," Lainey singsonged making me blush. My face and ears felt like they were on fire. I swear, I told these two way too much about my life. "Face it. You need to get laid baby girl. And this time you don't have Frank, Topher, or Chris breathing over your shoulder. I mean, what happens on tour can stay on tour right."

"Leave me alone," I grumbled taking a long drink of wine. Yea, it had been a while. I liked my life the way it was. Regardless of what these two were harping, I was gonna be professional. I was not going on this tour looking for a hook up. Nope no way. No matter how hot these guys were, I had plenty of willpower. I was sure of it. These legs were staying firmly closed.

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