~Secrets~ Aizawa x Reader

By incognonymous

774K 26.3K 17.1K

This is a Aizawa x Reader Fan fic about Hitoshi Shinso being his son. Ive been looking everywhere for a fan... More

First Time (Lemon)
Last Words
Dinner with Parents
She's Gone
Entance Exams
The Letter
First day of UA
USJ Attack
Spy Mom
Villain Life
The End of The Hero Killer
Forest Camp
Mom's Home
Awkward Dinner
The Truth
Someone to Talk to
I Hate That I Love You
Go Home
Don't Just Assume
First Memory of Many

New Home

22.4K 829 466
By incognonymous

A/N: I hope you Enjoy!

You and Hitoshi  finally made it in Japan and enrolled him in school. The house was all set up after about 2 weeks of non stop work. Now you were just working with the plants outside to make everything perfect and welcoming. Hitoshi was on the porch reading one of his books and petting the cat.

Everything was perfect, even Hitoshi could tell Japan is completely different from America. The work and school was a bit harder but that just made him excited to think of how far ahead he will get compared to where he used to be.

The only bad thing is that it seems like crime has spiked a lot since you were a child. That only means more work for you. When you decided to come to Japan You transferred hero agencies which wasn't hard. They even offered you more here than in America along with better benefits. You and Hitoshi got assigned a new last name, but it wasn't so bad. Y/n Shinso and Hitoshi Shinso sounds pretty good.

You feel bad because Hitoshi has to participate in all your Job discretions but he seems like he doesn't mind. 

"Hitoshi why don't you run to the store to grab some groceries so I can start cooking." you say wiping the sweat from your brow.

"Ok mom." He shuts his book and goes to place the cat inside.

You pull out some money from your back pocket and stand up to place a kiss on his cheek and send him on his way. 

Time Skip.

Man it sure is hot today, why mom wants to work in the yard I have no Idea.

He finally made it to the store grabbing a cart to head inside. As soon as he enters he heard a very loud obnoxious voice. Trying his best to avoid it but unfortunately he needed something down the same aisle. Going down the aisle he spotted a blonde haired man with his hair in the shape of a cockatoo along side a man with long dark hair and a very annoyed expression.

The man with dark hair looked up to see Hitoshi and his eyes widened. .

"Hey, Hey! Purple hair that's pretty neat!" The blond man said giving hitoshi a pair of finger guns.

The dark haired man still didn't say anything just stayed with his eyes glued to him in a shocked expression.

"You ok Aizawa?" The blonde man said giving him a nudge snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Um...Yea he just looks familiar." He said averting his eyes.

Hitoshi didn't say a thing just reached for the cat food on the shelf, but so did Aizawa.

"Oh, sorry. Go ahead." Aizawa said gesturing to the cat food.

The blonde man just looked at Aizawa in a confusing manner.

"Sorry excuse me sir." Aizawa and Hitoshi shared tired gazes with each other before finally going separate ways.

"Well that was weird." the blonde man mumbled.

"Shut up mic."

Time skip.

You were finally done with the flowers and just in time seeing Hitoshi come back with the groceries.

"All right! I'm going to go take a shower then Ill start on dinner." You said with a smile as you went inside.

Hitoshi took in the groceries and put them in their rightful place and went back in the living room to sit down.

You finally got done taking a shower then made your way to the kitchen. "So how was the trip to the store see anything interesting."

"Not really just a loud obnoxious guy and a weird tired looking guy."

You laughed. "you know you are weird and tired looking too."

"Yea but this guy was scruffy and looked like he needed to brush his hair." He chuckled.

"Well did you talk to them?" 

"Not really..I think the blonde guy liked my hair because that's the first thing he commented on when he saw me. The other guy just stared at me all wide eyed, Like I said he was a weirdo."

"Hmm well did you get their names?"

"I think I heard the blonde guy call the other one Aizawa or something like that."

He heard a glass break in the kitchen. "Mom? Are you ok?"

"Y...Yea I'm fine honey." but really you felt like your heart stopped.

"Are you sure it was Aizawa?"

"Yea..do you know him?"

"No..no of course not I'm just curious." you laughed nervously.

How in Gods green earth did he manage to meet his dad and its not even been a full month yet. Your mind was swimming with questions about him that wanted to be answered. You hurried with dinner and set the food on the plates.

"Ok Hitoshi dinner is served!" you yelled 

Hitoshi slowly walked in the kitchen to sit down noticing how weird you were acting. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine just eat so you can get big and strong."

"I'm 13 now mom that's not gonna work on me." he grinned.

"Well you are still 5 in my eyes ok...so eat up." you said pointing at him with your fork.

You and Hitoshi sat and ate as you thought of a different store to go to. Does that mean he lives close to you? So many questions un answered made your head spin. Once the meal was done Hitoshi washed the dishes then went to study.

You sat in the living room and looked up Aizawa on the computer. Seeing he worked at UA made things worse. You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration as you wondered if you could just move back to America. You looked back at the screen and skimmed through the page noticing everything else was pretty much unknown. Even his marital status. You just huffed and shut the laptop to go check on Hitoshi.

You went up stairs to his room and opened the door to see him asleep on his bed with his papers and books everywhere. Stepping inside you began to put all his stuff away and cover him up remembering the sleepless nights you and Aizawa stayed up studying with each other. Looking down at Hitoshis sleeping face you gave him a sweet kiss on his forehead and turned off the lights.

Shutting the door behind you you could feel tears start to swell up in your eyes. The cat creeped up and just stared at you.

"Don't look at me like that." you mumbled.


"Come on lets go to bed." you walk to your room with the cat right behind you to go to sleep. Coming back to Japan is going to be quit a adventure.

A/N: Slowly but surely...getting there. Thanks for reading. 

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