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A/N: Oh I'm on a roll with these chapters! Hope you enjoy!

You and Shota decided to train together to ready yourselfs for the UA entrance exams now that you both know you will get to participate, after you get your physicals of course. You were both on the beach panting hard from all the one on one combat training. Cuts and bruises will surely be visible tomorrow from all the hard work.

"My quirk sucks!...I cant be a Pro Hero with this stupid stuff." you say whining looking down at your hands.

Shota just sighs and plops down on the sand to stare at the ocean. He grabs your wrist and pulls you down beside him, then drapes his arm over your shoulder pulling you into him. You just lay your head in the crook of his neck and stare at the ocean with him, letting the waves calm your nerves about everything.

"You could do so much with your quirk. Just think about it, you would be a excellent spy. You could probably get anyone to tell you any type of information."

You chuckle "yea I guess you're right." you look up giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

As you both were looking out at the ocean a cat managed to make its way in front of you sniffing in curiosity. You held your hand out to let the cat get familiar with you before it rubbed its head against your hand lovingly. Shota watched as the cat worked its way up onto your lap to sit down and you began to pet its fur. He tried to pet the cat but it was way to scared to get around him so he just sighed then looked back at you with a pouty face. You felt bad knowing how much he loved cats and not getting to pet one right in front of him.

"Do you think I can Manipulate animals too?" you ask flashing Shota a smile.

"Dont try it, what if you hurt it." He says as he looks at the cat with his tired eyes.

"Im not gonna hurt it im just curious...come on please Shota?"

"Curiosity killed the cat..." He said giving you a tired dead pan stare.

You couldn't help but laugh. He watched you as you stopped petting the cat and gently placed your hand on its back activating your quirk. Your eyes glew a bright deep purple as you told the cat to go to Shota. The cats eyes glossed over white as it stood up and went over to Shota and sat in his lap.

"Ok you can stop now." Shota said giving the cat a few pets.

You deactivated your quirk and The cats eyes went back to normal as it just meowed up at him letting him pet it.

"See nothing bad happened and you even got to pet it." you smiled and gave him another kiss on the cheek.

He chuckled and continued to pet the cat as you got up to stretch your limbs. Suddenly a sick feeling came over you making you hold your stomach and mouth to try to hold it back.

"You ok?" Shota asked with concern

You didnt respond you just ran as fast as you could to the nearest trash can to throw up. You felt like you were never gonna stop. Shota stood beside you and held your hair back away from your face as you continued.

"I don't even remember seeing you eat this much." he mumbled.

You gave him a soft jab in the stomach and continued back throwing up. After you finally finished you felt dizzy and weak. Maybe You trained to hard? you thought to yourself. Once Shota saw you staggering he quickly scooped you up bridal style.

"wanna get some food?" he asked and you just groaned loudly not wanting to even think about food at the moment.

"Well I think you threw up your body weight just then so you need to eat something. Crackers and a sprite would be good." you looked up at his blank stare. you knew he wasn't asking you at this point, he was telling you. You just nuzzled into his chest as he carried you to the nearest store to buy you what you needed.

"Did I push you to hard?" he asked as he made sure you were eating and drinking.

"No, Im not sure why this has been happening really. Maybe its just nerves about the entrance exam."

"So how long has this been going on? this is the first time Ive heard anything about it from you."

 "oh so now I have to tell you when Im sick?" You chuckle.

He took a sip of his drink "Yes." He said plainly.

"Oh well excuse me Aizawa Sensei." You mocked

"How long Y/N." his voice a little more stern.

"Maybe a month now its no big deal Im telling you its just nerves I'm sure of it."

"Promise me when you go for your physical for the entrance exam you will bring it up and get checked." his eyes went from you back down to his drink.

You knew Shota loved you, so even the smallest thing to you has him worrying for no reason. "Ok Shota I promise." you gave him a smile. 

He gave you a soft peck on your lips showing you he cared but also trying not to taste the vomit. You just giggled as you both stood up and made your way back home.

A/N: Hey oh! Im so excited about this freaking story!! its like 1:30 and Im exhausted, but Im happy and that's what matters. Hope you enjoyed it!

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