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A/N: This first chapter might be a little dull but it will get better. I love this Idea. I know Im not a expert writer or anything but Im gonna try my best to do it justice. Hope you enjoy!

 You were walking down the hall of your school to the lunchroom. Everyone was pointing and staring calling you names. All you wanted was to see your boyfriend Shota, it seemed like he could always make the pain go away. You felt like it was taking forever to get to the cafeteria, as you fidget with your school uniform skirt nervously with your gloved covered hands.

Suddenly a boy with white hair grabbed you and slung you up against the wall making the back of your head hit hard against the cement.

"Back off!" You yelled as you rubbed your head then checked to make sure it wasnt bleeding.

"Awe what's wrong Y/N, is your little pet not here to protect you."

You clinched your fists and gave him a hard shove but barely budged him. "Dont call him that!"

You had a manipulation quirk where if you touched someone you could control them, but you had control over it of course. People still didnt trust you though, so the school makes you wear gloves for everyones protection even though you would never do anything like that.

Your father passed his quirk down to you. He was a great man who got framed for something he didnt even do and received a death sentence for it. Your father would have never been a villain despite his quirk of manipulation. You always looked up to him admiring how he always helped when he could so you strive to be like him when you get older. That's why you want to go to UA, one of the best hero schools in Japan.

"Everyone knows you manipulate people. You might as well go ahead and give up on trying to get into UA with that villain quirk of yours." You try to slip away but he blocks you in with his arms on both sides of you against the wall.

"Why cant you just leave me alone!" You could feel the tears come up and begin to blur your vision.

"Awe...are you gonna cry now?" Everyone begins to laugh and you feel the warm tears start to stream down your face.

"I think she said leave her alone Kikenna." You hear a all to familiar voice say.

You look over to see Shotas dark hair hanging in his face as he was glaring over at Kikenna with his raven eyes. He stood firm with his hands in the pockets of his school uniform.

"Hey...Why do you have to manipulate someone like him to be your boyfriend anyways when you could have anyone you want with that quirk." He put a strand of your H/C hair behind your ear. Not paying Shota any attention.

You snatched your head away from him and ducked down seeing Shota smash his head into the cement wall. Resulting in Kikenna busting his nose possibly breaking it too.

Shota grabbed your hand and you both took off to the cafeteria. "Whats that guys deal anyways...does he honestly think bullying you will get you to date him or something." he stops running and steadies his breathing.

"I hope the teachers don't put you in detention again. Im so sorry Shota." You say trying not to cry.

He just sighs and gives you his adorable lazy stare that he knows you love so much. "How many times have I told you to stop saying you're sorry. I don't mind protecting you from assholes like that. I know you are a good person, and that your quirk is a very useful one."

He reaches his hand up to cup your cheek and you just lean into him. "What did I do to deserve you?" you say giving him a soft smile.

"Maybe we should blame our parents for living next to each other." he said in his emotionless tone with a little bit of cracking in his voice from the puberty stage. 

He just clears his throat and you laugh placing a soft kiss on his lips and continue through the cafeteria to get your lunches and sit down. 

You gaze at the raven haired 14 year old boy sitting in front of you and think of all the things you have been through together over the years. He was there for you through every bully and insecurity. When your father was sentenced to death for crimes he didnt commit he knew better than to believe the media or other people when they talked about him. As far as you, you have always been there for Shota as well. You are one of the rare people who can read Shota like a book, most people just think hes emotionless, but you know hes a very lovable person who just acts tough on the outside. Although he is one of the most rational people you know but you love that about him. Hes always straight forward and honest in everything he does.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Shota asks breaking you from your thoughts.

"How much I love you." you give him a big grin.

You watch as pink dusts across his face. Shota isn't good at showing his emotions but you know that he trys for you which you appreciate. You love catching him off guard with emotional stuff to see his flustered reactions.

He swallows his food and averts his eyes to the side a bit. "I love you too." he mumbled with another small crack in his voice. He just cleared his throat and carried on eating.

You have been in a relationship since you were 11 years old. Its pretty funny really, how everyone tells you that you both are too young to know what love is yet, but you can tell that you truly Love him and that he feels the same towards you. Your relationship with Shota has only gone as far as 3rd base so far, but you would really like to take that next step. You both have been official to your standards for 3 years now. Adults are getting married at this point in a relationship.

You just sigh and continue eating your food until its time to go back to class and finish out the day.

A/N: Woot! first chapter down and such a long way to go. I hope I don't get writers block. More updates to come! Thank you for reading.

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