The Letter

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A/N: Hope you enjoy!

You were sitting on the couch with Hitoshi watching your usual t.v. shows. He had his hair down in his face with his pajamas on because today was just a lounge around kind of day. The cat was purring softly in his lap as he stroked her ears and down her back. Hearing the mail man pull up you quickly shot up to go check it. You and Hitoshi have been patiently waiting to hear back from UA High school and you hoped today was the day.

Hitoshi's tired eyes glanced out the window seeing you do a happy dance by the mail box then run back inside.

"Don't get to excited yet, you don't even know what they are gonna say." He said rolling his tired eyes at you then grinned.

"Oh don't be such a downer!" you said ruffling his hair and handing him the letter.

You both sat crisscross applesauce in the floor. He stared at the envelope for a moment then glanced over to you seeing you smiling ear to ear.

"Well, go it already!" you said giving him a nudge.

He took a deep breath and ripped open the envelope and out dropped a projector.

As soon as it came on you saw the pro hero Present Mic. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hitoshi Shinso! Are you ready!! He said pointing at the camera with finger guns. "I would have never known bumping into you at the store that you had so much potential! I'm going to cut to the chase because we are running out of time." a hand came up in the lower corner of the projection gesturing him to hurry up. "You passed the written exam with flying colors! as for the practical exam...since you were manipulating people we had to divide the points evenly among every one. That being said you did not pass the practical, BUUUUT you show promise in your efforts to becoming a hero and we see that so CONGRATULATIONS SHINSO AND WELCOME TO UA HIGHSCHOOL!" The camera shook and fell to the ground as he used his voice quirk to announce the great news.

Once the projection cut off he was still for a moment. You glanced at him with happy tears streaming down your cheeks and gave him a gentle nudge.


You looked closely to see tears swelling up in his eyes.

"Honey? Are you ok?"

"They split the points up evenly? Those were my moves, my tactics and strategy that they used to defeat those robots. Most of those points should have went to me." He said angrily through tears as he clinched his fist.

"You still made it. The other students had to get points too. Your studying payed off and no matter what class you end up in you can always work your way up."

"I'm tired of having to work my way up when everyone else just has things handed to them!"

"I know how you feel. I had to go through the same things when I was your age but now look at me. If I can do it you can do it."

He stood up and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I will become a Hero mom...You can count on that." With those last words he went to his room along with the cat walking behind him.

You just huffed and got up from the floor. One things for sure, he has the determination he needs to get to the top.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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