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A/N: This is basically a fluff chapter. Hope you enjoy it!


all you could see was darkness surrounding you.

"I don't want this. I have so much ahead of me, a child will just hold me back. How can I be a pro Hero and take care of a baby when Im basically a kid myself." you hear Shotas voice say.

"Shota please Im sorry."

"Leave..I don't want to see you again or that thing you are carrying. You probably manipulated me to do that anyways didnt you!?" He shouted angrily.

"How can you say that! You know I would never do that!" You began to sob.

You saw two crimson eyes staring at you in the darkness making their way closer to you. "Shota...p..please." You felt his bindings wrap around your neck and begin to choke you while hoisting you up in the air.

"I never loved you." You were gasping for air as hot tears ran down your face. "Sh..Shota." You saw him draw back with his fist and hit you hard in the stomach then drop you to the ground.

"The world would be a better place without another Manipulator in this world." He drew back his leg and kicked you hard in the stomach resulting in you coughing up blood onto the floor.

You woke up gasping for air and tears streaming down your face. You held your stomach tightly hoping everything was ok. You felt Shota place his hand on your shoulder

"Are you ok? you fell asleep while studying so I layed you down to let you get some sleep."

You just held him tightly and began to sobs and say your sorry a hundred times. He didnt know what you were talking about but he held you close letting you finish your crying. "So what was the Nightmare about?" he asked.

"What?" you ask wipping away your tears.

"I assume that's why you are crying." he brought his hand to your face and wipped a stray tear away with his thumb.

"You told me you didnt love me, and that the world would be better off without me in it." of course you left the baby part out. You had no intentions of telling him anything. You didnt want to be the one to ruin his dreams of being a hero.

"Well you know that's not true right?" he gave you a soft smile while tucking your H/C hair behind your ear.

You stayed silent as tears began to fall down your face again. Shota brought you into is chest and held you tighty. "I love you so much Y/N I would never dream of a world with out you. I coudnt even imagine not having you in my life." he placed a kiss on your head.

You heard him begin to hum a song to you. His chest vibrating softly soothing your sobs, but you still held your grip on his shirt. He could feel the wetness from your tears staining him. He didnt care though, he just wanted to make sure you were ok. Propping hisself up with pillows behind him, He began to rub your back softly as he started to sing to you.

A/N:I do not own this song it's emmylou by vance joy... I know the song is emmy lou but I changed it up a bit to enemies lose because well emmy lou isn't the reader lol. 

"Oh if your losing sleep...

if your losing sleep scared of shadows.

You turn to look up at him through your blurry teary eyes as he grins down at you. His dark tired eyes filled with love and concern.

"See its just a chair, see the clothes hang there.

Oh don't go losing sleep scared of shadows."

You sat up a little placing your head In the crook of his neck draping one leg over him and one arm across his chest.

"Oh don't feel bad. I never have, since I got you, my enemies lose."

You began to cry from the song..This was so unlike him to do something like this. You weren't even aware that he sang, and he was good at it. His voice was filled with so much love and care, it sounded like sweet honey to your ears.

"You wear your socks to bed, wear your socks to bed.

That's what I do.

Oh c'mon sleepyhead get yourself to bed.

Don't go losin the nighttime.

Oh don't feel bad, I never have, since I got you, my enemies lose."

He brought his hand up to grip yours tightly.

"You are loved, you are loved, you are loved, you are loved.

Oh now dont feel bad. well I never have.

Now that I've got you, my enemies lose."

You looked up and he placed a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you Y/N. I would never do anything to hurt you."

You could tell he was sincere but you still didnt want to burden him with a child.

A/N: Yea that was fluffy..thanks for reading.

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