After the Crank (TMR Fanfic)...

By SaminaZilfan

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Thomas had never been happy living in the safe place. he felt something missing. he couldn't forget about his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 18

425 16 2
By SaminaZilfan

Silence felt more frightening. Their ears became very sensitive. The sound of splashing water easily sent them fear. Thomas's eyes found some rats caused that sound. Meanwhile, far behind, there was no one there, as long as his eyes could see. Whoever shot the gun, he had to be at the tunnel.

"How do you think, Tommy?" Newt broke the silence, making everyone stared at him, then Thomas with such a 'need-solution' look.

Thomas turned his face to see Newt gave him a serious gaze. Lucky for Newt. He'd just thought about the plan. "It's a bit risky."

"I'm sure we better take 'a bit risky', than much." Thomas saw what he liked from Newt, belief and trust. "Tell us what the plan?" Newt demanded undoubtedly.

"We have to attack them first," Thomas started. He took his eyes to the back of them, motioning the tunnel that sent them there. "They're exactly there, at the tunnel. Compare to the tunnel, this place gives us more space to move. It's good for us."

"I like the plan." Newt nodded to Thomas. A slight of smile covered his face. Newt only let optimist formed his expression, no doubt, neither fear. If he tried to ensure the others to keep being optimist, Thomas sure he did it.

"I think we have to make two groups. First group attack them first and second group find the way out." Minho suggested. His threatening eyes showed he wanted to be in the first group.

"That exactly what I think." Newt nodded. "Sam, you lead the others to the way out! Jorge and Gally with Sam. I believe you two can protect the other. Minho and me will atack them." Newt finished giving his comand.

Thomas found himself confused with the command. He needed a second to wait Newt called his name. But, Newt didn't. "Newt, I think---"

"Kevin, give me the light!" Newt didn't give a damn about Thomas. He got the light from Kevin, then turned to start walking with Minho.

"Newt I---"

"What are you waiting for, Tommy?" Newt cut him off. "You have a pistol, don't you? Let's attack them. This is your plan. So, it better works."

Thomas nodded obediently, smiling inwardly. Newt didn't forget him. It was good because he wanted to punch them---or for that time, shot them. He didn't plan to kill someone, but shot them on the leg.

"Newt, you forget about me!" The protest came from Clarisse. She obviously wanted to join Newt's group. Thomas could smell the grudge from her. He could understand the reason. Same hatred, same rage, just like what he felt when WICKED took Chuck from him.

"Edward won't be happy if I take you with us, Clare. Wait at the door!" Just that what Newt said. Plain and clear.

Newt turned, continuing his step. Minho right beside him. Thomas joined them. The three boys marched to the tunnel. With that, Kevin led the others to the way out. The sound of the splashing water followed their movement.

"Couldn't be patient to shoot your gun, Dude?" Minho elbowed Thomas in the gut. His grin made Thomas realize the the world was still normal.

"Actually I prefer to break their hands and leg with my own hands." Thomas added a small smile.

"Let's see, how many you can handle, Tommy." Newt glared at him with a challenging look.

"I'm sure I can handle a little more than ya, shank." Thomas said confidently.

Newt only smiled. The conversation ended. They almost reached the tunnel and they could see the light came from there, hit the wall across them. They walked slowly, sticking their bodies to the wall. Minho led them. He stopped right beside the hole of the tunnel. The sound of the heavy footsteps achoed the room. Minho bent down, sneaking to the other side. Newt followed him, but stop right beneath the hole of the tunnel. Thomas took Minho's place.

The footsteps became clearer and clearer in their ears. They wouldn't be more than twenty five feet. Thomas, Newt, and Minho lifted their gun, aiming them to the tunnel carefully. No one took action yet. They looked at each other, waiting for confirmation. There was no word needed to understand what in each head thought of. They nodded, agreeing the deal they made in silence. So, they shot at once.

Whine and cry in pain filled the room. Thomas peeped, seeing there were three of them scrambled to the floor. He couldn't see where the bullets hurt them, be he could ensure the three of them weren't able to fight. The rest of them, Thomas was surprised to know the number of them who still moved forward. There were a dozen men crowded at the tunnel, each of them brought a shield.

Thomas pulled his face out as the counter shot finally came. He shot his gun without looking at the target. His gaze met Minho whom covered his face with frustration. Minho saw the shield for sure. They were using those to protect themselves. Thomas heard a familiar sound when the bullets crashed the metal shields.

"I'm sorry, Newt. I think this plan's not gonna work." Thomas lost the power in his voice. "We have to tell the others to get away from this place quickly. Or they will catch all of us."

"You're right, Tommy. You go!" Newt keep on firing. "You and Minho. I'll hold them."

Thomas and Minho exchanged glance. Thomas raised his eyebrows while Minho frowned. They both seemed to disagree with Newt's selfless command. He was about to grab Newt's hand as he heard Minho whine in pain.

"Shuck!" Minho spat. His right hand got shot so he stopped shooting.

"Tommy, go get Minho!" Newt was already beside Minho, pulling him out so his body fully covered by the wall while he kept on shooting.

"What are you talking about, slinthead? I'm perfectly fine." Minho grabbed Newt by the shoulder, but Newt didn't let him.

Thomas still attacked them with his gun. He couldn't let Minho stay, feeling his blood seeping out his hurt hand. He could lose his consciousness if he lost too much blood. On the other side, he wouldn't leave Newt behind to cover them.

"Newt, you and Minho get out right now!" Thomas asked. His eyes tried to find Newt's.

"No, Tommy!"

"Newt!" He denied. His tone was steady, showing he didn't want to disobey. "Newt, listen to me! I'm the one they wanted. They won't kill me. I'll be safe here. You go, get them out of here!"

"Shuck!" Minho spat. "Let's get out of here! All of us." Minho pulled Newt's hand, making him bend down.

Thomas liked what Minho did. Fortunately, Newt let Minho do whatever to him. The three of them ran away from the door of the tunnel. A dozen men at the tunnel moved freely, chasing them.

"Sam, get the others out of here!" Newt cried out loud. His voice filled the room.

Thomas didn't see his friends. He could only guess where they were by the sound of their footsteps. They'd just moved. Thomas hopped wherever the way out was near enough since the group who were chasing them, were right behind them, running and firing.

"Newt, how long until we reach the door out?" Thomas decreased his acceleration, positioning himself beside Newt and Minho.

"Not so far," Newt panted, catching his breath. "There's a tunnel there, we use that way." Newt motioned to his left side.

Vaguely, a dozens feet away, Thomas saw a hole in the wall, just like the door of the tunnel he passed previously. A smile escaped from his face as he saw Gally, aiming his gun. Gally started firing. He was not the only one, Thomas saw Brenda and Sonya took part in the attack.

They finnaly reached the tunnel. Thomas and Newt helped Minho to climb the door. Though Minho refused them so hard, he eventually stepped on Thoma's and Newt's thighs after he failed climbing by himself. Minho knew he shouldn't waste time. Newt and Thomas climbed after him. They did it easily. Gally and Brenda handled a few of them. The rest were chasing them while they kept shooting.

"Let me handle this!" Clarisse moved forward. Newt abruptly blocked her way and Clarisse stepped aside. "Don't worry, Newton. I stole this yesterday." She showed a small stuff made from---looked like---metal.

Thomas had only a second to study that stuff. Before he guessed what the stuff was, Clarisse threw that away to the men who were chasing them, right after she pressed the button on that stuff. A noisy sound filled the room, followed by the sparks of silvery light. Thomas narrowed his eyes to see what was happening in front of him. A little guilt formed in his chest because their suffer pleased him. Clarisse did it!

"Good that," Newt murmured. " Let's get out of here." He headed to the one and only direction.

"Shank, you wanna stay here forever?"

Thomas shifted his gaze. Gally stood a couple feet away, eyes lingered at him. He motioned Thomas to followed the others. Thomas nodded, marching behind Gally's heels.

The tunnel had a low ceiling so they need to bend down as they walked. A few minutes consumed until they reached the end of the tunnel. Jorge and the others were waiting them. They stood beneath the spherical iron plate. Thomas thought that was the door they would pass.

"Wait!" Newt prevented Jorge who was about to open that door. "We need to investigate first." He paced, stopped beneath the door. Carefully, he opened it, then spied over the gap he made.

"Safe?" Thomas asked after Newt finished investigating.

"Safe," Newt ensured them. "I'll go first." Newt  hold onto the frame door. He pushed his body to move upwards. With his muscular arms he did it easily.

Thomas went after Newt. Using his hands, he helped Brenda, Sonya and the others. Jorge lifted the youngest boy up, Thomas reached out to get the boy's hands, pulling him out. After helped the boy, Jorge got himself out of there. Only Gally and Minho left down there.

"Step on my shoulder!" Gally lowered his body, half kneeling.

Minho didn't move an inch. He seemed to hate the idea. Much over, hating himself for being so weak because of that wound.

"For you to know, klunkface, accepting help is not that bad. It doesn't change the fact that you're the best warrior we have."

Thomas frowned. He almost didn't believe in his own ears. Minho did the same. He craned his neck, looking up at Thomas. Thomas nodded.

"You don't want to waste time, do ya?" Thomas smirked.

"Shuck!" Minho shook his head. His face blushed. However, he did what Gally asked him to.

Thomas finally stood up after Minho and Gally got out of the hole. He started to observe the area around them. They were on the small passage. The buildings lined at the both side. The strange place. The good news was, they didn't see any signs of WICKED.

"How's your hand, Minho?" Newt pointed at Minho's arm.

"Not serious, I think."

"That means, definitely serious!" Thomas denied. "Newt, do you know how to get to the hospital?"

"I know a better place," Newt paused. "Hans."

The name made Thomas and Minho exchanged glances. They wouldn't forget the time they spent with Hans.

"Hans will help us," Newt continued.

"Good." Thomas rolled his eyes, aiming to Sam and Josh. "You two, I'm sure you remember the spot you found us. Lead the others! Then, Jorge will lead the way to the Berg. Newt and me will take Minho to Hans first."

"Bad plan," Minho commented. "It's just a minor injury. I can handle this. We have to get to the Berg as soon as possible."

"No, Minho. Tommy's right. Look at your dirty sleeve! You've lost a lot of blood."

Minho didn't release a word. Thomas considered it as an agreement. One problem solved, he approached Brenda.

"I'm sure you'll be safe with Jorge."

Brenda was about to open her mouth when Jorge said, "She's my priority, hermano."

Thomas glared at Jorge, then look back at Brenda. "Be careful. Wait me---"

Thomas couldn't finish his words. An explosion stole his attention. Reflexively he grabbed Brenda by the arm, quickly ran away. The others scattered around. They moved at the right time. A couple seconds late, they would have buried by the ruins.

They all safe from the first attack and the second came so fast. The bullets from both side surrounded them. A boy who Thomas didn't know his name yet got shot. Another boy bent down beside his lifeless body. Before the second boy did something, Thomas grabbed his hand, pulling him out. They ran away, searching for a place to hide.

They placed themselves behind a building. Thomas, Newt, Minho, Gally, Jorge, and the others started firing. Thomas snorted as he realized he had shot his last bullet.

A moment later, he saw a minibus suddenly stopped near to them. There was a thing similar to the cannon on the top of the minibus. A sudden panic crept through his veins, but vanished soon. The cannon aimed to whoever attacked them.

"Get into the car!" The driver commanded.

Thomas swore he recognized his voice. Once his eyes found the driver, he knew his memory didn't wrong.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Hans. That was him. Thomas refused the urge to release some questions right then. He headed towards the minibus, following the others.


Clarisse voice made all of them looked at Newt. When Thomas turned his gaze, he saw Clarisse hugged Newt from behind. Newt turned his body. Clarisse lost her balance. Newt caught her body before she fell down. Thomas met a person a dozen feet away with a pistol in his grip. Before he could scanned him, that person sprawled on the ground. Minho had just shot him.

Newt lifted Clarisse body, taking her to the car. "Clare, stay with me. Hans will save you. I promise you're gonna be alright.

Clarisse opened her mouth. Her lips quivered, as if she wanted to say something. But, her voice was to low to hear.


To be continued

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