Two's Company, Three's Love

By Freak-of-Madness

39.6K 1.8K 1.7K

Two bisexual men. One freaky woman. Can they make a polyamorous relationship last? Sorry for the crappy summa... More

The Good Life!
The First Night/Morning
The Pool Hall
Love Notes?
Errands and Picnics
Live your life for you!
It's a date!
First date with Tim
First date with Adam
Getting to know one another
Meeting the family
Getting Wet
First Time
The morning after
We need to talk
Summer's Over
The Wedding
One Year Later
House hunting!
Telling Aunt Grace
On the road again!
Shop till she drops!
Chaustin 2
Karaoke Queen!
Happily spoken for
Green-eyed monster
Trouble in Paradise?
Fight Night
Very long talks
Back home
Like a family
Mrs. Foust
Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. Foust
With these rings. . .
. . . I thee wed!
Short goodbye
Salt Lake City
Freaking out
The Minnesota State Fair
First Anniversary
Chance meeting
Oh man
The Wisconsin State Fair
Emotions are running high!
Love, Labels, and Lawyers
Scared and Worried
Step-mothers and Princesses
What the. . .
Surprising Court Case
Week Off
Happy Reunion!
Family outing
Last Run-In
Snow Angels
Girl's road trip
Final trek
Room fit for a Princess
Outings and Casinos
Legally married with a girlfriend on the side!
Home Life
Home Life--2!
Coming Out
Australia is quite fruitful!
Music videos
Uh oh!
Spoiled brats!
Ahh, rest and relaxation!
Little Miss Sassy-Pants
Aloha, Hawai'i!
CPS Call-Out
The Festival
I hope they're ready
The News
Viral 2
The Family
What is it?
Lashes or 'Staches?
Biker friends
Violent Streak?
Another surprising court case!
Double Trouble
Welcome Home!


263 12 17
By Freak-of-Madness

A/N: Holy cow! This is chapter 100! ONE HUNDRED! I can't believe it! Over 6.5k reads and 1.1k comments. I'm amazed and humbled. Thank you and I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Adam and Amarelle hugged their friends and exchanged Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts before they parted ways. The beatboxer took his wife's hand in his as they slowly made their way out to their rental. It was going to be a long drive back to the hotel, especially dealing with the convention traffic and LA traffic. Weapons thrown onto the backseat.

"This has been the most amazing day ever. I can't thank you enough." Adam confessed as she was navigating her way out of the convention parking lot and towards the highway.

"It was definitely my pleasure. This was so much fun and I'm so glad I got to share it with you." She glanced over at him and saw he had the goofiest grin on his face.

'He is really, utterly happy right now!' she thought with a smile. The only thing that broke the silence was the radio. Each were lost in their own thoughts as she drove along. He sent a text to Tim letting him know that they were on their way back to the hotel. Half-way there, Adam began texting back and forth to someone. Amarelle assumed it was Tim as she turned her attention back to the road. When Adam reached over and took her right hand in his, it took her off guard. She glanced over to see him smiling and just looking out the window.

"Daddy! Momma!" Cerise exclaimed as they entered their room.

"Holy sh...shenanigans. What is all this?" Tim raised his eyebrow at the pair.

"We dressed up for the Fan Fest." Adam confidently replied, "Which was amazing, by the way."

"Are either of you hungry? I have dinner ordered and on the way." Tim smiled as he looked between the pair.

"My Miq'abobs have definitely worn off by now." Ama chuckled making Adam laugh when he noticed Tim's confused expression.

"Yes, we're both hungry. And thanks for ordering dinner. Let us get out of these costumes first before we eat!" Adam's whole faced glowed.

"Both of your pajamas are in the bathroom already. Cerise has lots to tell y'all." Tim chuckled.

Adam and Amarelle quickly walked into the bathroom, so they could change out of their cosplay and get into their pajamas. Adam pulled his wife into his arms and then into a passionate kiss. She all but melted into his arms. All the love she'd ever wanted was here with her favorite blond and her favorite brunette. When they needed to breath, they pulled away with goofy grins.

"Today has truly been amazing and I can never thank you enough for taking me. This is definitely a day that I'll never forget." Adam quietly told her, hands resting on her hips, "I love you so much. You really make our lives complete. I hope you never forget that."

"Dinner's here!" Tim yelled through the door.

Ama leaned up and kissed Adam's cheek before grabbing his hand and leading him out of the bathroom. Tim had ordered them a family meal of Mexican food. Fajitas, the traditional Fajita set-up, salsa, and tortilla chips. Sweet tea for the adults and milk for Cerise. Adam kissed his husband in thanks as they made their plates and found seats on the beds. Adam couldn't wait to hear all about her Poppa-Daughter day she'd gotten to have with Tim.

Amarelle just sat there listening and watching her family. Tim chuckling every now and then, adding his two cents, or clarifying. Cerise so excited to tell her Daddy what all she'd seen and gotten to do all that day. Adam so happy to hear what his little girl was telling him. He was so focused on her and nothing else as Cerise explained her day. 'He's such an amazing father. I wish I could have seen him with her when she was a bay!' Amarelle stared at the blond thoughtfully.


"What are we doing, Poppa?" Cerise looked up at Tim with those big blue eyes.

"You and I, Princess, are gonna have a Poppa-Daughter day. We're gonna go out and see some stuff and have a good time." Tim smiled back at the young girl.

"YA!" Cerise threw her hands up in the air happily, "What are we gonna see?"

"Well, I thought we'd start out with a cool little museum that I think you're gonna love." He looked over to her, "Then we're going to check out a place called Griffith Park. We might even get to go horse-back riding!"

Cerise gasped when she heard that! Tim laughed before they slipped into silence the rest of the ride. The first stop of the day was "The Jim Henson Exhibition: Imagination Unlimited". He had read great reviews about the museum and showcasing and thought since Cerise did watch reruns of the original show, she might like this. He paid their fare then grabbed her hand as they walked towards the building.

"What's this, Poppa?" She looked around.

"This is the museum I was telling you about. I think you're going to love it." He smiled down at her.

He paid for their tickets then led his step-daughter inside. She gasped when her eyes landed on the Kermit puppet in its case.

"There's over twenty puppets, including Kermit the Frog, Grover, Ernie, Bert, Count von Count, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, and Beaker. You ready to go check them out?" Tim's eyes crinkled as he looked at the already-fascinated little girl.

"Yes, Poppa!" Her happy smile graced her face.

Tim ahold of her hand as the slowly walked around to each puppet case. He read the plaques that were there explaining a little about each one or giving tidbits about how it had come to be. He took pictures of her with her favorite Muppets knowing she would want to show Adam and Ama. It would be a neat little photo to hang on her wall as well.

"There's a remarkable sweetness through much of Henson's work. Whether instilled through nostalgia or inherent in the lovably silly antics and appearances of his puppets. These characters were, and still are really, among many children's first friends. His work was wonderful in that they also have lessons to teach about tolerance and environmentalism. Don't you agree?" An older gentleman with a kind, smiling face stated as he came to a stop where they were standing looking at a few puppets.

"Oh definitely." Tim nodded in agreement.

Once Tim was sure they had seen every Muppet in its case, they moved deeper into the exhibit. There, they saw handwritten scripts from Sam and Friends, set models and storyboards as well as a life-sized replica of The Muppet Show arches! Cerise was in utter awe as she gazed upon the replica. Tim was pretty fascinated with the storyboards and models himself! In a case, he saw Jareth and Sarah's ballroom costumes from Labyrinth making him smile to himself.

One of the coolest things, he thought, was the interactive experiences where visitors could design an "Anything Muppet" and puppeteer for camera. He helped Cerise build one and then helped her puppeteer. She was laughing so hard so almost fell off the stool she was sitting on! He was videoing her doing her best to puppeteer. After a while, she wanted to see him do it. He wasn't very good, but he sure got her laughing again. 'At least she's happy.' he thought with a soft chuckle.

Walking to the furthest part of the exhibition, they found the walls were covered in artwork from Jim Henson's work. There were interactive screens stocked with Henson's scripts and sketches as well as behind-the-scenes footage everywhere. Cerise was more interested in the footage than the scripts and sketches. He took pictures whenever he could and did his best to make sure that she had a good time. It wasn't often he and her had a day to themselves!

"Where to next, Poppa?" She asked as they were leaving the museum.

"I thought we'd head over to Griffith Park. There's quite a bit to see and do over there." He smiled at her as he called for a cab.

The ride from downtown LA where the museum was to the entrance to the park took about half an hour. The cab fare would be outrageous, but he had no other choice. Besides, it was a good chance to see the scenery without worrying about driving! Once they arrived, he paid and tipped the cabbie then once again took Cerise's hand.

"What's there to do here?" She innocently asked.

"There's a huge Merry-Go-Round, an Observatory where we can see all sorts of neat things, we can go see that huge Hollywood sign, as I said earlier we might be able to go horseback riding." He smiled as they walked along.

She got very excited at the Merry-Go-Round and horseback riding even though she'd never been. Tim chuckled as they made their way to where it was located. When they arrived, they found a short line. Cerise just stared at the giant Merry-Go-Round as they waited. He helped her onto a horse before climbing onto the one right next to hers. Tim took a quick selfie, with her making a silly face, as they waited for the ride to start. As it did a few minutes later, he told her to hold on tight so she wouldn't fall off.

She was giggling the whole time making him just sit there and smile. The ride was about ten minutes, too short for her, and he was thinking about where to take her next.

"A gentle potter will see you up to the Griffiths Observatory which was a much better way to get there than by car. You can look through telescopes, explore exhibits, see live shows in the Planetarium, and enjoy spectacular views of Los Angeles and the Hollywood Sign. We just came from there and the whole family loved it!" A woman with three young children told him when she heard Cerise asking what they were going to do next.

"Thank you very much, Ma'am." Tim smiled at her.

"Oh, no problem. She's absolutely adorable." The woman said.

"Thanks." Tim chuckled, 'She probably thinks Cerise looks like her mother since she and I don't really look anything alike!'

Tim did as the lady suggested and took the potter up to the Observatory. They walked around some checking things out but Cerise wasn't nearly as interested as he thought she'd be. He had picked her up in his arms as they were walking around. An employee walked by, so Tim quickly asked where a good spot was to get a photo of the Hollywood sign. He was directed to one of the best spots from the Observatory making Tim smile and thank the guy.

"Wanna get a picture with that big white sign? We can't get close to it, but I bet I can get a picture from here." Tim put Cerise back on the ground.

"Ok!" She enthusiastically replied making him chuckle again.

They walked to where had been suggested. Tim looked around trying to figure out the best picture to take of her with the sign. Simply standing there wouldn't do it. She was only about six, after all! Suddenly a grin spread across his face. He sat down on the ground then instructed Cerise where he wanted her to stand. The tall brunette had her raise her arms up, palms facing the sky, and smile. He quickly took several pictures in succession to make sure he had captured it correctly.

"Did it turn out, Poppa?" She asked.

"Come here, Princess." He replied before waiting for her to walk over to him, "See what I did?"

She burst into a fit of giggles.

"Poppa! It looks like I'm holding the sign up! I can't do that!" She giggled, eyes crinkling.

"That's the point, silly! It's a funny photo." He beamed at her before he stood up.

He dusted himself off then turned around. It took him a try or two to get the angle right but he eventually had a good selfie with the Hollywood sign.

"Where are we going now?" She asked as they walked to the potter to take them back down to the park.

"There's a few things I think you might like. Let's go check them out. We'll see about lunch after we leave here, ok?"

She threw her hands up, "YA!"

Tim just shook his head. As they made their way back down, he started searching things to do in the park on his phone. Not only did they have actual horseback riding, but they had pony rides for the children. He debated for a few minutes and finally decided the pony rides were probably better suited for Cerise than the big horses. The walk was nice from where they were dropped off to where the pony rides were located.

"Ponies and horses give youngsters safe rides around an oval track." the sign read as they walked up. Cerise's gasps then excitable giggles permeated his ears making him laugh softly. He paid the $4 fee and walked with her to where the ponies were at. He lifted her up so she could pet one making her giggle again. Since she had never been on a horse before, it was decided she'd go on the "live Merry-Go-Round" around a fixed carousel.

The ponies are placed into a fixed carousel system that keeps them moving along in small circles for an easy and smooth ride. The children were secured onto the saddle and ride the slowest, safest ponies. Parents were welcome to walk next to their children or stand immediately outside the track. Tim decided to stay outside the track.

He took several pictures of her sitting on her pony as well as while she was going around and around. She was full of joy and happiness. 'My God she reminds me so much of Adam. He has that same look when he's on a horse!' Tim thought as he watched her. Maybe if they ever had the money, they'd buy a small ranch and have horses.

The Pony-Go-Round Ride went 8 laps around the fixed carousel. When the little "ride" was over and once she'd been taken off her pony, she ran straight for Tim.

"That was so much fun!" She squealed

"I could see. Would you like to go on the trail?" Tim asked making her eyes go wide.

That was all the answer he needed. He paid for another ride and she was once again put on one of the slowest ponies. The small ponies were well-trained to walk around our arena track at a slow, steady pace. Tim watched as the children were secured onto the saddle and assisted by the staff. Cerise was just beside herself with excitement. The parents watched and waved to their children from the viewing area on the outside of the arena. Tim was taking pictures as he videoed her. It was "short ride" at only two laps around the inner lanes of the arena.

"Poppa that was so much fun!" She again squealed when she ran back up to Tim.

He laughed as he picked her up off the ground.

"Well Princess, there's something here I'd like to do before we leave this area." He told her.

"What's that?"

"How about we go on the Wagon Ride? We can go on it together this time!" He smiled at her.

"Can we?" Her eyes went wide.

He walked over, still holding her in his arms, and paid for their ride. There were two other families who were joining them but Tim didn't care. He asked if he could take a quick selfie with his daughter with the wagon before the ride started. The staff member who would be operating the wagon was happy to oblige. He took the picture as quickly as he could, Cerise still in his arms, and thanked the man before climbing into the wagon. The Wagon Ride was two laps around the outside of the arena.

His stomach was beginning to grumble but he wanted to wait until they made it to their last destination of the day. She was so excited about the Wagon Ride she didn't seem to hear her own stomach grumbling! All too soon, the ride was over. Tim grabbed Cerise's hand once more as they walked on to the last thing he wanted to take her too in the park. He hoped she'd like this as much as the ponies! She just looked around as they walked on.

"The miniature train ride has served the public in Griffith Park since 1948. Youngsters of all ages enjoy the experience of riding the FREEDOM TRAIN or the COLONEL GRIFFITH on the Griffith Park Southern Railroad." An operator stated as people walked past and up to said ride.

"Poppa! Can we go on this too?" Cerise looked up at the much taller man.

"Well..." He trailed making her beg slightly, already knowing this was exactly where he had planned on taking her, "Ok. This could be fun!"

"YA!" She happily exclaimed.

Tim paid for their fare and waited on the passenger loading dock with the other patrons. As they waited, they took another selfie with dock behind them. Cerise couldn't quit giggling until the mini train pulled to a stop. She was in awe of the ride making Tim smile. They were allowed to find seats where he took another selfie, both making funny faces. Other patrons boarded and found seats while Tim sat there trying to answer Cerise's questions.

Once everyone had boarded and found seats, the ride began. The track stretched over a mile and took them past the pony rides, through a lush green meadow, through an old Western town, and past a Native American village. Tim took a few pictures as they chugged along. Cerise was looking around trying to take everything in.

"Poppa look!" She pointed to some of the Western buildings.

"Cool, isn't it?" He chuckled.

He gently rubbed her back as she was looking around at the scenery that they passed. All too soon, they were pulling back into the "train station". Tim picked up the blond-headed little girl before standing up to exit the train. As everyone was shuffling off the loading dock, A woman put her hand on his shoulder.

"Sir, I just want to say how awesome it is to see a father actually doing stuff with their child. Sitting around watching TV or video games just doesn't cut it." The older woman smiled up at him.

"Thank you. I love her with all my heart." Tim replied with a warm grin.

"Poppa? Where are we going next?" Cerise asked as they strolled back to the front gates.

"You'll see. We'll get some lunch when we get there, too." Tim replied as he took his phone out.

They stood around waiting for the cab to pick them up. Tim was more than ready for lunch and knew Cerise had to be hungry by now too. As the cab finally pulled up, she asked if they could get something to eat. He chuckled and said they'd find something to eat when they got to where they were going. She began badgering him about where they were going but he refused to tell her. Seeing her pouting face made him laugh.

The drive took about forty-five minutes. When the cab stopped and Cerise saw all the bright lights, she practically started bouncing in her seat. Tim paid the cabbie and grabbed Cerise's hand. He bought two wrist bands that allowed them unlimited rides and bought plenty of tickets for games. She was jumping up and down in excitement. He grabbed her hand again and walked into the LA County Fair.

"Ama makes sure you eat good, healthy foods, right?" Tim inquired as he looked around.

"Yes, Poppa."

"Well, we're gonna eat some not good, healthy foods. We're gonna eat some delicious fried and fattening foods. We don't eat like this often so it's ok." He explained.

"I'm thirsty." She replied.

"We'll get something to drink too. How about some Lemonade?" He looked down at her.

She smiled up at him as they walked along. Tim was having a hard time deciding on what they should eat. Finally, they stopped by a stand selling corn dogs, lemonade, French fries, and a few other items.

"How about some good corn dogs? The ones sold at fairs are usually better than the frozen ones at the store." Tim knelt down to look Cerise in the eyes.

"Ok Poppa!" She smiled, blue eyes full of cheerfulness.

Tim ordered one corn dog for her, two for him, a small order of fries, and two glasses of lemonade. He paid the bill, grabbed several napkins, and waited for their food. The glasses of lemonade were handed to him first, so he handed one to Cerise and told her to be careful. The rest of their food was ready shortly thereafter. They found a seat at a nearby picnic table.

Lunch was spent talking about some of attractions, rides, and games that the fair had. After lunch, Tim once again took ahold of Cerise's hand. A sign that read "Candy shops have long been an essential part of the great American road trip" caught Tim's attention. He walked them over to read another sign. "Science and history will come alive as we explore its role within pop culture, gems and minerals, rock candy and more." He smiled as they walked into the tent.

Cerise was shocked to see all the exhibits about candy. They had samples and video screens showing the process of making different candies. Tim was even impressed with what they were learning. Of course, it also made him want something sweet! He quickly ushered them through the exhibit. They walked along checking out some of the other exhibits. Coming upon a food stand that sold funnel cakes and fried Coca-Cola. Tim raised his eyebrow, slightly intrigued about what the hell "fried Coca-Cola" was.

'What the hell, let's be adventurous!' he smiled as he walked them to the stand. He ordered one then paid. Cerise was curious when he explained what he had ordered for them to share. Having his food, Tim ushered them to another picnic table. Tim took a cautious bite and discovered it was nothing more than batter flavored with Coca-Cola. Much like a funnel cake. It was dusted with confectioners' sugar and served with whipped cream and a cherry on top. She giggled when she snatched the cherry making him laugh softly. They enjoyed the sweet treat, laughing at silly things as they sat there.

Tim led her to the "America's Great Outdoors". They got to meet Smokey Bear & friends, which Tim was quick to take a picture of Cerise with, and learn his history. They made environmental buttons and got to saw a log with a crosscut saw which Cerise obviously got help with. They learned about fire prevention as well as getting to spot "fires" from a real fire lookout!

Meeting live reptiles of the desert, including the threatened CA desert tortoises, was a highlight of the exhibit. He took a few pictures as Cerise was busy carefully petting a tortoise. They also got to meet representatives of local Native American tribes while learning about their culture. Both were a bit fascinated by what they were learning. The last thing they did before leaving the exhibit was take a walk through time in the historical area. Tim took several photos of her expressions as she saw things.

They left the exhibit and continued walking on. After a while, they came upon a building with a sign above it named "Heritage Mission". He smiled, squeezed her hand, and led her inside the building. This was a place to learn about California's history. Walking in, they went back in time in the interactive exhibit filled with some of the most beloved professions of the past.

Cerise couldn't quit giggling at the reenactors of days gone by. A few offered to let Tim take a picture of them with Cerise which he gladly did. There was a place where visitors could try their hand at "butter churning". He urged Cerise to give it a try, which was rather humorous to other patrons. Her happy laughter made others smile too. They visited with the blacksmith, leather maker and cart-wrights.

She was enthralled with the reenactments of daily life "back in time". Tim was photographing her expressions as she watched them. They slowly made their way through the exhibit, taking their time to thoroughly enjoy all the reenactments. Cerise was thirsty again so Tim took her to another food stand and got them another glass of lemonade. They were sitting down enjoying the day, the sights, and smells of the fair.

"Poppa? Can we ride some rides?" Cerise looked up at him.

"Of course, Princess." He smiled making her smile wider.

Once they had finished their lemonade, and used the restroom, they walked towards the rides and games. Tim had to laugh at her excitability. The first ride he led her to was the "Helter Skelter" which was just a twisty slide. She just threw her hands up in the air and happily screamed as she slid down. She was still laughing when she stood up. Tim held his hand out for her to take. They walked along to find another ride.

It wasn't long before they came upon the "Wave Swinger". She watched as the ride swung the occupants out and in a circle. Tim looked down and saw that she seemed a bit hesitant. He promised it was a safe ride and that he'd be right there the whole time. The ride came to an end, so the attendant helped any occupant that needed it out of the seats. Tim finally convinced the young girl to give it a try.

The attendant helped her into her seat and got her buckled. She kept glancing over to Tim who only stood there, smiling, and waved at her. He took a picture of her in the swing when she started laughing at something the person next to her said. The ride got going and Cerise grabbed the chains holding the seat. The orbital motion of the swings coupled with the tilts seemed to scare Cerise at first. Until she got used to it. By the end, she was laughing and swinging her legs happily.

As they were walking around, they came to a game called "Hook-A-Duck". Tim had tried to win her something after he saw her eyeing a particularly cute stuffed toy. As hard as he tried, he just wasn't able to win it. He apologized but she just hugged his leg and said it was ok. He knelt down and hugged her back before standing up. He grabbed her hand again before walking along. He smiled as they approached the Dragon Coaster. It was a small, child-friendly roller coaster.

She giggled as they walked up the platform and waited in line for the ride to finish its current run. A few minutes later, the coaster was coming to a stop at the platform. It was several more minutes before the next passengers were allowed to find seats. She wanted him to ride it with her so he sat down next to her. Tim wrapped his arm around her small shoulders as they waited for the ride to start. Her happy laughter always made him happy. The coaster ride didn't take long, maybe ten minutes, but it was thrilling for the little girl.

They rode the Ferris Wheel together next, although she was a bit scared of the height. He pointed out various things as they went up and up. Once they were at the top, he took a quick selfie with his arm wrapped protectively around his step-daughter. He tried to point things out as they came down the back. She was giggling since he was tickling her slightly when they reached the bottom.

Walking around a little more, they came upon a "ride" Tim had never seen before. Cerise's eyes went wide before she looked up at him. When she began begging Tim to go on it, he couldn't tell her no. He smiled down at her and shook his head yes. They walked over and waited for their chance. It was a giant inflatable pool with humongous hamster balls. Tim didn't want to admit it but he was really looking forward to this experience!

They were each helped into the hamster ball. It was a bit strange and he had a hard time staying up on his feet. Cerise was in hers giggling like mad. After a few minutes, he was laughing pretty hard as well. They would run across the water, knock into each other and the other people in the pool, they'd bounce against the pool. The pair kept "running" across the water and bumping into one another. All too soon, their time was up. Cerise was still laughing as the attendant helped her out of her ball.

"Poppa! That was so much fun!" Her eyes crinkled, "Can we go again?"

"Let's let the people behind us go then we'll get back in line." He smiled at her.

She squealed happily as she clasped her hands together. He wouldn't admit this either but he was wanting to go again as well. This was one of the most fun ride he'd been on in a while. The whole time they were in it the second go-round, both were laughing like maniacs. He would bump into her making her roll back into the side of the pool then bounce back. At one point she fell onto her back in the hamster bubble laughing hysterically.

"That was really fun, wasn't it?" Tim asked her as they left the platform.

"I loved it!" Cerise exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Tim figured they should be getting back to the hotel within the next couple hours. Some games and the "other" carnival activities would be a good end to their carnival experience. They came upon the Circus Photo Peep Board and Tim knew they had to get some pictures. She was giggling as she stuck her head through. She told Tim he was crazy when he stuck his head through and raised his eyebrow.

After getting their photos, they made their way to the fun mirror corridors. It freaked little Cerise out at first until Tim explained what the mirrors did. She then started laughing at what she saw in each mirror. Tim just shook his head as they exited the corridors. Tim's eyes landed on a photo booth and started laughing. 'What is this high school?' he thought. Cerise tugged on his jeans before pointing over to it. He smiled down at he before holding his hand out for her.

They entered the booth and sat down. The first photo was just smiling. The second one was sticking their tongues out with their eyes crossed. The third was giving one another bunny ears. The final photo was of them hugging one another, big smiles on their faces. As they exited the booth, Tim took his phone out to check the time. They still had a little time left. He grabbed her hand so they could continue walking around. Seeing a face painting booth, Cerise tried to tug him to it.

He laughed and let her pull him to the booth. There was one young girl, about eight years old, already in the seat getting her face painted. The painter looked over at them and said they were free to look through the book to find what they wanted. After looking through the book, Cerise decided on a big, beautiful butterfly. Tim just smiled and nodded at her choice. After a while, Cerise was in the seat and enthusiastically talking about the butterfly she wanted. The painter just chuckled and promised it would be beautiful just like her.

Tim stood by, taking photos every now and then, and watched the process. Cerise was giggling, which didn't help, as her face was painted. A little while later, the painter was holding up a mirror for Cerise to look at her butterflied face.

"Look Poppa! Look!"

"I know, Princess. You look amazing." He smiled as he tipped the painter, "I think we need to get back to the hotel now."


"I know. I'm not sure when everyone else will return." Tim stated.

"Ok, Poppa." Cerise replied as Tim took his phone out to call a cab.

They left the fair and waited the cab to show up. Tim took a photo of Cerise's face with her butterfly as they rode to the hotel. She started giggling when Tim turned his phone so she could see herself. As they sat there, Tim suggested they order dinner for everyone when they got back. They finally arrived and climbed out. Tim paid the cabbie, thankful they weren't going anywhere else that day, and ushered Cerise back to their room.

Tim sat back on the bed and wondered what would be good for dinner. 'Fajitas sound really good.' he thought as he stared at the ceiling, 'Yeah. Four-person set up should be enough. Sweet tea and milk all around!' Tim turned the TV on and channel searched for something Cerise could watch. An hour or so later, Adam sent him a text telling him that they were on their way back. When Tim got another text sometime later saying they were about half-way there, Tim decided it was a good time to order their dinner.

He had to guesstimate when they'd arrive, so he could tell the hotel when to bring dinner up. Tim also figured it would be a good idea for them both to get bathed before the rest of the family arrived. Cerise didn't wanna get in the bath but when Tim used his deep voice, she straightened up. He promised Daddy and Momma were nearly back and dinner would be here soon. Cerise was more than happy to get bathed then!

As she was getting a quick bath, Tim went back into the room to gather up his lover's PJ's figuring they would want to get a shower and clean up shortly after they returned. He set their clothes on the counter before kneeling by the tub to help Cerise scrub her face of the paint. Once she was nice and clean, dried off, and dressed, he sent her back into the room so he could get himself a quick shower. Cerise was stretched out on her belly watching TV when he emerged from the bathroom in his PJ's.

A/N: This turned out a lot longer than I had anticipated. Well I hope this turned out as cute and fluffy as it did in my head ;) Please leave a comment/review below and please vote! Thanks :)

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