The Family

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A/N: This is dedicated to ObsessedwithTivi! Thanks for the suggestion!

Tamarine had begun following Home Free on all their social medias hoping to keep tabs on her daughter. She loathed the woman with a passion, yet couldn't let her go. Truthfully, it had become an obsession. Her sister Angeline had always thought Amarelle was a weird child and never really liked her niece. Her nephews, however, she loved dearly and spoiled them whenever she could.

Amarelle's mother was utterly appalled when she saw the official Home Free Twitter account's posting of her daughter's baby announcement. 'I thought I'd fucked them up when I called CPS on them!' she slammed her fist on the table, 'Maybe I should call CPS again!' Tamarine was angry that her daughter was having a child while being with two men. It was disgusting, wrong, and perverted.


Summer break had finally rolled back around making Cerise extremely happy. She would be getting to travel all over with her Daddy and Poppa again! They had sat down with Cerise one evening while they were Face-Timing to explain to the young girl about Amarelle's pregnancy and that Cerise was going to be a big sister. She seemed excited but apprehensive. All three adults kept reassuring her that she was still their little Princess and she was still very much loved!

Amarelle and Cerise had only been on the road about a week. It killed Tim and Adam to see their wife getting sick but she reassured them her doctor said it was normal and she'd get to feeling better "in the second trimester". The pair took turns sleeping with their wife in her bunk which was very comforting to her. She missed their cuddle time!

One afternoon, the trio, Abe, Chance & Austin, and Nate were walking around the local mall doing some shopping, and just getting away from the bus on a day off. Everyone in the crew had been thrilled when they were told about Ama's pregnancy. They were one giant family, honestly, so they all shared one another's joys, sorrows, and everything in between. They were in Colorado Springs which, the last time Amarelle checked, was a good ways from Texas. She never expected to run into anyone she was related to.

"Oh Lord, no." Amarelle exclaimed when her eyes landed on her parents, her brother Josh, her Aunt Angeline, and her brother Jeremy.

"What's the problem?" Abe curiously looked around and at the trio.

"Ama's parents. We've had a run-in with them at that Casino in Oklahoma. They're not nice people. To Ama or her Aunt Grace." Tim explained as Adam moved to stand behind Amarelle, placing his hands protectively over her still, mostly, flat tummy.

She was getting a bit of a "baby bump" as Olena called it but it was barely noticeable. Tim and Adam both loved resting their hands on her stomach. 'It makes me feel close to our child' Tim told her with a smile.

"Well, well, well. Look at the fat, ugly whore." Tamarine sneered at her daughter.

"Hey! That's not nice at all! Apologize to Ama right now!" Nate immediately stuck up for his friend.

"I guess she's banging this one too!" Her dad joked making their whole group laugh.

"Just leave me alone. We're here to do some shopping and relax." Ama was going to be the bigger person here.

"Come on, I saw a book store down that way. Let's go check it out." Tim stated as he tried to walk away.

"What's wrong? Don't wanna hear about what a whore you're fucking?" Tamarine taunted the tall Texan.

Tim turned around and for a moment Amarelle thought he was really going to attack her "mother".

"Listen here, you sad excuse for a human! Leave our wife alone! She's not your concern anymore." Tim's voice dropped considerably when he was angry.

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