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A/N: Holy cow! This is chapter 100! ONE HUNDRED! I can't believe it! Over 6.5k reads and 1.1k comments. I'm amazed and humbled. Thank you and I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Adam and Amarelle hugged their friends and exchanged Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts before they parted ways. The beatboxer took his wife's hand in his as they slowly made their way out to their rental. It was going to be a long drive back to the hotel, especially dealing with the convention traffic and LA traffic. Weapons thrown onto the backseat.

"This has been the most amazing day ever. I can't thank you enough." Adam confessed as she was navigating her way out of the convention parking lot and towards the highway.

"It was definitely my pleasure. This was so much fun and I'm so glad I got to share it with you." She glanced over at him and saw he had the goofiest grin on his face.

'He is really, utterly happy right now!' she thought with a smile. The only thing that broke the silence was the radio. Each were lost in their own thoughts as she drove along. He sent a text to Tim letting him know that they were on their way back to the hotel. Half-way there, Adam began texting back and forth to someone. Amarelle assumed it was Tim as she turned her attention back to the road. When Adam reached over and took her right hand in his, it took her off guard. She glanced over to see him smiling and just looking out the window.

"Daddy! Momma!" Cerise exclaimed as they entered their room.

"Holy sh...shenanigans. What is all this?" Tim raised his eyebrow at the pair.

"We dressed up for the Fan Fest." Adam confidently replied, "Which was amazing, by the way."

"Are either of you hungry? I have dinner ordered and on the way." Tim smiled as he looked between the pair.

"My Miq'abobs have definitely worn off by now." Ama chuckled making Adam laugh when he noticed Tim's confused expression.

"Yes, we're both hungry. And thanks for ordering dinner. Let us get out of these costumes first before we eat!" Adam's whole faced glowed.

"Both of your pajamas are in the bathroom already. Cerise has lots to tell y'all." Tim chuckled.

Adam and Amarelle quickly walked into the bathroom, so they could change out of their cosplay and get into their pajamas. Adam pulled his wife into his arms and then into a passionate kiss. She all but melted into his arms. All the love she'd ever wanted was here with her favorite blond and her favorite brunette. When they needed to breath, they pulled away with goofy grins.

"Today has truly been amazing and I can never thank you enough for taking me. This is definitely a day that I'll never forget." Adam quietly told her, hands resting on her hips, "I love you so much. You really make our lives complete. I hope you never forget that."

"Dinner's here!" Tim yelled through the door.

Ama leaned up and kissed Adam's cheek before grabbing his hand and leading him out of the bathroom. Tim had ordered them a family meal of Mexican food. Fajitas, the traditional Fajita set-up, salsa, and tortilla chips. Sweet tea for the adults and milk for Cerise. Adam kissed his husband in thanks as they made their plates and found seats on the beds. Adam couldn't wait to hear all about her Poppa-Daughter day she'd gotten to have with Tim.

Amarelle just sat there listening and watching her family. Tim chuckling every now and then, adding his two cents, or clarifying. Cerise so excited to tell her Daddy what all she'd seen and gotten to do all that day. Adam so happy to hear what his little girl was telling him. He was so focused on her and nothing else as Cerise explained her day. 'He's such an amazing father. I wish I could have seen him with her when she was a bay!' Amarelle stared at the blond thoughtfully.

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