The man in a suit

By AutumnJ05

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Nancy mets a handsome man in a suit named Chris in the diner where she worked. A few dates later she was in l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

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By AutumnJ05

Chapter 16

I didn't know what to say! Yes? No? Maybe? Chris was just knelt there in front of me on one knee and I was speechless.

"Please say something." He said after a few moments.

"Yes." Wthout even thinking the word came out of my mouth.

Chris jumped up and kissed me, and tears streamed down my face. Tears of joy. Fear. What will happen now? Will I get use to his life style? I have never had a big amount of money, just enough to get by. I've never driven a fancy car, or lived in a big house, or even owned my own house. I've worked at Betty's for almost 3 years and soon I'll have a career in social work. Chris is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I should never doubt that.

"I can't believe this." I said looking down at the ring on my finger.

"Me either. I kind of thought it was a long shot after only a little over a month." Chris admitted.

"I'm sorry I took so long to answer, I was shocked!" I leaned in and kissed him again "I love you Chris."

"I love you too, let's get some sleep, we head back tomorrow to get your dad ready."

It seems like forever to get home. It was a completely different trip that it was going to New York. I couldn't sleep, once we got to the airport it look a long time for our luggage to come threw, and the Audi was blocked in by another car. When we finally got out we headed to the hospital first to see how my dad was doing.

Riding up the elevator I was a nervous wreck, I have never seen my dad sober, I didn't know how he was going to react to me and Chris. Maybe I should wait to tell him. We walked out of the elevator and straight to the nurses station

"Hello. I'm here to see my dad, Bill lane" I said to the nurse sitting at the desk.

"I'm sorry, you have to go to the 6th floor. Your dad was brought up this morning for observation." She said.

"Observation for what?" I was starting to get a little worried.

"You should talk to him doctor. I'll call him and let him know your coming." She told us politely.

"Thank you."

I rushed to the elevator, Chris following behind me. What happened? What did he do? Why is he up here? How come no one called me? So many questions, and I just wanted answers. Now! When we reached the top just before the doors opened Chris took my hand and told me "I'm here for you Nancy, everything will be ok."

When we got off the elevator and walked down the short hall way the doctor was waiting for us at the nurses desk. My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding. Chris's hands rubbed my back to try and calm me down.

"Miss. lane." The doctor reached out and shook my hand, and nodded at Chris.

"What's going on with my dad? Why did no one call?" I was upset.

"I did try miss, but your phone was off." He explained.

"Must have been while we were on the plane." Chris said in a low voice.

"Your dad managed to get a hold of some alcohol, shortly after drinking it he told the nurse he was going for a shower, after 25 minutes she went to check on him. He tried to kill himself Miss. lane. The nurse found him on the floor bleeding from his wrist. He used the blade from his razor. We managed to stop the bleeding and get him stabilized. The psychiatrist has been with him all morning, he needs help or the next time we might not be able to save him." The doctor told Chris and I.

"How did he get the alcohol?" I was now angry. He was suppose to be watched at all times.

"Right now the only explanation we can see is the lady who came to visit twice yesterday."

"Lady? Who was it?"

"She said she was family, her name was Silvia." Said the doctor.

"Thank you doctor. No more visitors for the rest if his visit." I told him and headed towards my dad's room.

"My mom Chris. Silvia is my mom. I told her to stay away from him, I know something like this would happen."

"Why do you think she came?" Chris asked.

"I'm not really sure."

Chris offered to stay outside until I checked on him and we talked. When I walked in my dad was asleep, his left arm was bandaged up, with an iv pumping blood slowly into his body. There was a young lady sat in the corner reading a book. She looked up as I walked in.

"I'm Lisa, I keep an eye on your dad during the day." She said with a smile.

"Thank you, can I have a few minutes."

She just nodded and left. I sat on the side if the bed and held his hand and placed my other hand on his bandaged arm. I just stared at him for a few minutes and wondered how his life got to the point he needed to drink, and then to the point he felt the need twice to try and take his life. I want him here when Chris and I decide to get married, to meet and play with his grandchildren, to be a dad to me that he never was growing up. For him to get a job, and live a stable life. Maybe for him to find a new love and settle down. God knows he deserves it after the life he has had. His own doing I know that, but everyone should get a chance to do it over if they choose.

"What are you doing here?" My dad asked as he opened his eyes and seen me sitting there.

"I came to check on you, to see if there is anything you wanted to take with you and the told me mom was here, she gave you alcohol and then you tried to kill yourself! Why dad?" I tried not to cry.

"I have nothing to stay on this earth for Nancy. I lost your mom a long time ago, and I'm losing you, your mother just reminded me of that." He turned and looked out the window.

"I'll deal with mom later, right now we are going to get you help. I'm not going anywhere dad, I want you here and healthy for when.." I paused and decided to tell him.

"For when I get married."

"Married. What? I didn't even know you were seeing someone." He looked shocked.

"You have had your own thing going on for a long time dad, but you don't have to be alone anymore. Chris and I are going to bring you to rehab in a few days, and in 3 weeks I'll be moving to New York with Chris to be closer to you, and to go to school. We can be a family again." Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Don't cry. Tell me about school, and Chris." I was now the one who was shocked. Never in my life has my dad asked me anything other than to get him a drink.

"Would you like to meet him?" I couldn't help but smile, this was going so much better than I hoped for.

"I'd love to meet the man who has made my daughter so happy." He said.

I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him I'd be right back. I went out into the hallway but Chris was not there. Getting ready to walk down the hall I seen him coming with 3 coffee and a bag.

"I asked the nurse if your dad was aloud to have anything. She said it was ok. I got us tea and muffins." Je said holding up the coffee and bag.

I walked towards him, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He has been so good threw all of this, I'm happy he is here, I don't know if I could do it alone.

"Thank you! I love you for being here, and for helping me. Come he wants to meet you." I told him. I couldn't stop smiling.

I took Chris's hand and we walked to the room. When we walked in dad was sat up in bed waiting. Minus the iv's and bandages on his arm my dad looked good. Different like I have never seen him before. I liked this version of him. I hope he sticks around. Chris placed the coffee and muffins on the table at the foot of the bed then walked over to my dad.

"It's great to finally meet you sir." Chris said extending his hand towards my dad.

"Bill please. I'm sorry we're meeting like this. Here." He shook his hand.

"You seem to make my daughter very happy. It's about time, iv never done much of a job doings it." My dad added.

"She makes me very happy. I'm a lucky man." Chris said smiling back and forth from me to my dad.

"Dad we are going to let you rest, I'll be back tomorrow. We head for New York on Monday. I'll pack your things." I told him.

Chris and I said our goodbyes, then headed to the car. I seen the young nurse head back into his room as soon as we left. When we got to the car I asked Chris to go straight to Betty's so I could give my notice and to have lunch. I was feeling nervous when we pulled in the parking lot, iv never quit anywhere before. What did I say? Chris told me I should write it down in a formal letter. So that's what I did in the parking lot before we went in, Chris had paper and pens in his brief case for work. After I finished I red it out loud to Chris and asked him opinion. Once i finished we headed inside. It was pretty slow, a couple tables in the corner and of course Old man Grady at the counter. Chris sat at the same booth as always while I went to talk to Betty.

"I heard about your dad, I hope he is ok. You seem happy. Does it have anything to do with the gentleman you came with?" Betty's friendliness calmed me down a little.

"Thanks, he is doing ok, bringing him to rehab on Monday. And yes that man has a lot to do with why I'm so happy! But this is why him here." I handed her the letter.

"Thanks for the notice Nancy, but it is not needed. I know your going threw a rough time with your dad, if you want to go and stay when he leaves on Monday that will be fine." She said placing her hand on mine.

"That's very nice of you Betty, I'll think about it and let you know Tuesday after I get my dad situated if I want to come back for a few weeks." I told her. I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave just yet. Besides I still had bills to pay.

Betty and I talked a few more minutes then I headed out to join Chris who was looking at the menu. When I sat down he told me he order us drinks but didn't want to order food without me. I didn't need to look threw the menu I knew it from front to back. Sara came and took our order, I ordered a clubhouse with a salad, and Chris ordered turkey soup and a sandwich. While we waited for our food Chris asked how it went. I told him I'd like to talk about it when we got to my place, in private. We had a lot to discuss. Things like will I live with him in New York or on my own?, How long is my dad's rehab?, Should I come back and work those few weeks?, When will the motel be finished?. So many things to figure out over a couple days.

After we finished our meal Chris paid then we left, I told Chris to drop me off at my dad's so I could clean and pack his stuff, while Chris went to the motel to see how things were coming along.

Walking in that house gave me bad memories that I no longer wanted to remember. I walked down the hall and seen that the beat down door was still there. I just turned into my dad's room, grabbed a suit case and went to the dresser to get his clothes. I can't pack any if this I thought, there were holes in everything, alcohol and sweat stains on every article of clothes my dad owned, I don't think he had bought a piece if clothes in about 5 years. I left it all there and decided I would buy him new stuff. I didn't have much money but I could not pack clothes like this, it will just remind him of alcohol.

I moved to the kitchen and living room and started to pick up the countless number if beer and liquor bottles lying around, but as I kept cleaning the more I thought. I thought that we should sell this house, its nothing but bad memories that neither dad or I should remember. Once we moved to New York there will be nothing to come back here for.

Chris showed up about 45 minutes later and I was sat on the couch waiting.

"Did you pack his bag?" He asked

"Chris I can't! Everything he owns is stained and full of holes. I can't send him to rehab with the reminder of this life hanging off his back." I told him.

"Let's go shopping. We still have a couple hours before everything closes. We can get him new clothes to go with his new life." Chris said with a smile.

"Chris I can't afford much, just enough for a couples days at most." I told him as we headed out the door.

"You never have to worry about money again Nancy, what's yours is mine, I'll get a copy of my cards for you, spend what you want, where you want, and how much you want." He grabbed my hand a kissed the top of it.

"I don't think I can go that Chris, you worked hard for that money. We are not married yet so it's still your money." I told him.

" We can discuss this later, let's get your dad some clothes." Chris opened the door for me and I slid in.

We reached the mall about an hour before it closed. I looked around but I seen nothing my dad would wear. So I asked Chris to take me to Sears. Chris grabbed a cart when we got there and we headed straight for the men's section. I threw a pack of boxers and a pack of socks in the cart, Chris threw 2 packs if each in the cart. I just rolled my eyes. I picked up 3 t-shirts, a black, white and blue one, threw them in the cart, Chris picked up 4 shirts, 2 black, 1 red and 1 gray and threw them in the cart. Then flashed me that gorgeous smile. Then we moved to the pants. I threw 2 pairs if jeans in the cart, one dark and one light, also a pair of navy sweat pants. Chris threw in another 2 pairs of jeans and 3 pairs of sweat pants, another navy pair and 2 black pairs. Then we headed to the pajama isle. I picked up 2 pairs of plaid pants and Chris picked up 2 solid pairs. Last we went to the shoe isle and picked up a pair of sneakers and a pair of boots, then headed to the check out. Our total was $713.56. Chris took out his credit card and paid for it all.

"You didn't have to do that." I told him as we left the store.

"I'll make you see one way or another that this is your money too." He said sliding his hand in mine.

"Now we have to buy you a dress!" He added with a smile.

"A dress? What for?" I asked, curious.

"Well it turns out the motel will be done sooner than planed, and every time we finish a motel we have a party and invite the whole town to check it out, to promote business. Very formal, so you need a dress."

"How soon will the motel be finished?" I didn't think it would be finished for another 4 weeks.

"Next week. So we can bring your dad to New York, and fly back Wednesday to prepare for the party friday." He sounded excited.

"Will your parents be there?" I wasn't sure I wanted to see then yet, not after our last meet.

"Yes. But don't worry I set my dad straight about our first dinner. It won't happen again, I promise." He squeezed my hand softly.

After going threw a dozen dresses I finally picked a lose fitting plum dress, which was actually pretty comfy. And a pair of black heals to go with it. Chris also paid for the dress and shoes, I felt guilty, I never want it to seem like I using him for his money.

After shopping we grabbed a ice cream on the way home, I thought it was a good chance to discuss a few thing.

"So my talk with Betty went well today. She told me I didn't need to give a notice and she understands what's going on with my dad so if I want to leave when he leaves I can." I started with an easy topic.

"Well that's great. Are you ready to move now rather than later?" He asked.

"That leads me to my next topic of discussion. Will I move in with you, or have my own place?" After I asked it, it seemed like a silly question, we are now engaged.

"I hoped you'd move in with me." He said with a serious face.

"I'm sorry, iv never done this before, I don't know what to expect. What will your parents think?" Why did I care what his parents thought so much?

"Iv never done this before either Nancy, but I want to do it with you, I want everything with you, I want all of you. And who cares about my parents!" He said as we pulled into the driveway.

That's was the nicest-sexiest thing a man as ever said to me, and it really turned me on! We both grabbed some bags out if the car and went inside, I placed the bags beside the door, Chris did the same.

"Should I go get some wine or beer?" Chris asked.

"Your not going anywhere!"

I closed the door and softly pushed Chris against the door, a smirk of amusement came across his face. I locked lips with his and slid my tongue in his mouth. His tongue there to welcome it. I quickly unzipped his pants and dropped then to the floor, then lifting his shirt over his head. His hands were all over my body, and mind were now holding his head firmly in place. Chris turned me so I was back on to the door and started taking my clothes off. Shirt first, then bra. His lips found their way down my neck, to my chest and then my breasts, while his hand found its way down my pants to my clitoris. Chris's thumb slowly moved in circles as he pushed his 2 fingers inside of me. I moaned loudly and Chris moved his thumb faster, and his fingers in and out slowly, causing my hands to move to his hair and pull. After a few minutes he removed my pants and lifted me so I was pushed against the door and my legs wrapped around his waist. His erection moved inside of me filling every inch, we both moaned together at the pleasure we were feeling, and he started to move in and out, in and out. Chris moved me away from the door and towards the steps, once we reached them he sat down so I was on top of him, I reached my arms out holding the rail and the wall then I starting moving, Chris enjoying every second. He placed his hands on my hips and we moved together, his tongue circling, and teeth biting my nipple making me moan louder. After a few moments we got faster and faster finding our release together.

We sat on the floor for a few minutes to catch our breath, then moved to the couch, still naked, our clothes everywhere.

"Shit Chris!" I jumped up to grab my phone.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I forgot about my doctors appointment. We still have not been using protection." I said. I can't believe I forgot, and how careless were being.

"Oh. Maybe we don't need too." He said, his expression was unreadable.

"What do you mean? You want to have a baby?" I was confused. Last week this was top priority, now it's out the window.

"Not try, but not preventing. I mean we will get married one day, and who says babies come after marriage. I love you Nancy, I want to have a family with you." Chris was serious. I didn't know how to react, shocked was my first reaction.

"Your right Chris, but we still have so much to learn about each other, and what will happen with school if I get pregnant?"

"We will figure thing out as we go, your not pregnant so if you want to get something for birth control until your ready I'm ok with that." He gave me a smile, but looked disappointed.

I called the doctors office and they can get me in 9:30 tomorrow morning. I'm not sure I'm ready for a baby. After Chris and I showered together we ordered Chinese food and turned on a movie. Fast and furious 6, got to love Vin Dessel and Paul Walker. I think I feel asleep before Chris, I woke up around 1:15 and he was working at his lap top next to me on the couch.

"Let's go to bed fiancé." I said stretching out my hand, with a big smile on my face. I liked the sound of it.

Chris closed his laptop with hesitation and took my hand and I led him to the bedroom. We pulled back the covers and crawled in bed, his warm body against mine, I put my leg up on his hip and he wrapped his arm around my waist. He kissed me soft and slow, and I ran my fingers threw his hair.

"Let's get some sleep. I love you!" I told Chris our bodies still wrapped together.

"I love you." He told me and closed his eyes. Not moving.

I woke up around 8, Chris was still asleep. I showered, got dressed, done my hair and brewed coffee before I woke Chris. He looked so peaceful sleeping so I decided to just let him know I was heading for the doctor.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek, it made him stir.

"I'm leaving for the doctor now, have you seen the keys for my car?" I asked.

"Take the Audi, the keys are in my jacket." He mumbled and kissed me goodbye.

Grabbing the keys out of his jacket I locked the door behind be and walked towards the car. I'm not going to lie, I was excited to drive the Audi, iv only ever driven my Toyota, and she was far from new when I got her.

I got in adjusted my mirrors and seat, put the key in the ignition and starter her. She purred like a kitten. I buckled up and put the shifter in reverse, rolling out if the drive way I touched the break and came to a instant stop. The breaks were a lot more touchy then the Toyota. I put the car in drive and was on my way.

I wasn't in the waiting room long before I got called into the doctors office, I waited there 10 minutes before she came in.

"How can I help you today Nancy?" She asked.

"I'm looking for birth control." I told her.

"Ok, well first thing we have to do is make sure your not pregnant." She said reaching in the drawer for the test.

"I took one 2 weeks ago and I came back negative." I new I wasn't pregnant.

"Have you had your period since then?" She asked.

"A light one last week." I answered.

"I think you should take the test just to be safe. We don't want you to start new medication if you are. Pee in this cup and bring it back here and we will do it here." She handed me the the bottle.

I went into the bathroom, my hands shaking, and peed in the bottle. I can't be pregnant. Can I? Once I finished I washed my handed and walked back to the office. I handed her the bottle, she took out a small suction and took my pee and placed it in the hole. I waited what seemed like forever, then finally she said something.

"Nancy, your pregnant!"

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