Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Ding, ding"

He's early. I thought. But when I looked at the at clock he was on time. Very punctual. I finished the last sip of my coffee and went to answer the door.

"Hi beautiful, you look great! Ready to go?" Chris said as I opened the door.

"Hi handsome. It's nice to see you."

I locked the door and when I turned around Chris was still standing there. He slowly pushed me against the door, held my face and gave me a romantic, yet intense kiss.

"It's nice to see you too!" He said when he pulled away looking in my eyes.

It gave me butterflies. He took my hand and led me to the truck, I climbed in smiling from ear to ear.

"How come we are not in the Audi on this beautiful day?" I asked.

"We can not get where we are going in the Audi." Chris answered

Chris turned off the freeway going west, then turned onto a small narrow road. The trees were tall and a beautiful light green. The road was rocky and rough, Chris drove threw it like nothing. We were bouncing all over the seats, and I couldn't help but laugh. Chris joined me. Chris and I stopped laughing after we got stuck in a big mud puddle, he put the gas peddle to the floor and the tires kept spinning, mud was flicking up all over the truck.

"I think we might have to dig our way out!" He said arching his eye brow.

This was not what I had in mind today, I thought as I climbed out into mud over my ankles. Walking to the back of the truck I could see that this was not what Chris had in mind either, seeing the frustration in his face I decided to lighten the mood

Picking up the mud in my hand I could feel it squish threw my fingers.

"Ah Chris." I said holding the mud in my hand waiting for his head to pop up from behind the truck.


I threw the mud ball and hit him square in the chest, and I laughed! His face was so serious for a moment I thought he was going to get angry with me, but instead he bent down and threw one back, I screamed and ran towards the front if the truck trying to hide from the mud balls coming my way, but Chris was a better aim than I was. The mud fight continued for another 15 minutes or so when I finally decided to yell "I give up!"

He came out from behind the truck with his hands in the air showing me he had nothing in them, I done the same.

"I think we can walk the rest of the way, it's just up the hill." Chris said.

"Ok. I'll grab the bag."

Both of us covered in mud we made our way up the hill with a bag full of food and a couple blankets. Once we reached the top I was amazed! A big grassy field, over looking the lake with a beautiful waterfall to the left.

"Wow Chris it's beautiful." I said in awe. "How did you know this was here?" I asked.

"My dad. He found it a couple years ago while he was here."

"It's gorgeous."

We placed a blanket on the grass and the bag under a tree in the shade, then headed towards the water. It was a hot sunny day, the birds were singing and the bees were buzzing.

"Want to jump in and get cleaned up?" Chris asked

"We don't have towels or dry clothes."

"Who needs clothes?" He said stripping his clothes.

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