Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

2 years later.

"The centrepieces are here Nancy." Chris yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll be right down, just getting Chase dressed." I yelled out.

Chase is now 14 months old, and he looks like his daddy in every way. Chris and I set a date for our wedding, 2 weeks from now. October 17th. Things are very hectic, and busy, at home and at work. I finished school 2 months ago, and I love my job, helping families, kids towards a better life.

"Let's go bud, your dad is waiting, and grandpa will be here soon." I told chase as I tired up his shoe.

"Pa, pa. Daddy, Daddy." He yelled down over the steps.

Chris waited at the bottom of the steps with open arms as his son ran to him. He is a better father than I ever imagined, and I love being a mom more than I ever thought I could. They are both my life.

My dad has now been sober 2 years, I finally have a father, and Chase loves him more than anything. He is living in New York just a few blocks from Chris and I, and is working at Chris's motel in New York as manager. He also has a new love interest, her name is Shelly, and she's a nurse. It must be something, he has invited her to the wedding.

"Hi dad, how are you?" I asked when he walked in, and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm great. Thanks. Where's my little man?" He yelled out.

"Pa, pa." Chase came running.

Chris and I invited his for supper to discuss wedding plans, it's only 2 weeks away and it's crunch time. Dad asked me if I invited mom, I didn't. I don't even know if she knows about the wedding, or even Chase for that matter.

Then he asked about supper. We decided to have a sit down supper, guest choose between steak or chicken. My dad offered to pay, we told him that he didn't have to do that, but he insisted, said he saved money from the house sale for this day, so we could not say no. And he also mentioned tradition, that the father if the bride helps pay for the wedding.

I have never seen this side of my dad before, and I'm so happy he is now sober and healthier than he was 2 years ago. He has been a great dad, the dad I knew he could be since he got out of rehab.

"Ding. Ding."

"That's the door bell, I'll get it." Chris said rising from the table to go answer it.

"Nancy, you should come here." He yelled moments later.

"Mom!" I was shocked. How did she know where I lived?

"Hi Nancy. Can I come in?" She asked

"I don't think that's a good idea, I think you should leave, your not welcomed here." I said anger rising in my voice.

"I need your help." She pleaded.

"You want me now, now that I have a family of my own, and have money, well guess what we don't want or need you. You helped dad try and take his life and I will never forgive you for that, or for leaving us. NOW GET OUT!" I yelled

"Silvia." Dad said from around the corner.

"I'm sorry dad, she was just leaving." I told him.

"Wait, I have something to say!" He walked towards us, and right for my mom.

"Silvia I want to thank you, I look at my wrist everyday and realize that you tried to take this from me, but all you did was make me stronger, I have a life you could have never given me, and thanks to my amazing daughter I'm sober and healthy and living a good life." My dad said to her.

"Our daughter, she's our daughter Bill." She said in a low voice.

"She stopped being your daughter when you left us 6 years ago. Now get out!"

She left. She was upset, and a part of me felt bad for her, but she deserved it, she couldn't walk out on us and think she could waltz back in whenever she was ready, when she got bored with her new life.

Once we finished eating Chris and dad took Chase down to the lake to go fishing, he loved the outdoors. And I continued with the wedding plans. Megan moved to New York after she finished school and is now working here. She too is engaged to be married but has not yet set a date. Megan has helped me with everything, I'm thankful for her everyday.

"Chase bud, it's time for bed." I yelled out.

He kicked and screamed when his dad picked him up to bring him in. We had a lunch, then brushed his teeth. Chris and I tucked him in and red him a book before he went to sleep.

Having a child beats you out, since Chase has been born Chris and I are in bed shortly after he is, but I wouldn't change it for anything. We talked about having another one, but not yet, my career is just taking off, and Chris is soon going to open a new motel.

The next day Chris and I had cake tasting, and I had my final fitting for my dress. Chase was going with nanny and poppy McGrath for the day, they are taking him to the park, then swimming. They have been more than supportive of Chris and I, his dad apologized for his rude comment our first dinner, and things have been great since then, Chase loves them, and they him.

"Chase nanny and poppy are coming, you ready?" I asked

"Ready, ready." He said

Chris took him out to the car while I grabbed my purse.

The bakery was a little busy, but they had a room reserved for us, we tried about 15 different kinds, and finally decided on red velvet with cream cheese fondant, coloured white, with black and orange ribbon, and green flowers, to match the colours of our wedding.

After our cake tasting Chris dropped me off at the bridal salon for my final fitting. My dress was perfect, and fit me like a glove. A beautiful A line, dropped waist gown, with a diamond belt around my waist, and wavy bottom.

The next 2 weeks flew and my day was finally here. Megan put the finishing touches on my make up, and placed a small white flower in my hair. I looked in the mirror after I put my dress on and I didn't even recognize myself.

"Nancy you look beautiful." My dad said as he entered the room.

"Mommy, mommy." Chase right behind him all handsome in his tux.

"Are you ready?" Asked my dad.

"Iv never been more ready. Thank you dad for being here, this day wouldn't be the same without you." I kissed him on the cheek then hook my arm in his as he lead me down the stairs.

The sun was shining, the wind was light , and our friends and family were gathered around to watch Chris and I marry. My dad held my hand and helped me onto the grass, my shoes dug into the grass. Dad and I walked to the centre of the isle to the white runner going all the way down. And when I looked up there was the most handsome man I'd ever seen, the man I'd soon calm my husband, standing there with a smile, dressed in a suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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