Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"I'm sorry, did you just say my mother? As in Silvia lane?" I was confused, why was she calling me now, what does she want?

"Yes Nancy it's me. I'm sorry it has been so long but Megan called me said your father is worst and you need my help."

"I need absolutely nothing from you Silvia!" I hung up.

Anger filled me, with Megan, with her. I forgot I was in the truck with Chris, I turned and he had an unreadable look on his face. I was not sure if I should tell him what was going on or keep it to myself. He doesn't need to know, not yet.

"Everything ok?" He asked

"Yea, just peachy!" I couldn't hide the sarcasm in my voice.

"Well that was a lie if iv ever heard one. But I get it, some stuff just needs to stay personal."

"I'm sorry Chris but until I know what this is I don't really want to revel to much about my life."

"Nancy how do you expect this to go any further or for us to get to know each other if you keep things to yourself?" Chris said, and I knew he had a point.

"Ok your right! Are you sure you want to take the leap into my messed up life?" I wanted to hear him say he wanted to know before I volunteered the information.


Here goes nothing I thought, hoping he sticks around after he knows about my messed up family, my messed up life.

"Where to start. Well Chris my dad is the towns biggest alcoholic. He sometimes beat be black and blue, other times just smacked me around when he was to drunk to put much effort into it. My mother, the person who just called left me with him when I was 17, with no money, no chance at a better education, just a daughter to an alcoholic." I looked out the window and sighed, then continued.

"A few days ago I went to check on my dad he was so drunk he passed out on the couch later falling on the floor. When I went to check on him I thought he was dead. He came to and didn't even realize he was on the floor, and smelt like mixed alcohol, cigarettes, and bad body oder. The house where I grew up was filled with beer and liquor bottles, mouldy food everywhere, cigarette butts on the floor, in the sink, in beer bottles. The furniture has burns in it, so did the carpet. Even though he didn't treat me good growing up, or even now he is still my dad and I'm scared he is going to drink hisself to death, or burn the house down." I took another breath, looked at Chris and finished.

"I want to send him to rehab but there is no where close, and even if there was I couldn't afford it with my salary at the diner. I mentioned this to my friend Megan and I guess she tracked down my mom, who I haven't seen or heard from in 4 years." I think that's enough information for one day.

Chris looked overwhelmed. He pulled into my driveway and still has not said anything, I kept thinking this is the last time I'll ever see him, he does not need all this baggage when he is a wealthy business man. He does not need a broken girl with nothing.

"Do you think your mom is calling to offer help? He finally asked.

"I don't know, but to be honest Chris even if she is I don't want it. She left, I will find a way to help my dad all on my own!"

"Ok, sorry didn't mean to upset you." He said with a straight face.

"I'm sorry too! We were having such a great day."

"It's ok Nancy! Just bad timing on your moms part. I would have found out eventually right?"

"I guess so." Was all I could say. I was so angry, I'm just happy this happened at the end of our date, and now that iv told him I feel better doing it now rather than later.

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