Her; Serendipity 承

By CorruptedLoveing

314 28 2

If you could go back in time and "fix" your mistakes would you? Would you risk loosing everything you know ju... More

Character Update


6 0 0
By CorruptedLoveing


46,935 words as of chapter thirty one

Without knowing it, the clock struck 6:00 a.m in South Korea, and Jin was still climbing up the mountain. He stumbled and fell on his side, catching himself before he fell back down the mountain, Atlas raced over to help him.

"Jin! Are you alright?!" Jin shook his head,

"Something must be happening at home, what time is it" He weakly pulled out his phone

6:00 am KST

4:00 pm OST

His eyes widened,

"Atlas you have to send me back now. The nurses said I was supposed to wake up at 6, please wake me up!" Jin was starting to feel dizzy.

"Surge, rex! (rise up, king!)"

Jin's world spiraled into darkness...


I gasped and sat up quickly, the nurses had only just walked in the door, sighing in relief I lied back down again. They looked at me questioningly and walked over to check on me. I smiled at Mina and spoke a soft good morning to her, she looked extremely tired.

"Are you alright Mina? You look like you've been here all night" She smiled tiredly and sat on the edge of my bed, playing with the frayed edge of the blanket.

"Dr. Park asked me to accompany him to a surgery that was six hours long. We started at the end of my shift which was after I left you so we must've stopped surgery at 4 this morning. I took a two hour nap in the doctors lounge area and and that's why I was a few minutes late" She flopped down onto the bed and rested her head on my leg. The realization hit me quickly. I went to high school with this girl. We didn't talk much, as I was always with the others but I definitely remembered her electric blue hair and piercings. As she was lying face down on the hospital bed, I noticed her hair was a soft pastel blue and all of the scary looking piercings were replaced with dainty looking diamonds.

"Mina Lee!" She bolted straight up and looked at me in surprise.

"How do you know my last name?" I laughed at how guarded she became and replied,

"We went to high school together. Kim Seok-Jin, always hung out with the really handsome guys?" She gasped and hugged me,

"I do remember you Jin! We were in a few of the same classes and I sat at your guys' lunch table! At the other end of course, you all were so popular no one could get close to you! You were untouchable, but you guys were so nice to everyone, at lunch you'd all sit together and Jungkook would come over from the middle school and he would take his lunch. Sometimes he'd sit on Namjoon's lap. You guys were like a family and everyone loved it!" She gushed and squeezed me before pulling away. I scratched the back of my neck,

"Did people really watch us that much?" She nodded excitedly and continued to talk,

"Yep! I was in advanced classes so that's why I had classes with you as a freshman. Then you graduated and then the year after, Yoongi graduated and I was a sophomore. I went rogue and did some wacky things. I actually had a pretty good year. Then when I was a junior along with Taehyung and Jimin, you and Yoongi came back to eat lunch with the ones still in school and everything seemed alright for awhile. Hoseok went away shortly after mid-terms, all of you cried and no one in your lunch period seemed to smile anymore, did he move away?" I nodded sadly and she continued her recollection.

"If I remember right, Namjoon graduated that year. He was the top of his class and everyone looked up to him so much! He even helped out the teachers. Then I was a senior along with Taehyung. You were still coming back to eat lunch at the high school but Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin weren't with you. I assumed they went away to college as well. I believe Jungkook was a sophomore at that time and the only ones in the group that people saw was you, Taehyung and Jungkook. You started to laugh with each other more often though but Jungkook never seemed the same, it was like the four others died" She chuckled bitterly, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. But Mina still continued,

"Then I graduated and Taehyung was voted most likely to be famous and greatest smile. I was valedictorian along with some kid I don't remember and then I went off to college and I don't know what happened to you all after that, I mean I know Tae and Yoongi are famous but what else happened?" I sniffled and sneakily wiped my eyes, trying to answer her question,

"Well, Namjoon used to be the Daejeon police commissioner and I used to be his secretary, Yoongi used to be a rapper obviously, Hoseok used to be a street dancer here in town but now he runs a dance company, Jimin was a psychiatrist and Taehyung was an actor and photographer. Jungkook.....well you'll have to talk to him about his own story" She smiled,

"So what do you all do now?"

"Namjoon and I own a private investigator business, Yoongi and Jungkook work for us, Hoseok is a dance instructor, Jimin lost his job recently and Taehyung just released a line of clothes. As for living let me see, Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin all live with me in my apartment, Namjoon lives across the hall, Hoseok lives down the street in another apartment building and Taehyung lives on the top floor of my apartment building in the penthouse." She giggled and we continued to chat for awhile, the other nurse had long since left my room. We heard a knock on the door, Mina went over and opened it her eyes as big as dinner plates,

"Jin th-they're here!" She looked over at me and let the visitors inside. It just so happened to be the people we had been talking about for the last three hours. I smiled and waved to them,

"Well there's my six favorite men" Namjoon rushed over to me, hugging me and he kissed my nose,

"Hello love" I pecked his lips

"I'm sorry that I was mean to you" He shook his head and kissed me once more,

"No, I shouldn't have pressured you, I love you" I mumbled a response to the last part and he moved to get himself a chair. As everyone found seating Jimin walked up to me and hugged me, handing me a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"How are you this morning Jin hyung?"

"I feel a lot better than yesterday, so what brings you all here?" I got the attention of the others

"We wanted to see you again" Taehyung said with a wide boxy grin,

"That, and we wanted to go over a new case file" Yoongi replied realistically. Jimin walked over and sat on Yoongi's lap, looking at the document with him. After Yoongi had finished reading, Jimin got up and brought it over to me. Namjoon cleared his throat before speaking,

"As you know, South Korea still has their fight club problems, since we left the police force, there have been three other fight clubs that were like the one Jungkook was i-" He stopped when he noticed Mina was listening. Jungkook stood and escorted her gently out of the room.

"She says she'll come back to bring you lunch around one" I nodded and Namjoon continued.

"The three other fight clubs both were shut down after suspicions of human trafficking. Long story short, there is a massive gang involved called The Silencers. And their leader just so happens to be working in this hospital. We have no idea who it is, but our client, had her 19 year old son taken by the gang." He finished with a sigh. I looked to Yoongi who was rubbing his forehead.

"So basically there's a gang, this woman wants her son back who was taken by the gang. And the leader works here?!" Yoongi nodded and my face turned into one of focus,

"Are we sure that there is only one person in the gang working here?" They all shook their heads.

"I'm not exactly sure what we can do about this Joon" Namjoon shook his head as I reviewed over the case file.

"Well, the woman wants her son back and the only way for us to do that is to go to the gang's base and save him and any other hostages. Since that is our main goal, it would be beneficial if we figure out who the gang leader is. I'm putting my money on the doctor" Hoseok spoke up,

"I'd disagree. Was anyone watching the nurse when we started talking? I was out of the corner of my eye, her expression changed from a happy one to one of mild irritation." I shook my head,

"If she really is who she says she is, she went to high school with me and she is the same age as Taehyung, I'm not exactly sure how someone at the age of 23 can be a gang leader. Although it is definitely possible." Everyone agreed.

"So our two people of interest are Dr. Park and Mina the nurse, correct?" Namjoon pulled out a spare phone he used for work and wrote that down in the notes. I took a pen and jotted down people of interest in the margin.

"Has anyone done work at the office on this case?" Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin raised their hands.

"Be sure to back up everything and Yoongi please strengthen security in the apartment, if this gang is really as notorious as the name sounds, they might be onto us already. Namjoon, I will text you if there are any further developments on my end. Please do the same if you find out anything. Also could you guys bring some of my stuff here? I'm getting bored and I know they said I have to be here for only a week, but something tells me Dr. Park wants to keep me here longer" Taehyung nodded and replied quickly,

"Jungkook and I will bring your things this afternoon. I assume we should keep an eye on Mina and Park while we visit?" I made a noise of assent and Jimin raised his hand.

"This isn't school Jimin" Everyone laughed,

"Okay well I still have a question" He pouted cutely while crossing his arms,

"Can we come up with a mission name?"


And there you have it, please continue to read into the next chapter! I wonder what will happen with the boys against the gang?



Words: 1816

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