. : D R A G O N B O R N : . (...

By JayZX535

6.3K 341 326

Once, a fearsome dragon roamed the End, guarding the realm from any who sought to enter it. Many were slain... More

Chapter 1: Alone
Chapter 2: Dilemma
Chapter 3: Secrets
Chapter 4: Suspicion
Chapter 5: Research
Chapter 6: Division
Chapter 7: Longing
Chapter 8: Leap
Chapter 9: Fall
Chapter 10: Outcasts
Chapter 11: Refuge
Chapter 12: Anarchy
Chapter 13: Shadows
Chapter 14: Exile
Chapter 15: Compass
Chapter 16: Foretold
Chapter 17: Legends
Chapter 18: Chosen
Chapter 19: Arrival
Chapter 20: Uncertainty
Chapter 21: Visions

Chapter 22: Verdict

143 8 20
By JayZX535

Petra stifled a gasp as she started into wakefulness, fighting to still her pounding heart.  To her relief, she found that she was still in the palace chamber, not trapped in the dark hall with the beast.

It was only a dream...

But... was it?  She couldn't shake the feeling that, dream or not, the encounter had been more than a figment of her imagination  Something dark and terrible had crossed her path, and she shuddered at the very thought...

Xann lifted his head, eying her blearily.  "Are you alright?" he asked her softly, worry in his eyes.  "You seem shaken..."

"Yeah, I'm fine," she murmured, rubbing anxiously at her left arm.  "Just... weird dreams, that's all..."  She exhaled, trying just as much to reassure herself of that fact as she was him.

He looked skeptical, but lowered his head in acceptance.  "What time is it?" he asked, seeming thoughtful.

"I... I don't know," she murmured, frowning.  How long had she been asleep?  Hours?  Minutes?  "I... I'll go ask someone..."

She pushed herself to her feet, limping a little as she stood, and made her way over to the others.  They had gathered in a small circle a short ways away, speaking quietly to one another.  "Hey guys?"

They turned at her approach.

"Petra-- you're up," Lukas murmured, smiling a little, though his face was still drawn with worry.  "Do you feel any better?"

"I... guess?"  She wasn't sure what to say-- although she was no longer as exhausted as she had been, her strange nightmare had left her with more doubt than she'd had before.  "I... I'm not as tired, at least..."  She joined them in their circle, eying the sketch that Soren had made on a blank map.  "Is this your plan?"

"It's what we have so far," Jesse told her.  "It isn't quite done, but it's something..."

"If everything works out, it should get us out of the palace, at least," Olivia added.  "From there... it's harder to say.  But it's a good step..."

"Ivor, what time are we at?" Harper asked, seeming pensive.

Ivor pulled a clock out of his robes.  "It's dawn now," he said.  "So we may not have much time..."

"Then we need to hurry," Harper sighed. "We may not have much time before they come for us..."

As it turned out, they were already out of time.  A sharp click echoed through the chamber as the door was unlatched, and all of them looked up.  Xann lifted his head, giving a low growl.

Rhaxis pushed the door open, but though she still carried herself with confidence, the disapproving scowl no longer dominated her expression.  "I have spoken with King Amryth," she informed them. "And he has confirmed your arrival."  She lowered her head in a respectful bow.  "Hail, Dragonborn.  I apologize for the detention of you and your company-- though I'm sure you understand why it was necessary..."

Petra limped shakily to her feet and nodded.  "We understand," she confirmed, exhaling.  "Thank you..."

With a nod, Rhaxis stepped back from the doorway.  As of now, you and your company have free access to the palace and the kingdom-- though I would advise you to bring some of us along should you leave these walls.  It has been many, many years since anyone here has seen a human who did not intend to bring us harm... I would not count on those in the city lending you their trust without some kind of proof..."

"I will make sure they are safe," Fauth promised, padding over to the door and smiling a bit at her.  "Thanks, Rhax..."

Rhaxis grunted, squinting at him.  "You're not off the hook.  If you ever scare me like that again..."

Fauth gave her a sly grin.  "Are you implying that you would have missed me if I'd lost my job?"

She shook her head and snorted, fluttering her wings in indignant shock.  "Why you little--"

From inside the chamber, Aravii rolled her eyes and prodded Xann.  "We should go now, before they start getting sappy.  Come on!  I'll show you around!"  She bounded out the door with Xann following a little less exuberantly, and headed off down the hall.

"Should we... follow them?" Petra asked, frowning over at the others.

Rhaxis looked up and cleared her throat.  "Perhaps Fauth and I should show you around.  You'll want to be familiar with this place if you're going to be staying here..."

"That would be good," Lukas agreed.  "Thank you, Rhaxis..."

She dipped her head.  "It is an honor to assist the Dragonborn in whatever way I can.  I will gladly guide you."

With that, they started off.  Rhaxis and Fauth led them through the winding halls of the palace, introducing it to its many corridors and rooms.  They were first shown their quarters, for which Rhaxis made a point of apologizing-- they had been made for dragons, not humans, but she'd do the best she could to ensure it was readied to their comfort.  Next came the kitchen and dining hall, and from there the palace's private overlook.  It was from here that the dragons of the palace-- Amryth's inner circle-- could take off and land, without having to descend into the city to depart.

As they made their way through the palace, they received many curious stares-- though it seemed most of the palace's inhabitants had been informed of the proceedings, for none tried to stop them.  Most kept their distance, watching in amazement as they passed, though Fauth made a point of acknowledging them with a smile.  Rhaxis, however, maintained her regal posture, nodding curtly to those she passed.  Fauth quietly explained to the humans that this was due more to her status than her temperament-- for Rhaxis was not only the captain of the guard, but also the sole messenger of King Amryth himself.  She was expected to walk with stately stride, that her manner might evidence her position.

By the time their tour concluded, the sun had passed overhead and was beginning to sink toward the mountains.  The party dragged their feet with exhaustion, and Petra in particular found herself lagging behind.  A heavy exhaustion seemed to weigh her down, despite her having been one of the only ones who'd actually slept the previous night.  She wobbled a little, bumping into Lukas, who caught her with surprise.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking over at her with worry.

She yawned, rubbing her eyes. "I'm alright," she mumbled, "Just tired..."

He pursed his lips.  "It's been a long day for us all," he agreed.  "Rhaxis said she's going to see if our rooms are ready.  If they are, maybe we can get some rest after dinner..."

Petra nodded wearily, hanging her head.  "Rest would be wonderful," she told him quietly, letting out her breath in a deep sigh.  He gave her a sympathetic glance, gently slipping his arm around her in support as he lead her toward the dining hall.


fhghghghgg I apologize for the mess that is this chapter, I've tried writing it at least three times in different months and it just didn't flow the way I hoped it would.  But now that it's done, Dragonborn is BACK!

I'm... sorry for abandoning this for a year, heh.  Writer's block has not been kind, and I've been busy.  But you know what, MCSM got done a dirty by what happened at Telltale, and so help me if I leave the fandom now in its hour of need!  MCSM may not receive any more canon content, but you know what?  Fandoms never die.  So heck yeah, let's get back to the story!

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