Old Memories

By CreativeQuill____

8.9K 132 5

All in the story.❀️ More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.

Chapter 10.

445 7 0
By CreativeQuill____


Thanksgiving is going to be so dam awkward man my dad is supposed to be in Louisiana with his new wife, while my mom is definitely going to be there with her new boyfriend, along with my brother, and his hoe ass girlfriend why should I even go in the first place? I only want to see mom, and spend hella time with my baby that's it that's all I even want to do. nobody knows that were engaged besides my friends, and lauren my mom doesn't even know if I tell her ass going to want an a engagement party I mean don't get me wrong we definitely going to be going all out for our wedding, but seriously mom.

I made sure I packed everything it was already getting even colder out so I wanted to make sure I packed warm clothes I went into the bathroom running some hot ass water stepping in wetting my hair in the process shit felt so dam good I've been so dam stressed out my brother, my career, my family in general just shit why my family have to be so dam dysfunctional. I sighed getting out of the shower sending a quick text to rosie. I swear her fine ass better be up.

Me: good morning baby ❤️ is yo ass ready ?

Wifey💍: almost I still need to shower.

Me: bruh 😑. I told yo ass to be ready.

Wifey💍: chill babe everything is packed I just need to shower it's only going to take me a good 20 minutes.

Me: alright, and I need to speak to you on some few things.

Wifey💍: alright babe see you when you get here. I love you ❤️.

Me: I love you to baby ❣️.

I swear y'all females be so dam slow shit is annoying what takes so long for y'all to get ready just shower do y'all hair, and get dress it should take y'all exactly 20 minutes.

I sighed grabbing my things, and car keys heading to her place.


After I finished getting dressed I just kept my hair in a messy bun tonight I'm taking my weave out, and wearing my real hair, but it's kind of to late for that I bought weave just so I can do a quick weave I know I've promised myself that I'll give my hair a break from weave, but I cant help it.

I made sure I had everything as someone was knocking on the door I grabbing my phone charger, and my things I opened, and blushed seeing odell. "hey baby."

"hey babe I see yo ass finally ready." he joked closing the door behind me.

"yeah didn't take me long."

"you was still getting ready." I laughed putting her stuff in the trunk as we both got into the car.

"so what it takes time to look this dam good okay."

"you already look good what else yall females need to do?" I chuckled as we was on the road.

"most girls take hours 30 minutes is just a stretch."

"well you need to work on that." I chuckled. " but, I gotta ask you something."

"what is it dell?" I smiled drinking my coffee.

"when did you want to get married?"

"I don't know I never really thought when should we get married."

"maybe we should get married on our old anniversary date."

"valentine's day?" I smiled.

"yeah more romantic I aint down with a big ass wedding to be honest if it's just our family, and closet friend's im fine with that."

"sounds like a plan to me I think big weddings are a waste my mom had one."

"now look at her aint she dating somebody now?"

"she is her, and my dad on the verge of getting a divorce."

"I cant believe your parents are splitting up after 28 years of marriage."

"some marriage don't always work out on top of that there marriage has been falling to pieces since they had kids, my dad has always cheated, and abused my mom, but she loved him so much she didn't think twice about leaving him now that's its 2018 she wants to make a change, and the first is leaving my dad." I smiled.

"my parents didn't even last a year." I shrugged. " sometimes I even wonder what was there main point of being together."

"you, and your siblings."

" to be honest im the only child my dad on the other hand had babies with hella bitches man which is why my dad, and mom did work out." I shrugged.

"somethings happen for a reason right?" I said grabbing his hand.

"yeah you right." I smiled kissing her hand as she blushed. " so about this wedding valentines day?"

"that seems more romantic." I smiled. " what about our honeymoon?"

"that is something my mom wanted to plan." he sighed as I laughed.

"whats wrong with that?"

"cause she wants us to make babies that's the main reason why she want us to go on one."

"I didn't plan on having kids the moment we go on our honeymoon I wanted to wait at least a good year you know."

"same right now its just we don't have time making babies your busy im busy with a game, press conference, interviews, fans shit we don't have time, but you right in a year or two lets get started on making that baby."

I blushed.


It was a long ass drive from atlanta to Louisiana it took us about 8 hours rosie was already knocked out in an hour traffic was hell, and I had to piss so dam bad I just wanna go to sleep at this point I sighed pulling in my mom's drive way I looked to my right seeing rosie sleeping she's so beautiful asleep I smiled slightly shaking her.

"babe get up where here."

"man what time is it?"

"almost 6 where here lets go babe."

I sighed, and yawned. " jeez we've been in this car for 8 hours my legs is killing me."

"you, and me both." I chuckled grabbing her things. " honestly a good shower, and a nap sounds so dam good right now."

"Or some food." I giggled.

"you know we going to have help mom cook thanksgiving is tomorrow."

"we? you know dam well your ass cant cook." I giggled.

" I can cook certain shit not everything."

"why don't you let me do that." I giggled as we knocked on the door.

"Oh my goodness heyyy!!" my mom smiled letting us in. the moment we walked in my dad was sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette I sighed not even looking his way.

"hey im going to take our luggage upstairs babe."

"nah let me babe." I said watching him go upstairs.

"so rosie why don't you go help me in the kitchen."

"sure." I smiled following her.

"so how's things with odell? did he finally get rid of that tramp lauren?" she said rolling her eyes I started laughing.

"yeah he did." I said as she looked at my finger.

"wait did he pop the question?"

"yeah he did at the game."

"oh my goodness congratulations." she said hugging me.


"hey son." my father said walking in the room.

"hey dad whats up?" I said unpacking our clothes.

"nothing much just haven't seen you in a while."

"that's a good thing right?" I said looking back at him.

"look im sorry about the shit I did."

"man dad to be honest save yo wack ass apologies because right now I just wanna see mom celebrate thanksgiving with my now fiancé just spend time with my family."

"what you saying im not family?"

"not really, but it doesn't matter your older son is your family right?" I said taking my shoes off.

"my older son?"

"yeah your older son dad damen is your son my older brother that I didn't even know about I mean dam dad how many bitches are you going to be fucking in order for me to keep calling them brother or sister." I said shaking my head.

"look odell..." he said as rosie came in.

"oh sorry mr.beckham, babe mom needs you downstairs."

"alright babe be down there in 10." I said as she smiled.

"so you wifed that? what happened to the last one I liked her."

"who lauren? why? she was nothing, but a hoe she was fucking your oldest son my dam brother, what me, and her had is done it was never love I've always been in love with rosie she actually sports the shit that I do, she's there for me, she's beautiful, smart, got shit going for herself, and she actually works unlike lauren fuck outta hear, if you wanna have a conversation with me then you going to have to do it on my terms, and right now today is not the day." I shrugged going downstairs.

"so when is the wedding date?"

"February 14th, 2019."

"oh my goodness I cant wait till this wedding you know me im going to plan everything first we need to find out where yall are going to get married then we need to make invitations."

"mom one thing at a time her parents don't even know yet once we get everything settled with our family first then we can go on from there." I sighed.

"I just want to have a perfect wedding." I said going upstairs sitting on the bed.

"and, it will be perfect babe."

"how none of our family members can stand each other I don't want to get married when half of our family don't get along."

"that's on them to be honest if they going to keep beefin when we get married they cant come period, because this our day not there's alright."

I blushed kissing him. " shit I need to take my hair down."

"you still wear weave your natural hair is beautiful I like it natural."

"I do to, but remember we going to be around family."

"its not like they haven't seen it before." I chuckled taking my shirt off.

"yeah, but my hair is my best priority."

"that ass is your best feature besides that cute face."

I blushed hitting him with a pillow.

"where you going babe?"

"taking a shower need to wash my hair it's going to be one long night."

" I love you baby ."

"I love you to babe."

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