Chapter 7.

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I woke up smelling bacon I got up, and walked downstairs seeing Odell cooking breakfast .

"Morning ." He smiled.

"Good morning aren't you supposed to be gone already?"

"It's only 7:30 I don't need to leave till 9 so I got time I thought it would be a nice gesture to make you a nice hot breakfast it's starting to get cold out ." He said handing me a plate .

"Thank you ." I said drinking my coffee . "I had a lot of fun with you last night ." I smiled.

"Me to . Extra waffle?"

"No I'm good, so where's your little girlfriend ?"

"Oh I dumped her."

"Again? I find that hard to believe y'all going to end up right back together ."

"Nah not this time I'm done I saw her twerking on the same nigga she fucked in my house shit got me heated I wanted to bash his face in, but I had to think for a good minute niggas wanna be shady, and call the cops fuck that I already served my time in jail before ain't doing that shit again."

"And, you shouldn't you deserve better odell trust me she wasn't for you. Normally you would have been dumped her why change now?"

"I didn't really change I had fun all we did was drink, and fuck we never go out she never wanted me to meet her family, my mom never liked her, and my dad never met her which I can really careless I know for a fact that you don't like her."

"No I didn't I was trying to keep my composure for your sake, but she was this close to getting her ass popped."

I chuckled ."although that would enjoyable no not worth it best thing we can do is leave her ass alone." I shrugged.


"So are you going to be dating anyone?"

"I didn't realize I should tell you who I should be dating ."

"I mean shit you've been single for the longest who you dating ?"

"Not really looking for a relationship right now to much extra bullshit I don't want to deal with."

I laughed ." You know dam well you want a man as fine as yo ass is you talking to somebody ."

"I'm not ." I giggled .

"Mhm." I said looking at the time . "I gotta go head at the field see you at the game?"

"Yeah of course ."

"Make sure you stay for the half time your going to enjoy it ."

I smiled ." Can't wait to see it ."

"Bye ro."

"Bye dell." I smiled shutting the door on his way out I sighed I would lie, and say I'm not happy that Odell is single, but I am I miss his fine ass .

I decided to get ready early since traffic is going to be ridiculous I ran some hot water I finally took my weave out shit was inching like a bitch I washed my hair , and body really well stepping out drying my hair straightening it as I heard someone knock on my door I sighed closing my robe going downstairs opening seeing Lauren....

"Hey.." she spoke.


"So you ready for the game?" Sterling said tying his shoe.

"Of course I got a big surprise for Rosie though."

"Your ex?"

"Yeah, bought a wedding ring way before I got here I plan on proposing to her today."

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