Adopted by the Avengers

By hanjiZoelvr

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Y/N is adopted by the Avengers from a bad orphanage situation. She is brought to the Avenger's facility to ca... More

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Adopted
Chapter 3 - Leaving
Chapter 4 - Arriving
Chapter 5 - Meeting the Avengers
Chapter 6 - Getting Situated
Chapter 7 - The Testing
Chapter 8 - The Vision
Chapter 9 - After Testing
Chapter 10 - Close call
Authors Update
Chapter 11 - Secrets
Chapter 12 - I'm Different
Chapter 13 - The Truth
Chapter 14 - The Beginning
Chapter 15 - Got Lucky?
Chapter 17 - The Men in Black
Chapter 18 - Adjusting to a New Life
Chapter 19 - Truth Revealed?
Chapter 20 - Departure
A/N Summary + Changes
Chapter 21- A maze
Chapter 22- Becoming Spies
Chapter 23 - The Plan of Attack
Chapter 24 - The Midnight Walk
Chapter 25 - Counter Attack
Chapter 26 - To a New Life

Chapter 16- Meeting the Queen

3.4K 64 4
By hanjiZoelvr

Walking into the huge room, throne room I think, I had a very weird flashback to when I was first introduced to the Avengers. With me-or us this time getting ushered into the room to meet people that I had never met in my life, to see if I could mean anything to them. As well as the flashback, I could start to sense a new color theme. Instead of the gold walls that we walked into, the walls of the throne room were slowly turning into a black ombre. Everything was so dark that it was scary just to be in the room.

I opened my mouth slightly to get more air and calm myself down a bit.

Inside the room was mostly a silver color and there were many people ....elves and giants in it. The was a black carpet that we were on and it led up to a black throne. Upon that throne sat one of the most beautiful elves that I've seen so far. She, I could tell it was a she this time because of how she actually looked feminine, had black eyes but long lashes. She had high cheekbones and as well as looking like a beautiful queen, looked like one of the fiercest warriors. She had a crown on her head, and was wearing a silver dress and looked very royal the way she was sitting. At her side were several guards and maids. She was the center of attention in the room and I immediately felt very intimidated, which is unlike me.

Very unlike me.

Kari walked in after us and nudged us a little gesturing her head to the creature on the throne. "Go on, she doesn't bite."

"Are you sure about that?" Lyric spoke before I could, but took the words right out of my mouth. Kari just smiled and gestured to us to continue in answer.

I didn't wait for Lyric and instead just started walking down the aisle.

It felt weirdly familiar, the feeling of walking down an aisle in front of many people, and I smiled in spite of everything. Before too long, I reached the throne where I slowed my waking pace. I was just at the throne when I remembered I didn't know how to address royalty. I quickly looked at the guards and people kneeling on the floor and was about to imitate them when I heard my name, or the name I was just given, come from the queen herself.

"Asta! Come give your mother a hug!"

I swallowed nervously but not obviously and walked tentatively towards her. She then stood up and, not to lie, looked very very intimidating with all her glamour. She was tall and skinny. Her eyes were a grey blackish color that looked like She was permantly staring at the dark side of the moon. Despite her intimidating aura, she gave a smile and engulfed me in her arms. She smelled of a vanilla scent that would have been mainly found in candle shops back on Earth. We stayed like that for many seconds before she finally released me with a breath of relief.

"I was worried about you." She cuffed me face in her hands. I at this point was awfully uncomfortable but was desperately trying not to show it. I smiled back and let her know of my gladness too.

"I was really hoping you would recognize me after all..." I gestured to myself "..this and me looking more like the humans and everything."

She tilted my head to look directly into her eyes.

"Honey I will always be able to tell if it's you and I strongly believe in giving second chances and if those retched humans made you their clones than I will kill each and every one of them " I smiled back at her beaming smile and found myself thinking dreadful thoughts.

What happens when the real Asta shows up? What happens when she realizes I'm impersonating Asta? What if, when the Avengers come to get me, she finds me and brings me to stay with her forever? What if I can never leave? Will I become a prisoner? What about Lyric? What if I actually am Asta? After all I am from here.

It was this last thought that really shook me. After all, and I thought this with extreme dread, the queen said she would always be able to tell of it is me..

She interrupted my thoughts by hugging me again and signaling to a nearby guard to come to the throne where we were standing.

"I want her in the room adjacent from mine. She will have nothing less from what I have, so make sure she is treated well."

The guard nodded in response to the queen and motioned for me to follow him. Before I left the throne room I looked at Lyric and felt an unusual wave of sympathy. He looked beyond dejected and was walking up the aisle just as the door closed behind me.

Walking along in silence with the guard I had time to think and observe my surroundings. The guard I was didn't show their identity as well as the queen. Their hair wasn't as white as the others and resembled more of a silver hue but their skin was pale. He was wearing a black suit that might have closely resembled a regular office suit down on earth, if it wasn't for the metal that the uniform was made out of and the collar that turned up into spikes that surrounded the head. Along with this, there was a peculiar looking back to the suit looking just like a pair of wings

They were leading me down a hallway that had obviously been polished many times. (As a previous laborer I noticed things like this). Just like when we entered the building with Kari, I was led down a series of hallways. But unlike the previous series of hallways, these eventually got more fancy as they progressed. There was so much silver on the walls it was hard to look at. The floors were a black and silver marble and the designs on the walls and the door may have taken at least a few years. I was beginning to feel homesick, but for what I don't know. I wasn't missing the Avengers facility where they poked and prodded me and acted like a was fragile piece of glass, and I definetly wasn't missing the orphanage because all I did there was work, but it just felt like all of the sudden something was missing.

When we has finally gotten to our destination, consisting of a incredibly shiny silver and black door with ornate designs, the guard stopped and took a bunch of keys out of his pocket.

"These will be your rooms, wait for the maid to bring you to dinner tonight. Cerfew is at fifty one. You will get the rest of your information at dinner." He went to turn when he remembered something. "Oh and try to stay in your room rather than wandering." On this note he turned and left on his heel.

I opened the room to the door after the guard was completely out of sight. The room was very elegant. The walls were covered in hand engraved designs and the floors had pictures in the marble. The bed was massive and so was the wardrobe. I say down on the bed and decided It was time to get in touch with the ither back on Earth. It was at that moment that I realized the bag hidden in my jacket was gone.

"Jeezus Are you kidding me!?" My hands ran through my hair as I silently swore to myself.

I was just about to die when I realized that I still had my earpieces and the really important stuff hidden in my pockets and my bra. I sighed with relief and emptied my stuff on my bed. I then stuck an earpiece in and was immediately greeted with voices.

"About damn time." I recognized Nicks voice almost immediately. "I was worried you forgot about the earpieces for a second."

"How could I forget? It's called being busy and actually getting stuff done."

"How's Lyric holding up?"

"Could be better, he just misses home. That's his main distraction."

"Ok, give us the scoop so far." Nick had a very anxious tone in his voice.

"Give us? Who else is there?"

"Everyone is connected to the earpieces just nobody else has spoken yet." On this note I was greated by a chorus of voices. I raised my eyebrow.

"Ok then." I then proceeded to tell them about the days events and how I happened to end up as the queen's daughter and Lyric a average elf's son. By the time I finished the story I could hear footsteps outside my bedroom.

"Frick frack I've got to go talk to you later." I then yanked the earpiece out of my ear and proceeded to shove all the stuff in my bag under my bed. I then hopped up onto the bed and pulled up a book that was placed next to my bed. I had just opened the book when a soft knock sounded on the door and the door started to turn open. In the room came a young elf. It was a girl and she was very pretty. She was about my height with dots on her silver face that might've been freckles? She wore a little dress that barely came down to her knees and was carrying a stack of towels.

"Hello miss, my name is Runa and I will be your maid."


"I know who you are." She said interrupting with a smile. "You're pretty much famous here. Word has gotten to the city that the queen's daughter has returned and now everyone is pining for a glance at you."

"Oh...." I said rather awkwardly.

"Haha, oh is right, but right now I have to get you ready for the dinner."

"Get ready for dinner??"

"Don't act so horrified. It will just be the royal family the closest loyal members and some servants. You just might want to be dressed decently for your first time. You know first impressions and all."

As I was listening to her I was also studying her. Her ways were oddly familiar and I was shocked to see someone look so different from everyone else but so alike me.

"Are...Are you from here?" I cautiously asked the question as she was in mid sentence explaining how the bathtub worked. She paused and looked at me and stopped talking.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" she cut me off.

"No it's fine, I'm not from here I was born on Earth which is another planet. Don't know if you've heard of it when you were out. But our amazing queen accepted me. However I had to make a promise never to go back there." She smiled sadly.

There was a silence as I pondered whether to tell her about me being from Earth too. She seemed so nice and sympathizing I felt like I should connect with her more, but my senses were tingling that something wasn't right.

"Yeah, I've never heard of this Earth. Is it nice there?"

"Very. Everything is so marvelous and the people are so kind and caring. I just sometimes wish I could go back." As she said this I had to restrain very hard from telling her how awful Earth had become, and how everyone was nice to her probably because she is really pretty. Instead I said:

"Wow! Sounds like a really cool place, I wonder if I should go check out this Earth."

"If you do, I recommend going to one of the big cities because they are truly remarkable."

"Ok." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

The clock interrupted our bonding moment. Striking one short sound. I looked over and was surprised to see it was the same kind of clock we have back on Earth. Runa's eyes immediately slid over to the clock in horror.

"Oh my, we are running so far behind." She then proceeded to run to my closet and bring out the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen. It was a long dress that I would most definetly have to wear heels with. It didn't have sleeves but had a short black coller that stuck up in the back, making me look like an evil villain of some kind. From this coller the silver color slid into an ombre of some kind leading into the bottom of the dress which was black. The front of the dress was pretty much the same as the back, but with elaborate designs in silver at the bottom.

Runa, not taking notice of my awe went straight to getting me out of my shirt and pants to put the dress over me.

I'm glad I took out the stuff from my bra and my pockets.

"Oh I do have one question." I broke into her frustrated murmur that she was muttering under her breath.

"And it is...?"

"How does time move so fast here if you have the same clock that we have back other planet." She gave me an odd look.

"Wow, you must have come from really far since everyone in this galaxy has the same time sequence."

"Yeah it was really far away." I was getting nervous about her finding me out since she already been to Earth before.

"Oh well, I guess your time was different, but just take your time and double your aging span. Like, here we have two birthdays a year." She paused. "You do know what a birthday is..right?" When Inodded she continued "I keep forgetting you're not from Earth." She chuckled at herself. I guess she noticed my confused look because she followed up her statement. "If you're confused than don't worry you'll get the hang of it."

I wasn't so sure I would but nodded in agreement anyway. By this time, she had the dress finished. I looked really freaky I must admit. Freaky in an intimidating way. But also, she did something with my hair to make me look more like them. My skin was paler and my eyes were darker and I looked like a person who a little kid would be scared of. Runa then had me sit on my bed and slipped some black stilettos on my feet. I didn't even know heels were a thing here.

Five minutes later, after having said goodbye to my maid, I found myself following another guard to the dining room. I found myself getting nervous as the dining room grew closer. I don't ever remember being this scared but I was. Maybe it was the fact that before I left, I had put an ear piece in to let the Avengers in on everything that we were doing. My hair covered the earpiece, and it was silver, which matched my pale skin, so nobody would really notice it. I was still on edge and was dreading this dinner with all my heart.

I noticed we finally arrived at a set of very big doors. They were black with silver handles and reached to the ceiling. I was a little bit intimidated by the doors which made me wonder what dreadful things the dinner would hold. I stood with the guard in front of these massive doors and watched two guards struggle to open the doors. As the doors slowly opened, my eyes were met with a very magnificant sight. There was one long wooden table with people sitting around it in an orderly fashion. The were silver chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and there we servants placed evenly throughout the room against the walls.

Once the doors were open, the guard led me to a seat near the very head of the table. I had just sat down when an invisible command made everyone suddenly stand up and push back their chairs. I stood up as well, and that's when I saw the queen coming from the doors. She looked very very very intimidating in her huge black dress. She reminded me of an evil character you would usually see in a movie. She was walking quickly and was talking with her guard, gesturing with her hands. The guard nodded and then walked away to stand by the door. The queen walked quickly to the head of the table, and with a voice like velvet commanded the table:

"Let's eat."

Hi guys,
Sorry haven't been active like I said. Let me know what you think of the story so far.
Thanks for reading:)

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