Magic Of Time ♡ Captain Swan...

By lieutenantjcnes

1.2K 65 836

Once Upon A Time / Timeless crossover. It's finally a normal day for the Time Team at the bunker. Rittenhouse... More

Chapter 2: A Fresh Start
Chapter 3: Back On Track
Chapter 4: New Orleans
Chapter 5: Only You
Chapter 6: Long Way To Happiness
Chapter 7: Back To The Future
Chapter 8: Happy Bunker
Chapter 9: Double Date
Chapter 10: Catastrophe
Chapter 11: Sometimes The Savior Needs Saving
Chapter 12: Home, Sweet Home

Chapter 1: Bunker Invasion

262 9 61
By lieutenantjcnes

A/N: This fanfiction is a crossover of Once Upon A Time and Timeless. It's canon divergence of both shows - Timeless: 2x08 and Once Upon A Time: 3x11. I'll explain how everything happened throughout. If you are just an ONCER you decide if you can keep up with the story, but I suggest that you watch Timeless, just because it's a GREAT show. And you can help us to #SaveTimeless.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it❤


Lucy's POV.

I am proud to be a member of the Time Team. I am proud to call all these people my family. Because this is what they are.

I'm left with no real family. My parents are members of Rittenhouse, destroying the world. Something that we won't let happen. We, as in my current family. Sooner or later, we're going to stop them. And we're going to do it together.

It weirds me out. It weirds me out that Rittenhouse hasn't taken the Mothership to another year the past two days, and something tells me that they're going to strike right when we don't expect then to. Everyone agrees with me, it is strange. All Rittenhouse ever does is playing games with us and trying to fool us.

But we're never going to let them succeed. They're monsters, and... good always wins.

That's what fairytales taught me - if there's one thing they did. They may not be real, but they give you one important thing in your life - hope. We can't go on without it.

“Connor, get me a beer.”

Rufus. Now that he had no mission as a pilot, he was the laziest one. He didn't even want to get off his couch, or he maybe didn't want to stop the movie marathon he was doing on Netflix. Binge-watching every movie of Marvel Cinematic Universe was all he did for the last three days.

Connor was the one to make us laugh most of the times. Always the person to come up with strange variations of drinking games - because he loved drinking - or to actually convince us to spend our day playing Monopoly. And, of course, he was Rufus's... waiter.

If he hadn't already drank the beer in his way to give it to him.

“You're going to finish all the bottles by yourself!” Connor complained.

Rufus snorted with laughter. “Says the guy who was half an hour in front of the fridge, trying to decide what type of alcohol he should drink today.”

Connor rolled his eyes and handed him the beer. I standed there watching them being their dorky selves, when Jiya came from behind me and startled me.

Jiya had very much in common with Rufus. They were both nerds, fanboying and fangirling about movies and all of the geeky stuff. Moreover, they were both great minds - despite the first impression they give to anyone. I guess that's what brought them together.

Jiya helped me many times with my problems. All sorts of problems. From family drama advice (and what a drama!) to relationship advice (me trying to figure out my feelings for Wyatt, for example) and more. She's one of the few people that understand me, and I'm lucky to have her as my friend - and in the Time Team family.

Then there were Flynn and Wyatt. Two totally different guys - like black and white.

Only with great similarities. Flynn may be one of the guys that when you first see, you think of him as a villain and not trustworthy, but in reality, he's as trustworthy as Wyatt is, who gives you the whole opposite impression. After all, he is a soldier.

In fact, both of them have struggled in their past, both have lost their people. Their family. However, one of them, decided to do a... comeback.

Don't get me wrong, under different circumstances, I would be really happy that Wyatt got his wife back when he thought he had lost her forever. But Jessica, she seems suspicious in front of everyone's eyes. Except Wyatt's. He refuses to believe it.

In a way, I understand. But none of us can deny the fact that Jessica's comeback from the dead has to do with Rittenhouse. And suddenly she's also pregnant. That's exactly what makes my last three days somewhat stressful, tense and... exhausting, since Jessica lives in the bunker.

“Hey.” a familiar voice said and I turned quickly back around. “Do you have time for us to talk?”

It was Wyatt. Ever since Jessica came back, we only had little time to talk - or maybe he couldn't even bring himself to talk to me at all. Jessica's appearance happening when we just got together made everything much more complicated, and I was pretty sure it was bad luck hitting my door.

“Don't you have to be with your pregnant wife or something?” I said sarcastically, trying to play the jealous ex. I really need to work on my lines.

“Jessica's asleep.” he answered, rolling his eyes - probably sick of my wanna-be-jealous lines. “We haven't really talked about us since... you know.” he said lightly.

I didn't say anything - I couldn't make things worse than they already were. I just nodded and walked in my room, feeling Wyatt's presence following me.

My room was starting to get kind of filthy, because someone (that would be me) didn't bother to clean up during the last three days that we finally had free.

To be honest, only Connor's and Jiya's rooms were clean. When everyone finally had all the time to themselves, all they did was rest. And that was the obvious thing to do.

The luckiest of us was Agent Christopher. She didn't even live in the bunker, she was home with her - real - family and she came to visit us constantly - or when it was work time. Since we just saved her life (in the past), she believed she owed us, so tonight we were all going to her house for dinner.

“See, Lucy... I know Jessica kind of destroyed what we just built, but...” he hesitated to speak. “I don't think she did, not completely.”

I was confused. What was he talking about? His wife was pregnant, and he thought of... cheating on her? With me? No, I am not going to be a homewrecker.

“Where are you trying to get at?” I asked him, as if I didn't know already.

“I... I don't know.” he blurted out after two seconds of holding his breath. “I'm tangled in my feelings, I'm supposed to be with Jessica but...” he didn't even look me in the eye.

“But what?!” I interrupted him before he got a chance to continue. “If you're thinking of having some sort of affair with me while your wife is pregnant, no. If this is your stupid love triangle, thank you, but I don't want to be in it.”

I got up from my bed quickly and tried to leave, but he wrapped his hand around my wrist and stopped me. I didn't even try to escape, I knew that he wanted to say more.

“I wasn't going to say that. I just... I want you to know that... I still have feelings for you, and it makes things complicated.” he said, this time looking straight in my eyes, which made something in my stomach flip. “It wasn't a lie, Lucy. Us, it wasn't a lie.”

“I know it wasn't, Wyatt, I'm not stupid! But right now, you need to forget that. Right now, you have the chance to go on with your life, and you have to go to your wife. Because it's the right thing to do.” I responded, holding back tears, because I didn't really want him to go back.

But I didn't have an actual choice, did I?

Wyatt was an honorable man. He had to be there for his family, and don't throw his second chance away.

“I know... I know.” he sighed after throwing his eyes right at the ground again. “But... I can't live with that. I can't live knowing that I threw my new beginning away. People say not to dwell on the past... But what if the past comes to you? That's where things get a lot more complicated.”

I sat back on my bed again and sighed, almost at the same time as him. I understood what he was saying, I always did that. But it didn't feel right. I had to back off - and the only way of doing that was to let go of him.

I couldn't even wait for him. His family was now forever there... Unless... We were proved right.

“I don't want to get in the middle of your second chance, Wyatt. And the best way of doing that, is for you to focus on your family... which is apparently growing.” I said, patting his shoulder in a friendly way. “Good luck with that.” I used a little sarcasm.

“Look, I-”

Before he managed to speak, we were interrupted by Rufus's yelling.

“Guys! Come here, now!” he yelled, and we all rushed in the middle of the Bunker where the Lifeboat is, the so-called living room. His tone was worrying, and we couldn't ignore it.

All bunker members were there - Oh, my god! What the hell is this?

“Have I been watching too much Doctor Strange, or is this an actual portal sparkling with fire?” he muttered, but we all heard his geeky self.

He wasn't wrong. This thing actually looked like a portal. It was fire circling a place in the air, and - did five people just dropped in our bunker?

Well... Five people just dropped in our bunker. Through this thing.

“Oh, bloody hell!” one of them complained, since none of them were able to speak because of shock. “Couldn't we just appear in the middle of a forest? No people around?”

They all looked a bit strange, probably through to our shock as well, but this one looked the strangest. I mean - he looked like a... pirate?! Who the hell wears a black long coat with a black pirate vest these days?

And leather pants...

He also seemed to have a fake hand - or it was just a black glove, I don't know, but it wasn't moving.

Next to him, there was a blonde green-eyed woman wearing a red leather jacket and jeans - it seemed like her outfit was what characterized her. She seemed too shocked to ask questions, as did the brown-haired child next to her, who - I assume - was hers, even though he didn't look much like her.

“Killian, this is not the time.” she turned to the strange pirate-y man, after looking around the bunker.

Killian? Is that an actual name?

However he was definitely hot. Dark hair, blue eyes, thick eyebrows, sassy look... He was totally the hot-bad-boy type of guy.

Then there was a short-black-haired woman with green eyes, just like the blonde's, and looked like her... Maybe she was... I don't know. Her sister?

But the blue-eyed blond man standing beside this woman looked like her as well - the resemblance felt really strange to me. I decided not to think it any further.

Well, this one was... charming.

Rufus was the first one of us who managed to talk after five minutes of just looking at one another.

“Okay, all good. Just don't tell me you brought Mordo with you, because he's really an ass.” *

Okay. That would be his inside geek who is obsessing over movies. Only the blonde chuckled a bit to his joke - the others seemed to not have a clue.

“How about if they kick your ass?” Flynn rolled his eyes, taking his sarcastic self out on Rufus.

Rufus didn't respond, but gave a death stare to him, and before anyone else could talk, someone coughed to get our attention.

“I think it's time... We introduce ourselves?” the blonde laughed awkwardly, hesitating to talk. “I am Emma Swan...”

She was interrupted by the other woman before she could finish her sentence. “Emma, they already saw... We don't have to fill them with lies.” she whispered to her, even though everyone heard it anyway.

“I wasn't going to do that, mom! They seem decent people, anyway.”

Mom? What the actual...

Maybe it was sarcastic.

“Okay, so. I'm Emma Swan, these are my parents David and Mary-Margaret, my son Henry and... Killian.” she finished. “Now, who are you?”

“Whoa, wait a minute. Your parents? You are literally the same age.” I interrupted. “Where the hell do you come from?”

Emma rolled her eyes, and had the do-we-have-to-explain-everything look on her face, but before she could answer, Jiya decided to talk. “They could be Rittenhouse. Looks like time travel to me.” she said to us, but they heard it.

They all seemed confused and were looking at each other like we were trying to explain Algebra to them. The (probably) 12-year-old kid shrugged. “I don't know anything about Rittenhouse, but I know Burger House, and this just made me hungry.”

“We're a lot more weirder than a bunch of time-travelers, trust me.” Emma sighed. “Our town is... was... Storybrooke, in Maine.”

Storybrooke? Seriously? Are they playing with us?

“Storybrooke?” Connor said with a weird accent, not his usual. “This is not a town.” he laughed.

“Well... Ugh.” the blonde man (David? I think) interrupted him before he finished. “It was created by a curse.”

Everyone went silent. We couldn't proceed this, hell, since when are curses real? They were clearly messing with us.

“I-I know, this is a bit hard to process.” David continued, as if he read my mind. “We weren't supposed to tell anyone, but since you already saw us coming through a magic portal... we thought you would... understand, maybe?”

It was unclear if they were saying the truth or not. It wasn't possible that magic existed. It was impossible for us to believe all those crazy things they say.

But, most of all, we were afraid to believe them. Well, at least I was, but I think it applies for everybody. Our lives are already strange, from a historian I went to a time-traveller who is trying to stop an evil organization from destroying history and the world. We didn't even know time-travel was possible. So now, they're telling me that magic is real too?

Man, we live weird lives.

“This isn't possible. We need proof.” I said, after a little bit of thinking.

“You just saw it, we bloody came out of a magic portal and you still don't believe us?” the pirate-y hot stuff complained, rolling his eyes. “I mean what have we gotta do, cast the dark curse?”

The Emma girl hit him gently on the shoulder, probably to stop him.

“He's right, we did watch them coming out of this... thing.” Jiya turned to me.

Something inside of me knew that they were telling the truth, but I refused to accept it. I looked over at Connor, who made a gesture pointing out that he agrees with Jiya, and so did everybody else.

“I still don't trust them.” I stated, looking at them.

That was true, they had just ‘broken’ (in a way) into our bunker, and that was one thing that I didn't trust them for. Who knows if with this... weapon... magic... they were feeling free to do whatever they want?

Before anyone else could speak, Wyatt started introducing us to them. “I'm Wyatt, the lady disagreeing is Lucy, the geek is Rufus-”

“Like... in the James Bond film?!” he was interrupted by the kid, who seemed really excited to hear our names.

“Henry's right.” Emma stated, though the pirate-y hottie seemed to be a lot confused. “Are these fake names?”

“Right... Ian Fleming wrote a movie about us.” Wyatt said to himself. “Forgot about that.”

“Well, they're time-travellers.” Connor came to our rescue. “A journey to 1944 during the WWII can make you friends with Ian Fleming, believe it or not.”

Emma shrugged, letting a chuckle escape. They were probably the ones that believed us, since they had already seen a giant machine behind them - aka the Lifeboat.

“Ian Fle-who?” the strange-dressed man (pirate-y hot stuff) said again.

“Yeah, Killian. I know we have to do a movie marathon one day.” Emma patted him on the shoulder. “Wyatt guy, you didn't finish.”

“Yeah, right. The girl all over Rufus is Jiya, this is... Flynn... and this is Connor Mason.” he completed his previous sentence, giving the death stare to Flynn while saying his name.

“The owner of the industries.” Connor added.

“No way. You're the Connor Mason?” Emma freaked out, and seemed to know him. Didn't we all?

She looked over at the rest of them, but they all looked at her really confused. “Right. Only I grew up in the real world. Got that.”

Real world? What are the others, from a fake world? This makes no sense. Ugh.


We spent a little time to get to know each other, since we had no other choice. Apparently, a woman named Regina sent them here to save her son - who was also Emma's son from a curse. It would send everyone back to where they belonged - The Enchanted Forest? - except from the child.

They didn't know how they ended up here, since Regina told them the place she was sending them to was totally random - but instead it was the Mason Industries. They were looking to do a fresh start in another place.

We, on the other hand, told them that we were trying to stop Rittenhouse from destroying the world through changing history. We also told them about nearly every time that we traveled in time, but the most surprising thing was that they didn't even freak out. It seemed possible to them, especially to Emma, who had seen so much over the last two years.

So I continued trying to figure out them.

“So you're telling me that you're fairytale characters.” I stated, questioning them and wondering if I  had missed something, because this was probably stranger than time-travel.

“Right. I'm Snow White, this is Prince Charming...” the black-haired lady (Mary-Margaret) said, pointing to David. “And this is Captain Hook.” she pointed to the pirate-y hot stuff.

Ah, now the outfit and the fake hand makes more sense.

“Captain Hook?” I asked, after looking at him. I mean... Not Disney. Definitely not Disney.

“Did you expect perms and mustaches?” Emma surprised me from behind. “Because this was my reaction the first time.”

I laughed. She clearly had a valid point.

“Well, what can you say... He's hot.” I said, but I regretted it, when another thought came to my mind. “Wait, are you guys...”

“What? Me and Hook? Are you insane?” she laughed, denying it too strongly. “Well, I did kiss him once...” she said after some seconds of thinking it through.

I knew it.

Wyatt suddenly passed behind me and caressed my arm, surprising me. His touch caused me to shiver, and I turned back and smiled at him as he was walking away. Damn, he smelled so good.

This is so not supposed to happen.

“So, you and this Wyatt guy...” Emma started, interrupting my daydreaming about Wyatt.

“Oh, he has a wife.” I said really fast. “Who's pregnant. But she was dead like a few days ago. She just suddenly appeared. And everything was... well, gone.”


“Sounds like Kathryn to me.” David interfered in our conversation.

Who the hell was that now? Can they stop saying names?

“And Kathryn is...” I started.

“My wife. Well, my cursed wife, because this is my actual wife.” David said, pointing at Mary-Margaret. “She just appeared out of nowhere. I didn't remember anything for her, and there were feelings between me and Mary-Margaret. It turned out we were cursed and she wasn't really my wife.”

Again, about this ‘curse’. How did I believe all of this, no one knows. I wanted to figure it out, I wanted to know everything about it, just because I didn't want to have any doubts. So I asked the question - what was this curse?

David, Mary-Margaret and Emma cared to explain everything, from the day the Evil Queen (not a fan) cast this curse when Emma was an infant, how they sent her to the real world, to the day Emma was visited by her 10-year-old son who believed in fairytales and tried to convince her that all of this is true. So she broke the curse with true love's kiss because she was the Savior.

It was too much for me, but it was a great story. I had to say, all of them seemed great, and I'm glad that they are nice people, seems like we were lucky they weren't some criminals. Killian was catching up with Rufus, Wyatt and Jiya, while Flynn had taken Henry to play video games with him.

I, for some reason, was sure that Flynn and Henry would get along. Flynn had a daughter, and he lost her before he could manage to spend the time he wanted with her. It was rough for him, it wasn't something that someone could easily get over, but I knew he would spend time with a child when he got the chance.

It was almost dinner time, and Denise was about to show up in the bunker with dinner - the one member they hadn't met. It would be a - at first confusing, but then happy - surprise to her, and we all knew it.

Their appearance here was somewhat of a scenery change - if that doesn't sound ironic since we travel to different years almost every day. Even if we weren't sure if we could trust total strangers yet, for now we had to accept them and get along with them.

“So, I brought dinner - Connor, who the hell are these?” we heard Denise's voice, and I burst into laughing as I was just thinking about it.

“Just some people who appeared here through a magic portal.” Connor answered, laughing. “They're great. They're a family trying to save this child from a... curse.” he pointed at Henry, who was still playing video games with Flynn.

Denise rolled her eyes. “Are you drunk again?”

“I assure you, he is not.” Killian overheard them and interrupted them. “I trust that we can eat a bit from your food. It seems delicious.” he changed the subject, and made all of us laugh.

Before Denise could speak, Wyatt, who had disappeared to his bedroom (probably to check on Jessica) came running to us. “Guys!” he shouted. “Jessica. She's gone!” he was clearly worried.

Thank god.

I mean... What a shame!

Control yourself, Lucy. He's married, there's nothing you can do.

*: it's just a Doctor Strange reference. You can ignore it if you're not a fan.😂

A/N: I want to specially "dedicate" this fanfiction to my tombstone mate. (You know who you are, I hope you read this). I was supposed to make an one-shot crossover at first, but I changed my mind, so I made a story.

This was the first chapter! The next chapter will be mainly Emma's point of view before they left, but also the next of the story - since it's kind of a cliffhanger! Thanks for reading❤

And don't forget, #SaveTimeless!

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