An Aching Heart

By ZaniaYolo

14.2K 434 122

It All started with a Bet.....๐ŸŒบ Breanna Yde, the queen bee of the school. She is your typical rich, popular... More

๐ŸšซWarning โ—๏ธ
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~Chapter 7~
Cover for Pretty_Gabriella
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
Ive been tagged!
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
Chapter 13
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~

~Chapter 14~

526 23 1
By ZaniaYolo


It really bummed me out that Brea didn't get to answer my question yesterday. I went to bed sad and stayed in my room the entire weekend since I wasn't allowed to come out.

Now it's Monday morning and I can finally leave my house, I got ready and went downstairs to see Brea eating breakfast.

"Hey." I sat down next to her and grabbed my food. "Hey, your mom's in the backyard with my mom if you were wondering." She said.

"Oh. I just came to see you." I said taking a bite.

"Why?" She asked.

"I want an answer, Brea. To my question the other night." I said. She sighed and looked away. "Can we talk about this later, Lance?" She asked.

"Fine. But just save me the trouble and tell me you don't like me now. It would make it a lot easier." I sighed and got up. I grabbed my bag and walked out to my car and just sat in the driver's seat waiting for her.


"Fine. But just save me the trouble and tell me you don't like me now. It would make it a lot easier." Lance sighed and got up without finishing his food. He grabbed his bag and walked out the door.

I can't believe he just left me here. I quickly finished up and walked out to see him in his car waiting patiently for me.

"You're finally done." He said sarcastically as I got in the car.

"Hey, cheer up. I'll tell you my answer at school." I said which made him smile a bit.

He pulled up to our school and I got out.

"We're at school. Can you tell me now?" He asked.

"Not yet," I smirked and he sighed. I heard him stomping behind me as we walked into the school. Just like any other day, I was getting a bunch of glares from other girls seeing me arrive with Lance. I've gotten pretty used to it by now.

Lance usually walks away from me as soon as we get to school but today he followed me everywhere I went. I walked over to my friends and sat down.

"Hey girls!" I greeted and they all smiled.

"Hi Brea," Jade said. "Why is he here?" Cree asked pointing to Lance.

"He's following me everywhere I go because he's so desperate for an answer."  I chuckled. "Well, you can't answer quick enough." Lance rolled his eyes.

"So, anything happen at the party?" Cree wiggled her eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, something did happen. All my friends ditched me and I was kidnapped when the lights went out." I said glaring at my friends and Lance.

"And then, the party got busted and I had to run away with THIS GUY." I gestured to Lance. "and the only fun part of that night was when he bought me McDonald's." I smiled.

"So did you go back home after that?" Lizzy asked.

"No, we were too afraid to face our mothers so we spent the night at his cousin's apartment," I said.

Then all of a sudden, the bell rang.

"Oh, there's the bell! See you guys later!" Lizzy walked off with Jade.

"Yeah, I'll see you later Brea." Cree walked away.

Lance and I don't have first period together but he followed me anyway.

"Lance, go to class." I tried pushing him away as I stood in front of my homeroom class.

"I need an answer!" He said. "Okay! Fine." I said and he looked me In the eye.

"I like you too." I kissed his cheek and walked into my class. I watched as he stood there in shock with a smile plastered on his face. His smile turned to a smirk and he walked away.

The rest of the day, we didn't see each other because he ditched Mr. Cavalero's class and I ditched lunch.

After school, I waited next to his car for him for the longest time and he never came. Until I saw Cree running over to me with Jade and Lizzy behind her.

"Brea, you have to come quick!" Cree started pulling me.

"Why? What happened?" I asked. "There's a fight!" Jade said. "What? Is everything alright?" I stopped walking.

"No. Everything is NOT alright." Lizzy said. "Lance got in a fight." Cree said. My heart sank at the thought of it.

"Is he winning? I mean, Is he alright?" I asked and was ready to run,

"No! He's not. He's getting beat up badly by Thomas." Cree said almost crying. "Why is Thomas beating Lance up!?" I asked. "We don't know! We couldn't stop him." Jade said.

I ran over to the fight and saw Lance on to the floor and Thomas was landing punches on him. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"What the fuck are you doing!? Stop it!" I yelled at Thomas.

"You're hurting him!" I tried pulling Thomas off. "No! He deserves it!" He said.

"What did he ever do to make you do this, Thomas?!" I yelled. "He fucking kissed my girlfriend at his stupid party!" He yelled. I felt my heart sink even more of the thought of Lance kissing Cree after they've broken up.

"Cree is this true?" I turned around to her. "No, I would never kiss Lance. It was all a stupid rumor because someone wanted to see who would win in a fight." She said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes! Lance was with you the entire party locked up in that room! I didn't even go near him!" She said.

"Okay. THOMAS STOP!" I yelled and kicked Thomas in the back. "He groaned as he fell off of Lance and held his back.

I ran over to Lance side and he was unconscious. His face was bloody and so were his clothes.

"Look what you've done!" He screamed angrily at Thomas. "You hurt him so bad just because of a stupid fucking RUMOR!?"

"He kissed her. He deserves it." Thomas said getting up.

"No, he doesn't. Lance was with me the entire party. HE NEVER EVEN TALKED TO CREE!" I yelled.

"Can somebody please help me?" I asked and Ricardo and Mace rush over to help me pick up Lance. They carried him to his car and put him in the backseat.

Jade, Ricardo, Mace, Lizzy, And Cree came along with us over to his house. When we got inside, his mother screamed.

"What happened to my son!?" She yelled.

A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter and I'll be back with another one shortly!

Til next time!


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