Daniel's little sister/ Zach...

By bitchesdotcom

134K 2.7K 227

(COMPLETED) You are Daniel seavey's little sister and when he gets in a band called why don't we you get to m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chatper 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 53

1.3K 32 4
By bitchesdotcom

A week later
Zach: I don't want to leave. Zach said packing some more clothes in to his suitcase. Y/n: I know I don't want you to leave but you have the Dallas show in like almost 2 months so I asked your mom and she said that I can stay there so I will see you then. Zach: but that's two months away I can't wait that long. Y/n: I know i wish I could come but I have my YouTube and my modeling to do and all that but we can face time everyday. Zach: ok well I'm going to miss you so much. Y/n: I know I don't like being here without you cause then I have to sleep in this big bed by my self. Zach: well my plane leaves in an hour so we better get going. You and Zach walked down stairs to see everyone already down there with all there stuff. Zach: is everyone ready to go. Everyone: yep. We all loaded up in to the cars and drove to the airport. We all said our good byes and let the boys go. You all went back to the house and went to sleep since it was like 2 in the morning.
A month and a half later
You had started noticing that you felt a little sick all the time and your stomach had gotten a little bigger. You thought well I mean me and Zach did forget to use protection on our anniversary but I can't be pregnant. You want to the store and brought ten different pregnancy test all from different brands and went home and did them all. You waited about 10 minuets for all of them to finish and they all said positive. You just went and sat on the bed and started crying. Brynn was walking to her room and passed yours and heard you so she came in. Brynn: y/n you ok. You went to the bathroom and got on of the pregnancy test and gave it to Brynn. She looked at it then looked happy. Brynn: aww y/n that's great I'm happy for you. Y/n: no Brynn I'm 17 I can't be having a kid I don't know how to take care of a kid. Brynn: hey I have seen you with Alex your amazing with him you have always been good with kids. Y/n: I don't even know if all these are true so I called the doctor and go a appointment for tomorrow and I'm scared I'm 17 I'm not a mother. Brynn: y/n you will probably be the best mother out of all of us do you remember when we were in middle school and high school you would always baby sit kids of all ages and I could not even baby sit a 7 year old by my self I had to have you with me your amazing wig kids and you will be a amazing mother too. Y/n: Zach parents are probably going to hate me cause because of me there son has a kid and my parents and going to be mad at me for being stupid you know when it was me and Zach's anniversary and Daniel walked in on us. That was the first time we ever did it with no protection cause we were just to in the moment and Zach did not feel like getting up and getting on out of his closet so we just did it and didn't care. Brynn: well do you see you staying with Zach for the rest of your life like do you really love him. Y/n: yes like I don't even understand it I have never loved someone that I have dated as much as I love him and I'm 10000000000% sure that I will spend the rest of my life with him I love him more then life it's self. Brynn: ok well then I think both of y'all would be amazing parents. Y/n: ok thanks Brynn do you think I should go ahead and tell Zach now or wait till we know for sure tomorrow. Brynn: it's your choice but if it was my and Jonah I would tell him today. Y/n: ok well I'm going to go call Zach. Brynn: ok well I will go I hope it goes well. After Brynn left the room you got your phone and face timed Zach. Y/n: hey babe. Zach: hey have you been crying cause it looks like it. Y/n: actually yeah that what I was calling you about are you around anyone cause out of the guys your the only one I'm telling this too so are any of the guys near you. Zach: umm yeah but we're stoped cause we're already at the venue so I will just go out side hold on one minute and your not braking up with me are you. Y/n: no I could not even imagine what my life would be with out you in it. Zach: ok good cause I don't want to even imagine a world where your not mine and I'm out side now so what is it. Y/n: ok so I'm just going to say it's but then I will explain. Zach: ok. Y/n: I'm pregnant. Zach: wait what. Y/n: I'm pregnant. Zach: with me. Y/n: well your the only guy I have done it with so yeah. Zach just smiled that smile that made you melt. Zach: I'm going to be a dad. Y/n: ok well I got ten different pregnancy test form the store and they all said positive so I'm not 100% sure I'm pregnant but I'm like 98% sure I am but I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and make sure that I'm pregnant. Zach: ok well who else knows. Y/n: just you and Brynn and I want to wait till tomorrow to tell everyone so I can know for sure that I'm pregnant. Zach: ok. Y/n: also I was thinking that I can go to my parents this weekend and I can face time them so you can see there reaction and when you guys have the Dallas show which is in two weeks then me and you can tell your parents in person. Zach: that sounds great ok I have sound check so I will text you later don't forget to call me tomorrow when you leave the doctor. Y/n: I won't and don't forget don't say anything to anyone about this. Zach: I know ok I love you. Y/n: I love you too. Zach: bye angle. Y/n: bye baby. End of call. You were tried cause you have not been sleeping well lately so you just went ahead and went to sleep.
Thank you guys so much for 10k ❤️❤️

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