Falling {Spider-Man: Homecomi...

By lionsbby

28.4K 778 138

"Every single day now, got me looking at you in a different way now." - Jack & Jack 15-year-old, Isabella Sp... More

Meet The Cast
{1} Our New Home
{2} Good Answer
{3} Surprise Visit
{4} Student Body President
{5} Cute Little Turtle
{6} You Said It
{7} Dinner Date Night
{8} A Crush
{10} Kiss Me
{11} More Than Anything
{12} For The Girl I Love
{13} Only Time Will Tell
{14} It's Our Legacy
{15} Top-Secret
{16} You Saved My Life
{17} That Makes Two Of Us
{18} Declaration Of Love
{19} Return
{20} My World
{21} Ferry Incident
{22} Silver Spider
{23} Tell Her
{24} My Hero
{25} Family
{26} Pre-Homecoming
{27} Good Ole Spider-Man
{28} I Knew It
{29} Mind Control
{30} Our Fight
{31} My Peter Parker
{32} New Captain
{33} Permission
{34} Balance Both Worlds
{35} Big News
Sneak Peak to Sequel: Promise Me

{9} I'll Protect You

888 21 7
By lionsbby

3rd Person POV

Isabella's Outfit:

Isabella stopped by her locker after gym, before heading to her next class. After she puts in her combination, she opened up her locker and took a deep breath.

"Bella?" Peter asked and Isabella turned around, "Oh, hey, Peter."

Peter informed, "So, since you weren't for some of our classes together. I wrote down some notes for you."

"Oh really? Thanks, Parker. You didn't have to." Isabella said to him

Peter rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I wanted to besides I know that you didn't want to miss anything."

"Yeah, you're right about that." Isabella said and got her textbook out. She closed her locker and held onto her books.

"So, you wanna sit with me for lunch?" Isabella asked him. "I could really use someone right now."

Peter nods his head with a smile, "Yeah, of course."

He asked as they were walking side-by-side, "So, I saw you at Delmar's this morning. What happened?"

"Uh, don't freak out, okay? I'm freaked out already about this." Isabella started off

Peter's eyebrows furrowed, "What are you talking about?"

"Yesterday, I kept on having these images in my mind about Delmar's and how it looked burnt, you know? Then moments later, it happened." Isabella told him

"So, it was like you predicted that was going to happen." Peter pointed out

Isabella shrugged and looked at him, "I don't know, Peter, but it was definitely not comforting. This morning I walked 6 blocks and I don't remember walking 6 blocks."

"You walked all the way from our apartment building to Delmar's? And you don't remember?" Peter asked and Isabella nodded her head

"I don't even remember changing out of my pajamas. My aunt even tracked me down to find me." Isabella said to him

Peter pointed out, "So that's why you were late to school today, huh?"

"Yeah." Isabella responded, "Sorry, I didn't text you or anything. I texted Michelle cause I figured she would tell you."

"Yeah, she did." Peter nodded his head. "So, wouldn't that mean you're psychic? You know, predicting things that are about to happen?"

Isabella told him, "You have got to be kidding me. Seriously, Parker?"

"Yeah, of course." Peter replied. "Maybe you got powers or something."

"Are you out of your mind? I don't have powers." Isabella argued. "Even if I did, why does it make me psychic?"

"So you are psychic?" Peter asked and Isabella said back, "I'm something! I don't know, Peter. This is really freaking me out."

Peter sighed as they sat down across from each other in the cafeteria, "Well, think about it this way, if it happens again, maybe you could do something about it."

"Well, I don't know what it is, to begin with." Isabella said placing her textbook in front of her

She laid her arms crossed on her textbook then her forehead as she lets out a heavy sigh

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Isabella asked and Peter replied, "Nothing's wrong with you, Bella. You just have a problem, that's all. We could fix this."

"How do you know?" Isabella said now leaning her chin on her knuckles

Peter replied with a small smile, "Because you got me. No matter what happens, you could count on me."

"What if something's wrong with me, Peter? Like something that puts me in danger? Or it puts others in danger because of me.." Isabella asked him. "If something happens..."

Peter held her hand, "I'll be the first to protect you. Bella, no matter what, I'll protect you."


"Bella, just listen to me, alright? You're not alone anymore and if there's something wrong, I'll be right by your side. I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

Isabella held onto his hand then glanced at his eyes then at his lips. Peter and Isabella started to lean in until Flash came up to their table

"Oh, hey, Isabella!" Flash called out and Isabella leaned back and said, "Hi, Flash."

Peter lets go of Isabella's hand then laid his notebook on the table

"So, Isabella, I was wondering since you're helping out with the Homecoming Dance. And that you're running for Student Body President. Wanna be going to Homecoming with the most popular guy in school?" Flash questioned

Isabella answered, "Wait, who's the most popular guy in school?"

"Me obviously." Flash gestured to himself

Isabella said back, "Are you sure about that?" Peter chuckled as he was listening to their conversation.

"Isabella Spencer, come on, don't play hard to get." Flash said and cocked his head to the side

"Excuse me." Isabella said with her eyebrows raised

Peter glanced up and asked, "Flash, what are you really doing here?"

"Just talking to Isabella, Parker. You got a problem with that?" Flash asked

Isabella responded, "Yeah, I do. Just go straight to the point, Flash. Peter and I were talking about something important."

"Isabella Spencer, wanna be my date for Homecoming?" Flash asked then Peter immediately looked at Isabella, seeking for her reaction

Isabella started bursting out laughing then asked, "Wait, you're joking right?"

Flash shook his head and Isabella told him, "Sorry, Flash, for offense but I would rather go alone than with you."

"What? It's not like you're going with anyone else, Isabella." Flash said to her

Isabella asked, "Well, Peter's right here. Why can't you just ask him?"

Peter's mouth curved into a smile and Flash turned his direction at Peter. He said to Isabella, "Ms. Spencer, may I escort you to Homecoming?"

"Yes, you may, Mr. Parker." Isabella replied with a smile

Flash groaned and rolled his eyes, finally walking away

"You're so corny, Peter." Isabella laughed and Peter responded, "Well, it makes you happy, and that's what makes me happy."


Isabella's Outfit:

Later that day, Isabella was sitting in the car with Agent Hill in front of Liz's house. Agent Hill glanced at the house, "Wow, suburban houses. Haven't been in this kind of a neighborhood in a while."

"Well, get used to it since we have to blend in, right?" Isabella asked and Agent Hill nods her head with agreement

Agent Hill told her, "It's gonna get better eventually, Bella. There are just some things that still need to be figured out."

"What do you mean?" Isabella questioned

Agent Hill told her, "Your father didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Isabella asked with her eyebrows furrowed, "What's going on?"

Agent Hill sighed, "I thought your dad was gonna tell you everything from now on. God, Tony. These god damn secrets-"

"What the hell is it?" Isabella demanded. "What's wrong?"

Agent Hill stated, "Your father is fighting for sole custody against your mother. He's trying to figure out how to keep you as far away from her as possible."

"Doesn't matter, I don't want to even be near her." Isabella said to her

Isabella continued, "Wait, I thought Anthony already had sole custody."

"It's complicated, Isabella. There's a lot at stake on both sides, you know? We want the press far away from this." Agent Hill said to her

Isabella asked looking at her lap, "Why? Because I'm just an accident from a one night stand? And it's bad for Stark Industries, huh?"

"Isabella, your father is protecting you. From everyone, especially the press and people who already want to destroy your father's reputation. If people find out who you really are, it'll make you a target." Agent Hill explained

She continued, "Tony is not ashamed of you. If anything, he's always proud of you. He's grateful that his first child is you, Isabella. You're definitely not an accident. You're a miracle."

Isabella glanced at Agent Hill and sent her a small smile, "Sometimes it doesn't feel that way."

"Well, it should." Agent Hill said then asked, "Besides, if it was your choice, would you stay with your mom, or your dad?"

"100% my father, no hesitation. In a heartbeat, I would choose him." Isabella said to her and Agent Hill nodded her head with a smile

She continued, "Here's the thing if your father does win sole custody of you, that means we might need to move again."

"Again? Wait, where are we moving?" Isabella asked and Agent Hill replied, "Upstate. It's the plan, well that I know of, coming from your father."

"When am I moving?" Isabella asked and Agent Hill shrugged, "I'm not sure. But your father wants to be physically close to you, you know? And if he does win, your mother will do whatever it takes to expose to the press the truth about who you really are, Isabella."

Isabella looked at Liz's house, "I don't have a choice, huh?"

"Looks like it." Agent Hill told and Isabella commented, "What else is new?"

"Isabella, you just have to understand-"

"Understand what exactly?! My father wants sole custody and to have a close relationship with me. But at what cost? He's gonna have to move me from the only place I've ever felt like I belonged."


"No, Hill! I'm not like my father, alright? I don't leave the people I love behind." Isabella said to her and opened up the door, wrapping the strap of her bag on her shoulder

Isabella kept on walking heading to Liz's house and Agent Hill got out of her car and pleaded, "Isabella! Isabella!"

Isabella turned around and stopped walking, "Look, I'm not mad at you, Hill, alright? I'm sorry I yelled at you, it's just for once I want my father to give me a choice. Or at least a chance for me to change his mind about moving."

"I need to think about everything. I just need some space." Isabella continued

Agent Hill explained, "I'm sorry, Isabella. I didn't want you to find out like this."

"I know. But, this is just crazy and a lot to take in. I'll be okay, Hill. I'll call you later. I promise." Isabella said to her and then continued walking and rung on Liz's doorbell

Isabella closed her eyes and took a deep breath, shaking her head. Once she opened her eyes, she smiled at Liz as she saw Liz open the door.

"Hey, Izzy!" Liz smiled and hugged her. Isabella hugged back and laughed, "Hi, Liz! Lovely to see you as always."

"Of course, please come in." Liz said to her and Isabella glanced at Agent Hill who was in her car, strapped in with her head leaned back on the headrest and hands all over her face.

"You coming?" Liz asked and Isabella looked back at Liz and nodded with a smile. "Yeah!"

Isabella walked into Liz's house and glanced around, "This is so cool, Liz! Is there anything you still need help with?"

"No, I pretty much got everything ready. Izzy, don't worry this will be a fantastic night, alright?" Liz said to her

"Yup." Isabella said with excitement. "Let's get this party started."

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