Slain Among Ice And Fire {Fai...

By EnergyMageFrea

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The truth behind what drives the SaberTooth Guild to be as ruthless and driven as they are has never been cle... More

Chapter 1- Helping Secrets
Chapter 2- I Wish....
Chapter 3- Help... Least Expected
Chapter 4- In You.... In Me
Chapter 5- I'm Not
Chapter 6- What Am I Gonna Do?
Chapter 7- Separated?!
Chapter 8- Beginning To Burn
Chapter 9- Can Fire Put Out Fire?
Chapter 10- Jeihel
Chapter 11- Caged
Chapter 12- Golden Azure
Chapter 13- Alone Again?
Chapter 14- An Icy Wind
Chapter 15- Devil Slayer
Chapter 16- North Wind
Chapter 17- Silence
Chapter 18- Fugitive?
Chapter 19- Similar Hearts
Chapter 21- Possession..?!
Chapter 22- Pandemonium Begins!
Chapter 23- Lurking Shadow
Chapter 24- Spiraling
Chapter 25- Breaking Point?
Chapter 26- Brutal Honesty
Chapter 27- Highest of Stakes
Chapter 28- Breathe
Chapter 29- Not Quite....
Chapter 30- Ripple
Chapter 31- Not Tonight
Chapter 32- Hardly-Baked
Chapter 33- Not Again
Chapter 34- Over-Drive
Chapter 35- Forgive
Chapter 36- Still Here
Chapter 37- Why
Chapter 38- Her
Chapter 39- Stay
Chapter 40- Say It
Chapter 41- Birds
Chapter 42- All That Comes

Chapter 20- Save Face

455 23 76
By EnergyMageFrea

Chapter 20

Save Face

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


Day One of the Grand Magic Games-

"Are they ok?!" Natsu snapped, the door slamming open as he pushed it in, moving without a care or moments pause inside the Infirmary room- Gray, Erza, Lucy, Lisanna and Elfman at his heels. He'd come running the minute he heard that Wendy and Carla had been found- and that they'd been knocked unconscious, and were now resting in the Colosseum Infirmary reserved to Fairy Tail.

Happy, and Porlyusica looked up and around when he came in, jumping slightly. "Natsu.." Happy mumbled,

"Where were they?" Gray grumbled, Happy raised a paw, his usual mirth and peppiness gone.

"Hora said she found them passed out in the Palace Gardens." Happy murmured softly, he blinked at the unfamiliar name along with Erza and Elfman.

"H-hora...?!" Lucy asked immediately,

"She told me she was gonna go look for them," Natsu murmured, "So she's the one who found them, huh?"

"Aye..." Happy mumbled,

"Wait- when did you talk with her?" Lucy asked Natsu instantly,

"Right before the Preliminary Round." He mumbled,

"Who is this 'Hora'?" Erza asked,

"Natsu, Lucy and I met her on that job we went to work before training for the Games." Happy told her, "... she's our friend, from another Guild....." Happy tapped his fingers together nervously, ".... and she told me we're not allowed to tell any of you guys which Guild she's from exactly." Natsu and Lucy grimaced slightly at that,

"She wouldn't tell Master Makarov either, when she came to the Tavern last night." Lisanna murmured, Gray, Elfman and Erza's eyes all narrowed slightly.

"Why would she not want us to know?" Gray grumbled lowly,

"... it's.... complicated, from what she said." Lucy mumbled softly, ".... I think she tried to explain it to me once.... it seems like her Master has some really strict rules about interacting with the Other Guilds... and she might get in trouble if he found out she'd been helping any of us." Erza and Gray blinked,

"That seems excessive." Elfman mumbled, Natsu stiffened slightly, his eyes landing on Wendy for a second, before he let them close.

"And I think I kinda get it, a little." He mumbled, "The way it looked like to me... they act differently in front of everyone, than they act when they're alone, right? That way everybody else seems them like their confident and above everyone else?"

".... yeah. That's about exactly it." Hora murmured, "... reputation means a lot to my Guild Master. The whole Guild has to follow his orders on how we portray ourselves to him, and the outside world." She stiffened, looking a little frantic she said that out loud. "B-but don't go spreading that around! Nobody's supposed to know that, everyone's supposed to think we're this big, proud, powerful Guild! A-and we are, but we're also seen as harsh, and ruthless... and oh I need to shut up.... please don't mention any of that to anyone else, please. Master'll be pissed if he hears anything about any of that..." He blinked, his eyes widening when he saw fear pass across her expression.


His fists clenched at his sides, sweatdropping.

"Regardless; if you consider her a friend, we should be thankful she found them, more so than worried about her secrecy," Erza murmured lowly, her attention moving to Porlyusica. "Are they alright?" she asked,

"They are both very weak. They seem to have been drained of all their Magic Power at once, and have developed Magic Deficiency Syndrome as a result." Porlyusica grumbled, Erza grimaced slightly at the news. "They should be alright after resting, I'll keep a close eye on them both."

"But how did all their Magic get drained?" Lucy asked,

Wendy's eyes fluttered open slightly, the world coming into focus slowly.. her nose twitched, fire and ash meeting her and something cooler too.... it smelled like that girl, Hora...?

".... H... Hora..?" Wendy breathed, Natsu blinked, his eyes widening when he heard her say the name. He leaned over slightly, sweatdropping a little with a shake of his head.

"Nah, Wendy. She smells like me, but it's Natsu." He replied softly, she nodded a little. "What happened to ya?"

"... i... I don't... remember..." Wendy mumbled, "... there's.... some black.... creature.... tch..!" Everyone in the room stiffened as the little Dragon Slayer's voice broke off, her face scrunching up in pain.

"Don't push her." Porlyusica snapped lowly,

".... i... I'm sorry.... everyone...... after all the training we did...." Wendy hissed, her eyes glistening as moisture pecked at the edges. "... I can't even help you... in the Games..." They stiffened, their hearts clenching.

"... Wendy.." Lucy breathed, her eyes flashing.

"... Elfman...." Wendy mumbled, he blinked when she said his name. "... will you please.... go in my place...?"

He nodded firmly, "I got this, don't you worry Wendy." She smiled slightly, her eyes glittering.

"Thank you."

"Alright, now all of you out!" Porlyusica snapped, moving as she suddenly shoved them all out in the blink of an eye. "She needs rest, and she can't get it with you here!"

The door slammed shut as they hit the floor out in the corridor. The rumble of the crowd in the stands over their heads grew louder, the time for the Grand Magic Games to officially start drawing near as they began to pick themselves back up from the floor slowly.

Natsu sat up, his fists clenching in his lap as he glared at the door, jaw clenching. "... tch... you think the guy who hurt Wendy is in the Games too?" He hissed, 

"... there's no evidence of that, but it's possible." Lucy mumbled,

"So what? Are they trying to make us weaker before the Games even start?" Gray huffed,

"Who cares?!" Elfman snapped, "We're gonna show them they messed with the wrong Guild, right?" Gray, Erza and Lucy nodded.


"Well, good luck you guys." Lisanna smiled, "... oh, before you head off- you should probably know that Master Mavis is here to watch the Games."


"The First?!"

"Ain't she dead...!?"

"Well, she's kind of a ghost." Lisanna murmured, "She said that only people with the Fairy Tail Guild Mark will be able to see her, too."

Happy hummed, sweatdropping as he cast a glance up at the Infirmary door from where he was standing beside Natsu- who still had yet to get to his feet.

".... yeah, she said that- but Hora could see her last night." Happy mewed, Natsu stiffened beside him.

"Huh? Really..?" He asked, Happy nodded.

"Master Mavis thanked her for bringing Wendy and Carla home, and she definitely heard her. She even turned around and looked right at her." Happy replied,

".... if she is not a Member of our Guild, how could she have seen the First?" Erza murmured, standing at Natsu's other side. Happy shook his head, shrugging a little.

"I dunno," Happy told her, Natsu's eyes narrowed at the floor.

"..... maybe it's because of her Magic..." He mumbled, earning a blink from Erza and Happy alike.

"Her Magic?" Erza echoed, Natsu didn't elaborate, his arms crossed over his chest, his chin burying itself in his scarf as his eyes closed.

"Well.... Master Mavis said something about her having.... 'the same heart' as the rest of us in the Guild." Happy intoned, Erza looked no more sure of that answer either.

".... Hey, Erza." Natsu mumbled, she quirked a brow at him.


"I got a question," He grumbled, she sighed, her arms crossing about her chest.


".... do you have any clue what a 'Possession Link' is?" Natsu grumbled slowly, Erza blinked in surprise.

".... that's an odd question, why are you asking?" She replied, his eyes narrowed at the floor.

"...mmm.... it's something Hora mentioned to me." Natsu mumbled lowly, ".... I don't have any clue what it is though, and it's bugging me." Erza paused, before humming slightly.

"... Possession Links are an extremely difficult type of Body-Link Magic." Erza sighed, he looked up at her. "Few Mages are able to use them, since they require a lot of Magic and Skill to cast. They are used to link oneself to a sort of object, or Magical Item- doing so allows them to summon that item to them no matter where the User may be. They also allow Magical Items to be rendered unusable by anyone the 'Possessor' doesn't want using them, and can even be used to destroy an item, if the Possessor sees fit." Natsu blinked, his head tilting slightly.

"....... can you break them?" He asked, she paused, looking a little intrigued- but deciding to answer anyway.

"The Links are unbreakable once cast on an object, as far as I am aware. The only way to get rid of a Link is if the person who created it in the first place wants to remove it." Erza replied evenly, he frowned a little. "..... Is there a particular reason Hora mentioned Possession Links?"

"..... tch... I have no clue...." Natsu grumbled, looking less than pleased.

".... will I get to meet this mysterious woman?" Erza asked next, both Happy and Natsu jumped. "It seems she's intent on keeping what Guild she belongs to a secret, but I would very much like to meet this person you consider a friend- and one kind enough to have spent her time looking for Wendy and Carla; despite the fact it could have gotten her in trouble." Natsu sweatdropped,

".... I don't really like the idea of keeping her so secret... but I'm not gonna point her out, she doesn't want that." Natsu murmured, Erza just blinked at him once. "..... she asked to keep this secret, so I'll do it...."

"... I don't intend to spread rumor." Erza pointed out, he shook his head.

"I didn't think ya would.... but I can't. For now I'm doing what Hora wants." Natsu grumbled, shaking his head slightly. ".... besides, she's not gonna be around today anyway. And probably not tomorrow either, from what she said." Erza sighed,

"Very well.." She mumbled, her head tilting toward the others who looked ready to head out. "Shall we?"

"Heh, hell yeah."


The Council has so many books on so many different Magics... it's ridiculous..!

Hora let out a hot breath, her hand reaching upward as she pushed herself up on her toes- teetering sideways on the very, very tall ladder she stood on top of.

.... I've gone through hundreds of books already, and I can't have made a dent...

She gave up straining for the thing she clearly wouldn't be reaching, letting out a long sigh as her forehead fell to rest against the shelf.

..... I've been in here all day... and I've still found absolutely nothing that'll help....

Her eyes shift sideways toward the long window at the end of the aisle, the sun setting outside- bearing down on the first day of the Grand Magic Games, and she had missed all of it like she thought she would. And the way it looked- she'd filled out hundreds of papers but now she had to wait for them to be reviewed and approved... and there was no telling how long that was gonna take tomorrow.

I wonder.... how everyone did, though....?

"Hmmmmm........." She hummed, her eyes falling from the window toward the tiny figure of Ira moving between stacks of books, another stack in his arms. "Ira!" She called, he jumped, struggling to keep the stack in hand balanced as he looked up at her high over his head.

"Hmm? Yeah?" He called back, before pausing, looking nervous. "P-please don't ask me to cover for you, so you can run off again, Hora..."

"It's not that, relax." Hora sighed, stepping off the later and into mid-air, Ira stiffened at the sight.

"W-wait...?!" He snapped, but Hora was already falling through the air toward him- and landing on her feet with ease. He hissed, staring at her as she straightened and put her hip on her hand with a quirked brow at him. "...... did you have to jump down? You couldn't just climb down the ladder again?" He sighed, she shrugged.

"Jumping's faster." She replied with ease, "Can I use some paper? I figure it's probably time to replace that Calling Card that got trashed." His eyes widened a little, before he nodded once.

"Uh, yeah." He mumbled, turning to set the books in hand down on the floor with a sigh. He snapped his fingers and a few pieces of paper and a pen dropped into his hands, before he handed them over to her. Hora smiled slightly with a nod of her head, taking them from him and turning to settle in on the top of a stack of books. Ira stood by, his eyes watching her in intrigue as she set to work tracing out the card face and drawing in the designs along the sides.

"...... you're really good at drawing." He murmured, she smiled slightly.

"I do alright." She hummed, her eyes never leaving her work.

"I meant to ask, that Messenger Bird you created back in the Hospital, is that something you can do because of your Devil Slayer Magic?" Ira asked curiously, Hora blinked.

"... not exactly." She hummed, ".... I mean the fire does have something to do with it, but it's more my own special version of Picto Magic." Ira nodded slightly,

"... cool..." He murmured, she smirked slightly, reminded for a moment of Sherria back in Lamia Scale.

She set the pen down, her finger tracing along the outline of the card as her skin stained dark a moment, golden flame dancing onto the page and separating the card from the unneeded strips of paper at the end, and curling inward across the paper but not consuming it, adding a splash of color to the originally black and white patterns as sections of it stained blues and reds and greens and gold all at once, the surface shining as if the paper had been polished and glossed.Ira was watching with shinning eyes, looking awed as Hora straightened up and held the card out to him with a small smile,

"Do me a favor, will you?" She murmured, he tilted his head. "Do you mind putting that Preservation Spell on this, the same one you used with this Ribbon?" She asked, her wrist lifting with said ribbon. He nodded,

"Yeah, no problem." He smiled, his hand lifting to take the card as he pressed it between both of his palms. A Magic Circle appeared on both of his palms, sandwiching the card between them as Ira's eyes fell closed in concentration. They glowed a faint white color, the light brightening into the shape of a sphere around his hands and the card both.

There was the sound of something like a stamp hitting paper, before the light faded and he let out a sigh- smiling still as he handed the card back.

"There you go." He smiled softly,

"Thank you~" Hora hummed, "What kinds of Magic do you use, anyway? I've heard of Preservation Spells, but I've never come across any that could hold up against my Magic. And apart from that, this whole Tracking Magic is completely new for me too." He stiffened a little, looking suddenly nervous as he looked away quickly.

"O-oh, well... I kinda use a bunch of different Magics.... they aren't all that special..." He stammered, "..... I mean I guess the Tracking Magic is a little rare, and I did kinda.... make a specialized version of it to work with objects connected to people...... but even then I can't track people themselves. Just things." He sweatdropped, ".... as for the Preservation Spell.... I don't know? I've been using it since I was really little so I guess I just got good at it...?" Hora tilted his head at him, blinking a few times.

"..... are you trying to be modest or..?" She mumbled, he shook his head quickly.

"N-no..?" He replied, she sighed, smiling slightly.

"... ah, well. Regardless, you are a pretty good Mage yourself, kiddo." She murmured, he blushed. "Especially so for having a job in the Council instead of a Guild."

"T-thank you..." He stammered, she smirked.

"Well, I'm gonna take a break from searching and give my Guild a call, kay?"


Hora waved a hand behind her as she started up the aisle again, heading deeper into the library that was incredibly empty for it's massive size. She slowed to a stop and sank down to sit cross-legged on the floor with her back pressed up against one of the shelves, tapping the card-face as it came to life and she connected the call to the other card in Crocus.

The faces of Sting, Rogue, Lector and Frosch appeared on the card-face, she smirked.

"Hey~!" She hummed brightly,


"You fixed your Card?"

"Nah, I just made a new one is all." She smiled, "This one's got a heavy-duty Preservation Spell on it though, so it won't get damaged or broken again." They nodded,

"Sounds good to me!" Lector purred,

"So, how did the First Day of the GMG go?" Hora asked, they smirked.

"We're in first place of course!" Lector smiled,

"And this other Guild called Raven Tail is in second, with Lamia in third." Rogue murmured, Hora's head tilted.

"Raven Tail? I've never heard of it..."

"Hmm, nor have I." Rogue sighed,

"Rumor going around is they were supposed to be some sort of Dark Guild." Sting told her, "That- and their Guild Master is the son of Fairy Tail's Guild Master, and they've got some huge beef going between the two of them."

"... I take it Fairy Tail made it through the Preliminary Round, then?" Hora asked,

"... ah, yeah- about that." Sting huffed, "They've got two Teams playing for them in the Games, an A and a B Team." Hora blinked,

".... huh...?"

"We were surprised too." Rogue murmured,

"Fro thinks so to!"

"Apparently they let all the Guild's enter several Teams, since they were planning on knocking a bunch of 'um out during the Prelims." Lector explained, "The Game Organizers weren't planning on a Guild having more than one Team make it through, but Fairy Tail did... somehow."

"Two Guilds or not, they are sucking so far." Sting mumbled, "Both Fairy Tail Teams are in dead last." Hora smiled nervously,

".. ah..." She sighed, "..... are both Natsu and Gajeel playing, then?"

"Yeah." Sting and Rogue said in unison, Hora smiled a bit more.

"Well that's nice, maybe you two will get a chance to face off against them. I'm sure the crowds would love to watch those fights." Hora hummed brightly, they smiled slightly.

"We're gonna wipe the floor with them, ya know." Sting smirked, Hora chuckled.

"Hehe, I don't know, Natsu was pretty good when I worked with him~"

"Oi! Who's side are you on, Hora?!" Sting snapped, she smiled.

"Yours of course, just don't go underestimating him." She replied, he huffed, looking just slightly annoyed. "So? What was the first event like? And the individual matches?" She sweatdropped, just a little. "... did anybody in SaberTooth face off with someone?"

"The first event was called 'Hidden'!" Lector told her, "They created this huge city in the middle of the Arena and made tons of copies of everyone playing! You had to score points by tagging one of the real people from the other Guilds, and you lost points if you tagged a clone instead."

"Hmm, interesting... who went for us?"

"Rufus." Frosch mewed, "And he beat everyone, easy!" Hora smiled, her elbow resting on her knee as she sighed.

"Figures, that sounds like his sort of game..."

"Orga fought today too." Lector piped up, Hora quirked a brow.


"Yeah, and it was over in about ten seconds." Sting sighed, Hora sweatdropped.

"Ah.... who'd he fight with?"

"Some guy from Quatro Cerberus." Sting mumbled, "The dude didn't stand a chance, it took Orga just one hit.... but the crowd liked it, heh."

"They even liked it when he started one of those songs of his." Lector shrugged, Hora saw Sting and Rogue grimace slightly at the memory, and she slightly agreed. Orga wasn't... well, he wasn't known for his singing talent.

"Are he and Rufus the only one's who participated today?" Hora asked, they all nodded.

"Sting plans to participate in the first event tomorrow." Rogue murmured, "... whatever it ends up being."

"Whatever it is, I'm gonna rock it." Sting smiled, Hora hummed under her breath. Rogue gave her a pointed look,

"... I take it you called to tell us you won't be here for the Games tomorrow, either?" The Shadow Dragon Slayer asked, she nodded.

"Yeah.. sorry. The paperwork got done and put through, but the Council needs to review and sign off on everything... and I literally have no idea how long it's going to take." She replied, "... I'm sorry I'm gonna miss so much, but I know you guys will do great without me."

"It's alright, Hora." Sting smiled slightly,

"We know you don't have a choice." Rogue told her softly,

"I'm surprised you've been handling all that political nonsense so well!" Hora blinked at the voice, she knew it belonged to Orga, though she couldn't see him in the picture. "You've never been the type to like all the administrative stuff, hehe~! You burn up any papers you didn't want to fill out?"

"O-of course not..." Hora sighed,

"Don't be absurd, Orga." Rufus' voice was low, but she heard him too.

"So you'll be back sometime tomorrow, Hora?" Yukino leaned in down between Rogue and Sting, Hora nodded.

"Yeah, sometime...." She sighed, "But regardless, good luck, all of you. And be careful too, yeah?"

"Of course." They all replied in tandem, she smiled.

"I'll see you soon."


Day Two of the Grand Magic Games-

"Staring is rude, Natsu."

Natsu blinked, jumping slightly at Erza's voice in his ear- his eyes snapping away from staring across the good three hundred feet or so between their Team Waiting Area, and that of SaberTooth's own box. It was far enough it was a little hard to make out who was there, but his eyes were sharp enough to know that the person he'd been looking for was not there- though it wasn't as if he'd seen anyone other than Team SaberTooth there yesterday... it was like the rest of their Guild didn't want to come visit... or maybe they weren't allowed(?).

He glanced up at Erza, sweatdropping slightly. "... right..." He mumbled, she shook her head at him.

"Ah... Natsu-san..?"

Natsu blinked, his eyes falling on his other side as Wendy tapped him on the shoulder. She'd changed into her clothes, since she was now stepping into her place on the Team (seeing as how Elfman got the crap beaten out of him winning to that Bacchus guy...). She smiled up at him a little nervously, still flustered it seemed from the 'Pose' battle that Mirajane had against Jenny... where everyone somehow getting roped into dressing up before it was finally over. He'd been watching the tail end of that battle in sheer silence until it was over, and then his eyes wandered where they had so many times that day without meaning them too. And the longer the Games waned and the closer they came to a close on the second day, there was no sign of that Fire Devil Slayer anywhere.

Wendy had been watching beside him for awhile now, along with everyone else- but her tug on his sleeve as everyone waited for the last match of the day to start caught his attention instantly.

He smiled, "What's up, Wendy?"

"Ah, well I've been meaning to ask you." She hummed, "But that woman who found Carla and I, Happy said you were friends with her?" He paused for a split second, his smile softening a little as he nodded.

"Yeah, Hora." He murmured,

"I was just wondering.... I really want to thank her, for helping us." Wendy told him, "Happy said she did it even though she'd probably get in trouble with her Guild. I wanna tell her how much I appreciate that she helped us, even if it might end up badly for her." Natsu's eyes flashed a little, ".... I know she made you guys promise not to tell anyone what Guild she's part of, and I won't ask you to. But if you see her, maybe you can tell her I said thank you?"

Natsu smiled slightly, his hand resting on head. "You got it. If I see her I'll let her know."

"Thank you." Wendy smiled back,

Gray blinked, his eyes falling on Wendy for a moment as he listened in to the small conversation. He glanced up at Natsu too, his eyes narrowing when he saw the unease work it's way into the Pinkette regardless of the smile he put on,

He'd very much like to meet his mysterious Hora person, it made no sense how secretive Happy, Natsu and Lucy were all being about her- enough they out right refused to tell the Guild what she didn't want them too. He also knew he wasn't the only one interested too, a lot of other people in the Guild were. Erza and Master being two of them,

"And now to announce our final battle for the day!"

His attention cast away from Natsu, who let his hand move from Wendy's head- all their eyes turning toward the arena.

"Our final match up will be Team Mermaid Heel's; Kagura Mikazushi- and Team SaberTooth's; Yukino Agria!"

Natsu stiffened, his eyes narrowing.

SaberTooth huh...?

He leaned against the railing, watching in silence as a woman with pale blue hair and another with dark hair walked out onto the field, both straight-faced.

"What's gonna happen, do you think?" Gray grumbled,

"Pay close attention." Erza ordered lowly, "SaberTooth is the Guild to beat this year, we need to learn all we can about their Team."


"Kagura has made quite the name for herself! Not only is she considered the strongest in all of Mermaid Heel, but she's also been elected Number One Female Wizard by Sorcerer Weekly!" The Announcer's voice filtered through the whole of the Arena, "-On the other hand, not much is known about Yukino! However the simple fact that she has been chosen to represent SaberTooth in this year's Games tells us she will certainly be a force to be reckoned with!"

Sting and Rogue grimaced slightly, both of them stiff and rigid as their eyes locked down on the Arena. Lector and Frosch were still too, ears pressed against their heads and paws clenched at their sides.

"Yukino will be ok, right?" Frosch mumbled,

"Yukino is super strong! She can beat this Mermaid Lady no problem!" Lector grumbled,

Sting sweatdropped, his head tilting back a little overhead- somewhere up there in the stands Master Jiemma was surely watching, and he swallowed. After having dropped out of the Chariot Race that morning, he could imagine Master wasn't too pleased already... which didn't really bode all that well for Yukino, if-

He hissed, his jaw clenching as he shook his head at himself.

Yukino knows what she's doing, we trained hard as hell for three months.... she can do this.

Rogue cast Sting a sideways glance, his lips pulling in a faint, uneasy frown he saw mimicked in everyone in the booth around them. His red eyes shift behind them toward the door, sweatdropping slightly.

If Hora were around right now he could imagine how tense she would be. Yukino going head to head with anyone in the Games was something all of them on the Team had been wary of. Yukino had been in the Guild a year already but nowhere near as long as the rest of them, and for it- she didn't have the good graces of the Master or the Lady as much as the rest of them had.

His eyes fell closed a moment.

...... Do your best, Yukino....

The air rung as the gong to start the match was hit, the crowd cheering all around in anticipation and excitement.

"It is an honor to cross blades with you." Yukino murmured softly, her head dipping toward Kagura- who blinked in surprise at the words, before nodding back.

"For me as well."

Yukino's eyes cast up toward the stands for half a second, her shoulders tensing slightly. Her eyes fell back on Kagura, emotionless and stern- that face that she had by now learned to put on for the whole of the world, and especially so- knowing Master Jiemma was watching her closely. She had to be cold, and collected, and proud- SaberTooth Wizards did not get emotional, or angry- they won, no matter what, and they had to stay cool- but above all?

Show the world we are better than all of them.

"... so, shall we do as the others have been?" She murmured, "And make a wager?"

"Silly bets do not interest me." Kagura grumbled lowly,

"Is that because you're afraid of losing?" She asked instantly, Kagura didn't even react.

"You are mistaken if you believe that." Kagura replied easily, "I fear no such thing, but when I enter into an agreement- I guarantee it will be enacted without fail. Because of that, I never gamble for entertainment."

Yukino swallowed, barely catching herself from shuddering as shills suddenly ran up her spine- she could feel eyes on her back from somewhere unseen, piercing and cold.


".... nor do I." She murmured slowly,

Show the world....

"So let us raise the stakes, shall we?"

... that SaberTooth Wizards do not back down from any challenge, no matter what.

Her heart dropped into the pits of her stomach, but that wouldn't stop her- she had to make it look like she was unafraid, that she was sure she would win.

Master is watching

"Let's wager our lives."

Sting, Rogue, Lector, Frosch, Orga and Rufus all stiffened, their eyes falling closed and their jaws clenching, fighting not to react outwardly to the words that made their hearts skip a beat. They felt it too, above their heads- eyes cold and malicious, the sort to see right through you.

Master is watching... keep up face.

Natsu felt everyone of his Team grow rigid around him in the same instant he did, their eyes widening at the wager.

W-what the...?!

Natsu's eyes narrowed, leaning in over the railing a little more. "Betting their lives..?! Seriously?!" He hissed,

"That's crazy, talk about raising the stakes.." Gray grumbled,

"... why would she do something so extreme..?" Lucy mumbled,

What the hell is she...?!

Natsu halted, his eyes widening in the instant he saw some sort of emotion flicker across Yukino's expression- regardless of how emotionless she had come off as being. His heart stopped, a bead of sweat falling down his face-

Fear, fear where she tried to bury it- the exact same look he's seen in Hora before.

His eyes snapped straight across toward SaberTooth's box on instinct, his breath catching in his throat- he swore he saw it there too, in the rest of the SaberTooth team watching.

... but... why are they....?

His jaw clenched, his eyes snapping back down toward Yukino.

Something's not right, there's something not right goin' on in SaberTooth... but what...?!

Kagura held Yukino in her narrowed gaze for a few long moments, Yukino looking back, rigid and calm.

Save Face... no matter what.

"... very well, I accept."


Hora shivered, her breath catching in her throat as she was jolted out of dozing by ice running up and down her back out of nowhere. She jumped up a little from leaning against the wall, her eyes snapping open and blurry for a few seconds- sweatdropping heavily as she felt tenseness settle deep in her core.

She hadn't even been aware she had dozed off at all, but there she was- tucked away in the library surrounded by tons of books (all of which held no answers of course...) and leaning against the wall, asleep.

And now suddenly awoken by the feeling of something being... wrong.

What the hell is that...?

'Foreboding, almost..... but from what?' Lixue grumbled, but as quickly as the feeling came, it faded to near none-existence. Hora bit the inside of her cheek,

.... that didn't feel right...

Her eyes trailed up toward the window, blinking in surprise to see the sun had gone down already. She hissed under her breath, rolling up onto the balls of her feet and standing up all the way. Her ears trained for the sound of someone else in the library with her, but it was silent.


She turned and started toward the front of the room,

... the paperwork has to have been cleared by now, right?

She walked a little faster,

...... I feel..... like I needed to leave...

Hora hissed lowly, her eyes flashing.

"Ira! Doranbolt!"

She didn't get an answer, her hand fell into her back pocket as she pulled the Calling Card out, her finger tapping against the surface harder than was needed.

She felt her heart stop, the tense faces of Rogue, Lector and Frosch appearing on the Card Face- immediately seeing the fear and unease.

"What happened?!" She snapped shortly, they flinched a little. How would she even know..?

It was awful, they'd hated themselves- every second of it and they had stood there, fixed to the spot with their hearts twisting and their stomachs too- anger and rage burning inside of them and disgust too, but never more than that fear- that need to comply, obey.

But it was like last time, they could hardly keep themselves in line- their anger toward the man grew worse, their unease about the Guild being run by him the getting all the deeper.... but shit.

They still didn't do anything! They hated themselves, but they didn't.... they were scared.

Hora didn't blame them, but her rage was too potent to really care.

"What happened?!" She snapped again, breaking the three on the card face out of their thoughts and their own heads.

"Yukino was put in a one-on-one battle today... she..." Lector hissed,

"... she lost... Atia... and.. M-master..." Frosch stammered, Hora eyes went wide, glittering as her jaw snapped shut.

"I'm sorry, Hora." Rogue hissed, his eyes flashing as he failed to meet her gaze. "You told us to look after her... but we..... tch....... Master, he forced Yukino out of the Guild.... He made her remove her mark, he made her.... remove her clothes... too.....he... kicked her out.... and we......"

Hora's face darkened, horror and utter rage dawning on her face. Lector and Frosch visibly recoiled from the screen, their ears pressing flat against their heads, shaking.

"..... we tried to go after her... but Sting's under the Master's watch... since he forfeited the first Event....." Rogue hissed, "..... I'm sorry, Hora..... we couldn't find her.... Yukino.... she's..... no longer part of... SaberTooth......"

Rogue's eyes dared to move up and meet hers, and he recoiled too- his eyes wide and sweatdropping heavily.

Hora's eyes were blazing, her teeth grinding down on one another and her expression twisted with so much rage- she was terrifying, he'd never seen that look on her before and he didn't think he ever wanted to. He could see fire licking up around the edge of the screen, see it sparking off her shoulders, the markings already spreading across her neck and under her jaw.

"Tch.... that........ fucking bastard......" Hora hissed, her voice near an animalistic growl- the three on the other end of the card shivered at the sound.

I'm done, I'm sick of this.. this is the last fucking time....!

".... Jiemma... that bastard...... how fucking dare he?!" Hora snapped, fire surging around her and singing the books and shelves. "Tch...... he's dead."

They went deathly still, paling as they heard the words make it past her lips, icy and dripping in venom, wrath.

'Horatia...' Lixue warned, she didn't care.

"H-hora.. wait...!" Rogue stammered, panic hitting him full on.

There was murder in her eyes.

"I'm coming back, right now." Hora hissed, ignoring him entirely. "I'm finding Yukino, and when I do- Jiemma is gonna have hell to pay!"

She cut the call off before any of them could say anything, stuffing the card in her pocket- flames dancing off her body as rage- murderous rage coursed through every inch of her body, her eyes icy and blazing all at once.

"What the hell are you yelling for-?" Doranbolt appeared beside her, his voice breaking off as he recoiled in an instant- his eyes glittering and reflecting the light of the fire. Her eyes landed on him, his heart falling to his feet as he saw the dangerous look on her face,

"You are taking me back to Crocus," Hora hissed, the black spreading up her cheek and under her eye. He swallowed, hard,

"Right now!"


"Man... I'm stuffed!" Natsu sighed, patting his stomach as he walked along beside Lucy, Happy, Wendy and Carla- the night sky overhead and the air cool as they made their way toward the inn for the night.

"You're going to eat yourself sick someday." Carla sighed, shaking her head slightly.

"And I'll be right there with him." Happy grinned, Carla sighed.

"The Inn should be somewhere around here, right?" Wendy asked, her eyes moving up toward Lucy.

"Yep. It won't be long now." The blonde smiled lightly, Wendy smiled nervously.

"I probably shouldn't get my hopes up, but do we have separate rooms?" Wendy asked, Lucy smiled, sweatdropping slightly.

"No way.. we can barely afford one room." She mumbled, "Though to be honest, I'd give anything to get away from Natsu and Happy's crazy snoring.... not that Gray and Erza's is any better, mind you."

"Speaking of, do you know where they went?" Happy asked, Carla shrugged.

"I can't speak for Erza, but Gray is handling his own crazy right now." The she-cat sighed, recalling the confrontation he'd been left to deal with with both Juvia and Lyon... something about love, was it?

"Hmm? Where's Erza then?" Natsu mumbled,

"Don't look at me, I'm not her keeper." Lucy sighed, "... but I bet you she's getting in a workout before tomorrow."

Natsu hummed, his eyes falling ahead of them- pausing. He leaned in a little, eyebrow quirking. "... hey, that girl in front of the inn looks pretty familiar." He grumbled, Wendy blinked, looking ahead too.

"You're right, but where from?" The bluenette murmured, Lucy's eyes narrowed.

"How can you guys even see that far...?" Lucy mumbled allowed, her eyes narrowing as she did her best to get a good look- all the while their group getting closer.

Natsu stiffened, his eyes widening a little. "Hey, wait- ain't that..?!"

"It's that girl from SaberTooth..." Wendy mumbled, Lucy sweatdropped.

"Yukino..?!" She stammered, Yukino glanced up at her name, her eyes glinting in the dim as the group halted in front of her, her shoulder stiffening slightly in unease- a bag at her feet. Lucy grimaced slightly, taking a tentative step toward her. "But.... why are you here?" She asked softly, "... I thought you guys would get in trouble if..." She broke off, missing the looks on confusion that passed across Carla and Wendy's faces.

"Forgive me for bothering you so late." Yukino murmured, her eyes flashing at the comment the blonde stopped herself from finishing. "... there is something I need to discuss with you, Lucy... it couldn't wait." Lucy blinked,

"... uh.... ok..." She mumbled, "... should we... go inside, then...?" Yukino nodded,

".. yes, I think that would be best." She replied, Lucy stepped toward the door, casting a curious and wary glance over her shoulder as Yukino moved to follow her in- the rest of the group following behind, Natsu at the very back, his eyes narrowed and face neutral.

There it was again, that feeling... something's not right.

They made it up to the room, Lucy gesturing for Yukino to take a seat as the blonde took hers at the other side of the table. Silence passed between the lot of them for a few moments, Yukino's eyes fixed on her hands and tense still.

".... uhm... are you... ok..?" Lucy asked slowly, Yukino blinked, her shoulders hunching slightly.

"... the truth is... I realize this out of nowhere.. but..." She swallowed slightly, her hand trembling faintly as she brought it forward- setting down two Golden Celestial Keys on the table in between herself and Lucy. "... please take these..." Her voice dropped a little, barely managing to keep it from shaking as she drew her hand back- hating the emptiness she felt immediately.

"... the Key of the Two Fish, and the Key of the Scale..... I want you to have them. They should... belong to someone who can use them properly.." Yukino mumbled,

Someone.... a Wizard... in a.....

Lucy stiffened, sweatdropping heavily. "W..what...?" She stammered, Natsu's eyes narrowed again. "Wait... I couldn't... please think this through..." Lucy murmured, her eyes glittering.

"I already have." Yukino cut her off softly, her voice a little more stern, a little more... forced. "I made up my mind, after watching you fight.... I could see you care for your Spirits, and I know they'll be in good hands with you..... better than my own, I don't have reason to use them anymore." Yukino mumbled,

"What do you mean..?"

"... My place in the Grand Magic Games is over. It was over the minute I lost... Minerva is going to take my place in the Games." Yukino replied softly, Natsu stiffened, his eyes widening at the name.

"...... Everyone outside of my Master, and his daughter..... They are good people.... They just.... Its hard for them to show it." Hora shook her head slightly, sweatdropping. ".... Please just remember that, when the Games come around.... There are only two truly awful people in the Guild, no matter what happens... Near everyone in SaberTooth are good people. I promise." Her hands locked together in front of her nervously, her eyes falling from him as Natsu watched quietly.

".... Master and Minerva.... Are just....." she mumbled half to herself, before sighing heavily. Her blue gaze moved back up toward him as she settled him with a serious, steady gaze. ".... Just be careful, alright?" She asked softly, her eyes flashing.

He bit the inside of his cheek a little, his eyes flashing. Minerva.... that was one of the ones Hora seemed to be trying to tell him to watch out for.

"Tomorrow you will be facing SaberTooth's five strongest. Those Five Members who transformed the Guild into the Number One in all of Fiore." Yukino mumbled, her eyes fixed on the table.

"Wait, you mean..?" Happy mumbled,

"We thought you were one of the Five Strongest." Carla said quickly, Yukino shook her head.

"... no, I only joined the Team as a replacement for Minerva- while she was away on a Job." She explained quietly, her hands clenched in her lap.

"But I'm still confused, why do you want to give up your Keys?" Wendy murmured, "I thought Spirits were precious to their Contractors..?"

"They are, but that also means I want to do the best I can for them... and I can't, not anymore. They would be better off in Lucy's hands, she's clearly the superior Wizard to me." Yukino replied,

"T-thank you, for the compliment.. but my answer is still no." Lucy mumbled,

"... you've already managed to collect ten of the twelve Zodiac Keys. All you have to say is yes, with these in your possession you will have them all." Yukino pressed, her eyes flashing. "And once you do, the Door of World Change shall open."

Lucy stiffened, blinking several times. ".. th...the Door of World Change...?"

"What does that mean..?" Natsu asked, Yukino sighed slightly.

".. it's just an old legend... to tell you the truth, I don't know what it means either." Yukino murmured, "... but what I do know is you'll take good care of them, they'd be happy with you."

Lucy stared, her eyes glittering.

".... I'm sorry, but I can't." She replied again, smiling slightly. "Celestial Magic is about the bonds we form between our Spirits, it's not so easy to change ownership of them, and I wouldn't want to separate them from you." Yukino blinked, her eyes flashing, before they fell into her lap, her shoulders tensing.

"... I know.... believe me, this isn't easy..." She hissed, her voice shaking slightly. She caught her self, shaking her head as she suddenly stood up, smiling a little nervously. "F-forget about it, I figured that would be your answer... from what I've been told about you....." Lucy blinked, her interest perking slightly. "That's alright... for better or for worse, I'm sure the Twelve Zodiac Keys will be together, some day."

Lucy smiled, nodding slightly as Yukino returned it.

"I hope this is not the last I see of you, Lucy Heartfilia.." Yukino murmured, picking the keys back off the table and holding them to her chest, her smile softening.

"I hope so too."


"You passed up quite the chance, you know." Carla mumbled, shooting Lucy a sideways look.

"I have to agree with Carla on this," Wendy smiled slightly,

"... to be honest, a while ago I would have jumped at the chance to have all Twelve Keys." Lucy murmured, ".... but I haven't wanted that for awhile now." Her eyes flashed, her hands folding in her lap.

She looked.... so sad...

".... it's obvious Yukino cares for her Spirits as much as I do, it looked like it was killing her, thinking about giving them up." Lucy mumbled, ".... I wasn't going to let her break those bonds, she would have regretted it for the rest of her life..."

..... but that.... showing up here, out of nowhere..... Hora said no one in SaberTooth could be seen talking to the other Guilds...... something clearly wasn't right....

Her hands tightened around eachother.

..... it was like..... she was talking like she wasn't a Mage, anymore..... like she wasn't going to be a Celestial Spirit Wizard.....

"Hmm? Where have Natsu and Happy gone off to?" Carla grumbled,

"They ran off after Yukino." Wendy replied, Lucy glanced up toward the little Dragon Slayer. "They said they had something they forgot to ask her..." Lucy's eyes narrowed,

.... Natsu could see it too.... something's wrong....


"Hey! Yukino! Wait up!!"

Yukino halted, her breath catching in her throat at the voice calling out behind her- and who she recognized it belonging to. Natsu and Happy were coming up the street behind her, breathless.

".... what... could they want with me....?" Yukino mumbled to herself,

"... Hey..! Thanks for stopping..!" Natsu panted, skidding to halt in front of her as Happy did the same. "... I was a little afraid you wouldn't.... isn't being seen with other Guilds supposed to get you in trouble or something..?" He asked lowly, Yukino blinked, looking a little shocked- just for a small second.

"..... Oh, I see..... Hora asked you not to tell anyone you know each other." Yukino murmured, "That makes sense.... I suppose I didn't think about it at the time." Natsu and Happy both nodded,

"Hora told you we worked together?" Happy asked, Yukino nodded.

"I didn't want to bring it up, in case Wendy and Carla didn't know." Yukino murmured, ".... I'd hate to get her in trouble."

"But what about you? You're Saber and you came to see us." Natsu murmured, Yukino swallowed slightly.

"... I....." Yukino breathed, her eyes falling to the ground. "...... I'm..... not a member of SaberTooth, anymore..." both boys stiffened, eyes wide.

"Huh?" Happy breathed,

"Why not..?" Natsu asked immediately,

"..... I lost..... that means.... I don't meet SaberTooth's standards... anymore..." Yukino hissed, ".... So I... had to leave..."

"What? They kicked you out for losing one lousy battle..?!" Natsu hissed, she nodded, her eyes fixed on the ground. "What the hell...?! That's not fair! And nobody said anything..?!" Yukino flinched slightly,

"... it... it's not like that.... everyone else... just..." She mumbled, Natsu stared. "... it... it's not them..... It was the... the Master's doing... it was his decision..."

"But that's bullshit! Just because he says something doesn't mean you all have to do what he says!" Natsu argued instantly, "They're your Guild, ain't they?! They gotta know kicking you out over one fight isn't right! Why didn't they stick up for you?!" She swallowed, her eyes fixed on the floor. Natsu growled, taking a step toward her.

"What about Hora?! I can't believe she'd sit back and let you get kicked out over something so stupid!" Natsu snapped,

"... Hora isn't back yet, she wasn't there." Yukino replied lowly, shaking her head. Her hands balled tightly around themselves in front of her, ".... and to be perfectly honest... I'm glad she wasn't."

Natsu halted, his eyes widening, a bead of sweat falling down his face.

".... I know her.... I know she'd never... she wouldn't have been able to stand there, and watch..... not when Master made me..... take off my clothes... or take off my Guild Mark by myself..... she couldn't have forced herself to stay in line. She would have done something.... but..." Yukino hissed, "...... she's different, she's not.... she's not afraid of speaking her mind, she's gotten bolder.... she'd have stepped in against Master in an instant... and if she had... he'd have hated it.... and the last time...."

She shuddered, her eyes glittering as specks of moisture poked at the corners of her eyes. Those eyes that dared to break up from the ground and toward him for a small second, eyes filled with fear, and pain.

"... the last time Hora did something Master didn't like..... tch... he's always been harder on her, than anybody else in the Guild... and last time... he... he hurt so badly..." Yukino stammered, Natsu and Happy felt their hearts skip a beat, a single line of tears falling over Yukino's cheeks.

"... he hurt so much... we didn't think she was going to... make.. it...." Yukino hissed, her voice dropping away as she shut her eyes against the memory. "... we... we thought she was going.... die...!"

Happy let out a terrified breath, his ears pressing flat against his head at the words. "Y... your own Guild Master... hurt Hora.... that badly....?"

Natsu's whole body went rigid, his eyes narrowed to slits and his fangs grinding down on eachother, a vein ticking on his forehead as his fists clenched.

".... if she.... if she'd been there, today.... I hate to think what he would have done to her...." Yukino shuddered,

"...tch..... why...." Natsu hissed, his face lowering as a shadow passed over his eyes, hiding them from view. Yukino looked up at him, halting. ".... why would she ever.... let him touch her....?!" Natsu snapped, Yukino swallowed. "Why would she let that bastard keep control of the Guild after something like that....?! Why..!?!?"

".... I don't... I don't know...." Yukino replied quietly, "... Hora's.... she's so strong, I think.... I think that she could beat the Master, if she tried.... but she's been in the Guild longer than anybody... and she's never done anything to stand against Master Jiemma..... not even after all the things he's done to the rest of us.... or what he's done to her..." Yukino trailed off slightly, "... she's always just taken it...... and I don't think she's as afraid of him as everyone else is.... I've never been able to understand why she.... she doesn't just leave... or fight back........"

"....tch....... what does he have on her...?" Natsu hissed lowly, Yukino blinked at the question.

"... unless you have some way of breaking Possession Links, you're not gonna be of much help to me in this situation as it is, sorry."

".... what does your Master have on Hora, that would force her into letting him get away with any of that...?!" Natsu hissed again, Yukino shook her head.

"I.. I don't know..." She stammered,

"..... tch..... and why does it have to be her?" Natsu growled, ".... why does she say she has to fix it...? Not anyone else....?" Yukino stared,

"..... what do...?"

"........ the rest of those guys in your Guild, how could they stand to see your own Master hurt any of you?" His fists clenched harder at his sides, "You're friends, right? Aren't all of you supposed to be Family?"

".. Natsu.." Happy mumbled,

"You're friends, aren't you?" Natsu snapped, Yukino's eyes fell.

"... y.. yes....! We.. we're all friends... we..... tch......" She hissed, "... we know... we know the way Master treats us... it's not right... we know we shouldn't just... let him get away with any of it... but.... we're terrified......" She shook her head at herself, "... damn it.... we're too scared, we're not strong enough... Hora's the only one who isn't scared of him.... but she's still..... she...."

"... grr..... damn it!" Natsu snapped, his head snapping up, his eyes blazing. "I knew something wasn't right! Why the hell couldn't she just tell me...!? Why the hell did she tell me to stay out of it...!?!?!"

Happy and Yukino both flinched away from him, shivering slightly at the sheer rage they could see bubbling up inside of him. Yukino stared, her eyes wide and glittering.

"............ tch... acting like it ain't my business... damn it!" He snapped, "... tch..... damn it Hora...... but I can't stay out of it... it's bad enough your Master made you erase your own Emblem... but any Master who's willing to try and kill one of you, ain't no Guild Master at all!" He slammed his fist into his palm, flame dancing off his skin. ".... this has to stop, I can't sit back and watch while that asshole keeps hurting any of you! I have to do something!"

Yukino's eyes flashed, taking in a sharp breath.

.... Natsu.... that look...... I've..... seen it... in Hora...


The building shook violently, the sound of wood splintering and glass shattering echoing all throughout the halls that had previously been silent. Sting and Rogue jumped, eyes wide and immediately on high alert- Lector and Frosch bristling as they jumped to their paws. They could hear people yelling and shouting outside the door, the sound carrying throughout the entirety of the inn,

"What the hell..?!" Sting snapped,

"Is there an intruder...?" Rogue hissed,

"Tch.... if there is, they're an idiot!" Sting growled, "The whole of SaberTooth is here, who in their right mind would attack us..!?" He went rigid, his eyes widening as he felt his heart drop,

"C-crap... you don't think it's..?!" Sting hissed, fear lighting up in his eyes in the same instant it did in Rogue's. Rogue started forward, Sting close behind as they moved into the hallway- the Exceeds following at their tail.

"She wouldn't start a full on battle, would she...!?!" Lector stammered,

"... she was pissed...." Rogue grumbled lowly, Sting sweatdropped. "... I've never seen her that angry before..."

"Shit..." Sting hissed, they whipped around a corner, people ahead of them flooding toward the lobby- the building shook again with another explosion.

The band of four skidded to a halt, their hearts dropping to their feet and eyes growing wide- panic racing through them as the front doors burst open in a wash of raging fire, the people nearest to it caught up in it and thrown around the room like rag dolls.

"... Hora...!" Sting and Rogue hissed, fear hitting them straight on at sight of the flames.

She... she wouldn't..!

"Where is your Master!?"

They stopped, their jaws dropping as they stared.

N-no way...

The air rushed past them in a wave of pure power, the next round of people to head toward the door knocked back with ease in a wash of brilliant orange.

"Where is he?! Bring him to me now!!!"

"That's..." Lector hissed, Rogue's poker face shattered.

"Natsu..?!" Sting stammered,


She was seething, every ounce of her body filled to the brim with burning, powerful, wild rage and anger- her Magic surging, relishing in the feeling, feeding off of it- fueling it more. The black markings had stretched further, covering her arms, inching up her face, down her back- she loved the way it burned, it pissed her off more.


She'd left Doranbolt behind, unaware and uncaring if she'd singed him in her rage- she'd sped off the instant her feet landed in Crocus, and she tore through the roads, her footsteps blackening the stone as she sprinted through. The sparse few people left to wander the roads in the night looked at her as she passed, and flinched away.

Years of pent up anger and hatred, things and emotions that swirled deep down in her core- all of it rising up, shattering the barrier of reasoning and self control she'd put up to keep herself from doing exactly this.




Fire sparked up off her skin, her jaw clenched and teeth grinding down on eachother.


She whipped around a corner, her breathing hot and agitated- her nose trained on one scent only, the one thing that would divert her from rushing straight up that hill and laying fiery waste to that complete and utter asshole.


Her foot slammed down on the stone hard enough it shattered, her eyes blazing, and yet so icy it was cutting.


She tore around the next corner, her eyes flashing as she saw ahead the road widened into a square- the moonlight shimmering faintly off a head of pale blue hair she recognized instantly, standing near a fountain, her bag beside her.

"Yukino!" Hora snapped, her voice carrying easily across the air. Yukino jumped, her head snapping around to see Hora running up the street toward her-

She recoiled, her eyes growing wide to see the sheer rage plastered on the other woman's face, the markings shining an inky black under the moonlight, the road steaming black where she stepped.

"H-Hora...?!" Yukino stammered, Hora slowing up just slightly, her hands lifting as she grabbed hold of Yukino's shoulders, her eyes narrowed as glittering. Yukino felt a shiver run up her spine at how warm Hora's hands were on her skin, more so at the anger in her that had never been so.... terrifying.

"Are you ok?!" Hora asked quickly, "Did Jiemma hurt you?! I swear to god if he laid a damn finger on you-!!"

"N-no..! He didn't hurt me..!" Yukino stammered, her mind racing- she'd never seen Hora like this, ever.

"Tch... but he made you..... that bastard, he made you do that, in front of everyone!" Hora snapped, Yukino flinched- knowing immediately Hora was talking about how she'd been forced to strip, and remove her Guild Mark. She realized instantly that Sting and Rogue must have told her- but she couldn't have made it up to the inn yet.

"I am so done with him! I'm gonna tear him to pieces!" Hora hissed, Yukino felt her heart drop. The look in Hora's eyes just then- murder.

"H-Hora... what are you gonna..?!" Yukino asked quickly, Hora's face darkened and Yukino felt her heart drop.

She looked like she was ready to run off.... to kill him...!

"He's dead, I'm gonna turn him into ash." Hora growled, her tone low and so utterly icy. Yukino stiffened under her hold, her eyes widening and her breath snatched away, staring as she watched the black markings across Hora's skin move, stretching across half of her face.

This... this doesn't look like Hora, anymore... she looks..... this isn't right..... the way she's acting... it's like.... she's become someone else entirely....!

Her heart leapt when Hora's hands left her shoulders, her eyes moving up toward the direction to the Inn SaberTooth was staying- her lips pulling in a snarl that didn't look human.

"I'm gonna end this, right now."

Yukino's hand leapt forward, snatching onto Hora's wrist and wincing at the sheer heat- Hora's eyes snapped back to her, cold, cutting, angry-

Yukino scrunched her eyes closed, pulling Hora forward toward her roughly and locking her arms around the other girl- she felt the heat sting against her skin and winced.

Sorry Hora, but I-

She pushed them backward, holding tight to Hora regardless of everything- sending herself and the seething Saber tumbling backward over the edge of the fountain and into the water with a splash, their bodies bouncing against the shallow basin painfully.

- but I can't let you run off like this, this... this isn't you..!

The water hissed and steamed the second it touched her skin, the cold painful almost and hitting her like a brick wall, her breath snatching away and gasping as she got plunged under the water entirely, coughing as she sucked up water.

In an instant it was like she could... she could think again, and she felt her heart drop.

Wh... what the hell....?!

What was I.... I was..... I was gonna....?!

Oh my god...!

She coughed again, more water filling her lungs and her head whirling- panic and fear and anger and hatred swirling inside of her,

It happened again...!? I was losing my mind... in minutes...?! My Magic took control that fast...!?

Fast enough..... I was gonna run off and start a war... even though if I did.....

..... fuck! Fuck!!

Someone's arms wrapped tightly around her shoulders, pulling her up out of the water as Hora sucked in air- for half a second, before she doubled over, her body lurching and spasming as she coughed up the water she had sucked in, shuddering and heaving as Yukino placed a hand on her lower back, the other latched on to her arm as the bluenette sat beside her in the water,  eyes shinning.

Yukino felt her heart drop into her stomach when Hora started shaking, panting and trembling like a leaf- the markings receding back down her skin toward her right shoulder, the water steaming off her for a few seconds before it stopped.

"Hora..." Yukino stammered,

Shit...... I lost it.... I was........ so angry.....

Hora's head snapped up, eyes wide and glittering as she turned toward Yukino. "Oh my god, I didn't hurt you did I..?!" Yukino stiffened, grimacing slightly as her hand instinctively moved away, balling into fists to keep her from seeing the faint burns along her palms. Hora noticed it instantly, her eyes flashing as she stiffened.

".. it's not bad." Yukino murmured quickly,

"....tch..... I'm sorry..." Hora hissed, her hands moving to hold Yukino's in hers softly, making her lower them back into the water. ".... I'm...... sorry...... I didn't..... I..." Hora swallowed, Yukino blinked. "..... I wasn't thinking.... I just.... got so worked up....." Her voice broke off in a hiss, Yukino shook her head.

".. Hora its ok.... I understand... you're.... angry..." Yukino murmured quietly,

"...tch... that's no excuse..! I can't just get so wound up that.... I lose my freakin' mind..!" Hora snapped lowly, her head bowed and eyes shut tight. "... I can't lose it so much... that I end up hurting everybody else...! I was going.... I was gonna rush in and-"

Yukino frowned, her eyes closing as she pulled her hands out of Hora's, leaning forward in seconds as she wrapped her arms around Hora's shoulders tightly, pulling the other woman close.

"Please! Please don't do that!" Yukino said quickly, Hora blinked in surprise at the sudden embrace. "I know you're upset, and I know you're angry! You have right to be but.. please, Hora..! Don't run to the Guild Hall and start a fight, please... I don't want you to get hurt again. Not like last time!" Hora's breath caught in her throat,

"Please.... please don't do it." Yukino murmured, her voice shaking. ".... I know you hate what happened to me.... I know it's not fair.... but you can't challenge Master... not unless you...." Hora blinked, Yukino pulled back, her hands on Hora's shoulders and eyes glittering. ".... Hora, something's been holding you back... right? Something that makes you afraid of challenging Jiemma outright...?" Hora stiffened, her eyes widening as she instinctively leaned back away from Yukino- who noticed the reaction instantly, her gaze steady as she held tight to her shoulders.

"I now you're strong enough to contend with the Master, Hora! You beat a Demon of Zeref all on your own, he can't hold a candle to you!" Yukino told her, "You've always been one of the strongest, you've been in SaberTooth longer than everyone else- so many years you've endured Jiemma's cruelty, forced yourself to hold back when he harmed anyone else! You've never once tried to stop him, and I know you aren't afraid of him! That means there has to be something else holding you back, right?" Hora sweatdropped, Yukino pressed on. "It has to be something big, if you've been holding back so long.. something bad....tch... I'm sorry." Hora blinked,

"W... what..?"

".... I'm sorry I never realized... something was wrong....." Yukino growled lowly, "..... I don't know what's holding you back, Hora, and I'm not asking you to tell me if you don't want to.... but I realize now it's serious.... and I'm sorry I never realized it before Natsu did." Hora blinked several times at the name, ".... he's barely known you more than a few weeks, and he realized right away that Master had something hanging over you.... I've known you far longer and I've never seen it."

".... he cares about you, you know? I could see it... the idea that Master would hurt you.... it was the same rage I see in you whenever someone in SaberTooth gets hurt." Yukino mumbled, ".... he knew something wasn't right...... it's like he could just see it..."

"W-Wait.... Natsu..?" Hora stammered, "..... you.... you talked with Natsu....? He said.... that Jiemma had something.... on me....?" Yukino nodded,

"He figured it out, I don't know how... but he did. He caught up to me, a little bit ago." Yukino mumbled, "... he said a lot of other things too, Hora... like you think everything's your fault...?"

"Wait, did you tell... you told him what Jiemma did..?" Hora asked quickly, Yukino nodded stiffly. "To you...? And... to me...?!"

"I'm sorry, but..... I got worked up, I was worried.... he was trying so hard to understand why the Guild is.... you know." Yukino replied softly, ".... he.... said you asked him to stay out of it...?" She paused, seeing the panic rising higher in Hora. ".... he said... he couldn't..." Yukino trailed off, Hora went rigid.

No... no he didn't...

Both girls jumped, their head snapping left when the air shook with a huge boom out of nowhere. Hora could hear it clearer than anyone, her heart leaping in her chest and her blood rushing in her ears- that was a sound she knew way too well.

Fire, explosive fire..!

"No... n-no he didn't....!" Hora hissed, climbing to her feet in seconds, Yukino sweatdropped- seeing the fear suddenly erupt in the other girl where she had never seen true fear before, not ever. Her fists clenched at her sides, "... damn it Natsu..!"

"W-wait, do you mean...?!" Yukino snapped, "That boom, it was him?!" She gasped, "No, you don't think he went to confront Jiemma do you..?!"

".... tch... shiiiit!!!" Hora snapped, she turned toward Yukino, leaning over as she held the other girl's shoulders. "Yukino! I swear I'm going to come back for you! I'm gonna find a way to take Master down, and I will fix what's happened with the Guild! You have my word!"


"I'm not gonna run in and take him on... I know it was stupid, you calmed me down- but I have to go! I have to stop Natsu, before he gets himself killed!" Hora hissed, "He's impulsive, he's a hot head... but he has no idea what he's walking into! I have to go!"

Yukino's jaw dropped, riveted as she watched Hora's eyes glitter, moisture pecking at the corners of her eyes.

"I'm gonna come back for you! I promise! You're my friend and I will do everything I can to fix what's happened! But Natsu.... Natsu is my friend too! I have to help him too!" Hora hissed, her forehead pressing lightly against Yukino's as she stiffened. "I'm sorry... but I have to go...!"

Hora pulled away, the water splashing as she sped off- her feet landing on the stone edge of the basin and pushing off hard enough to send herself launching up into the air heading straight toward the hill and the Inn, easily hearing another blast sound from that direction.  Hora's fists clenched at her sides, her feet slamming down on the roof of the building she'd jumped toward, her blood hot, heart pounding- but her core icy cold.

She cooled me down..... stopped me rushing in and getting myself killed.... but......

'You still harmed her, though only slightly.' Lixue intoned coolly, she hissed. 'And now that boy has run off to start a war.'

".... Natsu.... you idiot..!!!!"


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for reading~!

Apologies for the massive time skips!

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