
By Markus_Grain

334 64 6

Neben meinen Büchern entstehen zeitweise aus Lust und Laune heraus, oder durch Aufträge auch diverse kürzere... More

Eins mit dem Wind
Der besondere Piratenjunge
Der Rosengarten
Lauf Junge, lauf!
Schritte in die Zukunft
Falscher Verdacht
Das Rasenmähen
Ein MordsDieb
Meine erste Begegnung mit IHM
Meine erste Begegnung mit IHR
Die vier apokalyptischen Reiter
Eine Story will sie haben
Geisterhafte Geschäfte

Roses and Braces

10 3 0
By Markus_Grain

Ein kurzes Auftragswerk für eine junge Lady, die wollte, dass ich eine Reizwortgeschichte auf Englisch für sie schreibe.

(Wörter: Zahnspange, Brille, Moos, Rose, Wald, Longboard, Eisbär, Hexe)

It was a nice and sunny day when Eva was cruising through Downtown on her longboard. She could barely concentrate on the traffic and on what was going on around her, as there was so much going on inside of her. For years she had been waiting for this to happen, at least it felt to her like that. Today, Marco finally made his move and gifted Eve a rose. But not any ordinary rose, no, this one was special. According to what he told her, Marco took the effort to wander the woods in search of one particular rosebush his grandfather had told him of. It was located in the darkest, most remote corner of the forest where only a witch would want to live. And he brought it all the way back home, just to gift it to Eva. She could not yet fully grasp what she was really feeling at that point. Only thing she was sure of, was that this day should mark a true turning-point in her life. Well, it would have, if it had not been for that other thing, that also should happen that day. Eva was on her way to the dentist, it was the day that was scheduled for her to get her braces. Now that she was thinking about it, all the pleasurable feelings that had her in their grasp, vanished into thin air, as a queasier one began to flood her thoughts. What if, yeah, what if Marco did not like the braces, what if he would turn away saying Eva looked awful? What if? A tear rolled down her pale cheeks, a bleak expression took over her face. Nevertheless, she stopped at the dentist's front door, rang the bell and entered. She had to be strong, she had to bear it. She did not want to, she wanted to run away, as far as she could get, to the Arctic and the ice bears. But no. Her mother would not have wanted that. As kind as she always has been, several things just were not disputable, the retainers being one of them. However, how would Marco react?

The next day Eva could barely manage to get up. Her stomach was in knots. From time to time she shivered during the bus-trip when she thought of Marco. All hope is lost, she murmured to herself when she had finally arrived at school and saw him waving at her, waiting for her at the front gate. She smiled, tried not to open her mouth to much, tried to hide the braces. But all her efforts were in vain. It ended as it was to be expected, Marco notice the retainers. However, instead of giving Eva a disgusted look he went on with the conversation just as if nothing had happened, asked her, how the braces felt, if it hurt. She smiled, told him everything was okay. And even though Eva tried she just was not able to hide the broad and satisfied grin that had taken over her face for the rest of the day. Marco liked her just as much as before and even invited her to have an ice-cream with him the same afternoon.

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