Darling | All16 | ✔

By JadeQueen100

291K 13.8K 2.4K

Sang Sorenson, the darling of the universe, is the sweetest, nicest person you will ever meet. Her parents ar... More



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By JadeQueen100

This is my first attempt at writing from the perspective of someone so gentle. I apologize in advance if it is just cheesy!

"Sang Sorenson, the darling of the universe, was seen yesterday at an animal shelter..." A female voice blares out of the television.

I'm sure the reporter has on a professional and elegant outfit that matches her voice, but I don't know. I'd have to ask to be sure. I've never seen someone in my life.

"Mother?" I call softly, fingering the hem of my lace dress.

"Yes, darling?" She calls back, letting me know that she is just in the other room.

"Will Father be home in time for dinner today?" I ask.

"Oh, of course he will be!" Mother cooes, walking into the room, her heels clacking on the hardwood floor. "He would never miss your birthday. In fact, the whole world wouldn't miss your birthday."

Tonight will be the celebration of my seventeenth birthday. Mother has been incredibly busy with preparations, trying to make sure that everything is just perfect.

I smile, glad that Father will be there.

"I miss Father," I whisper.

Mother replies, "Oh darling, don't worry! We'll make sure that he spends some time with you! You know that he is just busy with work, he is after all the biggest movie producer."

Nodding my understanding, I sigh, "I know, Mother. Honestly, you should be with him. You shouldn't put your career on a hold just because of me."

"Well, Sang," Mother says thoughtfully. "Did I need to? No. Do I want to? Yes. I want to spend time with my daughter." Her voice turns teasing as she adds, "Do you not like spending time with me?"

"Mother!" I squeal. "Of course I like spending time with you!"

Mother laughs, "I was only teasing, darling."

"Oh, good," I sigh with mock relief.

"Well, birthday girl, someone better get going," Mother sings out. "You have hair, makeup, and wardrobe coming in fifteen minutes."

With a laugh, I head upstairs and listen to music, Winter by Vivaldi, while I wait for my stylists to arrive.

"Sang!" Jade calls, running up to give me a hug. "I can't wait for school to start!"

"You and me both," I agree with a huge smile.

Jade and I have been friends since I moved here, Charleston, and started going to Ashley Waters as a freshman. At first, Jade was... a not so nice person. Over time, she only grew in kindness and has become an incredible person and my best friend. She currently is dating three amazing men and is living a much better and happier life.

I have heard great things about her sense of makeup and fashion. Trusting her and others, I recently had her hired as the fourth person in style crew. Since I can't see, I really rely on others to make sure that I don't look completely ridiculous.

"Sang!" A joyous voice exclaims. "It's so great to see you!"

"It's good to see you too, Tamara," I say, smiling warmly, my face turned toward the direction of the voice.

"Ugh! What are you wearing?!" Lily shrieks, bounding into the room.

"Umm... clothes?" I try.

"No, not that!" Lily yells. "Your necklace!"

"Oh!" I say, my grin widening. "Father gave this to me before he left. Said he wanted me to wear it today."

"Oh, you are so lucky!" Tabitha exclaims.

I feel the air shift as she reaches out and touches my necklace.

Tamara and Tabitha are twins, identical, they tell me. Tamara, Tabitha, and Lily are the other three in the style crew that helps me get ready for events. On normal days, like today, I dress myself, but they are the ones that make sure I look decent when others will be watching.

"That must've cost a fortune," Jade breathes, awe evident in her voice.

With a shrug, I reply, "I wouldn't know. I don't even know what it is except that it is teardrop shaped."

"It is an emerald, darling," Tamara explains.

So it is green... Not that I even know what that means, really. However, I believe that green is the color of hope and life. I may not see colors, or anything, but it is almost as if I can feel them.

Soon they are busy, hustling to get me ready for my party. Tamara and Tabitha are in another shouting match as they figure out what they want me to wear for the party. Lily is combing through my hair and braiding it in an elegant updo. Jade is doing my makeup, being extra careful not to mess up or smudge anything.

"No! The green dress will bring out her eyes and match the necklace!" Tamara yells.

"The coral is better!" Tabitha argues. "It will match her pale skin and her blonde hair! Besides, there is such a thing as too much green!"

"How dare you?" Tamara gasps. "You can never have too much green! Plus, you chose her outfit for her outing yesterday! It's my turn!"

"Girls," I whisper, hating it when people raise their voices. "Please stop yelling."

I love the twins, they are lively and great girls with great taste, but I really don't like it when people yell and fight. They are being mean to each other, even though they don't mean it, and the yelling hurts my extremely sharp ears.

"I'm sorry," Tabitha sighs. "Tamara and I just have very different opinions."

"Yeah, and your opinions are more different," Tamara mutters, but Tabitha doesn't hear so I let it go.

"People can get along with different opinions, you know this," I remind her softly.

The two have only been working for me for two months, replacing someone that moved away. Since then, they have had several shouting matches, laughed with us, and been incredibly helpful. The shouting is just part of who they are, but that doesn't mean that they get to be rude with their words.

"I'm sorry," Tamara heaves. "We'll working on getting along."

I smile and announce, "That's all I ask. Thank you."

Together, the four of them make quick work of finishing up getting me ready.

"Oh, Sang," Lily breathes. "You look incredible."

I feel a blush lighting up my cheeks as I thank her.

"Are you ready?" Mother calls, opening the door. "Darling, you look absolutely gorgeous!"

"Thank you," I whisper as the blush spreads like a wildfire.

"Well, come downstairs, then," She directs. "It's time to get you to your party!"

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