Aurora: The Princess of Anot...

By _Ani__Nerreh_

15.3K 141 21

Some fanfic about Aurora. Aurora was made by jgss0109 on Deviantart. Cressida was made by Gratifying on Tum... More

Aurora, la Reina de luz
Cressida, The Cautious One
Elizabeth, The Impetuous One
Amanda, The Human One
Luna, Guardian of the Night
Eclipsa and Star
Aurora's Birthday
Earth. A very average place
Rules of Earthly Calling
A Trolltastic Morning for Princess Aurora
Part 1 of the Plan
Part 2 of the Plan
Axel the Demon
Letters and Spells
Ponyhead Comes for a Vist
All Seeing Eye
A Sibling Partay
Mewni's Queen
Mewberty and Puberty
Karate Dad
Janna's Jellybeans
Tom and Janna = Jantom
The Homework Spell
Back To Mewni
Back to Mewni (part2)
Guys I need help
Okay we are finally in Mewni

Does Anyone Else Hate Bus Rides?

348 5 0
By _Ani__Nerreh_

Aurora was a deep sleeper. She, along with Luna, were the only ones who slept in late.

So, Aurora woke up almost late for her first day at school. She was shaken awake by Amanda who had apparently been dropped off sometime this early early morning. Aurora sucked in a gust of cold morning air, noticed that the window was open, and that the alarm read 15 minutes before the bus came.

She shook her hair and got out, Amanda pushing her eagerly towards her clothes that had been set out.

"Amanda! Get ready yourself! Im still *yawn* waking up..."

"Okok I will sorry!" She ran out to her room and Aurora groggily put on her dress. Blue, with a sun on the top and gold trim. She topped it off with a red headband.

Amanda burst into her room seconds later. She wore a billowy red scarf, jean jacket, her favorite black panda shirt, and red converse. Her golden-blonde hair had been pulled up halfway. She had more energy than a bucket of poodles on a sugar high. Aurora wondered how this child had been able to be awake at this time of day {7:15 AM}

"I got your backpack! Your wand is in there too, and your scissors!"

Aurora grabbed the backpack and opened it. "I think Dad said we would need pencils and pens and stuff too Manda."

Amanda nodded. "Of course!" She threw her pencilcase at her.

Aurora put it in. "What about you?"

"I have it!" Amanda jumped up and down.

"Okay, let's say goodbye and go."

Amanda slid down the stairs and into the living room, where she kissed her grandparents on the cheek enthusiastically and then slipped out of the door.

Aurora walked down the stairs, did the same, and bolted after her sister.

3 minutes into the bus ride, and Aurora decided she didn't like busses. It was smelly, rowdy, and rambunctious.

Amanda, on the other hand, made at least five new friends the moment she stepped onto the bus.

So Aurora waited by the window. Soon, the bus chugged into the last stop. Aurora sighed. Then, a boy and a girl plopped down next to her.

"Hi! I'm Sam!" A dark-skinned boy wearing a turquoise jacket held out his hand. Aurora shook it slowly.

"And I am Ally!" The other girl had silky black hair and a purple and white t-shirt with an S on it.

"Hi," Aurora said tentatively. "I'm Princess Aurora Diaz-Butterfly."

The two kids glanced at each other before smattering Aurora with questions.

"How old are you!?"

"Whats your favorite colour!?"

"Do you have a wand!?"

"Are you the new exchange student!?"

"Can we be friends with you?"

Aurora looked them over, and decided they probably didn't want to kill her. Normal Earth children. Not scary. She saw Amanda, who was teaching her new friends some hand-slapping game from Mewni. Aurora smiled. She had been the one to teach all her sisters how to play it.

"Well....I just turned 14, like, yesterday, aaaaand my favorite colour is orange. I do have a's in my backpack. But I can't really do anything with it yet. I ... maybe? I don't know if I am labeled as the new exchange student or what but um, yeah sure you guys could be my friends. Just don't try to kill me, ... please?"

They high-fived and then Ally leaned in towards Aurora. "He's a bit weird, so don't mind him. Also, when is your birthday party!?"

Aurora watched the two play-fight/bicker and giggled. "A birthday party? I guess I never thought of having one. We usually do one on Mewni, but there was some stuff that happened and, well,  we never had a huge one."

"Then we are going to plan you the best birthday party you could ever possibly have!" Sam announced, and hugged Aurora.

"Uh, thanks Sam. But I have enough going on." She pulled away. 

"Oh pish, we'll still throw you one! So, tell us all about life on Mewni!" Ally waved her hands in an arc shape and then clasped them together with a loud smack.

Aurora scratched her head. "Mewni, it's well, um-" 

The bus pulled into the loading zone and made a wheezing sound that Aurora was half-sure was not supposed to happen. With a squishy suction noise, the doors at the front whooshed open and a mass hoarde of kids struggled to get through the door. Aurora thought they looked similar to Tadpoles at a nursery trying to squirm into the feeding areas on Mewni. Thinking about the Tadpoles made her nostalgic for Katrina, her older best friend. She was the smartest College-age Bufffrog baby to boot. She would come by now and then and tutor her. Apparently her mother, Star, had babysitted her when she was small. Aurora got up slowly and mechanically, her new friends already off the bus as well as her sister.

Aurora said a quite thank you to the bus driver and exited the bus. She looked around for Amanda and finally spotted her. Amanda was laughing loudly with a dark haired boy. Aurora ran after her.

 "Amanda!" Amanda turned and waved Aurora over. 

"Hey sis! Before you go over to your school,  I want you to meet Jasper! He says he's the son of one of Mom's best friends....uh whats her name?"

Jasper looked Aurora up and down in a way that made her feel slightly violated before answering; "Janna."

Oh! Dad talked about Janna all the time! Aurora thought. Janna was apparently the witchcraft one. Aurora noticed the slightly what seemed to be either cult-related or purely satanic patches on his black jacket and backed up a couple steps.

"Yes, Mom's friend Janna! Who'd she get married to in the end?"

Jasper smiled toothily; a grin that again, made her feel somewhat violated. "How many licks does it take before you get to the center of a tootsie pop? The world may never know..."

Aurora shook her head. "What!?"

Jasper blinked once, and slowly, as if he were a lizard.

Aurora noticed that his ear had several piercings, and that his seemingly straight dark hair was smothered by a maroon beanie.

"You should get to class. You might be late. I'll take care of Manna here."


Amanda turned and smiled widely. "Yeah my new nickname! Isn't it great!? Also, Jasper is in 4/6 of my classes!"

Aurora thought that sounded awful, but nodded at Amanda regardless.

Then she ran all the way to the high-school building and quickly found her first class. Math. She sat down in the middle empty seat in the empty front row. Aurora personally liked math. She new her mother had no care for math, and her father just hated it with a burning passion.

Aurora began to doodle on her paper but stopped when she realized no one else had taken a seat in the front row.

She looked around. Ally and Sam weren't in this class, she realized. And even the kids who didnt have chairs buddied up with other kids in the same desk just to avoid the front row.

Aurora decided to take out her wand and inspect it.

This was not a very sane choice.

As soon as she extracted it, The kids all started whispering.

The most common name she heard was 'Star'.

Aurora was about to tuck her wand back in, when her teacher walked in.

She stared openmouthed.

She was a troll.

A literal troll.

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