Falling {Spider-Man: Homecomi...

By lionsbby

28.1K 734 114

"Every single day now, got me looking at you in a different way now." - Jack & Jack 15-year-old, Isabella Sp... More

Meet The Cast
{1} Our New Home
{2} Good Answer
{3} Surprise Visit
{4} Student Body President
{5} Cute Little Turtle
{6} You Said It
{8} A Crush
{9} I'll Protect You
{10} Kiss Me
{11} More Than Anything
{12} For The Girl I Love
{13} Only Time Will Tell
{14} It's Our Legacy
{15} Top-Secret
{16} You Saved My Life
{17} That Makes Two Of Us
{18} Declaration Of Love
{19} Return
{20} My World
{21} Ferry Incident
{22} Silver Spider
{23} Tell Her
{24} My Hero
{25} Family
{26} Pre-Homecoming
{27} Good Ole Spider-Man
{28} I Knew It
{29} Mind Control
{30} Our Fight
{31} My Peter Parker
{32} New Captain
{33} Permission
{34} Balance Both Worlds
{35} Big News
Sneak Peak to Sequel: Promise Me

{7} Dinner Date Night

958 26 6
By lionsbby

3rd Person POV

Entering the diner, Isabella and Peter looked at the vintage interior and the waiters and waitresses in 1950's style type of clothing.

"This is cute." Isabella commented and Peter smiled at her. He glanced at the receptionist and said, "Two. Preferably a booth, please."

Isabella looked over at Peter and asked, "You remembered?"

"Of course I do. The last time we went out to eat, you were all like 'why don't they have booths? blah blah blah' " Peter imitated Isabella's voice

"Okay, I don't sound like that, you dumbass." Isabella said to him as they were following the receptionist to their booth

"Well, you should hear yourself talk then because that's what I'm hearing." Peter said and Isabella rolled her eyes playfully and shoves him lightly

They sat down across from each other of the booth next to the window. The receptionist handed their menus then walked away from them.

Isabella removes her bag and placed it next to her. Peter and Isabella started reading the menus.

Peter commented, "There are so many flavors of milkshakes."

"Of course there are. We're in a vintage diner." Isabella said to him making him chuckle

A waiter with dark hair and green eyes came up to their table and spoke, "Good evening, my name is Timothy and I'm your waiter for tonight. Are you guys ready to order?"

"Um, yeah, I'll have the strawberry milkshake with whipped cream and cherry." Isabella smiled up at Timothy

"Yeah, and I'll have the Oreo Cheesecake milkshake." Peter replied and Timothy wrote down their orders.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks." Timothy said and walked away from them

"So, Mr. Parker, I have a question for you." Isabella said leaning on the table

"Ask away, Ms. Spencer." Peter said leaning on the table

Isabella chuckled and asked, "What happened before I walked into your room? You and Ned acted so weirdly when I walked in."

"It's nothing. Honestly, it was nothing you should be worried about, Spence." Peter said to her

"And you were in your boxers? Only with Ned...Do you see how I am connecting the dots?" Isabella asked making Peter laugh

"Yeah I do, unfortunately. I'm sorry, Isabella, I can't tell you. I'm gonna break the bro code." Peter countered

Isabella sighed, "Again with the bro code? Come on, Peter, you always use that same excuse every time you wanna hide something from me."

"I'm really sorry, Bella. I can't." Peter replied and reached out for her hand. "Please don't be mad."

"I hate you, you know that right?" Isabella said sounding serious and Peter's face dropped as he began to frown

"I'm joking. I'm joking." Isabella told him and held his hand. "Relax, I understand, Parker."

Peter laughed and said, "You scared the shit out of me. Don't do that. Again, ever, okay?"

"Peter, you'll know when it sounds serious. Besides, you have a lot going on right now, that's why you've been acting so weird lately. It's okay." Isabella reassured him making him smile at her

"You're amazing, you know that right?" Peter said to her, drinking his milkshake

Isabella chuckled and said, "You remind me like every day, Parker."

"Because it's true, Spence." Peter replied and her cheeks turned red, with her hands now on her lap

Timothy, their waiter came back with their drinks and placed it on the table. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"Yeah sure, I'll get the French Toast with Bacon and Scrambled eggs." Peter told Timothy and Timothy was writing down the order

Isabella smiled and said, "And I'll get an order of the Belgium Waffles with a side of strawberries and white toast."

"Alright coming right up." Timothy smiled after he wrote down both of their orders and took their menus

Timothy walked away and Peter commented, "I remember that you're in love with strawberries."

"Yeah, obviously, Peter, it reminds me of a happy part of my childhood." Isabella told him then she sips on her milkshake

She moaned with delight, "Oh my god, this is so good!"

Peter chuckled and asked, "Hey, Bella, can I ask you something?"

"Is everything okay?" Isabella asked and Peter responded, "Yeah, I'm just curious about something. Promise me you won't get offended or upset."

Isabella's eyebrows furrowed, "Well, what is it, Parker?"

"It's just we've never talked about your parents, your family. Practically everything that happened before-"

"Before I met you?" Isabella asked and Peter nods his head, "I'm just curious, after all, we're best friends right?"

"Yeah, definitely. Well, do you want me to be honest or just flat out say my answer to your question?" Isabella asked him

Peter replied, "It's up to you. I don't wanna pressure you, Spence."

"Well, if you really want to know, my biological father has been trying to reach out to me lately. He's barely been in my life anyway, so he doesn't really exist to me." Isabella answered

"And your mom?" Peter questioned and Isabella sipped her milkshake, "She's alive but I only know her name. Uh, she left me when I was like really young. She's practically dead to me."

Peter slowly nods his head and started to change the subject as he saw how Isabella started acting quietly.

"So, Bella, how's your speech going so far?" Peter asked and Isabella replied, "That's why I'm here with you, Parker. I'm stressing out."

"Come on, it can't be that bad." Peter responded. "Your speeches are always so outgoing."

"Not this time, Parker. I honestly drifted in my speech. I went from talking about Homecoming to some deep shit." Isabella explained making Peter laugh

"Well, let me see it then, so I know what I'm working with." Peter told her and Isabella got out her phone and went to her notes

"You typed it on your phone?" Peter questioned and Isabella replied, "Yeah, it's called the 21st century, Parker."

Peter laughed sarcastically as Isabella handed over her phone to Peter so that he could read her Homecoming Speech.

Isabella sipped on her milkshake nervously and her eyes were watching Peter's as his eyes were moving left to right

"So...what do you think?" Isabella asked nervously. "It's bad isn't it?"

Peter quickly said, "No, Bella, this is actually really good. I was just thinking that if you have one direction, just focus on that."

"What do you wanna say as like your main focus?" Peter questioned and Isabella told him, "Honestly I don't know. I have to top each speech every time you know?"

"And you will trust me. I know you will." Peter said to her and she smiled at him

Eventually, the food has already came placed in front of the two as they were continuing their small talk.

"And then my aunt wanted my dad and me to have a close relationship so we moved from California to here." Isabella told him

Peter questioned, "So your father wants to have an actual relationship with you?"

"Yeah, but I don't know, Peter, it's hard for me to trust him after everything." Isabella said to him

Peter slowly nods his head, "I know what you mean. Well, whatever happens, Bella, you still got me."

"I know. You still got me too." Isabella replied making Peter smile at her

Peter kept on eating his food and kept on glancing at her as she was also eating her food. She looked up at his gaze and gave him a small smile

"What?" Isabella questioned. "Why are you staring?"

"I'm not staring." Peter said back

Isabella's eyes widen, "There's something on my face, isn't it? Oh, my God."

"No, there isn't anything on your face. Don't worry about it. You're perfect, Spence." Peter said to her and she smiled

Isabella chuckled, "I'm not perfect, Parker."

"Well, you're perfect to me." Peter said with honesty and admiration

Isabella's cheeks turned red then Peter kept on talking about other topics, like about Ned, school, Ned's new Death Star. Mainly updating Isabella about what's been going on in his life.

"Yeah, Star Wars is way better than Star Trek." Peter told her

Isabella nodded her head with agreement and smiled, "Definitely."

Isabella leaned her chin on her knuckles as he kept on talking. Peter sent her a smile and asked, "You're really getting bored, are you? God, I should stop talking."

"No, keep on going, it's fine. I was just listening to you. I love it when it's not just me talking." Isabella chuckled

Peter laughed in agreement and commented, "You are something, Spence. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

"Yeah, the feeling is mutual, Parker." Isabella replied with a smile

Isabella continued, "Um, Peter, I've been thinking about us. How we're always together and how well we are together as best friends. Our friendship means so much to me, but I was thinking about your thoughts of us being more than that. Like our future together? Like going to the next level, maybe?"

Isabella noticed how silent he was and saw how his eyes were somewhere else, "What?" Her head turned and watched the tv behind her.

Peter's eyes were attached to the tv as he heard the news reporter say, "After an atm robbery was stopped by Queens very own colored- local crime stopper, the Spider-Man. As the Spider-Man attempted to foil their heist, a powerful blast was set off slicing the bodega across the street. Miraculously no one was harmed."

"Oh my God. It happened at Delmar's?" Isabella asked and Peter shrugged, "I guess so. That's what it said on the news."

Isabella's face dropped as she turned back around in the booth, facing Peter. She glanced down her hands on her lap and her shoulders fell with defeat.

"Hey, Bella, is everything okay?" Peter asked with concern

Isabella slowly nods her head and sent him a small smile, "I was just thinking, that's all. I just hope Mr. and Mrs. Delmar is okay."

"Yeah, so do I." Peter agreed then asked, "Well, what do you think about Spider-Man?"

Isabella replied, "Honestly, I don't really know. I mean, I like his gear. His outfit and his abilities are pretty cool. I just don't have a personal opinion on him, you know?"

Peter slowly nods his head and asked, "Do you think he might be, I don't know, cute, maybe?"

"Well, I don't know, Parker. Spider-Man is wearing a mask." Isabella said to him

She continued, "I just hope that he's not like all of the other superheroes out there. I don't know, I just want him to be different. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do." Peter grinned and asked, "I didn't know that you also have the Stark Internship."

Isabella slowly nods her head, "Yeah, um, that's a long story, if I'm being honest. And I just help run errands, just small stuff around the company."

Peter slowly nods his head then asked, "What were you saying before? Before the news?"

Isabella said back, "Oh no, it's fine. It's nothing."

"Bella, just tell me, what is it?" Peter asked then sipped on his drink. Isabella laid her arms on the table continuing to eat her food.

Isabella sighed with defeat and asked, "Well, since I'm running for Student Body President. I was thinking about if you would want to be my running mate? You don't have to, you know? I don't-"

"Bella, you could count on me." Peter interrupted her ramble and Isabella smiled with excitement, "Really? You would honestly be my running mate?"

"Yeah, of course. For you, anything." Peter replied making Isabella smile at him

Timothy walked over with a plate of Strawberry Sundae with whipped cream and chocolate fudge as a topping. Placing it on the table, he told them, "A strawberry sundae."

"Oh, I'm sorry, we didn't order that." Isabella looked up at Timothy

Timothy smiled then winked at her, "It's on the house, beautiful."

"Oh okay." Isabella said and her eyes trailed to Peter's and saw his jaw clenched

Peter held onto her hand and said, "Babe, if you think about it, we could share it for dessert."

"Yeah, that's right." Isabella smiled and Timothy asked, "Oh, this is a...a date?"

Peter responded with their fingers intertwined, "Yeah, man, I wanted to take my beautiful girl out on a date tonight."

Isabella nodded her head with agreement and looked up at Timothy, "Dinner Date Night."

"Just walk away, Tim, don't make this any more awkward than it already is." Peter said and Isabella's eyes widen at Peter with shock

"Yeah, I'm just gonna..." Timothy slowly walked away from them

Isabella said to Peter, "Peter. You didn't have to say that. You know that right?"

"You felt the awkwardness too, Bella. Besides, I saw the way he was looking at you." Peter defended

Isabella's eyebrows raised, "Ah, I see it now. You're jealous?"

"Me? You think I'm jealous?" Peter asked. "Between me and Timothy, who's sitting across to the most beautiful girl in the room?"

Isabella's cheeks turned red and commented, "I hate you, Parker."

"Yeah, cause I'm right, Spencer." Peter said back and laughed. "And you're speechless."

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