Buffy and Spike: The Return

By officialkateparkes

10.6K 461 58

This is basically a part 2 of my first book 'Buffy and Spike' You probably don't need to read the first book... More

1- Together
2- Night Sky
3- The Catch Up
4- The Usual
5- The Tale
6- The Reunion
7- Clean Up
8- Old Lover
9- No more being the damsel in distress
10- And you are?
11- The Rise
12- A for annoying
13- Jessica the "vampire slayer"
14- Black Holes
15- Slayer Training
16- Jessica's Origin Story
17- Jessica's Origin Story Part 2
18- Date Night
19- The Usual Beating of Willy the Snitch
20- Jessica the Vampire
21- Watcher downfall
22- Hospital Panic
23- Don't anger a Vampire
24- Love brings out the good
25- True love creates a soul
26- The speech of the Vampires
27- Baby talk
28- Magic Mayhem
29- Jessica the soulful Vampire
30- Two unlikely friends
31- Always murder your ex
32- Loves bitch
33- A soul can't always stay
34- Secret Mission
36- Worried Buffy
37- Watchers Astray
38- Help doesn't always mean help
39- The Hunt
40- A wild watcher
41- Opening the Mystery
42- Past Questions
43- There's no I in Team but there's one in Giles
44- Don't worry babe
45- 2 plans is better than 1
46- Holy Hands
47- Stake
48- Blood is blood
49- A helping neck
50- Blood is always a cure
51- No more time wasting
52- The talk
53- What?
54- School Girl Crush
55- Till the day I die
56- Breaking the Ritual

35- Oh my love

140 6 1
By officialkateparkes


I woke up around 8 am and the bed felt cold, but not the usual cold that was the feeling of Spike. I opened my eyes and was shocked to see he wasn't lying next to me; I called out his name and got no reply. I got up and grabbed one of his shirts off the dresser and pulled it over my head letting it fall to my knees. I continued to call his name while I went down the stairs; maybe he was making me breakfast?

'Buffy?' Jessica asked 'are you calling out?' she appeared out of the spare bedroom

'Oh hi, have you seen Spike?' I asked her

'Not since I went to bed' she replied

Spike wasn't anywhere in the house, that made me extremely worried as it was day light outside, so where could he be?

'I have to go' I told Jessica

'You should put some pants on'

I walked back upstairs to find some jeans when I noticed Spike's jacket was gone, he never went anywhere without it. That means that he left on his own accord, why would he do that to me?

I pulled on some blue jeans and shoes deciding to leave his shirt on. I ran down the stairs and out of the house making my way to Giles'.

I banged on the door and stood around waiting until finally Willow opened the door.

'Have you seen Spike?' I frantically asked

'What? No? Why?' she replied

I stormed past her into the house and found Giles sleepily climbing down the stairs.

'What's all this noise about?' he questioned

'Spike's gone' I told him 'have you seen him?'

'No of course I haven't. Why would I?'

'I'm not sure, it looks like Spike left, he wouldn't do that to me' I told them angrily 'Spike wouldn't leave me because he loves me'

'Maybe he went to kill Drusilla?' Willow suggested

'You think he would do that?'


'Probably since you're the one who put the crazy idea in his head that I wanted her dead' I snapped

'Buffy I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that' Willow started to argue back but I had already made my way to the door and slammed it shut behind me.

I made my way into town and tried to think of somewhere he might be hiding, maybe he did go out and had to hide before the sun came up? I realised Willy's bar was close to where I was and headed down the steps. Even this early in the morning there were demons drinking, most who saw me quickly got up and left out the back door or down into the sewer tunnels. I took a seat at the bar and Willy quietly made his way over.

'You're really bad for business you know?' he said

'Sorry' I mumbled

'What's up?' he questioned studying my face 'you look sad'

'I don't know where Spike is' I told him

'Haven't seen him. Need a drink?'

'More like 10' I laughed

'Ya know I have this blood from a demon and apparently it's like taking 5 shots at once' Willy explained

'Ugh no thanks'

'You look real sad Slayer, it's kind of making me feel bad'

'I just want to find Spike and then kill Angelus' I told him

'You could do that?'

'Of course I could, why do you ask?' I questioned

'Alright, alright. I promised him I wouldn't snitch but, Angelus has been coming here, using the back room for something'

'Do you know what?'

'Nah, not my business I just let people rent the rooms for whatever they want' he replied

'Is there cameras?'

'Not in the room, I think there is one in the corridor though'

'Thanks' I told him getting up and leaving the bar.

'Thanks for coming over' I told Willow who sat on my longue 'I'm really sorry for what I said before'

'It's alright Buffy, it wasn't my place to say anything to Spike anyway, have you had any luck?'

'No but I might have an Angelus lead that I need your help with, hopefully once it gets dark Spike comes back, he might be waiting out the sun' I smiled

'But wouldn't he have called?' Willow questioned

'There probably isn't a phone' I replied trying to not let myself think about that, it hadn't occurred to me why he hadn't called.

'How can I help?' she asked

'Apparently Angelus is using one of Willy's back room for something, there's a camera in the corridor I was wondering if you could hack into it'

'Yeah, sure' she smiled

A few hours later Willow finally let out a cheer for joy as she had hacked into the camera in the corridor, it was showing a live feed and a few demons were standing around. Willow starting typing in numbers and letters and a list of times appeared, each one showing a video that had happened last night. We were clicking through when finally we spotted Angelus go into a door, but we couldn't see inside or who was inside.

'Wait did you see that?' I yelled

'It can't be' Willow shouted

'What's going on?' Jessica asked running down the stairs in a state of panic

'Giles just went into that room with Angelus!' I screamed 'what's he doing?!'

'We have to go find out' Willow replied grabbing her jacket off the longue and rushing out the door.

I barged through Giles' front door, Tara and Giles were sitting on the longue together reading a spell book and talking.

'Get away from him' Willow shouted running over to Tara

'Willow what are you talking about?' Tara said standing up 'we're researching a spell for Angelus'

'What's going on?' Giles questioned

I pulled a stake out of my waistband and held it facing Giles, I could see Tara panic.

'What's going on?' Tara now asked

'Buffy' Giles said walking over to me

Willow immediately made a motion with her hand and spoke words I didn't understand, but they caused Giles to be pinned against the nearest wall.

'Willow!' Tara screamed

'What were you doing meeting with Angelus?' I screamed 'tell me!'

'I have no idea what you're talking about' Giles stuttered obviously trying to gasp for air


'We saw you' Willow said 'going into a room with him at Willy's bar!'

'Please! I have no clue what you're talking about?'

Willow began muttering more words and a blast of energy rushed from her hands and hit Giles in the chest.

Giles fell to the floor and I was shocked to see how aggressive Willow was being, Giles looked unconscious but Willow told me to just wait. He sat up but didn't look around the room; he looked like he was possessed or a robot being controlled.

'Angelus came to me not long after he was risen' Giles started to explain but it didn't look like he knew what he was doing and then I realised Willow had used a truth spell on him. 'He put a spell on me to do some of his chores; I was told to report to him weekly and tell him everything that is going on with you guys. I went last night to tell him that Spike was getting suspicious and was close to figuring out someone was a spy. I had to act drastically and locked Spike away, I went to meet with Angelus to let him know that Spike had been captured and where he is.'

'YOU WHAT?' I screamed 'where is he?'

'In the back room of a warehouse not far from here'

Before Giles could even finish explaining I was out of the door as fast as I could run, I took off down the main street and finally saw open areas of grass but the roads kept going so I followed one down. To my right was a big white warehouse, it looked abandoned, and I ran towards it and found the door locked. I kicked it open calling out Spike's name, there was no response and I was getting even more worried. I made my way to the back and found a door with three locks on it.

'Spike' I called kicking at the door, I could hear faint movement in the room, why hadn't he been trying to kick the door down? I looked around the room and found some old tools; one looked like it could maybe cut metal. I successfully cut the first lock off; the second was attached to the door handle and took more effort, I finally got it off and managed to cut the lock that was attached to the metal pole that stretched across the whole doorframe.

I gathered all my strength and kicked the door down, I was relieved to see Spike curled up in a ball in the middle of the floor.

'Spike' I shouted walking into the room to help him up

'Buffy' he whispered looking weak, I scanned the room and was shocked to see it was covered in some type of soft looking foam, I reached out and touched it and it was wet but had no smell.

'Holy water' Spike mumbled 'soaked into the foam, every 30 minutes holy water comes out from the fire sprinklers soaking them again, I've breathed so much in'

'Oh Spike' I said softly helping him to his feet and leading me out of the door.

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