Your dark side

By xIHeru

37.9K 1.1K 949

After one of his best friends died, Eijirou tries to learn more about the circumstances of this death. It alw... More

Important Informations
My strange neighbour
A secret is revealed
The sweetest taste
I can't believe it
Some things are hard to say
Bonus: My dark past

This fire in me

4.3K 129 204
By xIHeru

Wow. What was actually intended as a one-shot has now actually degenerated into a longer story. I don't mind that now and I'm glad you're still there. And again I didn't treat you too much...forgive me! BUT!!! This time you will be spoiled with love <3, that means an NSFW warning goes out here! This chapter is also much longer!

Also: this is the first time I'm writing smut in English...I hope it is acceptable O.O

Enjoy the chapter

Chapter 5:

Eijirou lay on the bed, his hand over his eyes and sighing heavily. His nerves were gone. Since that incident a week ago, he tried to avoid Bakugo as best he could. The reason was not because he could not face him, but the fear that he now finally had to face his feelings: he was totally in love and he wanted to be with this man. He wanted to kiss him, touch him and just be with him. And that's when the problem really started. Eijirou couldn't really think anymore, when Bakugo was near him. His feelings, which he always swallowed, made him a literal moron.

The other day he had even babbled about some incoherent nonsense and then of course rushed away like a cat that was sprayed with water. Their groping was not even the main reason, but rather the consequences that resulted from it. Rather, the problem was his thoughts.

Since Eijirou had simply fled, the scene in his dreams followed him. Sometimes they were extremely stimulating, sometimes however also in such a way that Eijirou was awake in the morning and would prefer to cry, because he and Bakugo confessed their love to each other in his dreams and when he was awake his bed was cold and empty. But there are also his doubts...he was afraid that he was just a nice adventure for Bakugo and not more. He was afraid he would be dropped if Bakugo got what he wanted.

His doubts just got bigger, because Bakugo had never made signs that he felt something like that before //Who am I fooling...I'm just afraid that he rejects me...that I lost what I have with him right now// He sighed and rolled from one side to the other. "Eij?" The redhead glanced at Denki, whom he had asked for asylum this night, in the hope of finally sleeping dream-free again..."I know, this is your business and I shouldn't interfere in your relationship...but...honestly, you should talk to him", the blonde guy said and handed him a glass of Coke.

"I know, Denki but...that's my problem...every time I run into him...I'm unable to talk a whole sentence...I really want to talk to him but every time when he's in front of me...I'm mumbling nonsense and start stuttering...", the redhead muttered and pressed his face into the pillow before accepting the Coke and drinking it. " know how it is...thinking is always easier than doing...", he added and got an understanding look "I know. That's exactly why I can tell you it'll only get worse and harder if you don't do anything. "

The redhead looked at Denki in silence and then sighed heavily. "Sorry, man..." The blond guy shook his head and smiled at him cheerfully. "It's okay, man. At the end: it's my own fault, that I didn't tell her my feelings and try to distract me by looking at other girls", he said. "But if I can stop you from ending up like me, I'll do it", he said and held out his fist. "You better go and get you creepy blonde, Eiji, but don't forget garlic and holy water, just in case", he demanded and made Eijirou laugh. "Denki,'re an idiot, man!", he pressed out between the laughs. The blond guy just grinned and let himself fall into bed next to Eijirou. "I love you too," he said, turning on his side. "But anyways, I'll cross my fingers and toes for you. I hope you'll get your creepy blond demon", he joked and Eijirou smiled again. "Thanks, bro, but he's not a demon!" "He is, Eij. Just look how creepy and angry he is!" Eijirou huffed. "He's not creepy! He's pretty smart and good looking and great and-" he started to enumerate and Denki just laughed. "Ok, ok. You're totally fallen for him", he said and smiled at Eijirou. They chatted for a while before they went to sleep.

Eijirou really hoped, sleeping at Denki's place would grand him a dreamless wrong he was. The ash blond pursued him again in his dreams. Again they were in the training room and kissed. Like that day, Eijirou was feeling the other's hands at his sides, gasping softly. In his dreams, he was too happy to surrender, as their kiss ended and he heard them...the three words that made his heart beat faster: "I love you." After Bakugos words his dream continued and become one of the most passionate things he ever had. It felt so intense, that Eijirou thought, it was real.

Of course, the redhead was accordingly agitated when he woke up in the morning and noticed the bump in his pants. With a heavy sigh he had gone to the bathroom and showered there briefly cold, before he changed and marched into the kitchen, where Denki had already had breakfast and also prepared something for him.

"Breakfast is ready," said the blond man, but Eijirou just waved off. "Thanks, man, but I'm not hungry..." Devoted sighed Denki. "Let me guess: another dream of him?" A nod was all the blond guy got. "I'm gonna take off too. Thanks for letting me sleep here, bro," he said, stalling Denki. He pressed his against Eijirous and said goodbye to his friend who was on his way home. It didn't help...he'd have to face his feelings whether he wanted to or not.

However, he didn't expect to have to face the whole thing so early, because just as he entered the house, the blond guy crossed his way. Eijirou felt his heart beating up to his throat, the heat in his cheeks as he immediately thought again of the pictures of that day and looked like a pillar when Bakugo looked at him. He didn't say anything, he just looked at him intensively, it seemed that he wanted to read what was going on in the redhead and that made Eijirou more nervous.

"Y...Yo, bro," he tried to greet him and was shocked at how insecure he sounded. Bakugo didn't miss that either and raised a brow. Before Eijirou could react, the blond had grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the cellar, where he pressed him against the wall with his hands next to his head, so that Eijirou had no escape route. The redhead became more nervous, his stomach threatened to explode and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest when the blond opened his mouth and spoke to him. "What the hell is wrong with you, Shit-Hair?"


Katsuki had spent the days worrying about what had happened between him and Kirishima. They had kissed and if it had been up to him, much more would have happened. Why? Why had he been willing to go this get his defense down this way? Why didn't he get enough of Kirishima and why the fucking hell did he miss that weirdo now?

He didn't understand his own feelings completely. He only noticed how everything slipped out of his hands and how he lost control of his thoughts and feelings not to mention his actions. That pissed him off. There was nothing worse for the blond than losing control. To have no control meant to be weak....and Katsuki had sworn never to be weak again in his life. Never lose control to others and yet he's losing it again. Fuck it!

He drove through the ash-blond hair and sighed heavily. Besides his unknown feelings there was also the strange behavior of the redhead, that makes him worry. He seemed to avoid him explicitly and it seemed difficult for Kirishima to find words when he spoke to him. Also there were this words, the redhead spoke at this evening. "Not like that..." the words of the redhead echoed in his head.

//Why the fuck is everything running out of my fucking control right now? Damn it!// It got on his nerves and asked himself honestly why these words irritate him so much. Was the little shit in love with him? How could he? Katsuki had never given him any reason to fall in love and...why did that even bother him? Why did he want to know that so badly? What would he do with that knowledge and the fuck would he not mind, if Kirishima was in love with him?

Why did his stomach contract when he thought of that tortured expression? Katsuki had never cared about other people's feelings and then this hair for brains appeared and everything changed. It hadn't even happened suddenly, it was a creeping process. Meanwhile he could no longer imagine the redhead out of his fucking life and actually he didn't want that either. Plus, these fucking dreams came after him over and over again.

He couldn't get Kirishima's seductive face out of his head. It haunted him and when he didn't look at him passionate, he got his most honest smile on this, fucking kissable, lips and said things like "I love you, man" or some fucking shit like that. Why would he even think about that? He growled dissatisfied. Actually he knew the reason exactly...The fact was that the redhead was more important to him than he wanted to admit and that's why he thought about his behavior, which was simply untypical at the moment. He fucking cared about that hair for brains, even though, he shouldn't. So Katsuki made a decision: He wanted to confront him and he wanted to do so as soon as possible.

Luck seemed to hold him too, because when Katsuki wanted to buy new cigarettes and left the house, he ran into the redhead. His eyes wandered over Kirishimas face, who seemed exhausted. Katsuki wondered if he got problem like he did, because of the dark circles Kirishima got under his pretty ruby eyes. Had he thought about this coincidence, too?

Katsuki tried to read something from the redhead's face. Any emotion that could give him answers to his silent questions. The smaller ones blush was already very sweet, but it only made Katsuki's suspicions stronger. Especially, when he stammered and got ready to leave.

//You'll not getting away like that!// With these thoughts he grabbed the redhead and dragged him down the stairs to the cellars. He wasn't keen on some old hag showing up and disturbing them. Certainly he pressed Kirishima against the wall and placed his hands next to his head. He didn't want to give him a chance to escape. He'd get answers! And he'll get them now!

"What the hell is wrong with you, shit-hair?" he asked and noticed Kirishima looking at him for a moment and then looking away. The blond raised a brow on this behavior, as he noticed how the face of the younger man seemed to glow even more. His face was competing with his hair. Katsuki clicked his tongue slightly and made an annoyed sound. He just wasn't good at this sort of thing. Besides, he was still pretty upset about his own feelings.

"Tell me, you have a fucking crush on me?", he asked and saw Kirishima's eyes widen in horror. However, he did not dare to look at the ash blonde. "Why would you think that?", he asked, but Katsuki could hear the trembling of his voice too clearly. //'re fucking kidding me, aren't you?!//

He took one hand off the wall and put it on Kirishima's chin, forcing him to look at him, but the redhead lowered his eyes. "Look at me", he demanded and slowly the younger one raised his eyes. His eyes had an expression that Katsuki had seen before. That look, that made him feel like he's losing his fucking mind. He felt his own heart beat faster against his chest, just like on that day. Kirishimas face just made him crazy and he wanted to kiss the redhead again.

Before he really realized what he was doing, Katsuki pressed his lips against the redheads and sighed slightly. He missed that feeling on his lips. He had remembered it too well and wanted to feel it again, taste the taste of the other and enjoy the sight of him. He just couldn't hold back and Kirishima? It seemed to solidify into a pillar of salt before Katsuki felt the gentle counter pressure.

He squeezed himself closer to the redhead who sighed in the kiss and Katsuki took the chance and let his tongue slide into the other's mouth and asked his counterpart to a little dance. The younger one tasted even better than he remembered. He maintained intensive eye contact with the other, who looked at him breathlessly and swallowed lightly. Damn it! He could eat him here and now! Kirishima was so tempting. His otherwise so big mouth had suddenly disappeared completely and his shy look was extremely stimulating.

"I...", the redhead started, but the loud shouting of a man asking if there was something in the cellar interrupted them. Katsuki growled in annoyance as he heard the footsteps that were on their way down. "Look, Kirishima," he started and grabbed his chin again. "I want us to settle this soon", he went on before reaching into his pocket and pressing something into the other person's hand. "Come to me tonight and we'll sort this out", he promised and robbed him one more kiss before he broke away from Kirishima and went up the stairs into the cold air. He urgently needed to organize his thoughts and feelings before he confronted the redhead again.


Eijirou stood there with shaky legs and leaned against the wall. //Shit...// His heart beat faster against his chest, his cheeks burned like fire and his stomach kept tingling. He still had Bakugos taste on his lips and felt fogged by it.

It took a few moments until he had completely caught up himself. After calming down a bit, the redhead saw that Bakugo had pressed something in his hand. It was cold and made of metal, he had heard so much before and when he opened his fist his eyes widened. // Is that...?//

In fact, there was a key in the young man's palm. He bet his ass it was one for Bakugo's front door. "Come to me tonight and we'll sort this out", Bakugos words echoed in his head and he closed his eyes. "Settle this between us...", he muttered and was torn from his thoughts when he heard a surprised "Oh, Kirishima-san".

Frightened, he dropped the key and looked at the old man standing by the stairs. "Excuse me, my boy. Did I scare you?" he asked and laughed out loud. The redhead tried not to show it and quickly picked up the key again. He said "No Problem" to the old man and said goodbye before he hurried upstairs to his apartment.

There he lay for quite a while on his bed and stared at the ceiling. What was there to clarify? Did Bakugo really want to know the truth? Would he make fun of him then? Did he want to clear up the situation from the other day? Eijirou didn't know and racked his brains until the early evening. A glance at the clock made him sigh and he rose to slowly walk to the apartment next door. He got the key. Maybe for the case that Bakugo wasn't home yet, so he could wait for him?


He entered the blond's apartment with soft knees. It wasn't the first time he was here, but now it was for a completely different reason. The last hours he thought a lot of his feelings and what he really wanted. Denkis words also came to his mind again and Eijirou knew his friend was right. He wanted to face his feelings...and confess them. He wanted to tell Bakugo what was going on. But the closer he came to the living room, in which he suspected the blonde, the more nervous he became. The nervousness threatened to burst his heart and when he, finally, entered the living room, it felt like an eternity to him, he felt as if all his courage had stormed out the door.

Katsuki seemed to have noticed him too, because he turned to the redhead and looked at him with an unusual seriousness. "You came", he said, and Eijirou nodded. "I didn't want to leave it like that", he muttered and looked into the crimson depths of the blonde. That intense red, that threatened to devour him. His look, that seemed to look through him into his soul. Those eyes that have fascinated him since he first saw them. Eijirou noticed how he threatened to sink back into them, like every time when they had eye contact. "What didn't you want to leave like that?" The question of the blond tore him out of his little enthusiasm and ensured that he could focus on the actual topic. "I know, you were joking when you asked if I got a crush on you...but...I...", he started and looked at Bakugo.

"I do have feelings for you...honestly deep feelings, Bakugo...and that's my problem...", he mumbled. "I barley know anything about you because you make yourself a secret...", he said and lowered his eyes. It wasn't easy saying that and looking him in the face. He felt naked before the blond. "It really frustrates me.... I want to ask you so much, but I don't want to push you or force you to tell me something...I don't want to lose what we've got until now...but on the other hand...I can't deny that I want more too..." Eijirou could hear Katsuki start moving and soon he stood in front of him. The ash blond still said nothing, so Eijirou continued speaking. "...but it also makes me sad and insecure..." He surely seemed like a complete idiot to him. But he was so overwhelmed with his own feelings. It was the first time he really was in love. Not these little crushes and then the man he loved was however mysterious and dangerous. But it was exactly this danger that attracted him.

Eijirou could feel the blonde putting his fingers on the redhead's chin, like all the times before, and making him look at him with gentle but determined force. "I'm bloody sure, there's more you want to say. Go on", he demanded, and his voice had an unfamiliar, serious yet calm sound. Eijirou felt that the blond listened seriously to his words and would not dismiss them as unnecessary or joking with them. "I'm...I'm afraid that I'm just a play for you and you'll drop me as soon as we..."

Eijirou could not speak any further. Katsuki had closed his lips with a kiss. It wasn't the first time his lips touched Bakugos, but it was still overwhelming for Eijirou every time their lips met. Also this time the blonde was much gentler than all the times before. He closed his eyes with relish and answered the kiss with a soft sigh. As their lips parted, Eijirou looked into the eyes of the other man and felt the goose bumps that took his body. Bakugos intense look was so breathtaking and also this unknown glimmer in his eyes. He had never seen the other's eyes like that before. "What makes you think, I'll do fucking shit like that? If I just wanted to fuck you, I would already have done it", Katsuki muttered. "I wouldn't do this shit like spending my fucking time with you, just to get a chance to fuck you, believe me", he added and looked away. Eijirou was surprised. Why did Bakugo look away?

Was he...embarrassed? For real? "I'm not hiding things from you because I don't trust you, got that? There are thing from my past you do better by not knowing about them for your own fucking safety." His own safety? Eijirou wanted to ask what he meant by that, but he simply felt that this was the wrong time for asking further. Maybe at another time, but not now. To know, that Bakugo did not say anything because he wanted him, Eijirou, to be safe, was enough for his heart. Now he wanted to concentrate entirely on Bakugo, who wanted to say even more.

"It's not my way, you know...talking about crap like feelings and shit, but since you're an little idiot I have no other choice but to do it this way, right?" Eijirou felt his heart beat faster as he became really nervous. He literally hung on the ash blonde's lips when he began to speak. "You know: you're really annoying and exhausting, shit-hair. You're talking fucking nonstop and interfering in my business all the time. Sometimes your fucking grin pisses me off like hell and I really wanna blow you to the moon", Bakugo continued and the words made Eijirou stagnate, but he could not think any further, because Bakugo continued to speak forcefully to him.

"But you've got your good points too...I don't know how you fucking manage that, but as much as you annoy me can be really refreshing and relaxing. You even managed to understand me, although I usually just throw insults at you and your presence here is not as unpleasant as I thought at first...I hate to admit it, but you enrich my everyday life and meanwhile also my life..." while he said that, he struck a strand from the face of the redhead. "I care about you. I wouldn't have told you, that we will talk about this, if I you mean nothing to me. I wouldn't give a damn fuck about your feeling, if your fears were for real. You're fucking important to me, very important, got it?", he continued and Eijirou's eyes grew bigger. He was important to him? Really? "Don't look at me like that, Eijirou", he muttered and kept an intense eye contact with him again. Eijirou looked back and felt an unfamiliar sense of security when he saw the expression in the blonde's eyes. His doubts were swept away and a smile appeared on his lips. "I love you", said the redhead, smiling at Bakugo. "Idiot", was Bakugo's answer, which sounded much gentler as usual. However, this was nothing compared to what he added: "I love you too."

None of them could say how long they stood there looking at each other, but an atmosphere had formed between them that nobody wanted to destroy. The air around them seemed to be charged. Almost as if they could grasp it. Eijirou just couldn't get rid of the crimson eyes that seemed to look right into his soul. His heart made countless leaps as he looked closely at the others face. His beautiful features of the blonde: the expressive eyes, his chin and the sharp jaw not to forget the full lips. Eijirou didn't get enough of the sight. Katsuki was the most beautiful person on earth for him. Not just the way he looks. Eijirou really liked him, just the way he was. He was grumpy, harsh, a little bit vulgar and he often had a rough pronunciation, but the small, overly clear gestures that were beside these words showed the true character of the young man. He could do it differently, he showed it only rarely and not to everyone. Suddenly his worries and doubts seemed so infinitely stupid to him.

They stood together like that for half an eternity, but that didn't bother Eijirou. He felt so incredibly comfortable around Bakugo. Moreover, the ash blonde smelled so good that Eijirou feared to lose his mind. They were still in the position that Bakugo had taken to make him insist that he cared about him and that he certainly would not have let him get that close to him to play with him. Katsuki hadn't said anything since then. He only looked at him in silence, but no more words were needed for the redhead. The gaze from his crimson eyes spoke everything for him, so vividly, with a hint of desire and love.

His gaze caused Eijirous blood to shoot into his cheeks. He was embarrassed and wanted to turn his head away, but this was prevented because Katsuki's hand was still holding his chin and he was now gently strengthening the grip. "Wha-?" That's as far as he got because the other put his fingers on the younger's lips. "Shh", his counterpart muttered, before he simply laid his lips on those of the younger one. This time Katsuki used more pressure, than before. As much as the blonde wanted to hold himself back... At this moment Eijirou simply looked too seductive with his reddened cheeks and slightly opened lips. How should he be able to hold back at this rate?

He himself was not the person who showed great restraint when he wanted someone or something and he had held back for quite a long time. He certainly pressed his lips on those of the younger one and noted with satisfaction that he seemed a little surprised at first, but nevertheless replied very willingly to the kiss. For this reason, the blond deepened the kiss a little more and got his tongue into Eijirou's mouth and invited his own to a little dance.

He had his arms wrapped around the redhead and pressed him tightly against his own body and did not let go as their mouths parted again and a fine saliva thread still connected them. Fuckin' hell! Why did the redhead look so damn seductive with this dreamy look, the reddened cheeks and his slightly open lips. He felt this urge of kissing him again, which he did directly. His kiss was more demanding and more passionate. "You drive me crazy", he whispered to the younger man's lips, only to press his own lips against the other's again.

He buried one of his hands in the red hair while the other was wrapped around his upper body. Eijirou himself now wrapped his arms around Bakugos neck and seemed to have his courage again, because this time he challenged him. So he wanted to play games? Fine by him! Katsuki didn't take long and pressed the redhead against the wall, just to grab his leg and put it around his hip, so that he could push himself in between the redhead's legs.

He noticed, that Eijirou made a sound of surprise but he also could hear, that the other man liked what he did. His voice was deeper than usual and imbued with lust, just like his gaze. This time Eijirou would not slip through his fingers again and it seemed that he didn't even think about "escaping" this time? "B...Bakug-", he started and was interrupted by the blond with a certain "Katsuki". His heart beats faster because he understood exactly what this meant. What it meant to call him by his given name. He felt the happiness in his chest and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest, because it beat so hard. "Katsuki", he raised his voice again and laid his hands on the blonde's face. "I..." He lost his words again, trying to find them. In his mind it had all been a lot easier.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to talk anymore. Katsuki understood him as well and grabbed the other leg of the redhead to lift him up. His hand rested on his butt, which he now also kneaded slightly. Eijirou gasped quietly and hid his face in the blonde's crook of the neck, only to place his lips there shortly afterwards, while Katsuki carried him out of the living room, directly to his sacred dormitory. The redhead was lowered on the king size bed and as soon as he lay in the black sheets, Katsuki was over him to steal another passionate kiss from him.

He held the younger man's wrists over his head without any problem and grinned slightly as he released. The sight of the redhead made his blood boil and his heart beat faster. Eijirou did not seem to be aware of what caused the sight of him lying in his sheets, his red hair in black fabric, his cheeks reddened and his eyes half closed. A sight for the gods and he alone was granted to see it. "You are mine.", he whispered to him and bowed again over the redhead who shuddered, because of the words. "All yours, Katsuki", he whispered and looked into his eyes.

Again he pressed his lips of the other's to rob him a passionate kiss, before he slid down Eijirous cheek with his lips and along his jaw to the neck, which he began to caress with lips, tongue and teeth, not leaving out the earlobe. He could feel Eijirou shuddering under his lips and a hoarse gasp penetrated his ears.

The satisfaction of knowing that he would drive the red-haired man crazy before they actually reached their climax was the sweetest fruit to taste. And he would thoroughly enjoy what they will do. Eijirou would get the full program. He would beg him not to stop, begging finally to get the desired redemption. Katsuki's eyes were half closed when he stood up and looked into the red depths of the other man.

Eijirou would have loved to have stretched out his hand and touched the blonde's face, but he was still holding his wrists and somehow...the fact that he was at "Katsuki's mercy" excited him. The blonde's lips tore him out of his thoughts as the ash blond tampered his neck again, biting his teeth in one place and sucking on it lightly, leafing a dark spot on the skin. The redhead got hotter and he puffed up quietly. Eijirou felt like wax in the hands of the blonde and he hadn't even touched him much yet. Instinctively he spread his legs and allowed the blonde to glide between them without any problems and to rub his pelvis a little against the younger one biting once more in Eijirous neck, making the redhead moan, while he rolled his hips against Eijirous. "Do we have an erogenous zone here", he heard Katsuki's teasing voice murmuring in his ear before he licked his neck again and hot shivers chased on Eijirous back. "Is this, what turns you on? If I bite you here?"

Eijirou slipped out an aroused gasp again and he could literally feel the blonde's lips twisting into a grin as he slipped a hand under the redhead's shirt and stroked his skin up to one of the nipples he started rubbing with his thumb. Eijirou wanted to have his arms free and also paint over the body of the larger one. Katsuki's grip, however, was still decisive and firm, so that all he could do was roll his head restlessly to the left and the right. His hair was affected and a part of his pony hung in his face, which only made him look much more seductive.

Katsuki growled again exited and let go of the younger man's neck and briefly let go of his hands to pull the shirt over his head, which he threw into the corner of the room before his own followed. The redhead couldn't take his eyes off the other's trained chest. He himself wasn't badly trained, but Katsuki's sight made Eijirou's blood pump faster through his veins, and he slowly sat up and stroked his fingers over his skin. He traced the tattoo that reached from Katsuki's chest to his right arm. The feeling of the skin under his fingers made him shudder and he couldn't take his eyes off the black ornaments on the blonde's skin. Only the hand, which lay around his chin and forced him to look up, separated the eye contact to the artistic structure, which the blonde wore on his body.

"Focus on me", the ash blond demanded and a slight smile lay on his lips as the younger one smiled at him gently. Katsuki bent down again and kissed Eijirou again. The redhead returned the kiss and looked at Katsuki from lustfully clouded eyes before kissing his cheek and sliding his lips over the blonde's jaw down to his neck, which he covered with kisses. His fingers nested on the blonde's belt and tried to open it, which was heavier with shaky fingers.

"Are you that impatient?", asked the other man teasingly and helped Eijirou to get rid of his belt and dropped the piece of leather to the floor, where it came to rest. The blonde made himself comfortable on his back leaning on his forearms, so that he was still a little upright, but Eijirou had better access to him. Finally the redhead opened the blonde's pants.

He sighed slightly as he got a little more space because his cock pressed painfully against his pants. Eijirou took off his pants and shorts and looked at the blond as he lay naked in front of him, as God had created him. Katsuki was perfect for him. Every single fiber of the blonde guy...his muscles, his scar, the tattoo, his character...everything was perfect. Simply everything. And he was allowed to enjoy this sight, was allowed to touch him. Eijirou wandered with his lips over the blonde's chest, down to his belly and the member of the ash blonde that cried for attention. He couldn't deny that he was getting impatient. He wanted more. More of those feelings, more of Katsuki.

Eijirou swallowed briefly and licked his lips before reaching for the shaft and looking Katsuki in the eyes, before licking over the shaft and eliciting an aroused sigh from Katsuki. The blonde closed his eyes with relish, while Eijirou licked the full length of the blond again. He repeated this process several times before he began to suck at the tip and circle it with his tongue as he pumped the shaft between his fingers and slowly let a little more of the blonde slide into his throat. His eyes kept wandering up to the face of the other, eager to see any reaction from him, giving Katsuki an incredible seductive sight.

He could see from the corner of his eye how Katsuki bit his lower lip with relish and clawed his hand into Eijirou's hair. Looking at the redhead from half opened eyes. Inspired by the blonde's reaction and erotic expression, Eijirou moved his head a little before he smiled mischievously and let the member of the other slide deeper into his throat. He closed his eyes as he let Katsuki slide as deeply as he could into his throat, which Katsuki commented with a "shit" and aroused "fuck," mixed with a loud gasp. Eijirou remained briefly in his position. He had absorbed Katsuki's dick all the way into his throat and tried to get used to the feeling.

Eijirou felt the other one stroke his neck through his hair and moaned slightly. The vibration of his vocal cords also stimulated the blonde's limb and Eijirou heard Katsuki's groaning: "Fuck, Eijirou." The sound only motivated Eijirou even more and he repeated his action before he moved his head a little and applied some pressure with his tongue to the lower part of the shaft and made slight swallowing movements to give Katsuki even more pleasure, which in turn was rewarded with an excited moaning of the blonde. Eijirou could taste the first drops of his precum and repeated his action.

He could feel Katsuki thrusting slightly into his throat and growling again excitedly. The blonde's fingers were clawed into his red hair and Katsuki really had to master not to ram his cock into Eijiro's mouth without restraint, because the feeling made him lose his mind. "Shit", he groaned as the younger one moaned again and stimulated his cock with the vibrations. With an excited growl he pressed Eijirou more firmly into his lap, pressed his cock all the way into the others throat before he discharged with an excited sigh.

Gently he let his fingers wander to the face and forced Eijirou to look at him. The redhead released Katsukis limb from his mouth and looked at him excitedly. "What a sight", he murmured. A fine saliva thread connected the red, wound-kissed lips of the redhead with his, still pulsating cock, some of Katsuki's cum flowed down the corner of Eijirous mouth, the red hair was totally messed up and single red streaks hung in the younger man's face. The eyes were cloudy with lust and darker than usual and a strong red shimmer lay on his cheeks. He looked sinful and the blonde licked his lips once. It was time for payback.

Katsuki pressed his lips onto each other's, just to press Eijirou back into the sheets and kiss down. He could taste himself mixed up with Eijirous special taste. A mixture, that drove him crazy. His tongue ran over the corner of his mouth again, along the neck of the redhead and over the right collarbone to the left, before he moved on and caressed the pink nipples with tongue, teeth and fingers. The sounds that came to his ears aroused waves of desire in him and it became really hard to control himself. He wanted to give Eijirou pure pleasure. He wanted to drive him crazy...making him beg for more.

His hand wandered to the waistband of the redhead, which he skillfully opened and kissed further down. "K-Katsuki." The ash blonde was not deterred by the wheezing of his name and pulled down Eijirou's pants a little further and kissed the skin that appeared. A millimeter job that made the younger one sigh impatiently. A storm of emotions bubbled in Eijirou and his belly tinged as if a wild swarm of butterflies were flying around, roused and unable to rest.

He covered his eyes with his arms and a soft sigh escaped his throat when he was finally freed from these tight pants and his dick got space. The first drops of pleasure had leaked out at the tip and flowed down the shaft. He lifted his arm a little and looked down to the blonde who started kissing the pelvic bones of the redhead before briefly looking up with his eyes and Eijirou shot another wall of hot blood into his cheeks. The sight of the blond looking up at him from below, like a predator about to devour him, only excited him more and made him nearly cum.

Katsuki smiled. He never knew the redhead so quietly and embarrassed. "Where did your cheeky tongue go, Eijirou?" He teased the younger one. At this moment Eijirou was sweet and seductive. The ash blond licked his upper lip again. Slowly he became impatient too. His own desire grew steadily, with every sound Eijirou made, it grew greater. "K-Katsuki...please", Eijirou started and felt the other man's haunting gaze. "What should I do, huh?" he asked and let his fingers playfully circle around his loins, consciously ignoring the member of the redhead. "Tell me, Eijirou" he demanded and smiled playfully.

He looked at the redhead who was really restless, lolling on the sheets, hoping to make some contact with his hot flesh. "I-I'm burning. Please, Katsuki..." he asked and swallowed lightly. "Touch me." The blond guy grinned contentedly. "Good boy" he whispered and focused on the redhead's limb. Slowly Katsuki let his tongue wander over the lower abdomen to the already erect limb and clicked briefly with his tongue. Teasingly he let his warm breath wander over the hot piece flesh before he had his tongue stroked over the shaft. He licked up the first drops of lust, which was rewarded with a hoarse moan.

He circled his tongue around the sensitive tip before sliding it between his lips and into his mouth and gently sucking on it. While he, accompanied by Eijiro's moans, pampered the member of the redhead with his tongue and lips, he let his fingers wander to the lips of the redhead and led them into his mouth. At first Eijirou was a bit surprised, but soon the blonde could feel how the younger one sucked his fingers almost too passionately, as if they were the member of the blond and not his finger. An aroused growl escaped him because the idea that Eijirou was licking and sucking his shaft again was extremely aroused. The vibration caused by his growling made Eijirou groan excitedly and he got a small taste of how the blonde had felt at that moment. Katsuki moved his fingers in the younger man's mouth so that they were wet. After a while he pulled them out of the redhead's mouth and removed his lips from his limb.

Eijirou did not know what happened to him. He was so overwhelmed by his feelings. To catch a clear mind was impossible. His mind only revolved around Katsuki and the feelings he aroused in him, about the things that will happen soon. The desire to merge with him was so intense that his nervousness was almost completely forgotten. This only returned when he felt Katsuki stroking the muscle ring, teasing him a little before he put a finger in Eijirou. He shrugged slightly and gasped more severely. It felt unfamiliar and hurt a little, but it was a bearable pain.

Katsuki seemed to notice that he felt a little uncomfortable, because he brought himself to eye level with him and robbed him of another passionate kiss, while he led a second finger into him and began to thrush slightly into him and spread his fingers. He was careful not to cause Eijirou too much pain and grinned inwardly as the redhead rebelled under him and moaned into the kiss as he hit his prostate with his fingers.

Eijirou felt this incredible firework of lust within his body, which could not be stopped. "K-Katsuki! ", he moaned excitedly and his head was restlessly thrown from one side to the other, his fingers clawed into pillows and sheets and he saw stars in his inner eye. Every time Katsuki stroked his prostate, the desire grew in him to finally merge with the other. Excitedly moaning, he moved his pelvis slightly against his fingers to let them bump against his prostate as often as possible. That in turn made the blond smile cruelly and he pressed the other's pelvis into the sheets. "Are you that nasty and needy already?" he asked at his ear and got only a tortured gasp in answer. Amused, he spread his fingers again to prepare something else for Eijirou.

After Katsuki thought that his little redhead was well stretched, he pulled back his fingers, which was acknowledged with a tortured sigh. Eijirou was visibly dissatisfied that the other had removed his fingers. "Take it easy," purred Katsuki at Eijiro's ear. He didn't forget how much the younger one liked it when he did it. The goose bumps and the shine in the eyes betrayed Eijirou. That's why he licked his ear again before he dumped him. He rubbed his pelvis against Eijirou, the member of the blonde touching the entrance again and again and elicited a hot "Please" from Eijirou. He couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to feel Katsuki inside of him, whether it would hurt or not. "Please, what?" How cruel the ash blond was. He knew exactly what Eijirou meant, but he forced him to say it. "P...Please...fuck me" he asked quietly and saw the blonde's satisfied smile.

Katsuki positioned himself over the younger one and reached for his chin to look him in the eyes. "Relax", he said to Eijirou before positioning him a little better. He reached for his dick, which he positioned. He stroked the tip around the muscle ring before sinking a little into Eijirou and pausing as this heat enveloped him. Although he had prepared and stretched him, Eijirou was incredibly tight. He breathed more heavily and had to control himself not to thrust directly into the redhead. He gave Eijirou the time to calm down and get used to his size.

The young man moaned in pain and clutched Katsuki's arm. He trembled and tried to hold his breath in the hope that the pain would be less. Tears collected in the corner of his eyes, which flowed over his cheek and he bit his lower lip. Katsuki kissed his face and licked away his tears before stroking his cheek. "Breathe, Eijirou. Breathe slowly", he heard the ash blonde's voice on his ear and shuddered slightly. Bakugos voice was so hoarse and trembling with lust. It gave him goose bumps but also the feeling of security, because he knew, that the other was holding back to give him a good feeling. He tried to follow the instructions and breathed in and out slowly. The slow breathing and Katsuki's butterfly kisses made Eijirou relax and get used to the feeling.

The eyes, which he had just closed, opened again and Eijirou looked at Bakugo with a gentle smile and touched his cheek. Their eyes met and the red haired man lost a groan when the other completely sank into him and began to thrush. The initial pain was soon gone and an unknown desire spread in Eijirous body. This was even more intense than the blonde's fingers. He moaned and let his arms glide around Katsuki and pressed the other man a little closer to him before he slightly ripped open his eyes and cried out an excited scream. The older one had hit his prostate again, but this time it was much stronger and more intense than with his fingers. Taken along by the lust he scratched Katsuki over his back, leaving traces of scratching at the blonde's back and moaning an excited "Katsuki", which was acknowledged with a growl, no less excited. Katsuki also bit into his shoulder, leaving a mark there. Everyone should know, that this man was his.

Shortly after taking his teeth off Ejirou's shoulder, Bakugo licked over the bite and thrust harder into the redhead. "You feel so damn good, Eijirou", he whispered in his ear. Eijirou was so damn tightly around him as if he had been created only to take his cock. He really threatened to lose his temper and bit the younger man in the crook of his throat again, which Eijirou acknowledged moaning. Apparently his little Eijirou was a bit masochistic. His reactions spoke at least everything and Katsuki would use this knowledge for the next time.

The redhead wormed an aroused growl out of him with his muscle tensions and Eijirou's own moaning only made him feel even more heat inside and his lust increased with every thrush, every moan and every touch. The blonde grabbed the other's face and pressed their lips together just to get him involved in a hot French kiss while he increased his speed and intensity.

When he released the red swollen lips, he licked his own lips and sought eye contact with Eijirou again. Eijirou was a fucking hot mess underneath him and slowly he lost his mind. Eijirou looked back and moaned again and again. Katsuki's gaze made him even more upset. Those eyes that looked at him so lustfully and only at him...the fine redness formed by the heat of their movements, the slightly sore lips, slightly open as he growled and groaned in excitement, the beads of sweat running across the blonde's face and along his athletic body, not forgetting this incomparable expression of lust and passion. It all burned into the retina of the redhead. He would never forget this sight again. At the moment Katsuki looked like an incarnate God.

His body trembled with lust and threatened to tear. "Katsuki", he moaned again and bit himself on the lower lip, before he bent his back in the hope to feel the other deep inside and cried out again with pleasure when his prostate was hit. If the other guy kept it up, it wouldn't be long now and he'd fall. He was this close to finding salvation.

Again he moaned excitedly and looked for support with his hands. He didn't know where to go with himself and his lust and closed his eyes again with relish. He never dreamed it would feel so good. Again his fingers stroked over Katsuki's back and up to his neck just to draw the blonde to him for a passionate kiss. Eijirous's body was literally on fire and with each thrust of the blonde, the fire inside of him grew stronger and stronger. He could feel approaching the climax.

Katsuki, however, seemed to have other plans with him and let his shots decrease in intensity until the blonde stopped his movements completely. He could feel the horrified look of the redhead on himself and the blonde's grin became bigger. "What?", he asked provocatively and absorbed the image of the younger one, who desperately tried to move his pelvis a little, but Katsuki certainly pressed the other one into the mat. "What do you want, Eijirou?" he wanted to know and looked at him from apparently glowing eyes.

Eijirou whimpered in frustration. Katsuki was cruel. He had been close to coming and then, he just stopped. He even refused to move and Eijirou bit the ball of his hand. His member was pulsating with pleasure and he felt the size of the blond in himself too clearly. "What do you want?" Katsuki repeated the question and moved minimally in Eijirou and made him gasp excitedly. "Tell me", he demanded excitedly and licked his cheek. Eijirou breathed more heavily and looked into his eyes. "D...don't stop", he whispered between his heavy breaths. "Please, please go on...let me come, Katsuki", he asked and felt Blonde move again.

"Good boy", he murmured and thrust harder in Eijirou, who groaned loudly and clawed his fingers into the blonde's back again. In addition, he now felt the blondes hand on his dick. Katsuki rubbed his thumb over the tip of his member and Eijirou rolled his eyes for pleasure. "Just look at you. You're a fucking mess", Katsuki purred und licked his upper lip. "What a view." His word made Eijirou even more excited and he moaned again. He couldn't hold back anymore. The fireball in his limbs was increasing and making him hotter and hotter. He wanted to find salvation.

With a seductive "Katsuki" on his lips, Eijirou finally fell over the cliff and reached his climax, his cum spurt along his belly an chest. Katsuki was also about to fall and when Eijirou became even tighter around him and massaged him even harder, he thrush deep into the redhead again before he discharged and kissed him passionately, while he came inside of Eijirou. Slowly he released his lips from Eijirou and looked him in the eyes, lingering in this position for a moment to allow them to recover from the after effects of their orgasm. He kissed Eijrou's forehead and dropped into the sheets next to him before he laid his arm invitingly on the pillow, allowing the redhead to reach it. Actually that wasn't his way...but with long as it was him, it was okay, Katsuki thought. It wasn't his way of screaming out his feelings and fortunately that wasn't necessary with his redhead either.

He also understood what was going on in the blond and what he meant. Even now. As soon as Katsuki had taken the offering position, Eijirou was already robbed and had put his head on his upper arm, his hand on the blonde's chest, tracing his tattoo with his fingertips, before his fingers did the same with the scar the ash blond had on his stomach. Eijirou looked into the face of Katsuki, who let the whole thing be done in silence. If he was honest with himself, he even enjoyed these tender touches from Eijirou.

At that moment, they were both silent. No unnecessary words were needed to destroy their peace. For a long time this relaxed silence prevailed between them until Eijirou lay half on him and looked him in the face. Katsuki wanted to ask him what he wanted, but the redhead just stroked his cheek and smiled before simply putting his lips on the blonde's and closing his eyes with relish as he felt the pressure. "Thank you", he muttered to the elder and returned to his old position, closing his eyes with a smile as he heard this typical "whatever" and soon fell asleep.

Katsuki himself was awake for a while and looked at the peaceful face of the redhead, who snuggled closer to him in his sleep and smiled blessedly. If he didn't know any better, he could easily believe that this fool was born with the stupid grin as often as he had it on his lips and shone with the sun. With warmth that had even reached him and before Katsuki knew it, he caught himself gently stroking some of the strands from the redhead's face to have a better look on it. Eijirou was really beautiful. He stroked his thumb briefly over the soft skin on his cheeks and did not even notice how the corners of his mouth moved upwards for a soft smile. Yes, warmth that had even reached him and his heart.

While watching Eijirou sleeping, he felt even more released of his thoughts than he had for a long time and slipped into the realm of sleep, pressing Eijirou more firmly against his body.


That's it! We've done chapter 5. The adult part is done and I hope you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun writing it for you :3

See you next time

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